Todays readings… Numbers 19, Proverbs 14, Galatians 5&6


There are so many challenging, indeed bad situations, in our world. It was so in Paul’s experiences, as his comment to the Galatians in today’s chapter shows. If any of them are near us – and we can help the situation, we should “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity,” continues Paul, “let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

In this country the Govt has many laws in place to help those who fall into difficulties – but it is disappointing that many take this for granted and do not really appreciate this. But the Govt, for the most part, can only give money, or put people in hospital.

What is needed, just as much, is personal help, support and encouragement. This is where, as in today’s readings, we need to read the closing chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians – because it is very much to the point.

“Let us not grow weary of doing good” writes Paul, “ for in due season we will reap…” [6 v.9,10] Living for Christ, because we have chosen of our own free will, to belong to him, is far more than acquiring correct ‘head knowledge’ of what God’s word means. Of course, ‘head knowledge’ lays the foundation for our life in Christ – but, as with physical buildings, foundations are put in place – for building upon. How is your building progressing?

We are surrounded by so many whose focus in life is ‘taking’ – rather than giving – and this environment can cause us to, at least sometimes, “grow weary” – so we must redouble our efforts to (as our previous verse (8)) tells us) to be “one who sows to the Spirit (who) will from the Spirit *reap eternal life*.”

“Spirit’ is the opposite of “flesh” – there is no middle way. Let us make sure we are firmly on the narrow way, remembering that Jesus said, “the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”[Matt. 7 v.14] How blessed we are to find it! “Let us not grow weary.”

D. Caudery