Thought for August 11th. “NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU”
Today's readings.. (1 kings 6), (Jeremiah 32), (Mark 6) The book of Jeremiah confuses us a little because it is
Today's readings.. (1 kings 6), (Jeremiah 32), (Mark 6) The book of Jeremiah confuses us a little because it is
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 4), (1 Kings 5), (Jeremiah 31), (Mark 5) Let us grasp the sense of the phrase
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 3), (Jeremiah 30), (Mark 4) Our chapter (30) in Jeremiah is intriguing. The last verse challenges
Todays's readings.. (1 Kings 20), (Jeremiah 29), (Mark 3) Imagine you are living in Israel as reports about what Jesus
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 1), (Jeremiah 28), (Mark 2) Today we have the account of` a miracle of Jesus that
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 27), (Mark 1) The final chapter in 2 Samuel begins by telling us “again
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 23), (Jeremiah 26), (Romans 15), (Romans 16) As we complete reading Paul’s letter to the Romans
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 22), (Jeremiah 25), (Romans 13), (Romans 14) In today’s chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 20), (@ Samuel 21), (Jeremiah 24), (Romans 12) Today we have a really special chapter –
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 19), (Jeremiah 23), (Romans 10), (Romans 11) Our 4 chapters listed for today are of great