Thought for April 18th. “THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 1), (Proverbs 28), (John 11) Today’s 11th chapter in John’s Gospel has that wonderful account of the raising of
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 1), (Proverbs 28), (John 11) Today’s 11th chapter in John’s Gospel has that wonderful account of the raising of
Today's readings.. (Numbers 36), (Proverbs 27), (John 9,10) Today’s chapters in John’s Gospel very graphically illustrate the impact Jesus was
Today's readings.. (Numbers 35), (Proverbs 26), (John 8) What did Jesus mean, “The Truth will set you free?” Free from what? The
Today's readings.. (Numbers 34), (Proverbs 25), (John 7) A really challenging saying of Jesus is, “If anyone thirsts let him come to
Today's readings.. (Numbers 33), (Proverbs 24), (John 6) The book of Numbers now tells us of Moses giving his final instructions to
Today's readings.. (Numbers 32), (Proverbs 23), (John 5) Today’s 5th chapter of John includes the words of Jesus to the
Today's readings.. (Numbers 31), (Proverbs 22), (John 4) Today’s chapter in Numbers (31) tells us about the death of Balaam and of
Today's readings.. (Numbers 29,30), (Proverbs 21), (John 2,3) Nicodemus was “the teacher in Israel.” What an impact Jesus was now having among
Today's readings.. (Numbers 28), (Proverbs 20), (John 1) Today we started reading the Gospel of John and saw how Jesus called his
Today's readings.. (Numbers 27), (Proverbs 19), (Philippians 3,4) We live in a world in which most of us are bombarded by