Thought for September 30th. “I FIND NO GUILT IN THIS MAN”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 13&14, Ezekiel 26, Luke 23 Pilate
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 13&14, Ezekiel 26, Luke 23 Pilate
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 12, Ezekiel 25, Luke 22 This is an intriguing statement by Jesus; it would seem they are his
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 11, Ezekiel 24, Luke 21 Our ch. 21 in Luke’s gospel today contains the awesome prophecy Jesus gave
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 10, Ezekiel 23, Luke 20
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 9, Ezekiel 22, Luke 19. Today in the 19th chapter of Luke we read one of the last
- Luke 18:33-34. Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 21, Luke 18 Today in Luke ch. 18 we read how
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 7, Ezekiel 20, Luke 17 We wonder why the
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 6, Ezekiel 19, Luke 16 Today we read the most challenging of the parables of Jesus – yet
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 5, Ezekiel 18, Luke 15 Our chapter 18 in Ezekiel is one that is often quoted in discussions
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 4, Ezekiel 17, Luke 13&14 There are many parables and challenging sayings in today’s 2 chapters in