Thought for October 31st
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 29, Daniel 9, Acts 9 “CHOSEN … TO CARRY MY NAME” What does it mean – to carry
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 29, Daniel 9, Acts 9 “CHOSEN … TO CARRY MY NAME” What does it mean – to carry
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 28, Daniel 8, Acts 8 “RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD” The Gospels tell us Jesus
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 26&27, Daniel 7, Acts 7 “YOU STIFF NECKED PEOPLE” What is a “stiff neck”? What does this phrase
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 25, Daniel 6, Acts 5&6 “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN” We live in a world which
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 23, Daniel 4, Acts 2 “YOU WILL MAKE ME FULL OF JOY” What a fascinating set of
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 21&22, Daniel 3, Acts 1 “OUR GOD … IS ABLE TO DELIVER US” The friends of Daniel; Shadrach,
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 20, Daniel 2, John 20&21 “BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO …” We have a remarkable set of readings today,
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 18&19, Daniel 1, John 19 “… THAT YOU ALSO MAY BELIEVE” What do you believe? What do people
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 16&17, Ezekiel 48, John 17&18 "YOUR WORD IS TRUTH" Does anyone speak the truth, the whole truth
Todays readings.. 2Chronicles 14&15, Ezekiel 47, John 15&16 “DO YOU NOW BELIEVE?” “Do you now believe?” is the question Jesus asked his