Todays readings.. Nehemiah 9, Amos 1, 1 Timothy 1,2&3


We all have aims in life, what we hope to do and achieve.  If these ‘aims’ are ‘alongside’ our aims in service to our Master, our Lord Jesus, then we have a wonderful spiritual foundation – on which to build a worthwhile life.  The reality of this is made increasingly plain by the Christlike character we are developing.

Today we started reading Paul’s two letters to Timothy, Paul’s words are ideal in causing us to recognise the aims we must have clearly in view in our lives.  We need to regularly check we are going in the right direction to achieve our aims.  Paul tells Timothy to teach the Ephesians to turn from their “speculations” and concentrate on “the stewardship from God that is by faith.’ [1 v.4]

Do we see ourselves as ‘stewards; working for our Master, making sure we understand and do his will?

Our Master, the Lord Jesus, set us the example of how to do this.  Let us be continually mindful of his example and now, as we read Paul’s words, we must feel ‘inspired’ to see that “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” [v.5].   Let us memorise this verse  – and meditate on the ‘fullness’ of its meaning. Paul urges Timothy to “wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience.” [v.18,19]

When we come to ch. 6 Paul’s comment on the “warfare” will jump out at us! “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called” [v.12] – we note that phraseology – “take hold”!  How firm is your grip, how clear is your vision?   Let us fully accept (with ‘no holds barred’ as the saying is) that “The aim of our charge is love that issues from …” And what does it issue from?  Let us each carefully check the source and foundation and inspiration that motivates our “aim” in life.