Thoughts for March 30th. How strong is your faith?

Today's readings.. Exodus 12&13, Proverbs 8&9, Luke 22 Can you imagine yourself as a member of the Israelites who miraculously escaped from

Thoughts for March 30th. How strong is your faith?2019-03-30T11:01:19+11:00

Thought for March 28th. “BIND THEM ON YOUR HEART”

Today's readings... Numbers 10, Proverbs 6, Luke 20             God’s word again directs our thoughts to the vital importance of our attitude

Thought for March 28th. “BIND THEM ON YOUR HEART”2019-03-28T08:51:04+11:00

Thought for March 26th. “WHEN I WAS A SON …”

Today's readings.. Numbers 7, proverbs 4, Luke 18 Solomon in today’s chapter in the Proverbs reflects on how his father taught him. 

Thought for March 26th. “WHEN I WAS A SON …”2019-03-26T08:26:47+11:00
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