Todays readings… 2 Kings 15, Ezekiel 5, Luke 1


Those who genuinely believe – from the heart – the words that our Creator has chosen to see have been written down, translated and preserved throughout the centuries, find themselves continuously reflecting and meditating, in particular, on the records of the mortal life of the Son of the Creator. 

We now live in an era when such convictions of belief have, as we see around us, faded – and we will read in Luke’s gospel later this month, the question of our Lord, “… when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”   [18 v.8]

We started to read Luke’s gospel this morning and, when we come to ch. 3 we will see that there were those  who “were in expectation” [v.15]  of  the Messiah’s first coming.  Let us be their counterpart today.

As there had been no prophet since Malachi, about 400 years before, it is, nevertheless clear that many were conscious of his and other prophecies and were “in expectation” – sadly – there  are increasingly few today.

It is instructive that it is the women who first believed.  Angels came, first to Elizabeth who was to become the mother of John the Baptist, and then to Mary:  they both reacted in faith when the angels appeared to them.

            Mark’s gospel records Jesus as saying that at the future time he is “coming in clouds … then he will send out the angels and gather his elect” [13 v.26,27]  In chapter 12 in Luke, warning words by Jesus are recorded, “You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” [v.40]  An “hour”!?

Returning to today’s chapter we saw how Zechariah the husband of Elizabeth did not believealthough he had been praying for a child – and his “prayer had been heard”  [v.13] – and so he was struck dumb until the child was born.

Are we fully genuine and committed  – in our hearts – in praying for Christ’s return?   When Elizabeth was visited by Mary, Elizabeth declares, “blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” [v.45]

Let us genuinely believe the words of the Lord that have been left on record for us, and then, “when the Son of Man comes” he willfind faith on earth”- and our King – at last returned to earth in glory will say to us, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”[Matt. 25 v.34]  The kingdom is “prepared” for you”! 

Are you and I “prepared” for the kingdom?