Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 10&11, Ecclesiastes 4, Acts 1
What do we all need to “be careful to do”? Our quotation is from the words of Moses; his final address to the generation who are about to enter the promised land under Joshua (and we know what Joshua means!)
Their parents had died in the wilderness – because of their lack of faith, altho’ they had witnessed all the wonders of the powers of the true God as they escaped from Pharaoh in leaving Egypt and then crossed the Red Sea. There followed by the awesome evidence of the nearness of their God, the only true God, as they encamped before the mountain when the 10 commandments were given to Moses.
We can, indeed we must, absorb these words, being “fully persuaded” that they are a diving message to us – to keep us strong in these last days – and then we will enter the ultimate promised land – to be established when Jesus returns – and how soon now!
Let us ponder carefully and prayerfully the words of Moses we read today in Deuteronomy ch. 11 (v. 22,23) “For if you will be careful to do all this commandment that I command you to do, loving the LORD your God, walking in all his ways, and holding fast to him, then the LORD will …” Are we all “holding fast” to our Lord today – and every day?
Let us redouble our efforts to “be careful” to hold fast, and then, in the kingdom, as Moses promised Israel in the wilderness of those days, also in the kingdom, “no one shall be able to stand against you. The LORD your God will lay the fear of you and the dread of you on all …” [v.25]. In that wondrous day, we, as saints in the kingdom, will possess “the powers of the age to come” [Heb. 6 v.5] having been careful to do and follow all the words of spiritual guidance in God’s word. Let us ”be careful” to be motivated to read and absorb God’s word every day.