Thought for January 21st

Todays readings... Genesis 36, Psalm 38, Matthew 23 "THEY DO ALL THEIR DEEDS TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS”              In our

Thought for January 21st2018-01-21T10:12:00+11:00

Thought for January 20th

Todays readings.. Genesis 34&35m Psalm 37, Matthew 22 “BE NOT ENVIOUS”  The world today concentrates an enormous amount on marketing goods and

Thought for January 20th2018-01-20T09:34:57+11:00

Thought for January 19th

Todays readings.. Genesis 32&33, Psalm 36, Matthew 21 “THEY WERE INDIGNANT” Today’s chapter in Matthew (21) is full of drama and thought-challenging

Thought for January 19th2018-01-19T10:29:50+11:00

Thought for January 18th

Todays readings.. Genesis 31, Psalm 35, Matthew 20 “GREAT IS THE LORD WHO DELIGHTS IN …”  David’s Psalm 35, we read today,

Thought for January 18th2018-01-18T09:16:55+11:00

Thought for January 17th

Todays readings.. Genesis 30, Psalm 34, Matthew 20 “OH, TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD”  Our 34th Psalm of David

Thought for January 17th2018-01-17T09:11:26+11:00

Thought for January 16th

Todays readings.. Genesis 28&29, Psalm 33, Matthew 18 “FORGIVE … FROM YOUR HEART” The message that jumps out of all 3 Bible

Thought for January 16th2018-01-16T10:29:36+11:00

Thought for January 15th

Todays readings ... Genesis 27, Psalm 32, Matthew 17 “BLESSED IS THE MAN AGAINST WHOM THE LORD COUNTS NO INIQUITY”         

Thought for January 15th2018-01-15T10:00:49+11:00

Thought for January 14th

Todays readings.. Genesis 25&26, Psalm 31, Matthew 16 “BE STRONG AND LET YOUR HEART TAKE COURAGE” How stimulating for us in today’s

Thought for January 14th2018-01-14T09:45:00+11:00

Thought for January 13th

Todays readings.. Genesis 24. Psalm 29&30, Matthew 15 "THE VOICE OF THE LORD"    The sevenfold occurrence of the phrase “the voice

Thought for January 13th2018-01-13T10:10:35+11:00

Thought for January 12th

Todays readings ..Genesis 22&23, Psalm 26-28, Matthew 14 “AND HE COUNTED IT TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS”  Today we have read that significant

Thought for January 12th2018-01-12T09:35:56+11:00
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