Thought for May 31st

Todays readings.. Joshua 17, Isaiah 23, Hebrews 3,4&5 “IF YOU HEAR”    As we continue reading Hebrews we notice its many quotations

Thought for May 31st2017-05-31T10:13:31+10:00

Thought for May 30th

Todays readings.. Joshua 16, Isaiah 22, Hebrews 1&2 "HIM WHO PLANNED IT LONG AGO"  Today we began reading the letter to the

Thought for May 30th2017-05-30T09:45:08+10:00

Thought for May 29th

Todays readings.. Joshua 15, Isa. 20&21, Philemon "SENDING MY VERY HEART"  Paul is in prison, he is now "an old  man" [Philemon

Thought for May 29th2017-05-29T09:58:25+10:00

Thought for May 28th

Todays readings.. Joshua 14, Isaiah 19, Titus 1,2&3 "THEY PROFESS TO KNOW GOD, BUT ...."  These days less and less people “know

Thought for May 28th2017-05-28T10:00:15+10:00

Thought for May 27th

Todays readings.. Joshua 13, Isaiah 17&18, 2 Timothy 3&4 "HAVING THE APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS, BUT DENYING IT'S POWER"  This comment of Paul

Thought for May 27th2017-05-27T10:25:38+10:00

Thought for May 26th

Todays readings.. Joshua 12, Isaiah 16, 2 Timothy 2 "CALL ON THE LORD FROM A PURE HEART" May 26th Paul's final letter,

Thought for May 26th2017-05-26T09:22:59+10:00

Thought for May 25th

Todays readings.. Joshua 11, Isaiah 15, 2 Timothy 1 “I REMEMBER YOU CONSTANTLY IN MY PRAYERS” Today we started reading the final

Thought for May 25th2017-05-25T11:08:56+10:00

Thought for May 24th

Todays readings.. Joshua 10, Isaiah 14, 1 Tim 6 "BUT AS FOR YOU … PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS”      Righteousness?  In the very earliest

Thought for May 24th2017-05-24T09:47:50+10:00

Thought for May 23rd

Todays readings... Joshua 9, Isaiah 13, 1 Timothy 4&5 "KEEP A CLOSE WATCH ON YOURSELF"   Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy is

Thought for May 23rd2017-05-23T10:12:37+10:00

Thought for May 22nd

Todays readings... Joshua 8, Isaiah 12, 1 Timothy 1-3 “LOVE THAT ISSUES FROM A PURE HEART”  Love is a word in common

Thought for May 22nd2017-05-22T10:21:27+10:00
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