Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 23, Jeremiah 26, Romans 15, 16


            Today’s Samuel reading includes the description of David as “the sweet psalmist of Israel” [2 Sam. 23 v.1] further, it describes his writings as “the oracle of the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Israel.”  Now we know that Christ means ‘anointed’ – all those who truly bear the name of Christ are anointed of God.

            Our reading states “now these are the last words of David” and as David reflects on his life he writes, “The spirit of the LORD speaks by me: his word is on my tongue” [v.2].  He continues, “… the Rock of Israel (God) has said to me: when one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God, he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth … for does not my house stand so with God? For he has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure.  For will he not cause to prosper all my help and my desire?” [v.3-5].

            David is looking back on his eventful life, especially at the wonder of his continuing relationship with the One and only real God despite his times of failure.  But notice the other comment he makes, “But worthless men (people)are all like thorns that are thrown away … and they are utterly consumed with fire” [v.6,7]   May that NOT include any of the readers of these notes.

            The more we read God’s word the clearer it becomes that in the end, God only sees two classes of human beings, there is no other, Jesus told many parables to the same effect.  

            David said that God had made with him an “everlasting covenant” [v.5] and in the New Testament we read Christ is “the mediator of a better covenant” [Hebrews 8 v.6] for those who are baptised – their mediator is “the son of David” All those appointed to be kings are anointed. 

             Samuel went down to Bethlehem to anoint David’ and earlier he had anointed Saul. One was faithful to his anointing, one was not! “The sweet psalmist of Israel” was inspired to write many psalms – and his words help us to be faithful to our anointing. There are many messages in the Psalms which all those who have been or who are planning to be anointed in baptism should take to heart.