Thought for December 21st. “IT CANNOT BE BOUGHT FOR GOLD”
Todays readings.. Job 28, Zechariah 4&5, Revelation 1&2 Job’s friends have given up reasoning with him!
Todays readings.. Job 28, Zechariah 4&5, Revelation 1&2 Job’s friends have given up reasoning with him!
Todays readings.. Job 25,26&27, Zechariah 2&3, Jude 1 No one wants to stumble; what is the cause when this
Todays readings.. Job 23&24, Zechariah 1, 2&3 John Chapter 23 in Job today is very thought provoking; it
Todays readings.. Job22, Haggai 1&2, 1 John 5 Zerubbabel is the “governor of Judah” at the time Haggai uttered
Todays readings .... Job 21, Zephaniah 3, 1 John 3&4 The subject of LOVE is used so much in text and
Todays readings.. Job 20, Zephaniah 2, 1 John 1&2 Yesterday in reading the chapter in Peter we
Todays readings.. Job 18&19, Zephaniah 1, 2 Peter 3 The marvel is – that although one has read the
Todays readings... Job 16&17, Habakkuk 3, 2 Peter 1&2 Ah, that little word – “IF” again! Our quotation
Todays readings... Job 15, Habakkuk 2, 1 Peter 3,4&5 It has always been so
Todays readings… Job 14, Habakkuk 1, 1 Peter 2 We meditate thoughtfully on Peter’s 1st letter: he was writing to the “elect