Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 3, Ezekiel 16, Luke 12 Our ch. 16 in Ezekiel today finishes with this wonderfully positive declaration. After
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 3, Ezekiel 16, Luke 12 Our ch. 16 in Ezekiel today finishes with this wonderfully positive declaration. After
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 2, Ezekiel 15, Luke 11. Our Luke reading today features Jesus’ criticism of
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 1, Ezekiel 14, Luke 10
Todays readings... 2 Kings 24&25, Ezekiel 13, Luke 9 There is a parallel between
Todays readings... 2 Kings 22&23, Ezekiel 12, Luke 8 What a challenging – and inspiring – set of readings we have today!
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 21, Ezekiel 11, Luke 7 As usual, all our chapters are full of meaningful lessons: first, Hezekiah after
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 20, Ezekiel 10, Luke 6 We read more of the challenging sayings of Jesus today – human nature
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 19, Ezekiel 9, Luke 5 We read today at the start of ch. 19 of the 2nd book
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 18, Ezekiel8, Luke 4 Our reading in 2 Kings (ch.18) illustrates how those who trust in God
Todays readings... 2 kings 17, Ezekiel 7, Luke 3 Our 3 readings today have, in a sense, a common theme. Luke