Thought for July 6th. “THE GATE IS NARROW”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 18), (Isaiah 62), (Matthew 7) Today we completed reading the 3 chapters in Matthew (5,6 &
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 18), (Isaiah 62), (Matthew 7) Today we completed reading the 3 chapters in Matthew (5,6 &
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 17), (Isaiah 61), (Matthew 6) What are our priorities in life? Do we only find time
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 16), (Isaiah 60), (Matthew 5) We have a remarkable chapter in Isaiah today; a number of its
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 15), (Isaiah 59), (Matthew 3), (Matthew 4) Our Matthew reading brings us to the strange account
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 14), (Isaiah 58), (Matthew 1), (Matthew 2) Fasting means abstaining; deliberately depriving yourself of something, usually
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 13), (Isaiah 56), (Isaiah 57), (Revelation 21), (Revelation 22) Samuel said to Saul, “You have done