Thought for November 10th. “FOR THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE IN A CORNER”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 5,6), (Hosea 7), (Acts 25,26) When Paul testifies to his faith and actions before King Agrippa he said some
Today's readings.. (Ezra 5,6), (Hosea 7), (Acts 25,26) When Paul testifies to his faith and actions before King Agrippa he said some
Today's readings.. (Ezra 3,4), (Hosea 6), (Acts 23,24) It is Luke “the beloved physician” (Col. 4 v.14) who travelled with Paul in
Today's readings.. (Ezra 1,2), (Hosea 12), (Collosians 3,4) Our reading in Acts today is about Paul and his journey back to Jerusalem
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 36), (Hosea 4), (Acts 20) What a contrast there is today between the Old and New
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 35), (Hosea 3), (Acts 18,19) Our Chronicles reading today tells us of how a Passover celebration
Today's readings.. ((2 Chronicles 34), (Hosea 2), (Acts 16,17) Reading the context about the one who is described as being
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 33), (Hosea 1), (Acts 14,15) No one likes friction, yet it is impossible to totally avoid
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 35), (Hosea 3), (Acts 18,19) Our Chronicles reading today tells us of how a Passover celebration
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 32), (Daniel 12), (Acts 13) Our chapter in Acts today, Acts 13, is full of drama!
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 31), (Daniel 11), (Acts 11,12) The above words complete Daniel 11 which we read this morning.