Thought for April 30th

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 17, Ecclesiastes 9, Acts8 “ … AND TO THE END OF THE EARTH”                We

Thought for April 30th2018-04-30T17:13:36+10:00

Thought for April 29th

Todays readings... Deuteronomy 16, Ecclesiastes 8, Acts 7 “YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE”                                                                                                                            Stephen’s speech (in Acts 7) before the Jewish Council is

Thought for April 29th2018-04-29T09:53:27+10:00

Thought for April 28th

Todays readings... Deuteronomy 15, Ecclesiastes 7, Acts 5&6 “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN” The above statement was made by Peter

Thought for April 28th2018-04-28T10:23:33+10:00

Thought for April 27th

Todays readings... Deuteronomy 13&14, Ecclesiastes 6, Acts 3&4 "FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS TESTING YOU"      Today’s Deuteronomy reading brings to

Thought for April 27th2018-04-27T09:56:17+10:00

Thought for April 26th

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 12, Ecclesiasties 5, Acts 2 "EVERYONE WHOM THE LORD CALLS TO HIMSELF"       What sort of person

Thought for April 26th2018-04-26T10:22:47+10:00

Thought for April 25th

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 10&11, Ecclesiastes 4, Acts 1 “FOR IF YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO DO …” What do we all need

Thought for April 25th2018-04-25T10:04:18+10:00

Thought for April 24th

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 6&9, Ecclesiastes 3, John 20&21 “AND THAT BY BELIEVING YOU MAY HAVE LIFE IN HIS NAME” Today we read

Thought for April 24th2018-04-24T09:33:46+10:00

Thought for April 23rd

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 6&7, Ecclesiastes 2, John 19 “THIS WAS MY REWARD”                     

Thought for April 23rd2018-04-23T10:03:17+10:00

Thought for April 22nd

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 5, Ecclesiastes 1, John 17&18 “EVERYONE WHO IS OF THE TRUTH LISTENS …”                                                                                                               Jesus

Thought for April 22nd2018-04-22T10:00:27+10:00

Thought for April 21st

Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 4, Proverbs 31, John 15&16 "WATCH YOURSELVES VERY CAREFULLY"  Today we have a remarkable set of meaningful readings.  In

Thought for April 21st2018-04-21T09:50:50+10:00
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