Thought for September 30th. “PILATE … I WILL RELEASE HIM”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 13,14), (Ezekiel 26), (Luke 23) Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus.
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 13,14), (Ezekiel 26), (Luke 23) Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus.
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 12), (Ezekiel 25), (Luke 22) The biggest test of commitment to God’s will in the life of our
Today's readings .. (1 Chronicles 11), (Ezekiel 24), (Luke 21) Today we read and were challenged by the words of Jesus about
Today's readings .. (1 Chronicles 10), (Ezekiel 23), (Luke 20) We have 3 chapters today that teach valuable lessons. 1 Chron. Ch.
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 9), (Ezekiel 22), (Luke 19) How vital to know certain things; the young go to school and then,
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 8), (Ezekiel 21), (Luke 18) In this parable, at the start of Luke ch. 18, Jesus illustrates the
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 7), (Ezekiel 20), (Luke 17) One cannot escape from the obvious meaning of the words of Jesus about
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 6), (Ezekiel 19), (Luke 16)
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 5), (Ezekiel 18), (Luke 15) Today we read one of the most remembered parables of Jesus. It is
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 4), (Ezekiel 17), (Luke 13,14) There are many parables and challenging sayings in today’s 2 chapters in Luke’s