Thought for February 8th
Todays readings ....Exodus 16, Psalm 70&71, Mark 4 WHO THEN IS THIS?
Todays readings ....Exodus 16, Psalm 70&71, Mark 4 WHO THEN IS THIS?
Todays readings.. Exodus 15, Psalm 69, Mark 3 "... MAGNIFY HIM WITH THANKSGIVING" Feb. 7th
Todays readings ... Exodus 13&14, Psalm 68, Mark 10. “AND THEY FEARED GREATLY” Chapters 13 & 14 of Exodus describe for us
Todays readings.. Exodus 11&12, Psalm 66&67, Mark 1 "IF I HAD CHERISHED INIQUITY IN MY HEART" The Psalms are often
Todays readings.. Exodus 10, Psalm 64&65, Romans 15&16 " ... FILL YOU WITH ALL JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING" What fills us
Todays reading... Exodus 9, Psalm 62*63, Romans 13&14 "O GOD ... EARNESTLY I SEEK YOU" David's intense personal relationship with God is
Readings for today.. Exodus 7&8, Psalm 60 &61, Romans 12 “VENGEANCE IS MINE I WILL REPAY” Our ch. 12 in Romans is
Todays readings... Exodus 5&6, Psalm 58&59, Romans 10&11 "THE KINDNESS AND THE SEVERITY OF GOD" It is fundamental to human nature, uninfluenced