Thought for January 31st

Todays readings.. Exodus 3&4, Psalm 56&57, Romans 9 "THAT MY NAME MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED"      Our readings today - in Exodus

Thought for January 31st2018-01-31T09:42:11+11:00

Thought for January 30th

Todays readings... Exodus 1&2, Psalm 53-55, Romans 7&8 “WE WAIT EAGERLY FOR”  Paul’s letter to the Romans contains some of the most

Thought for January 30th2018-01-30T09:50:14+11:00

Thought for January 29th

Todays readings.. Genesis 48-50, Psalm 51&52, Romans 5&6 IN WHICH GOD DELIGHTS IN  The readings today all challenge us to think and

Thought for January 29th2018-01-29T09:57:44+11:00

Thought for January 28th

Todays readings... Genesis 46&47, Psalm 50, Romans 3&4 “CLAIMING TO BE WISE, THEY BECAME …”    Yesterday we started reading Paul’s letter

Thought for January 28th2018-01-28T09:53:22+11:00

Thought for January 27th

Todays readings.. Genesis 44&45, Psalm 49, Romans 1&2 “WHY SHOULD I FEAR IN TIME OF TROUBLE”             How challenging for us is the

Thought for January 27th2018-01-27T10:43:22+11:00

Thought for January 26th

Todays readings...Genesis 42&43, Psalm 46-48, Matthew 28 "GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH"       Just as parts of the Psalms, such

Thought for January 26th2018-01-26T09:52:13+11:00

Thouught for January 25th

Todays readings .. Genesis 41, Psalm 45, Matthew 27 “THEREFORE NATIONS WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVER …”  The above quotation is found in

Thouught for January 25th2018-01-25T09:25:46+11:00

Thought for January 24th

Todays readings... Genesis 39&40, Psalm 44, Matthew 26 "THE LORD CAUSED ALL THAT HE DID TO SUCCEED"     There is a lot

Thought for January 24th2018-01-24T09:33:32+11:00

Thought for January 23rd

Todays readings ..Genesis 38, Psalm 41-43, Matthew 25 "MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD"           Today’s Psalm 42 has

Thought for January 23rd2018-01-23T09:41:38+11:00

Thought for January 22nd

Todays readings.. Genesis 37, Psalm 39&40, Matthew 24 SUN, MOON & STARS                      

Thought for January 22nd2018-01-22T10:26:04+11:00
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