Thought for March 31st

“IF THE LORD DELIGHTS IN US” There is a climax point in most lives – a cross roads where a decision has

Thought for March 31st2018-03-31T10:12:19+11:00

Thought for March 30th

Todays readings.. Numbers 12&13, Proverbs 8&9, Luke 22 "WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE"                   

Thought for March 30th2018-03-30T10:04:18+11:00

Thought for March 29th

Todays readings.. Numbers 11, Proverbs 7, Luke 21 "FOREBODING OF WHAT IS COMING ON THE WORLD"             Foreboding

Thought for March 29th2018-03-29T10:21:19+11:00

Thought for March 28th

Todays readings.. Numbers 10, Proverbs 6, Luke 20 “STAY AWAKE AT ALL TIMES” We say that suicide is how people destroy themselves,

Thought for March 28th2018-03-28T09:55:36+11:00

Thought for March 27th

Todays readings.. Numbers 8&9, Proverbs 5, Luke 19 “A HOUSE OF PRAYER”   Our readings in the book of Numbers and the

Thought for March 27th2018-03-27T08:59:26+11:00

Thought for March 26th

Todays readings.. Numbers 7, Proverbs 4, Luke 18 "THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS LIKE ... "        Life is a

Thought for March 26th2018-03-26T10:33:40+11:00

Thoughts for March 25th

Todays readings .. Numbers 6, Proverbs 3, Luke 17 “PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELVES” Our ch. 17 in Luke starts with Jesus telling

Thoughts for March 25th2018-03-25T09:43:51+11:00

Thought for March 24th

Todays readings.. Numbers 5, Proverbs 2, Luke 16 "ONE WHO IS DISHONEST IN VERY LITTLE"      Honesty seems to be an increasingly

Thought for March 24th2018-03-24T11:25:41+11:00

Thought for March 23rd

Todays readings.. Numbers 3, Proverbs 1, Luke 15 “LET THE WISE HEAR AND INCREASE IN …” Today we started reading the proverbs

Thought for March 23rd2018-03-23T09:43:45+11:00

Thought for March 22nd

Todays readings.. Numbers 3, Psalms 148-150, Luke 13&14 "WERE WORSE SINNERS ... BECAUSE THEY SUFFERED IN THIS WAY?"       In reading

Thought for March 22nd2018-03-22T10:08:02+11:00
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