Today’s readings.. (2 Chronicles 10,11), (Ezekiel 45), (John 12)
Life never stands still – we are all in the process of becoming something; this is especially the case of those going to College or University. How many in this country appreciate the wide range of opportunities they have? It seems to be part of human nature never to be satisfied, always wanting something better, or at least, wanting some new experience.
Those who prayerfully read God’s word are the only ones who keep life in a true and balanced perspective. As we read John ch. 12 today we saw how Jesus kept challenging his hearers, he told them, “Whoever loves his life loses it …” [v.25] A strange saying? Not when you put it into the context of loving God. You ‘serve’ the things you love – money and food being outstanding examples today.
Jesus said, If any one serves me, the Father will honour him (or her)” [v.26] Jesus is spelling out the principles by which we live our lives in plain simple language; in a spiritual sense, do we see our lives as being in “light” or “darkness”? From the Divine perspective there is nothing in between!
Jesus “is the light of the world.” He told them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you” [v.35]
Our world is increasingly full of darkness! Where do you stand at the moment? In the shadows perhaps? The light of the world said, “The one who walks in darkness does not know where he is going. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” [v.36]
Do you believe in “the light”? If not, what do you believe? Are you distracted by the shadows? The way forward is to make sure you read God’s word every day; King David put it so succinctly in the Psalms, “Your word is a light to my feet and a lamp to my path.” [119 v.105]
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