Thought for December 21st. “I WILL GIVE TO EACH AS YOUR …”
Today's readings.. (Job 28), (Zechariah 4,5), (Revelation 1,2), Today we started reading the book of Revelation and to begin with we have
Today's readings.. (Job 28), (Zechariah 4,5), (Revelation 1,2), Today we started reading the book of Revelation and to begin with we have
Today's readings.. (Job 25,26,27), (Zechariah 2,3), (Jude), No one wants to stumble; what is the cause when this happens? They are not
Today's readings.. (Job 23,24), (Zechariah 1), (2&3 John), Chapter 23 in Job today is very thought provoking, it spells out Job’s conviction
Today's readings.. (Job 22), (Haggai 1,2), (1 John 5), Zerubbabel is the “governor of Judah” at the time Haggai uttered his prophecy,
Today's readings.. (Job 21), (Zephaniah 3), (1 John 3,4), Today we completed reading the lesser known – but quite remarkable prophecy God
Today's readings.. (Job 20), (Zephaniah 2), (1 John 1,2), ‘Abide’ is a word we rarely use in conversation, but it was a
Today's readings.. (Job 18,19), (Zephaniah 1), (2 Peter 3), As Peter completes his second letter he asks a question “Since all these
Today's readings.. (Job 16,17), (Habakkuk 3), (2 Peter 1,2), Ah, that little word – “IF” again! Our quotation above is from today’s
Today's readings.. (Job 15), (Habakkuk 2), (1 Peter 3,4,5), We all love beautiful things, but what one person sees as beautiful another
Today's readings.. (Job 13), (Nahum 3), (1 Peter 1), We all have either grown up or we are growing up