Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE
Today's readings.. (numbers 14), (Proverbs 10), (Luke 23) Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers
Today's readings.. (numbers 14), (Proverbs 10), (Luke 23) Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers
Today's readings.. (Numbers 12,13), (Proverbs 8,9), (Luke 22) What a challenging statement that is, “all who hate me love death”! It is
Today's readings.. (Numbers 11), (Proverbs 7), (Luke 21) Foreboding is not a word we use much these days; the dictionary says it
Today's readings.. (Numbers 10), (Proverbs 6), (Luke 20) Our Proverbs (Ch.6) reading calls for reflective meditation. “My son keep your
Today's readings.. (Numbers 8,9), (Proverbs 5), (Luke 19) Our world likes to talk about peace. We cannot recall a time when there
Today's readings.. (Numbers 7), (Proverbs 4), (Luke 18) Today’s 4th chapter of Solomon’s Proverbs alerts us to the responsibility of fathers. It
Today's readings.. (Numbers 6), (Proverbs 3), (Luke 17) In Numbers we read that the establishment of Israel as an organised nation is
Today's readings.. (Numbers 5), (Proverbs 2), (Luke 16) Honesty seems to be an increasingly rare commodity in the 21st Century. Cheating the
Today's readings.. (Numbers 4), (Proverbs 1), (Luke 15) Solomon’s proverbs begin with a very telling chapter on the need “to know wisdom
Today's readings... (Numbers 3), (Psalms 148,149,150), (Luke 13,14) Luke’s record of the sayings of Jesus in today’s chapters are very challenging. The