Thought for February 18th
Todays readings... Exodus 29, Psalm 85&86, Mark 14 “TEACH ME THY WAY O LORD” In the Old Testament in Exodus (Ch.29) we
Todays readings... Exodus 29, Psalm 85&86, Mark 14 “TEACH ME THY WAY O LORD” In the Old Testament in Exodus (Ch.29) we
Todays readings... Exodus 28,Psalm 83&84, Mark 13 “KEEP … STAY AWAKE” How challenging is today’s ch. 13 in Mark’s gospel. In part,
Todays readings.. Exodus 27, Psalm 81&82, Mark 12 “AS IT HAS BEEN SHOWN…” In Exodus we are reading all the details of
Todays readings.. Exodus 26, Psalm 79&80, Mark 11 "GOD SPOKE ALL THESE WORDS’ What is at first most surprising as
Todays readings .. Exodus 24&25, Psalm 78, Matthew 10 “THEY FLATTERED … THEY LIED” Scanning our eyes through today’s reading of Psalm
Todays readings.. Exodus 23, Psalm 77, Mark 9 “YOU SHALL NOT JOIN HANDS WITH … “
Todays readings.. Exodus 22, Psalm 75&76, Mark 8 “WILL … BE ASHAMED WHEN HE COMES” “For whoever is ashamed of me and
Todays readings.. Exodus 21, Psalm 74, Mark 7 "THE HABITATIONS OF VIOLENCE" Every time we listen to the world news we
Todays readings... Exodus 19&20, Psalm 73, Mark 6 “ALL THAT THE LORD HAS SPOKEN WE WILL DO” This was the great
Todays readings.. Exodus 17&18, Psalm 72, Mark 5 “MAY THE WHOLE EARTH BE FILLED WITH …” Today, we read the inspiring vision