Thought for December 20th. “THE APPLE OF HIS EYE”

Today's readings.. (Job 25,26,27), (Zechariah 2,3), (Jude)     Yesterday we started reading Zechariah, he was a prophet associated with Ezra (5 v.1)

Thought for December 20th. “THE APPLE OF HIS EYE”2019-12-20T08:51:18+11:00

Thought for December 17th. “SEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE…. “

Today's readings.. (Job 21), (Zephaniah 3), (1 John 3,4)                                                                                                   Our chapter in 1 John 3 today starts with “See what

Thought for December 17th. “SEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE…. “2019-12-17T10:11:53+11:00

Thought for December 16th. “SEEK THE LORD”

Today's readings.. (Job 20), (Zephaniah 2), (1 John 1,2) When I was young, I, together with others. used to play “Hide and

Thought for December 16th. “SEEK THE LORD”2019-12-16T10:28:32+11:00
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