Today’s readings.. (Judges 7,8), (Isaiah 34), (James 5)

It is human nature to try to be optimistic about the future. It is understandable that human beings want to think positively, to highlight their good expectations. However, as 2020 progresses there is uncertainly in the medical and financial communities among many nations about many things and storm clouds are building up around the world, especially around God’s Holy Land.

Our chapters in both Isaiah and James refer to a final time of great trouble for the world. In both the 19th and 20th Centuries there were those who anticipated they were living in that time – but No – human life has continued on – more or less ‘normally’ – whatever normally is!?

Isaiah forecast a time when, “the LORD is enraged against all the nations and furious against all their host {v.2} Verse 8 is most significant, “For the LORD has a day of vengeance, a year of recompense for the cause of Zion.”

Zion is Jerusalem and nearly all nations are negative in their attitude toward Jerusalem and Israel – the few that are not cannot be said to be supportive of God’s special nation.

We noted that Edom is mentioned 3 times (v.5,6,9) in this chapter. When Abraham’s grandson Jacob was renamed Israel, his brother Esau was renamed Edom! (Gen 25 v.30) Highly interesting! When Israel under Moses were about to enter their promised land we read “now are the chiefs of Edom dismayed; trembling seizes the leaders …” [Exod 15 v.15]. These are the words of Moses song in anticipation of what God is soon to accomplish for his nation. Isaiah’s chapter states the time is coming when God’s “sword … descends for judgment upon Edom, upon the people I have devoted to destruction” [v.5] and “all its princes shall be nothing.” [v.12]

James, in his letter, warns the rich, “You have laid up treasure for the last days … howl for the miseries that are coming upon you.” [5 v.3,1] He tells the believers, “Be patient therefore … until the coming of the Lord … establish your hearts” [v.7,8] He emphasizes this, “Behold we consider those blessed who remain steadfast … the Lord is compassionate and merciful” [v.11]

May we all remain steadfast in faith! Our Lord does indeed have “a day of vengeance”! But James final point – is a point to ponder – does it spur you to take any action? He writes, “…. If anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” But first, have you saved your own soul? Yes! So does this verse challenge you to any action?