Thought for April 29th. “YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE”

 Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 16, Ecclesiastes 8, Acts 7                                                                                                                         Stephen’s speech (in Acts 7) before the Jewish Council is a history lesson! 

Thought for April 29th. “YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE”2019-04-29T10:41:28+10:00

Thought for April 27th. “GREATLY ANNOYED”

Today's readings ... Deuteronomy 13&14, Ecclesiastes 6, Acts 3&4     Have you ever been greatly annoyed?  Of course you have!  It’s human nature. 

Thought for April 27th. “GREATLY ANNOYED”2019-04-27T11:32:29+10:00

Thought for April 23rd. ‘THIS WAS MY REWARD’

  Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 6&7        Ecclesiastes again attracted our meditation. The reminisces of the wisest of king’s, Solomon, on the nature of

Thought for April 23rd. ‘THIS WAS MY REWARD’2019-04-23T08:49:17+10:00
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