Today’s readings.. (Genesis 38), (psalms 41,42,43), (Matthew 25)
Today we have 3 parables in our chapter (25) in Matthew which all convey fundamentally the same lesson. The fact that there are three shows how extremely important the message is. Those who read the Bible regularly will know them well; but we must beware of knowing them too well, lest the message loses its power to stir our conscience.
The first one is of the 10 virgins; half are called “wise.” What made them “wise” as they waited in the darkness for the cry, “Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.” The wise had brought a reserve of oil for their lamps. What does the oil represent? Our conclusion is – it represents “faith”, how terrible to run short of or completely out of faith when the midnight cry is heard. Faith cannot be second-hand, it cannot be replenished in a moment.
The second parable is about talents the Master gives to his servants to use while he is away. They represent, we suggest, the abilities and opportunities to represent the Master in his absence. The final parable is of sheep and goats and of “his glorious throne” when the Master returns. Then, and only then, will it be made plain for all to see which are sheep and which are goats – in the Middle East they look very similar.
The goats will be blind to their failings, “Lord” they will say “when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?” [v.44] And he will say, “Truly … as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”[v.45] Put as simply as possible – this is telling us – we are either Christ-centred – or self-centred.
We must ask ourselves – am I labouring effectively in his vineyard – or not. It seems to many of our age group (as great grandparents) that the Lord is delaying his coming – but the reason is that the final ingathering is not yet quite complete (see Luke 14 v.22-23 “still there is room. And the Master said, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges … that my house may be filled”)
So let Christ’s challenging words at the end of his parable about the virgins ‘illuminate’ our minds “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day not the hour” This request is more important than ever – for the storm clouds illuminating human helplessness are greater than ever – and the wise virgins need to be together whenever they can. But what are they to “watch” for? We will read tomorrow of Jesus in the garden with his disciples and his request, “…watch with me … Watch and pray …the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.”” [ch.26 v.40,41] Meditate on the kind of watching Jesus was referring to.
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