Thought for May 31st. “THE MESSAGE … DID NOT BENEFIT THEM”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3,4,5) We continue reading the challenging chapters of the letter to the Hebrews. It was
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3,4,5) We continue reading the challenging chapters of the letter to the Hebrews. It was
Today's readings... (Joshua 16), (Isaiah 22), (Hebrews 1,2) Today we start reading the Epistle to the Hebrews: primarily it is a careful
Today's readings.. (Joshua 15), (Isaiah 20,21), (Philemon) What do you pray for? Prayer is personal, it is intimate! It certainly was for
Today's readings.. (Joshua 14), (Isaiah 19), (Titus 1,2,3) We are surrounded by ungodliness to a far greater degree than experienced by any
Today's readings.. (Joshua 13), (Isaiah 17,18), (2 Timothy 3,4) Several prophecies in Isaiah attracted our attention as we read our 2 chapters
Today's readings.. (Joshua 12), (Isaiah 16), (2Timothy 2) Among the believers in the First Century there was in circulation what are called
Today's readings.. (Joshua 11), (Isaiah 15), (2 Timothy 1) Paul tells Timothy in his 2nd letter, “I thank God whom I serve,
Today's readings.. (Joshua 10), (Isaiah 14), (1 Timothy 6) The Apostle Paul concludes his first letter to “his son” (Phil.2 v.22) Timothy
Today's readings.. (Joshua 9), (Isaiah 13), (1 Timothy 4,5) God’s revelation of the future to Isaiah clearly has an application beyond the
Today's readings.. (Joshua 8), (Isaiah 12), (1 Timothy 1,2,3) Paul's letter to Timothy is full of advice and instruction we can use