Thought for May 9th. “YOU SHALL REJOICE IN ALL THE GOOD … “
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 26, Song of Solomon 6, Acts 21&22 Moses is now starting to give his final message of encouragement
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 26, Song of Solomon 6, Acts 21&22 Moses is now starting to give his final message of encouragement
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 25, Song of Solomon 5, Acts 20 We are reading of Paul and his slow progress in travelling back
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 24, Song of Solomon 4, Acts 18&19 Continuing our readings in the ACTS of the Apostles, two particular
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 23, Song of Solomon 3, Acts 16&17 One of the better known incidents in the Bible is when Paul
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 22, Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon 2, Acts 14&15 Today we read about a serious conference that took place
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 21, Song of Solomon 1, Acts 13 We consider today’s chapter 13 in Acts to be one of
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 20 Ecclesiastes 12, Acts 11&12 One of the early converts after the day of Pentecost was a man
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 19, Ecclesiastes 11, Acts 10 Today we read of the perplexity of the Apostle Peter when he has
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 18, Ecclesiastes 10, Acts 9 Most people have heard and read of the dramatic conversion of the Apostle