Thoughts for June 30th.“SEEK THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 11&12, Isaiah 55, Revelation 19&20 Seeking the LORD is an act of faith. When it is clearly seen
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 11&12, Isaiah 55, Revelation 19&20 Seeking the LORD is an act of faith. When it is clearly seen
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 10, Isaiah 54, revelation 17&18. Our chapters in the thought-challenging book of Revelation are now moving towards
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 9, Isaiah 53, Revelation 15&16 Today we meditated at
“GOOD NEWS OF HAPPINESS” Todays readings.. ! Samuel 7&8, Isaiah 52, Revelation 14 The nature of present human happiness and its causes
“LISTEN TO ME YOU WHO KNOW RIGHTEOUSNESS” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 5&6, Isaiah 51, Revelation 12&13 How few there are today who
“MORNING BY MORNING” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 4, Isaiah 50, Revelation 10&11 We do not know a great deal about Isaiah’s personal
“IN A TIME OF FAVOUR” Todays readings.. 1Sam 3, Isaiah 49, Revelation 7,8&9 Our first reading is the heart stirring account of
“THE LORD WILL JUDGE THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” Todays readings.. 1Samuel 2, Isaiah 48, Revelation 5&6 Hannah, who was to be
“LISTEN TO ME YOU STUBBORN OF HEART” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 1, Isaiah 46&47, Revelation 3&4 What a blunt message from God
"TO THE ONE WHO CONQUERS I WILL GRANT ..." Todays readings.. Ruth 3&4, Isaiah 45, Revelation 1&2. What a remarkable set of