Thought for January 21st
Todays readings... Genesis 36, Psalm 38, Matthew 23 "THEY DO ALL THEIR DEEDS TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS” In our
Todays readings... Genesis 36, Psalm 38, Matthew 23 "THEY DO ALL THEIR DEEDS TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS” In our
Todays readings.. Genesis 34&35m Psalm 37, Matthew 22 “BE NOT ENVIOUS” The world today concentrates an enormous amount on marketing goods and
Todays readings.. Genesis 32&33, Psalm 36, Matthew 21 “THEY WERE INDIGNANT” Today’s chapter in Matthew (21) is full of drama and thought-challenging
Todays readings.. Genesis 31, Psalm 35, Matthew 20 “GREAT IS THE LORD WHO DELIGHTS IN …” David’s Psalm 35, we read today,
Todays readings.. Genesis 30, Psalm 34, Matthew 20 “OH, TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD” Our 34th Psalm of David
Todays readings.. Genesis 28&29, Psalm 33, Matthew 18 “FORGIVE … FROM YOUR HEART” The message that jumps out of all 3 Bible
Todays readings ... Genesis 27, Psalm 32, Matthew 17 “BLESSED IS THE MAN AGAINST WHOM THE LORD COUNTS NO INIQUITY”
Todays readings.. Genesis 25&26, Psalm 31, Matthew 16 “BE STRONG AND LET YOUR HEART TAKE COURAGE” How stimulating for us in today’s
Todays readings.. Genesis 24. Psalm 29&30, Matthew 15 "THE VOICE OF THE LORD" The sevenfold occurrence of the phrase “the voice
Todays readings ..Genesis 22&23, Psalm 26-28, Matthew 14 “AND HE COUNTED IT TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS” Today we have read that significant