Today’s readings.. (2 Chronicles 34), (Hosea 2), (Acts 16,17)

   Reading the context about the one who is described as being “yet a boy” we discover he was 16 years old.   Who was he?  What did he do at this age?  Today we read 2 Chronicles Ch, 34 about a really young boy who “was eight years old when he began to reign” [v.1].  His father Amon had died after reigning only 2 years but he was a very ungodly king, like his grandfather Manasseh of whom we read (33 v.10) “The LORD spoke to Manasseh and to his people, but they paid no attention.”
   The LORD speaks to every generation these days through his written word, but so few pay any real attention.  Well, we read in today’s chapter how this 16 year old boy, “in the eighth year of his reign , while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father” [v.3].  When he was 20 he started to take action to destroy all the false places of worship.  At his command, “they chopped down the altars of the Baals in his presence” [v.4].  When he was 26 he gave orders to repair the Temple and make it fit for use in the worship of the LORD.
   In the process of doing this, Shaphan the secretary reported to him, “I have found the book of the Law in the house of the LORD” [v.15].  After it had been read before him “the king sent and gathered together all the elders” [v.29]; then the King himself “read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the covenant” [v.30].
   The result was a great reformation!  What a total difference reading God’s word makes when it is read with intent and purpose by a heart that is seeking to really know God and develop a real relationship with him.  How great is the need for such a reformation today. In those days it was initiated by the King as we will read tomorrow.  But today it has to start with the individual and God has seen to it that His word is available in all languages. It will be diligently read by those who are mentally awake and see the need to really seek God. Those who are ready to practice the result of such a seeking will make sure they read it.  What position are you in?