Thought for October 31st. “HIS MOTHER’S NAME WAS …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 29), (Daniel 9), (Acts 9) At the end of yesterday’s chapter 28 in 2 Chronicles we read
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 29), (Daniel 9), (Acts 9) At the end of yesterday’s chapter 28 in 2 Chronicles we read
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 28), (Daniel 8), (Acts 8) The enemies of the gospel thought they had had a great victory when
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 26,27), (Daniel 7), (Acts 7) What sin? The above words were uttered by Stephen as they took up
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 25), (Daniel 6), (Acts 5,6) In Daniel Ch. 6 today we saw clear evidence that this wonderful man,
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 24), (Daniel 5), (Acts 3,4) If you were doing a Bible Quiz and you were asked whose “knees
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 23), (Daniel 4), ( Acts 2) We have valuable thoughts in all our readings today.. In Chronicles we
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 21,22), (Daniel 3), ( Acts 1) Today we started reading the book of Acts. So many things in
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 20), (Daniel 2), (John 20,21) We felt overwhelmed by the lessons contained in today’s 3 readings. First there
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 18,19), (Daniel 1), (John 19) What a fascinating set of readings we have today, they provide a
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 16,17), (Ezekiel 48), (John 17,18) The final prayer of Jesus before his arrest is intensely moving – it