Thought for February 8th. “WHO THEN IS THIS? “
We all have probably had the experience of suddenly seeing another side of friend’s character that we did not know existed. We then wonder who they really are! Hopefully these are good things we see, but sadly, that is not always the case. Now consider the experience of the disciples of Jesus, our heading is the question they asked themselves at a time when they had been “filled with
Thought for February 7th. “… MAGNIFY HIM WITH THANKSGIVING”
Is there an attitude of thankfulness for all the blessings we have today? In most countries there is ample food and clothing, especially in Australia where there is an abundance of everything we could possibly require – and many things we do not need! It is such a contrast to the time in the early part of the 20th century and the world wars when many experienced the difficulties of
Thought for February 6th. “AND THEY FEARED GREATLY”
Chapters 13 & 14 of Exodus describe for us the dramatic deliverance of Israel from Egypt. Yet, as all the drama is unfolding so that “the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD” [14 v.4], the escaping people of God led by Moses were unable to see the hand of God in action, they were not escaping in faith! There is a lesson for us here! “The Egyptians pursued
Thought for February 5th. “AS WAX MELTS BEFORE THE FIRE”
Today’s Psalm (no.68) is a declaration of God in action for those who serve him, “God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered and those who hate him shall flee before him! As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them away, as wax melts before the fire, so shall the wicked perish before God” [v.1-2] That is a very graphic illustration! Visualize a fire causing wax to
Thought for February 3rd. “O GOD … EARNESTLY I SEEK YOU”
David's intense personal relationship with God is an example and an inspiration for us. Psalm 62 starts, “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.” And then Psalm 63, ´ O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you “ Let us all us all develop such spirituality of thought and meditation that we
Thought for February 2nd. “VENGEANCE IS MINE I WILL REPAY”
Our ch. 12 in Romans is one of the most significant in God’s word. How significant for us is the advice given in v.12. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” The world around us offers nothing in which we can genuinely rejoice. Most if not all of us can feel blessings in times of rejoicing between ourselves, The only real rejoicing is in the “hope”
How stimulating for us in today’s godless world is the attitude David reveals in today’s Psalm 31. David has had a time of depression – and have not we all had times (hopefully very few and brief) when we feel somewhat overwhelmed by our immediate circumstances – and even more - by the challenges in the world today!? It is then that we struggle to think – and therefore act
Thought for January 13th. “THE VOICE OF THE LORD”
The sevenfold occurrence of the phrase “the voice of the LORD” in today’s Psalm (29) intrigued us. Then when we came to the Matthew reading, the words of Isaiah Jesus quoted caught our attention, “This people honours me with their lips but their heart is far from me” [Ch.15 v.8]. The contrast between God’s “voice” and man’s could not be greater. What is the nature of the LORD’s “voice”? The
Today we have read that significant chapter in Genesis (22) in which Abraham obeys the LORD by being prepared – without hesitation – to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. The progressive tests of faith which Abraham “passed” resulted in ever greater promises being made to him. Did you notice how, the very first time God makes a promise to him, it is “I will make of you a
Thought for January 11th. “ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE AND …”
What is really so special about Psalms 23? There are several popular hymns based on its words. Are these just words? God’s words need to ‘live’ in our heart – not just go in one ear and out the other, as the saying is. In today’s non-stop world, that happens all too easily. Its’ words should, indeed must encourage a peace of mind that is a rare blessing today! “The
Thought for January 10th. “OUR FATHERS TRUSTED IN THEE”
What fascinating thought challenging readings we have today! First, in Genesis we have the judgement of the Creator on the godlessness of Sodom and Gomorrah and how God sent angels to deliver Lot, his wife and family. We read how his sons-in-law scoffed and his wife lingered, her faith was inadequate. Our thoughts go back to the verses in the 2nd letter of Peter we read last month that
Thought for January 9th. “THIS GENERATION”
Jesus said, “to what shall I liken this generation?” [Matt. 11 v.16] Each generation has had those who search for answers as to the meaning of life. John the Baptist, shut up in prison appears to have wanted reassurance when he sent his disciples to Jesus, asking, are you really the one? Notice how Jesus never gives plain ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answers, the response was to say look at what
Thought for January 8th. “THE WORD OF THE LORD PROVES TRUE”
In Psalm 18 we encounter a major psalm of David in which he surveys all the ways in which the LORD was overseeing his life. God is his rock, his place of refuge(v.2). He writes that the LORD has dealt with him according to his righteousness “according to the cleanness of my hands he rewarded me” [v.20] This causes us to evaluate the ‘cause and effect’ principle in our relationship with God. We have observed more
Thought for January 7th. “INCLINE YOUR EAR TO ME … WONDROUSLY SHOW …”
How wonderful was the relationship David developed with God; as we meditate on his Psalms they ‘move’ our hearts to develop profound meditations - to contemplate all that our Heavenly Father must be – and the wonder of His Son – our mediator – at His right hand. Today’s Psalm 17 is a very personal prayer/petition of David, “You have tried my heart, you have visited me by night, you
Thought for January 6th. “NOTHING … WILL NOW BE IMPOSSIBLE”
In Chapter 11 of Genesis we read, “now the whole earth had one language and the same words” [v.1] and they decided to “build ourselves a city and a tower … lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth” [v.4] The text then goes on to say that the LORD came down to see this and said, “Behold the people are one people, and they have all
Thought for January 5th. “THE FLOODS CAME, AND THE WINDS BLEW …”
Today we have the ‘simple’ lessons Jesus taught – they are lessons of life – or death – of eternal existence – or oblivion, in an eternal sense – these are the only 2 alternatives before each of us. Our ch. 7 in Mathew’s gospel opens out to us the simple but profound teaching of Jesus on the pathways of life that lay before each one of us. Are
Thought for January 4th. “ARISE O LORD! LET NOT MAN PREVAIL.”
Our daily readings today provide us with many thoughts – and meditations. David’s Psalms are, in most cases, prayers – and how appropriate are some of them for us in 2023 - especially the final verses of Psalm 9. “Arise, O LORD! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put them in fear, O LORD! Let the nations know that they are but men! “
What a challenging selection of chapters we have today! Our heading is taken from David’s Psalm 7: it is largely a prayer; can it be our prayer too!? “…judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me. Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end…”[v.8,9] Can we, dare we, pray as David did? “…judge me, O LORD, according to
Thought for January 2nd. “THE CHAFF HE WILL BURN”
It is good to look for positive things as we read the Scriptures and we have them today in some of the verses in Psalm 4. David begins by requesting; “Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!” David says I “know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to him.” [v.3] The Psalm ends with these stimulating
Thought for January 1st. “IN THE BEGINNING
Todays Readings (Genesis 1,2), (Psalm 1,2), (Matthew 1,2) The Bible begins with the above words. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”: a simple statement. No indication is given as to when this initial act of creation took place. It is regrettable that some read into these simple words more than they say. Some go on to claim, but this claim was only first made in the
Thought for July 16th. “ … GREATLY DISTRESSED”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 31), (Jeremiah 6), (Matthew 17) Jesus constantly says things to his disciples which challenge their attitudes and expectations – can we learn lessons ourselves from this? In today’s 17th chapter of Matthew we see how “they were greatly distressed” [v.23] after “Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is about to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him, and he
Thought for July 15th. “… FACES HARDER THAN ROCK”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 29,30), (Jeremiah 5), (Matthew 16) The word “faces” in God’s word is often used as a synonym for ‘minds,’ such as when ”the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face” [Exod.33 v.11] – and we see this today in Jeremiah. The prophet is bitterly complaining to God about the attitudes of mind he sees all around him. “O LORD, do not your eyes look
Thought for July 14th. “THIS DEFILES A PERSON”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 28), (Jeremiah 4), (Matthew 15) Most people are never conscious of the need for spiritual cleanliness; the Jewish religious leaders had made quite a ritual out of material and physical cleanliness, hands in particularly had to be constantly cleansed. In today’s chapter in Matthew we read a lesson of Jesus about this which should be familiar to us: the kind of defilement we should be really
Thought for July 13th. “… NO MORE STUBBORNLY FOLLOW …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 26,27), (Jeremiah 3), (Matthew 14) As we read more of the remarkable testimony of Jeremiah we come across some brief glimpses of the ultimate future time of glory. In today’s chapter we read, “At that time Jerusalem shall be called the throne of the LORD, and all nations shall gather together to it, to the presence of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they shall no more
Thought for July 12th. “SO IT WILL BE AT THE CLOSE OF THE AGE”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 25), (Jeremiah 2), (Matthew 13) Today’s 13th chapter of Matthew contains 6 parables of Jesus and at the end of the last one our Lord says, “so it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Thought for July 11th. “I AM WATCHING OVER MY WORD”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 1), (Matthew 12) Today we started reading the words of Jeremiah, who was born as “one of the priests” [v.1]. We are fascinated by the many words from the LORD that he inspired Jeremiah to speak and write. He was to be the mouthpiece of God to Israel over many years beginning in the reign of good king Josiah, to the disaster of the
Thought for July 10th. … AND LEARN FROM ME”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 23), (Isaiah 66), (Matthew 11) The final verses of Matthew ch.11 – are easy to read – but they are also profound – and demand our meditative understanding. Jesus declares, in apparent prayer to his Father (from v.25), “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to little children; yes father
Thought for July 9th. “FOR MY PEOPLE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 21,22), (Isaiah 65), (Matthew 10) Today and tomorrow we read the final 2 chapters of Isaiah. God expresses through the prophet his lament for those who turn away from him, those who “insulted me” - to whom he says, “do not come near me, for I am too holy for you” [65 v.5,7] In contrast, his genuine servants “shall sing for gladness of
Thought for July 5th. “THE DAY OF VENGEANCE”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 17), (Isaiah 61), (Matthew 6) We read 3 fascinating chapters this morning! First was the account of David’s faith “in the living God” as he went forth against Goliath – he had no confidence in human armour and we should have no confidence in human reasoning. Then in Matthew’s gospel we read the continuation of the sermon on the mount and the many vital principles
Thought for July 4th. “BLESSED ARE THE … “
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 16), (Isaiah 60), (Matthew 5) Today we read what is generally referred to as ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ in Matthew ch. 5. Years ago we saw a film depicting this – and it was quite wrong – for it showed Jesus giving the message to a vast crowd of people. The end of ch. 4 describes “great crowds” that “followed him” but, then we read,
Thought for July 3rd. “I HAVE OBEYED”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 15), (Isaiah 59), (Matthew 3,4) King Saul was highly successful in destroying the Amalekites, but we note what Samuel said to him (1 Sam 15 v.1-3) before he did this! After giving him the reasons why the Amalekites should be destroyed, Samuel tells him, “Now go and strike Amalek, and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and
Thought for July 1st. “THE RIGHTEOUS MAN PERISHES”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 13), (Isaiah 56,57), (Revelation 21,22) Our chapter 57 in Isaiah commences with the above words – but then adds, “and no one lays it to heart; devout men are taken away … “ But then comes a very meaningful statement – which may well become really meaningful for us in the years ahead, it may even be in the months ahead, “for the righteous man (&
Thought for June 30th. “WITH ALL YOUR HEART”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 11,12), (Isaiah 55), (Revelation 19,20) There can be no half measures in serving the LORD, either we are fully committed - or not – there is the narrow way – or the broad way. Our first reading today describes the success of King Saul when he began his reign, he did serve the LORD – he began well, encouraged and guided by Samuel. We have no
Thought for June 29th. “FOR IN A SINGLE HOUR”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 10), (Isaiah 54), (Revelation 17,18) Every time we read Revelation, especially chapters 16 to 20, a multitude of thoughts threaten to overwhelm us. We focus our attention most of all on the ‘picture’ they give of the climax of human history at the return of Christ: this is totally dramatic and sudden. We perceive that this is the latter day counterpart to ancient Babylon - and
Thought for June 28th. “ARMAGEDDON”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 9), (Isaiah 53), (Revelation 15,16) Today’s Revelation reading is the only place in the Bible where the word “Armageddon” occurs. Yet the word keeps cropping up in the world, especially in movies for mass mind consumption! There is a fear among many, that is more than subconscious, that there is a great crisis ahead. There is continuing chaos in the nations
Thought for June 27th. “HOW BEAUTIFUL”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 7,8), (Isaiah 52), (Revelation 14) Our readings today are full of contrasts, but that is the nature of God’s word, on the one hand expressing his dismay and resultant anger at the godless behaviour of human beings – but on the other hand giving pictures of coming glory for those whose convictions and resultant behaviour are righteous. Our chapter (14) in Revelation ends with a vision
Thought for June 24th. “IN A TIME OF FAVOUR”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 3), (Isaiah 49), (Revelation 7,8,9) Our first reading is the heart stirring account of young Samuel in the Temple/tabernacle at Shiloh and the LORD calling him, “Samuel, Samuel” – and the message he received about the failure of Eli to discipline his sons. The ungodliness of their behaviour in appearing to serve the LORD makes sad reading – but it has had its parallels in every
Thought for June 23rd. “THEN SUDDENLY … “
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 2), (Isaiah 48), (Revelation 5,6) Our readings today are particularly interesting. Our first reading, 1 Samuel 1, sees the birth of Samuel. We have read of the ups and downs of the era of the Judges – but now come to Samuel as the final all wise Judge, a type of Christ, that God works through to lay the foundation for the era of the Kings
Thought for June 22nd. “YOU HAVE THE REPUTATION OF …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 1), (Isaiah 46,47), (Revelation 3,4) The messages that were sent to the 7 different communities of believers detailed in Ch. 2 & 3 of Revelation are remarkable. We conclude that these are representative of the various types of communities of believers that have existed ever since that era. One particular message caught our attention today, the words that were written to Sardis (Ch.3 v.1). You “have
Thought for June 20th. “WHO PERVERT THE GRACE OF OUR GOD”
Today's readings.. (Ruth 1,2), (Isaiah 44), (Jude) The 25 verse epistle of Jude, the “brother of James” [v.1] and therefore understood to be another son of Mary and Joseph, is extremely interesting and challenging. Jude is very succinct, first drawing lessons from the failures in the nations’ history [v.5-7] and then condemning the false ways that are developing among the believers. We are fascinated by the parabolic language used
Thought for June 19th. “FOR MY OWN SAKE”
Today's readings.. (Judges 21), (Isaiah 43), (2&3 John) We have another thought provoking chapter in Isaiah today. The lessons of God’s dealings with Israel because of their unfaithfulness in the days of the prophet have their lessons for us. Through the prophet God tells the people, “you have burdened me with your sins, you have wearied me with your iniquities” [43 v.24] Then the next verse jumps out at us!
Thought for June 18th. “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 20), (Isaiah 42), (1 John 5) Everyone believes in something. Many believe that they are part of the highest form of animal life – and that this life is all there is for them and so they live to make the most of it. Our chapter (5) in John’s letter today begins, “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone
Thought for June 17th. “THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE”
Today's readings.. (Judges 19), (Isaiah 41), (1 John 3,4) The letters of John, in his old age, “the disciple whom Jesus loved” [John 21 v.7,20] are fruitful of a range of heart-warming meditations. John writes, “… let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God” [ch.4 v.7] What is it to “know” God? It is to have a
Thought for June 14th. “FOR IF GOD DID NOT SPARE …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 14,15), (Isaiah 38), (2 Peter 1,2) Peter’s 2nd Epistle, of which we read the first 2 chapters, is extremely challenging because it relates in several ways to the excessively ungodly atmosphere in which we live. But first, we were fascinated by lessons in our O T readings. Samson upset his parents because he “saw one of the daughters of the Philistines” and said to them” get her
Thought for June 13th. “SENT TO MOCK THE LIVING GOD”
Today's readings.. (Judges 12,13), (Isaiah 37), (1 Peter 3,4,5) As we read of King Hezekiah’s desperate prayer because of the invading and mocking hordes of the Assyrians, it occurred to us that there are today some modern equivalents. The Assyrian armies had been boasting of their conquests, as we read yesterday in Isaiah 36 – they were sure that Jerusalem would suffer a similar fate. Deserters must have joined them,
Thought for June 12th. “GROW UP TO SALVATION”
Today's readings.. (Judges 10,11), (Isaiah 36), (1 Peter 2) Our reading of 1 Peter Ch. 2 begins with a list of those things which a true follower of Christ should “put away” – we must do everything we can to get rid of such ways of thinking. Those who have been brought up from childhood should never have possessed them! But were they fully conscious of the
Today's readings.. (Judges 9), (Isaiah 35), (1 Peter 1) The above words jumped out at us in 1 Peter 1 v.13. What action? In one sense, each morning we need to prepare our minds for action each day, to make that day count in service before God. Believers through the centuries have encountered times of crisis and a climax in their lives. The Jewish exiles to whom Peter was writing
Thought for June 10th. “ESTABLISH YOUR HEARTS”
Today's readings.. (Judges 7,8), (Isaiah 34), (James 5) Today we read the final chapter of James and his warning to the believers in Jerusalem, for some had “laid up treasure in the last days.” [v.3] The “last days” facing Jerusalem, James knew, was the destruction that Jesus had foretold, the time when it would be surrounded by armies and “its desolation had come” and the Temple destroyed. [Luke 21 v.6,
Thought for June 9th. “FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 6), (Isaiah 33), (James 3,4) The letter of James is full of challenging spiritual statements. Many are applicable to the world which surrounds us. James was writing at the time when Jerusalem was about to be destroyed as his half-brother (our Lord) had warned. The great majority had rejected the divine message, it is evident that, 30+ years after their Lord ascended to heaven the convictions and
Thought for June 8th. “A KING WILL REIGN … PRINCES WILL RULE …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 4,5), (Isaiah 32), (James 2) Our chapter (32) in Isaiah starts, “Behold a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.” This surely visualises God’s king, the Lord Jesus, at last reigning over the earth. There will also be “princes” reigning who ”will rule with justice.” At last the world will experience true justice. The words of the prophecy imply the “reign” will
Thought for June 7th. “COUNT IT ALL JOY … WHEN”
Today's readings.. (Judges 2,3), (Isaiah 31), (James 1) Once again God’s words through Isaiah attracted our thoughts. There are so many parallels today with the attitudes the LORD was seeking to counteract in Israel in the time of Isaiah. The message the prophet was to convey was, “For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning (or repentance, mg) and rest you shall be saved; in
Thought for June 6th. “IN QUIETNESS AND IN TRUST”
Today's readings.. (Judges 1), (Isaiah 30), (Hebrews 13) Once again God’s words through Isaiah attracted our thoughts. There are so many parallels today with the attitudes the LORD was seeking to counteract in Israel in the time of Isaiah. The message the prophet was to convey was, “For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning (or repentance, mg) and rest you shall be saved; in
Thought for June 5th. “A BOOK THAT IS SEALED”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 23,24), (Isaiah 29), (Hebrews 12) How many can read the Bible – as a whole – and really make sense of it, so that it speaks to them in their heart, and stirs them to live their lives really conscious of God and of his Son? This question came to mind as we pondered the message in Isaiah today – parts of it evidently a commentary on
Thought for June 4th. “BY FAITH …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 22), (Isaiah 28), (Hebrews 11) Today we read the well known 11th chapter of Hebrews, it starts, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This is the vital lesson we must take to heart in reading this chapter – that having faith is having a state of mind that must cause us to lead different lives, different priorities –
Thought for June 3rd. “PERFECT PEACE”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 20,21), (Isaiah 26,27), (Hebrews 10) Our Isaiah and Hebrews readings provide an abundance of thoughts today. Some verses encourage peace of mind, others a sense of awe at what is coming on the world – the judgements our godless world deserves. Ch. 26 in Isaiah is a grouping of quite contrasting revelations from God – verses 3 and 4 are worthy of being memorised. “You will keep
Thought for June 2nd. “… TO SAVE THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 19), (Isaiah 25), (Hebrews 8,9) Let us link up the closing words of our reading in Hebrews (ch.9) “Christ … will appear a second time … to save those who are eagerly waiting for him” with the words God gave to Isaiah, in today’s ch. 25, which we referred to yesterday. This describes the time when God “will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will
Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6,7) Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters in Isaiah (24 & 25) contain a powerful message about the climax of human history, yet they are not very often quoted. Chapter 24 ends with “for the LORD of hosts reigns on Mount Zion and Jerusalem and his glory will be before his elders.” The next chapter begins with the reaction of the righteous, “O LORD, you
Thought for May 31st. “THEY WERE NOT UNITED BY FAITH”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3,4,5) The 3 short chapters (3,4 & 5) we read today in Hebrews provide us with an abundance of thoughts. Paul is reflecting back on the lessons of earlier days, such as we have been reading in Joshua when the people were “entering his (God’s) rest” [4 v.1] as they settled in the promised land. We read. “for good news came to us
Thought for May 31st. “THEY WERE NOT UNITED BY FAITH”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3,4,5) The 3 short chapters (3,4 & 5) we read today in Hebrews provide us with an abundance of thoughts. Paul is reflecting back on the lessons of earlier days, such as we have been reading in Joshua when the people were “entering his (God’s) rest” [4 v.1] as they settled in the promised land. We read. “for good news came to us
Thought for May 30th. “HE IS ABLE TO HELP …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 16), (Isaiah 22), (Hebrews 1,2) Today we began reading the specially thought-provoking letter to the Hebrews. The author is not named, but the best conclusion is that Paul wrote it as a message to his fellow Jews and he didn’t name himself because a prejudice against him had developed and some, maybe many Jews, would have ignored the letter if it had been obvious it came from
Thought for May 29th. “I REMEMBER YOU IN MY PRAYERS”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 15), (Isaiah 20,21), (Philemon) The short letter of Paul to Philemon has some valuable lessons for us in the area of spiritual relationships of believers with one another. Paul is writing as “a prisoner of Christ Jesus” [v.1] and Timothy is with him – and other visitors support him, “Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke” [v.24]. He tells Philemon, “I remember you in my prayers.” (v.4) We meditate
Thought for May 28th. “YET I WHOLLY FOLLOWED THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 14), (Isaiah 19), (Titus 1,2,3) In Joshua ch. 14 today we read of the blessings received by a man who “wholly followed the LORD.” Caleb was the other man, who with Joshua, spied out the land and brought back an optimistic report; this was after the people had miraculously escaped from Egypt, been fed in the wilderness, built the tabernacle and received the law. Surely the whole
Thought for May 27th. “… BUT DENYING ITS POWER”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 13), (Isaiah 17,18), (2 Timothy 3,4) Today we completed Paul’s 2nd letter to his “son in the faith” Timothy. He deplores what he sees the future is going to hold for believers; a serious decline of faith and a Christ-like way of living. As Paul looks into the future “the Spirit” gives him a ‘picture’ of what is going to develop in “the last days.” [3 v.1]
Today's readings.. (Joshua 11), (Isaiah 15), (2 Timothy 1) The final letter of the Apostle Paul was his second letter to Timothy. His opening verses after his usual greeting is to write of Timothy’s faith. Note how he expresses it, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 10, (Isaiah 14), (1 Timothy 6) It is evident that when Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy whom he had left “at Ephesus that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine …” [ch.1 v.3,] that already there were those who were trying, using their own ‘wisdom’, to ‘improve’ on the true teaching they had received. In today’s ch. 6, Paul tells Timothy,
Today's readings.. (Joshua 9), (Isaiah 13), (1 Timothy 4,5) Isaiah ch. 13, todays’ reading, appears to have a double application: it tells us [v.1] it is an “oracle concerning Babylon,” but much of its content is remarkably parallel to the ‘Babylon’ described in the book of Revelation. It is enlightening to note that the word ‘Babylon’ in the Hebrew is actually ‘Babel’; part of this chapter appears to be about
Thought for May 22nd. “YOU WILL SAY IN THAT DAY”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 8), (Isaiah 12), (1 Timothy 1-3) We usually have a reasonable idea of what we are going to talk about as today progresses, also some of the things that are likely to be part of our thoughts and conversations tomorrow – but it is invaluable to meditate on what the 6 verses that make up the entire 12th chapter of Isaiah told Israel and tells us of
Thought for May 21st. “MAY THE LORD DIRECT YOUR HEARTS TO …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 7), (Isaiah 11), (2 Thessalonians 3) As Paul concludes his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians he tells them, “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” [3 v.5] It is evident that the Lord cannot “direct” this – unless our hearts are already “looking” toward our Saviour. Paul told the Hebrews, they needed to be “looking to Jesus,
Today's readings.. (Joshua 5,6), (Isaiah 10), (2 Thessalonians 1,2) Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians shows he now has greater confidence in them, in their faith and love, this causes him “to give thanks to God … because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.” [1 v.3] He commends their “steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions” [v.4] We
Today's readings.. (Joshua 3,4), (Isaiah 9), (1 Thessalonians 5) We follow on from our thoughts yesterday about our “our hearts being established blameless in holiness” with Paul’s conclusion to his first letter to the Thessalonians where he stresses very strongly to them that “having put on the breastplate of faith … God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ who died for
Today's readings.. (Joshua 2), (Isaiah 8, (1 Thessalonians 5) The last 2 verses of today’s 3rd chapter in 1st Thessalonians is specially thought provoking. “… may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus …”
Thought for May 17th. “If you are not firm in faith”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 1), (Isaiah 7, (1 Thessalonians 3,4) All 3 of our readings today provoke serious meditation about human reactions to God. We started reading Joshua and saw God’s challenge to him to take his people over the Jordan. He is told, “Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall
Thought for May 16th. “YOUR LIFE IS HIDDEN”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 33,34), (Isaiah 6), (Collosians 3,4) Paul told the Colossians that ”you have died and your life is hidden …” What does he mean? Are we clear in understanding the sense in which they had died – and how their life was now hidden? If we meditate on the first 4 verses of the 3rd chapter of Paul’s letter to the Colossians we will be richly repaid, but
Thought for May 15th. “FOR IT IS NO EMPTY WORD”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 32), (Isaiah 5), (Collosians 2) We read today the song Moses spoke “in the ears of all the assembly of Israel.” The song is long and has a remarkable text. They were expected to learn it, to bring it to mind as they entered and lived in the promised land. Of course there were no books, i.e. scrolls, readily available to the people – and in any
Thought for May 14th. “ … FULLY PLEASING TO HIM”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 31), (Isaiah 3,4), (Collosians 1) Today we start reading several letters of Paul beginning with his message to the Colossians. They are letters of encouragement for them to remain fully committed to following Christ in the face of various difficulties. He tells them, “I have not ceased to pray for you” [v.8]. In his prayer he is “asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of
Thought for May 13th. “BUT THE WORD IS VERY NEAR YOU”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 30), (Isaiah 2), (Acts 28) Moses today, in Deuteronomy 30, completes his exhortation to the people who are about to enter the promised land. We still have the words of his song to come in Ch. 32. We need to appreciate why he taught them a song – and it’s not a short one! Everything depended on memory. There are references to people developing and possessing fantastic
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 29), (Isaiah 1), (Acts 27) How meaningful are the words Moses uses as he is completing his last message to the nation. Ch. 29 of Deuteronomy today ends with these very interesting words, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” God has
Thought for May 11th. “THESE BLESSINGS SHALL COME”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 28), (Song of Solomon 8), (Acts 25,26) Deuteronomy Chapter 28 starts, “And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his commandments … these blessings shall come upon you … [v.1,2]. It is very sad that the succeeding generations failed to be careful to do this, so God’s blessings ceased and later, curses came upon them instead (read v.15
Thought for May 10th. “CURSED BE ANYONE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 27), (Song of Solomon 7), (Acts 21,22) We continue reading Moses’ final instructions to his people before they cross the Jordan into the promised land without him. When they enter the land they are to build an altar to the LORD. On the stones of the altar they are “to write … all the words of this law very plainly” [ch. 27 v.8] Moses and the Priests
Thought for May 9th. “ …. WITH ALL YOUR HEART”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 26), (Song of Solomon 6), (Acts 21,22) Sometimes we use the phrase ‘half-hearted’ meaning – we do not feel total commitment to what we are doing. We cannot follow God and His Son, who died for us, in this frame of mind. Our chapter in Deuteronomy today contains a powerful appeal by Moses to the people he will soon leave - about the frame of mind they
Daily Readings & Thought for May 8th. “SPEAKING TWISTED THINGS”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 25), (Song of Solomon 5), (Acts 20) In today’s 20th chapter in Acts we have the account of a long conversation Paul had with “the elders of the church” [v.17] at Ephesus whom he called to see him at the port of Miletus. He told them then “that they would not see his face again’ [V.38]. It was obviously an intense discussion. He tells them, “I did
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 24), (Song of Solomon 4), (Acts 18,19) The references to “the Scriptures” in the New Testament refer to the use of the ‘Old Testament’ in the preaching of the message of Christ. It is very disappointing that so many who see themselves as ‘Christians’ today only read the New Testament and sometimes have a Bible that omits most – or even all of the Old Testament. We
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 23), (Song of Solomon 3), (Acts 16,17) What exciting chapters (16 & 17) we read in Acts today! We see Paul’s total commitment to preach among as many Gentiles as possible the genuine message of salvation. This was despite whatever kind of hostility arose. He usually began by speaking to the Jews – and “reasoned with them from the Scriptures, explaining and proving …” [17 v.2,3] his
Thought for May 5th. “GOD WHO KNOWS THE HEART…”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 22), (Song of Solomon 3), (Acts 14,15) Today we read about a conference of a serious nature that took place in Jerusalem among the disciples and other principal brethren, it was about problems that had arisen among the believers. Some of the Pharisees who were now believers in Christ were saying that the Gentiles whom Paul had been converting, that “it is necessary to circumcise them and
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 20), (Ecclesiastes 12), (Acts 11,12) The dramatic death of Herod we read about today gives us an unexpected lesson. It took place after Peter had been miraculously released from prison after his arrest by Herod. Chapter 12 of Acts starts by telling us, “ …Herod the king laid violent hands on some who belonged to the church.. He killed James the brother of John with the sword,
Thought for May 2nd. “GOD SHOWS NO PARTIALITY”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 19), (Ecclesiastes 11), (Acts 10) In Acts Chapter 10 today there is yet another dramatic account of how the message of Christ was spread still further. Under Christ’s guidance the Apostle Peter is caught up in a situation he never anticipated! He was expected to teach a Roman Centurion, his relatives and close friends the truth about Jesus Christ. He finds himself at his home in
Thought for May 1st. “WHY ARE YOU PERSECUTING ME?”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 18), (Ecclesiastes 10), (Acts 9) Paul, initially called Saul, appears to have been the main cause of the stoning of Stephen and today’s 9th ch. of Acts starts by telling us of his decision to go to Damascus “so that if he found any belonging to the Way, man or woman, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.” It is interesting that the first way in which
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 17), (Ecclesiastes 9), (Acts 8) This was the question the Ethiopian Eunuch asked Philip; he was one of the seven appointed to assist the 12 disciples (Acts 6 v.2,4); Stephen who was killed was also one of them. “An angel of the Lord” (8 v.26) caused Philip to go up and meet with this Ethiopian as he was returning from worshipping in Jerusalem.(v.28} which shows he was
Thought for April 29th. “REMEMBER THE DAY”
Today's readings. (Deuteronomy 16), (Ecclesiastes 8), (Acts 7) We all have memories; bad things we try to shut out of our memory, good things we try to retain and bring to the fore. We read today how Moses told the people to look back on; “all the days of your life (that) you may remember the day when you came out of the land of Egypt” [Deut. 16 v.3] The Passover
Thought for April 28th. “WHAT IS BETTER”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 15), (Ecclesiastes 7), (Acts 5,6) Solomon’s reminiscences in Ecclesiastes are in one sense a continuation of Proverbs. Several times in today’s chapter (7) he contemplates ways of living and asks “What is better?” and makes observations which do not always provide a clear answer, but they do provoke our thinking. The chapter begins, “A good name is better than precious ointment” which leads us to recall the
Thought for April 27th. “YOU ACTED IN IGNORANCE”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 13,14), (Ecclesiastes 6), (Acts 3,4) In contrast to his denial of his Lord on the night of his arrest Peter is now possessed of total conviction and power. He and John heal a man who is more than 40 years old and lame from birth who was “laid daily at the gate of the Temple … to ask alms” [Acts 3 v.2] Everyone who frequented
Thought for April 26th. “THOSE WHO RECEIVED HIS WORD …”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 12), (Ecclesiastes 5), (Acts 2) Our chapter in Acts (2) contains the dramatic message of the Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost. This day is the same as the Old Testament “Feast of Weeks” (Exod.34 v.22; Lev.23 v.15,16] ‘Pentecost’ is the Greek word for ‘fiftieth’ – it occurred 50 days (7 weeks) after the Passover, it was at the start of harvesting.
Thought for April 24th. “YOU SHALL REMEMBER …”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 8,9), (Ecclesiastes 5), (John 20,21) It is good to have a good memory; it is frustrating to be forgetful. Yet how often do we forget to be thankful for good things? Do you recall the comments of Jesus when only one of the ten lepers he healed returned to express thanksgiving for his healing. (Luke 17: 15-17) In our Deuteronomy reading today – and this book should
Thought for April 23rd. “THIS WAS MY REWARD”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 6,7), (Ecclesiastes 2), (John 19) We continue on from some of our thoughts yesterday on how the wisest of kings, Solomon, reflected on what his life had really achieved. In reading Ecclesiastes, we perceive his remarkable insight into the meaning and purpose, from a human perspective, of all that exists and our interaction with them in our lives. What do his insights reveal?. Solomon uses his wisdom
Thought for April 22nd. “VANITY OF VANITIES”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 5), (Ecclesiastes 1), (John 17,18) Today we began reading Ecclesiastes – it says it was written by “the preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem [1 v.1]. We know this is Solomon and his first words are, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” What does vanity mean? The lexicon says the Hebrew word means, transitory, emptiness. Solomon is reviewing, apparently in his old age,
Thought for April 21st. “GREATER LOVE HAS NO MAN THAN THIS”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 4), (Proverbs 31), (John (15,16) Love is probably the most common word in both Christian and non-Christian literature. It is used in a wide range of situations with many different meanings. It is usually used in common speech today in a very casual way! Are those who read God’s word influenced by this? If we are - it will undermine our appreciation of what
Thought for April 20th. “AND IT WAS NIGHT”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 3), (Proverbs 30), (John 13,14) Our readings in the Gospel of John from today forward appear to be an almost verbatim account of conversations of Jesus with his disciples covering just a few hours. Ch. 13 tells us of our Lord washing his disciples feet – setting an example of serving one another – but it was not a command for regular foot washing as
Thought for April 18th. “THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 1), (Proverbs 28), (John 11) Today’s 11th chapter in John’s Gospel has that wonderful account of the raising of Lazarus. The ministry of Jesus, covering about 3 ½ years, is now approaching its’ climax. The authorities are intensifying their efforts to arrest and kill him and Jesus and his disciples are staying out of Judea. On getting news about Lazarus’ sickness Jesus waits 2 days longer before
Thought for April 17th. “THIS IS AN AMAZING THING”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 36), (Proverbs 27), (John 9,10) Today’s chapters in John’s Gospel very graphically illustrate the impact Jesus was having on the people and the jealousy this caused among their religious leaders. He heals a man who had been born blind, who had never been able to see – utterly remarkable. The religious leaders tell this man to “give glory to God, saying, “we know this man
Thought for April 16th. “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 35), (Proverbs 26), (John 8) What did Jesus mean, “The Truth will set you free?” Free from what? The 8th chapter of John today contains aspects of the teachings of Jesus that we have to think around and put into context to get the correct meaning. The critics of Jesus were usually those whose thought processes were mechanical. They thought they had him cornered, if he said
Thought for April 15th. “RIVERS OF LIVING WATER”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 34), (Proverbs 25), (John 7) A really challenging saying of Jesus is, “If anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’” [John 7 v.37-38] Jesus is obviously NOT speaking of literal rivers. What does Jesus give people to drink? We recall the conversation Jesus had with the
Thought for April 14th. “THEN YOU SHALL DRIVE OUT … ”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 33), (Proverbs 24), (John 6) The book of Numbers now tells us of Moses giving his final instructions to the people - as the LORD directed him. The people had completed their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, all the unfaithful had died and now their children under the leadership of faithful Joshua together with Caleb and the faithful Levites would cross the Jordan and enter
Thought for April 13th. “HIS WORD ABIDING ….”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 32), (Proverbs 23), (John 5) Today’s 5th chapter of John includes the words of Jesus to the religious leaders who were jealous of his popularity: these men were not of the same calibre as Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night. Jesus tells them, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life” [v.39] Their motive in searching God’s
Thought for April 12th. “EXECUTE THE LORD’S VENGEANCE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 31), (Proverbs 22), (John 4) Today’s chapter in Numbers (31) tells us about the death of Balaam and of those who accepted his counsel that the only way to combat the Israelites – was not by force – but by seducing them into immorality. They took his advice and put it into practice and it had worked! But now God acted! Our chapter starts, “The LORD spoke
Thought for April 11th. “UNLESS ONE IS BORN AGAIN”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 29,30), (Proverbs 21), (John 2,3) Nicodemus was “the teacher in Israel.” What an impact Jesus was now having among the people! Obviously Nicodemus was so affected that he felt compelled to come to talk with Jesus, but he comes by night! He declares, “no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with him” [John 3 v.3]. A fascinating conversation follows. John is to
Thought for April 10th. “COME AND SEE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 28), (Proverbs 20), (John 1) Today we started reading the Gospel of John and saw how Jesus called his first followers. It is evident Jesus made an immediate impact on those who met up with him starting from when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. John’s Gospel, the last one to be written, in several parts fills in the gaps left by the first 3 Gospels.
Thought for April 9th. “LET THOSE OF US WHO ARE MATURE …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 27), (Proverbs 19), (Philippians 3,4) We live in a world in which most of us are bombarded by information on all sorts of things, these include persuasive messages to spend money in acquiring or doing this or that allegedly desirable thing. Very little, if any of this is of value in leading us toward greater spirituality: indeed, more often than not it will lead us in
Thought for April 8th. “EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 26), (Proverbs 18), (Philippians 1,2) Today’s 2nd chapter of Paul’s letter to the Philippians contains a meaningful exposition of the relationship between God and Jesus Christ. Verses 5 to 11 need to be read in context to see all the factors in their relationship with each other. Paul tells us Jesus was in “the form of God” - what does he mean? Paul
Thought for April 7th. “AS IS PROPER AMONG SAINTS”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 24,25), (Proverbs 17), (Ephesians 5,6) First, remember that all those who really believe in God and Jesus Christ are called “saints”. The Greek word translated as saint, means, “holy, set apart.” Saints set themselves apart from worldly godless ways of thinking and doing. Paul’s letters are addressed to saints, “the saints who are in Ephesus” “saints … who are in Philippi” [opening verse in each letter]. So
Thought for April 6th. “HAVING LOST ALL SENSITIVITY”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 22,23), (Proverbs 16), (Ephesians 3,4) Are you sensitive? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It seems to us that many people have largely lost whatever ability they had to be sensitive to the feelings of other people. It is a great blessing that many will give to help victims of some tragedybut is that as far as it goes? Many people live for themselves.
Thought for April 5th. “THE EYES OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 20,21), (Proverbs 15), (Ephesians 1,2) Chapter 15 in Proverbs has many ‘powerful’ verses. The third verse is one of them, “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and on the good.” Our chapters the book of Numbers illustrates how the LORD was watching over Israel as they moved closer to the promised land But those who were not conscious of
Thought for April 4th. “THOSE WHO BELONG TO CHRIST HAVE …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 19), (Proverbs 14), (Galatians 5,6) Today the last 2 chapters of Paul’s letter to the Galatians illustrate the sharp contrast between those who put all the emphasis in their living - to observe the Law of Moses and practice circumcision – in contrast to belonging to Christ for “in Christ Jesus”, writes Paul, “neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.”
Thought for April 3rd. “WHOEVER DESPISES THE WORD”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 17,18), (Proverbs 13), (Galatians 3,4) The proverbs of Solomon make many points for us to meditate upon – vital principles for daily living. It is good to take them individually and reflect carefully on how many of them apply to daily living in the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Chapter 13 today at v.13 says, “Whoever despises the word brings destruction on himself, but he
Thought for April 2nd. “IT IS NO LONGER I WHO LIVE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 16), (Proverbs 12), (Galatians 1,2) The Apostle Paul has a most urgent message to bring to the Galatians – a message which has challenged believers ever since. Paul writes, “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you to the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel – not that there is another one, but there are some who
Thought for April 1st. SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 15), (Proverbs 11), (Luke 24) The last chapter in Luke’s gospel is soul stirring if we let our minds visualize the events it describes. Let us, in our imagination, see ourselves among the disciples or among the women who came to the tomb. Meditate and let the events ‘come alive’ in our thinking.. The women dedicatedly followed Jesus to the end to do whatever they could even
Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE
Today's readings.. (numbers 14), (Proverbs 10), (Luke 23) Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers and the people” [Luke 23 v.13] opposed Pilate’s decision to release him so he gave in and “delivered Jesus over to their will.” He is crucified between two criminals and one of these derides him saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us,” but the other
Thought for March 30th. “LIKE GRASSHOPPERS”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 12,13), (Proverbs 8,9), (Luke 22) Can you imagine yourself as a member of the Israelites who miraculously escaped from Egypt? After seeing all the remarkable plagues, the wonder of crossing the Red Sea, then camping beside Mt. Sinai with the earth quaking, the clouds, the fire and the voice from the mountain! After that the miraculous provision of manna, also quails, and the water from the rock.
Today's readings.. (Numbers 11), (Proverbs 7), (Luke 21) The perplexity among the nations today is remarkable. A factor in this is that the USA has to some degree lost its power and strong influence. Money has been king, the ability to influence others has been achieved by having plenty of money and strong military power. . Today’s reading in Luke 21 tells us that Jesus said that his return to
Today's readings.. (Numbers 10), (Proverbs 6), (Luke 20) In one sense, no man or woman can be “considered worthy” by God to be in his kingdom “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” [Rom. 3 v.23] . But we have that marvellous chapter on FAITH in Hebrews 11 , men and women who demonstrated their faith by what they did in serving God and doing
Thought for March 27th. “AT THE END OF YOUR LIFE YOU …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 8,9), (Proverbs 5), (Luke 19) We continue reading the blunt and challenging words of advice by Solomon in the Proverbs – how appropriate they are to counteract the values of life, or lack of them, that surround us today. “My son, be attentive to my wisdom,” writes Solomon, “incline your ear to my understanding, that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge.” [5 v.1,2]
Thought for March 26th. “HOLD FAST MY WORDS”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 7), (Proverbs 4), (Luke 18) We “hear” by reading what God has caused to be written preserved and translated – the challenge to all of us is to read and then “accept” into our hearts what we read, so that they become a real influence on the principles by which we guide our lives.. Solomon writes (Proverbs ch. 4) “Let your heart hold fast my
Thought for March 25th. “SO IT WILL BE ON THE DAY WHEN … “
Today's readings.. (Numbers 6), (Proverbs 3), (Luke 17) It could be we are too familiar with the prophecies about events at the climax of the present process of human life upon this earth – could the words of Jesus which we read today in Luke ch. 17 become uncertain in our minds – too dramatic to be taken literally? Jesus says, “For as the lightning flashes and lights up the
Thought for March 24th. “THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 5), (Proverbs 2), (Luke 16) What leads to a truly understanding mind – one of which God approves? We have a marvelous chapter (2) in Proverbs today which shows us the right way to “find the knowledge of God” [v.5] and shows us that this is far more than what we might call ‘head knowledge’ – developed purely by intellectual investigation and deduction. We especially notice the
Thought for March 23rd. “THE BEGINNING OF KNOWLEDGE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers4), (Proverbs 1), (Luke 15) Today we start reading “the proverbs of Solomon” [v.1] and the key verse that jumps out into our eyes is “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” [v.7]. Our minds should be filled with awe as to all that God must be!! It is the beginning or foundation of wise thinking. The plea of Solomon
Thought for March 22nd. “AND DOES NOT HATE …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 3), (Psalm 148-150), (Luke 13,14) There are no grey areas in the teaching of Jesus, yet life today contains many grey areas, human legislation in most countries appears to us in many ways to bend over backwards to allow all kinds of behavior; you can live and behave as you like as long as you do not tread on anyone else’s toes, as the saying is. These
Thought for March 21st. “THE LORD IS NEAR TO ALL WHO … “
Today's readings.. (Numbers 2), (Psalm 145-147), (Luke 12) All three Psalms (145-147) and our chapter in Luke (12) today were greatly thought provoking; a great number of verses were very challenging – personally – to read. Some people are sceptical of the statement, “the LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works” [Psa.145 v.17] cynically saying that if there is such a God who is
Thought for March 20th. “BLESSED RATHER ARE THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 1), (Psalm 143, 144), (Luke 11) We have a particularly challenging chapter in Luke’s gospel today. It is full of challenges by Jesus – contrasting normal human attitudes with what their attitude and aims and actions in life should be – IF they are truly following divine principles. We read “ … a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, ‘Blessed is the
Thought for March 19th. “WILL YOU BE EXALTED TO HEAVEN?”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 27), (Psalm 140-142), (Luke 10) Jesus spoke in parables, stories that were not necessarily factual because their purpose was to drive home some principle about the spiritual meaning of life, he also uses some forms of speech, the meaning of which may not be immediately apparent. In Luke 10 today we encounter some good examples of this. He did many miracles in Capernaum and other cities. He
Thought for March 18th. “SEARCH ME O GOD, AND KNOW MY HEART”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 26), (Psalm 137-139), (Luke 9) Do you, do I, want God to really “know my heart”? The concluding words of David’s Psalm 139 are some of the most challenging in Scripture. It seems obvious that David wrote it when he had formed a most intimate relationship with God, he declares, “How precious to me are your thoughts O God! How vast is the sum of them! If
Thought for March 17th. “SOMEONE TOUCHED ME”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 25), (Psalm 135,136), (Luke 8) The great majority, until the last generation or two, have had contact with Jesus Christ in the sense that they have heard and read about him, although sometimes in a distorted sense. Sadly today there is less and less contact with him, with 7 billion + people in the world how few know anything about his teaching, we conclude an awareness of
Thought for March 16th. “UNTIL I FIND A PLACE FOR …”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 24), (Psalm 131-134), (Luke 7) “Remember O LORD in David’s favour, all the hardships he endured, how he swore to the LORD and vowed … “ [Psalm 132 v.1-2] The prayer and petition in that Psalm, one of the four we read today has a very significant lesson for us. What particular thing did David vow to do that he should be favourably remembered for? Was it
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 23), (Psalm 128-130), (Luke 6) Our Psalms and Luke readings today link together in encouraging us to think and live positively so we can more effectively counteract a world that buffets us more than ever with false values. There are times when these greatly affect us and they threaten to be overwhelming. These Psalms provide us with encouragement for the times when the ways of
Thought for March 14th. “A HERITAGE FROM THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 22), (Psalm 125-127), (Luke 5) No one despises an inheritance, they are usually a cause of joy! But what we inherit is often a challenge too! A challenge to our wisdom, how to use it wisely. How many are conscious of our Lord’s all seeing eyes and knowledge of all the decisions we make in this – and, of course, all the other decisions we
Thought for March 13th. FROM WHERE DOES MY HELP COME?
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 21), (Psalm 120-124), (Luke 4) Psalm 121 today begins with a question – and sometimes this is not recognised. The Psalmist is lifting up his eyes to the hills and asking, “from where does my help come?” Does it come from the hills, the high places? The pagan people around and all too often the Jewish people were attracted to do the same, they
Thought for March 12th. “BEAR FRUITS IN KEEPING WITH … “
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 20), (Psalm 19:129-176), (Luke 3) What an incredible impact the preaching of John the Baptist had! We do not realize this at first – but there are clues here and there – look at Acts 18 v.25 and 19 v.3. Paul comes across those at Ephesus who knew only the baptism of John– a vast distance from the Jordan. What stood out in our chapter 3 in
Thought for March 11th. “MY SOUL LONGS FOR … “
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 19), (Psalm 19:81-128), (Luke 2) These are the first words in our Psalms reading; what does your soul long for, is it the same as the Psalmist? We read, “My soul longs for your salvation; I hope in your word. My eyes long for your promise …” (Ps.119 v.81,82) There is real urgency in his expressions – do we share that sense of urgency? Then we come
Thought for March 10th. “SERVE HIM WITHOUT FEAR”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 17,18), (Psalm 19:41-80), (Luke 1) These words are taken from the inspired speech of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. Because he did not believe the angel who appeared to him in the Temple he had been made dumb, then when the child is born and there is pressure to call him Zechariah, the father’s “tongue is loosed and he spoke blessing God. And fear came
Thought for March 9th. “MESSENGER OF SATAN”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 16), (Psalm 19:1-40), (2 Corinthians 12,13) The conclusion of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians illustrates how Paul was thankful in a way, that “a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from being too elated” [v.7]. Who gave it to him? The point is, he sees this “messenger” as being part of the will of God.
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 15), (Psalm 117,118), (2 Corinthians 10,11) We are now nearing the climax of Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians. He becomes increasingly blunt in the way he expresses his thoughts: having carefully reasoned out the true gospel and the need to live a Christ-like life he now bluntly challenges them: he says, “I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will
Thought for March 6th. “WE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 12,13), (Psalm 113,114), (2 Corinthians 5,6,7) We often think of the occasion the disciples showed Jesus the grandeur of the Temple (Mark 13 v.1,2). What was in their minds? They, like their fellow Jews, were proud of it. Jesus totally shocked them by saying it was all going to be destroyed! Now in today’s reading in 2nd Corinthians (chs.5, 6 & 7) Paul shows how a new
Thought for March 5th. “… IS BEING RENEWED DAY BY DAY”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 11), (Psalm 110,111,112), (2 Corinthians 3,4) What interesting and, in some ways, challenging readings we had this morning: first, we read of the detailed guidance given in Moses’ law as to what could be eaten – and what avoided. Also – what happened to make articles of wood, garments and vessels “unclean” and whether cleansing was possible. [Lev. 11 v.32-35 &c] Here is valuable advice on
Thought for March 4th. “I WILL BE SANCTIFIED.”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 9,10), (Psalm 108,109), (2 Corinthians 1,2) ‘Sanctified’ means recognized as holy, set apart from the commonplace; treating a situation or place with all reverence. Above all, this must be our attitude toward God. In our Leviticus reading today we see the dramatic and disastrous result of a failure to do this. Imagine being there with all the wonder of the tabernacle and the manifestation of the actual
Thought for March 3rd. “LET THEM THANK THE LORD FOR …”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 8), (Psalm 107), (1 Corinthians 16) Four times in our Psalms reading today (107) we come to a verse that requests a certain action. “Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love , for his wondrous works to the children of men.” (v.8,15,21,31) Then the Psalm ends with the statement, “Whoever is wise let him attend to these things: let them consider the steadfast love of
Thought for March 2nd. “BAD COMPANY RUINS GOOD MORALS”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 7), (Psalm 106), (1 Corinthians 15) We pondered why the above saying rather suddenly occurs in today’s very moving and oft quoted 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians. Parts of this chapter are often read at funerals, it contains a powerful testimony to the certainty of resurrection and that “in Christ shall all be made alive” [v.22] eternally “at his coming” adding the qualification “those who belong to
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 5,6), (Psalm 105), (1 Corinthians 14) Our Psalms reading (105) stresses that God is fully conscious of all that happens among his creation. Many examples are given that illustrate the reality of what Paul told the Athenians, that God “is actually not far from each one of us” [Acts 17 v.27) that “we have our being” within the Divine presence and, as Job expressed it, “In his
Thought for February 28th. “THE GREATEST OF THESE IS …”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 3,4), (Psalm 104), (1 Corinthians 12,13) What is the most valuable thing to possess? It is not a material possession - not even gold, which was greatly used in making the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple. Paul spells out to the Corinthians in today's ch. 13 what is the greatest attribute that a believer can - and must - possess. It is evident from his words in ch.
Thought for February 27th. ” … TOWARD THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 1,2), (Psalm 103), (1 Corinthians 11) What is it to "fear" God? It does not mean to be afraid or scared of God - but rather - to be in awe of him: this is the sense in which we encounter the word in verses 11,13 & 17 in today's 103rd Psalm, “so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him” We also encounter
Thought for February 26th. “WE MUST NOT PUT CHRIST TO THE TEST”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 39,40), (Psalm 102), (1 Corinthians 10) We have some challenging reasoning by Paul in today's 10th chapter of 1st Corinthians. He begins by reflecting on the experiences of Moses in leading the Israelites on into the wilderness after the events at Sinai. He draws parallels between the actions and reactions of God then - and in his day. All their food is miraculously provided by God. Paul
Thought for February 25th. “SELF-CONTROL IN ALL THINGS”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 38), (Psalm 100,101), (1 Corinthians 8,9) Our reading of Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians continues to give us many points of guidance. Paul set the highest principles of living for himself so that he would be a true example. He refused to accept any "material things" from them, although it was his "right." He said "we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way
Thought for February 24th. “UNDIVIDED DEVOTION TO THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 37), (Psalm 96,97,98,99), (1 Corinthians 7) This phrase occurs in our Corinthians chapter (7) today. It is a chapter that is not as clear in meaning in some sections as we would like, but it becomes clearer as we take a contextual view of the flow of Paul’s reasoning. As we have read in the preceding chapters the large ecclesia at Corinth is in a real spiritual
Thought for February 23rd. “HAS BECOME MY STRONGHOLD”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 36), (Psalm 96,97,98,99), (1 Corinthians 7) We have two faith strengthening Psalms today. "When I thought, 'My foot slips,' your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul."[94 v.18,19]. The cares and anxieties of life are increasing, if we have cause to say/think, “My foot slips” let us prayerfully turn to the scriptures more and
Thought for February 22nd. “DECLARE YOUR STEADFAST LOVE”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 35), (Psalm 92,93), (1 Corinthians 4,5) Today’s Psalm (92) tells us “It is good … todeclare your steadfast love in the morning” [v.1,2] It is important to begin each day with taking at least a little time to focus our thoughts upon God, to declare to him in prayer our “steadfast love.” We read on, “For you O LORD, have made me glad by your work; at
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 33,34), (Psalm 90,91), (1 Corinthians 3) Our 5 chapters today were all intensely thought provoking. First, the utterly remarkable and challenging relationship of Moses (and the people through Moses) with the LORD (yhwh) who had delivered them from Egypt. Second, the Psalms of Moses, 90 & 91; “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” [90 v.12]: then, noting the
Thought for February 20th. “… I WILL BLOT OUT OF MY BOOK”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 31,32), (Psalm 89), (1 Corinthians 1,2) It is interesting in how many parts of Scripture we find the words "blot" and "blotting" used - to indicate that God is so angry he is wiping out someone or some people, the worst case was in the time of Noah (Gen. 6 v.7 & 7 v.23) We encounter them today in Exodus. Our chapters today portray the fickleness of
Thought for February 19th. “ … THEY DID NOT BELIEVE THEM”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 30), (Psalm 87,88), (Mark 15,16) Today we completed reading the Gospel of Mark. God has seen to it that four records of the life on earth of his Son have been written and preserved so that, together, they provide a detailed picture of what his Son taught and the wonderful events that occurred, events which challenged all who witnessed them and heard him. They needed to show
Thought for February 18th. “LET THE SCRIPTURES BE FULFILLED”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 29), (Psalm 85,86), (Mark 14) Our N.T. reading of Mark's gospel is the heart stirring 72 verses of his 14th chapter. It records the 'last supper' that Jesus shared with his disciples and its' age-lasting simplicity has had heart stirring meaning for his genuine disciples in every generation since that time. After the supper there follows the heart searching time in the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus
Thought for February 17th. “KEEP AWAKE … STAY AWAKE”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 28), (Psalm 83,84), (Mark 13) Today we read the answer Jesus gave to the 4 disciples who sat with him on the Mount of Olives, they earnestly asked, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?" [Mark 13 v.4] Jesus had astonished them earlier "as he came out of the temple" and they
Thought for February 16th. “THE REASON YOU ARE WRONG”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 27), (Psalm 81,82), (Mark 12) The religious leaders tried hard to discredit Jesus but the harder they tried, the more he confronted them and showed them how foolish their thinking and attitudes were. The Sadducees who were the most ‘worldly’ of them, refusing to believe there would be a resurrection were told, "Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor
Thought for February 15th. “WHO GAVE YOU THIS AUTHORITY?”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 26), (Psalm 79,80), (Mark 11) It is necessary for the orderly functioning of life for there to be those in authority to approve and oversee what is to be done. This is essential for the proper functioning of life, but is it so in every case? In particular, is it so with Christianity? Jesus was the authority until he ascended to heaven. Then the Apostles were given
Thought for February 13th. “YOU SHALL NOT JOIN HANDS”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 23), (Psalm 77), (Mark 9) Joining hands, a handshake, is a physical sign of friendship, but Moses uses the term in a metaphysical sense in today’s Exodus reading (Chapter 23). This contains warnings about joining hands for bad reasons. Moses makes some down-to-earth statements of things that God sees as wrong, and did not want to see in his people that were being trained in the wilderness
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 22), (Psalm 75,76), (Mark 8) “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes … “ [Mark 8 v.38] Why would we be ashamed of Jesus – causing him to be ashamed of us? Notice, he specifically refers to his words! What has Jesus said that we would
Thought for February 11th. “OUT OF THE HEART … COME …”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 21), (Psalm 74), (Mark 7) Today we read the straightforward teaching of Jesus that exposes the attitudes that lie behind so much of human behaviour. His words are probably familiar to us; they were spoken against the background of the rules and regulations taught the Lawyers and Pharisees. Our chapter 7 in Mark begins with a comment that the "Pharisees and all the Jews ... do
Thought for February 10th. ” GOD HAS COME TO TEST YOU …”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 19,20), (Psalm 73), (Mark 6) We read today in great detail of the arrival of the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai on "the third new moon" [Exod. 19 v.1]. For the great mass of people with their flocks and herds, it had been a testing journey from Egypt; there had been many faith testing experiences along the way. Now they are "encamped before the mountain" [v.2]
Thought for February 9th. “MAY THE WHOLE EARTH BE FILLED …”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 17,18), (Psalm 72), (Mark 5) Today's Psalm (72) is a prayer David wrote at the end of his life - addressed to the LORD about Solomon - who was taking over as king. What a vision David had in doing this, it is evident the LORD took his thoughts beyond the forthcoming reign of Solomon. His prayer starts, "Give the king your justice, O God, and your
Thought for February 8th. WHO THEN IS THIS?
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 16), (Psalm 70,71), (Mark 4) We all have probably had the experience of suddenly seeing another side of friend’s character that we did not know existed. We then wonder what kind of person they really are! Hopefully these are good things we see, but sadly, that is not always the case. Now consider the experience of the disciples of Jesus, our heading is the question they asked
Thought for February 7th. “I WILL MAGNIFY …”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 15), (Psalm 69), (Mark 3) Today's Psalm (69) of David is very heart stirring. Some of its verses are prophetic of events in the life on earth of his greater son. David is conscious that God's all seeing 'eyes' means he is fully aware of the problems surrounding him - and some of these prefigured situations that would occur in the life of Jesus. David built up
Thought for February 6th. “HAVE YOU NEVER READ”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 13,14), (Psalm 68), (Mark 2) The words of Jesus in many places challenge us to meditate and think through what he says so as to get to the heart of the point he is making. In Mark ch. 2 today we see how he responds to the Pharisees’ criticism of his disciples because they, on a Sabbath day, in walking through the grain fields, plucked and ate
Thought for February 5th. “A NIGHT OF WATCHING”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 11,12), (Psalm 66,67), (Mark 1) We read today of the climax of the 10 plagues that came upon Egypt. Can you imagine yourself as an Israelite and the awe you would have felt! The early plagues affected us - but then a distinction is dramatically made - while there is "pitch darkness" in Egypt it is still daylight in Goshen. [Exod 10 v.21-23] Is it not true
Thought for February 4th. “THUS SAYS THE LORD …”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus10), (Psalm 64,65), (Romans 15,16) We thought about this for some time. How do we understand the references in today's chapter of Exodus [Exodus 10] to the LORD hardening Pharaoh's heart. [Exodus 10:1,10,27] Can God blame man for what God does - if that is the way to understand this? Notice how Moses conveys the message of the LORD (i.e. Yahweh/Jehovah) to Pharaoh, "Thus says the
Thought for February3rd. “PROCLAIMED IN ALL THE EARTH”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 9), (Psalm 62,63), (Romans 13,14) "... fulfilling his word" not quoted from our readings today, but from the verse in Psalm 148 that we quoted at the end of our thoughts yesterday. We recalled this today as we read of the encounters of Moses and Aaron with Pharaoh. Moses stated the words of God as to what God would do because of Pharaoh’s refusal to let “let
Thought for February 1st. “THE KINDNESS AND THE SEVERITY OF GOD”
(Today's readings.. (Exodus 5,6), (Psalm 58,59), (Romans 10,11) It is fundamental to human nature, uninfluenced by God's Word, to become proud about what they are achieving. Paul makes this point strongly in chapter 11 of his letter to the Romans. He warns the Gentile converts not to follow the same path as did most leading Jews in their pride in their privileged position before God. He uses the analogy of
Thought for January 31st. “THAT MY NAME MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 3,4), (Psalms 56,57), (Romans 9) Our readings today - in Exodus and Romans tie in together in their reference to the exaltation of Moses, now ready, in God’s sight, to serve him after 40 years of preparation “in the land of Midian.” Moses is now a meek and humble man (Numbers 12 v.3) – God can now use him. Paul’s points in our Roman’s chapter (9) are
Thought for January 30th. “WAITS WITH EAGER LONGING …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 1,2), (Psalm 53,54,55), (Romans 7,8) Paul’s letter to the Romans contains some of the most meaningful and thought provoking words in the Bible. It is impossible to read it and take all the points into our minds until we have read it meditatively many times over, making our own notes. More than any other book in the Bible, it calls for diligent and reflective study and the
Today's readings..(Genesis 48, 49, 50), (Psalm 51,52), (Romans 5,6) There are some days when all the readings provoke thoughts that are very meaningful and personal. In Genesis we have the words of Joseph to his brothers after their father died. The brothers are fearful that Joseph, in his position of great power in the land, will now take vengeance on them for the time they threw him into a pit,
Thought for January 28th. “BY THE LAW OF FAITH”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 46,47), (Psalm 50), (Romans 3,4) Much of Paul’s reasoning as he writes to the Romans is quite profound: it needs careful thought for us to get our minds around some of the points he is making. In chapter 3 he is setting out the parallel principles (and how they converge) for the Jews who observe the law in the right spirit - and are “right” in the
Thought for January 26th. “GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 42,43), ((Psalms 46,47,48), (Matthew 28) Just as parts of the Psalms, such as 22 v.1 and 16 v,10,11 foreshadowed events and sayings in the mortal life of our Lord, so Psalms 46 and 47 we read today can be seen as portraying the awesome events at and after the time of his second coming. The overview of those events which these Psalms provide, show how vital it
Thought for January 24th. “UNTIL THAT DAY WHEN …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 39,40), (Psalm 44), (Matthew 26) Our Matthew reading (ch. 26) recounts the agonies of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and his prayers. “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as you will.” [v.39]. Jesus made his “will” conform to his Father’s will. And what of our “will”? Peter was to later write of how Christ,
Thought for January 23rd. “YOU KNOW NEITHER THE DAY, NOR THE HOUR”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 38), (psalms 41,42,43), (Matthew 25) Today we have 3 parables in our chapter (25) in Matthew which all convey fundamentally the same lesson. The fact that there are three shows how extremely important the message is. Those who read the Bible regularly will know them well; but we must beware of knowing them too well, lest the message loses its power to stir our conscience. The first
Thought for January 22nd. “I HAVE NOT HIDDEN …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 37), (Psalm 39,40), (Matthew 24) All of our 4 chapters today are really thought provoking; David’s emotional Psalm 40 captured our attention, it starts, “I waited patiently for the LORD” – and isn’t that what we are trying to do! But we cannot wait, standing still, as if to catch a bus! David has many things to rejoice about because of the relationship he has established with
Thought for January 21st. “FILL UP, THEN THE …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 36), (Psalm 38), (Matthew 23) As his ministry was reaching its climax, our Lord most bluntly confronted the religious leaders in Jerusalem. In today’s reading [Matt.23] he calls them “hypocrites” “blind guides” and “children of hell”. He says they concentrate on outward appearances “but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence” [23 v.25] His words stirred up their hatred of him, which had increased when they
Thought for January 20th. “BE NOT ENVIOUS OF …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 34,35), (Psalm37), (Matthew 22) The world today puts a great lot of effort and money into marketing goods and services. The internet, radio, TV, newspapers magazines and sign boards are full of promotions of one kind of thing or another. A fundamental aim of the majority of this promotion is to make us envious of what other people have or experience – the aim is to make
Thought for January 19th. “PEOPLE PRODUCING IT’S …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 32,33), (Psalms 36), (Matthew 21) We read today of the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem and the adulation that the ordinary people gave him, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” [Matt. 21 v.9] “The whole city was stirred up …” [v.10] We pondered the comparison of this with his return to earth. What is, we
Thought for January 18th. ” … AND FOLLOWED HIM”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 31), (Psalm 35), (Matthew 20) Why did people follow Jesus? We know his disciples did, because he called them to do so, but others? We had an example in today’s chapter 20 in Matthew, “there were two blind men sitting by the roadside” [v.30] who cried out when they were told Jesus was passing by, “Lord, have mercy on us, ‘Son of David’” To call him ‘Son
Thought for January 17th. “DO YOU BEGRUDGE MY …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 30), (Psalm 34), (Matthew 19) The last 2 verses of today’s chapter (19) in Matthew can be puzzling if we do not realize the chapter break is wrongly placed and the context includes the next chapter. The end of chapter 19 records Jesus as saying, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for my name’s sake, will
Thought for January 16th. “IT IS NECESSARY THAT … “
Today's readings.. (Genesis 28,29), (Psalm 33), (Matthew 18) Certain things are necessary in our lives such as clothing to wear and food to eat. Note how Paul made the point to Timothy “if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content” and “there is great gain in godliness with contentment” [1 Tim. 6 v.6,8] What hinders our contentment? Now in today’s 18th chapter of Matthew Jesus told
Thought for January 15th. “FOR WHEN I KEPT SILENT”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 27), (Psalm 32), (Matthew 17) Psalm 32 today is an intimate exchange of words between David and God; it is one of the most personal of all the Psalms – just 11 verses, but so powerful! The first 7 are by David and the remainder; God’s response. How meaningful! Remember Paul’s comment on God’s words, , “They were written down for our instruction, on who the end
Thought for January 14th. “ON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 25,26), (Psalm 31), (Matthew 16) In ancient times a rock symbolized something secure and God was the ultimate rock! David wrote in the Psalms, as we read 2 days ago, “To you, O LORD, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me” [Psalm 28 v.1] He also pleads with God, “when my heart is faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I” [Psalm
Thought for January 13th. “ WHAT …DEFILES A PERSON”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 24), (Psalms 29,30), (Matthew 15) The world today is very conscious of cleanliness. When you go to the Doctors, he or she will thoroughly wash their hands before they examine you, but they only learnt to do this 150 years ago. They also learnt this was the reason why some of those they operated on had died. The value of the cleanliness laws in the commands God
Thought for January 12th. “TAKE HEART, IT IS I”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 22,23), (Psalm 26,27,28), (Matthew 14) Our chapter in Matthew (14) has that fascinating story of the 12 disciples caught in a storm in a boat on Galilee. Jesus had sent them off alone, after the dramatic feeding of 5,000+ “in a desolate place” [v.13] - an event which must have astonished them. Jesus had heard of the killing of John the Baptist – a heart searching omen
Thought for January 11th. “MAY INTEGRITY AND UPRIGHTNESS … “
Today's readings.. (Genesis 20,21), (Psalms 23,24,25), (Matthew 13) David’s meditations in the Psalms, which are essentially prayers, continually engage our thoughts. Indeed, they are a model for us to follow in judging the quality of our relationship with God. Are we able to meditate and pray in any way to the same degree? Psalm 25 has some verses that both challenge and inspire us. “Make me to know your ways,
Thought for January 10th. “SO WILL IT BE AT …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 19), (Psalm 22), (Matthew 12) Today’s chapter in Matthew (13) is full of Jesus’ parables, 8 in all. Some are long, like the familiar parable of the sower, some are short, even just one verse, like the parable of “the hidden treasure” [v.44] which a man found hidden in a field and “in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
Thought for January 9th. ” … REJOICING THE HEART”
Today’s readings.. (Genesis 17,18), (Psalm 19,20,21), (Matthew 11) What makes you rejoice? The last 2 weeks have seen a lot of “rejoicing” – especially among children, but David in a Psalm we read today alerted us to the nature of a far better kind of rejoicing – one that is “sweeter also than honey” – and “even much fine gold” – and we know how much value is put on
Thought for January 8th. “I ALSO WILL DENY …”
Today’s readings.. (Genesis 15,16), (Psalm 18), (Matthew 10) Matthew’s gospel records how Jesus started training his disciples for their work when he would no longer be with them. Today’s ch. 10 starts, “And he called to him his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.” What are “unclean spirits”? The parable in Ch. 12 v.43-45 illustrates
Thought for January 7th. “I SHALL BE SATISFIED WITH …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 13,14), (Psalm 17), (Matthew 9) What satisfies you? Human satisfactions are only temporary – although something achieved after a big effort, like planning and building a new home, can provide a sense of satisfaction for several, if not many years. As we read the Psalms of David and reflect on the record of his life, we see how in his youth he was a sort of outcast
Thought for January 6th. “NOTHING … WILL NOW BE IMPOSSIBLE”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 11,12), (Psalms 14,15,16), (Matthew 8) In Chapter 11 of Genesis we read, “now the whole earth had one language and the same words” [v.1] and they said “let us build ourselves a city and a tower … lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth” [v.3,4] The Creators’ reaction to this is recorded as being, “Behold the people are one people, and they have
Today's readings.. (Genesis 9,10), (Psalm 11,12,13), (Matthew 7), The Psalms of David, words he crafted under inspiration out of all the challenges he faced, are often meditations on his relationship with God - and reveal what a totally committed relationship it was. This commitment was supremely evident when he went forth to face Goliath. David’s words, are the outcome of a mind of dedicated perceptions of God in action. They
Thought for January 4th. “AND THOSE WHO KNOW …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 7,8), (Psalm 9,10), (Matthew 6) Again, David’s Psalms command our attention. All of Psalm 9 is a marvelous overview of God’s plan and purpose with human beings and the earth. At times God transports David’s thoughts into the future when he, and those God counts as righteous, will say to their Creator, “You have rebuked the nations; you have made the wicked perish; you have blotted out
Thought for January 3rd. “THE LORD SAW THAT …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 5,6), (Psalms 6,7,8), (Matthew 5) All our readings this morning provoked much thought, indeed, deep meditation. Psalm 7 is David’s’ plea for “refuge; save me from my pursuers and deliver me” [v.1] But he also says, “if there is wrong in my hands … let the enemy … trample my life to the ground and lay my glory in the dust” [v.3,5]. David knew God could see
Thought for January 2nd. “BUT BY EVERY WORD … “
Today's readings.. (Genesis 3,4), (Psalms 3,4,5), (Matthew 3,4) Today’s 4th chapter of Matthew contains the account of Jesus being tempted after being “led up by the Spirit into the wilderness” (ch. 4 v.1) This opening verse arrests the attention of diligent readers. It seems astonishing that God’s Spirit brought about Christ’s temptations. Jesus, now that “the Spirit of God” had come “to rest on him” [3 v.16] is first tempted
Thought for January 1st. “THE LORD KNOWS …”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 1,2), (Psalms 1,2) (Matthew 1,2) What does the LORD know? Again and again Scripture makes the point that the Creator is aware of all things “for the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer” as we read in 1 Peter 3 v.12 last month. But Peter was quoting from Psalm 34 which we will soon read. The very
Thought for December 31st. “BUT NOW MY EYE SEES YOU”
Today's readings.. (Job 40), (Malachi 2), (Revelation 19,20), An abundance of challenging and inspiring thoughts occur in our minds as we complete our readings for the year. In Revelation we read, "Behold, I am making all things new." [21 v.5] and as part of this wonderful future is the promise, “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my
Thought for December 30th. “THE BOOK OF LIFE”
Today's readings.. (Job 40), (Malachi 2), (Revelation 19,20), The symbolic language of the book of Revelation never fails to challenge the reader. Some of the symbology is quite clear. It is hard if not impossible to believe that God has a literal book, yet we believe that a divine record exists. The believers at Sardis were told "I know your works" [Revelation 3:1] and what was known was
Thought for December 29th. “What a weariness this is”
Today's readings.. (Job 39), (Malachi 1), (Revelation 17,18), Malachi is the last prophet God sent to his people Israel before John the Baptist and Christ came on the scene. After Malachi there is silence in Israel, no inspired man from God appears. Of course the records of the messages of the prophets are available; indeed they are carefully preserved as we can see from the discovery of so many scrolls
Thought for December 28th. “Blessed is the one who stays awake.”
Today's readings.. (Job 38), (Zechariah 13,14), (Revelation 15,16), Today's reading of the last chapter of the prophet Zechariah starts with, "Behold a day is coming for the LORD … will gather all nations against Jerusalem …" and our reading in Revelation contains the only verse in the Bible with the word ARMAGEDDON. We read there how "demonic spirits" (humanism, so called rights of man, totally irrational attitudes? And
Thought for December 27th. “STRENGTH THROUGH THE LORD OF HOSTS”
Today's readings.. (Job 37), (Zechariah 12), (Revelation 14), Nine times we read the phrase "on that day" in just 15 verses in Zechariah 12 through to the first 2 verses of Zechariah 13. We note the prelude to these pronouncements, "Thus declares the LORD who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him" [Zechariah 12:1]. These words fascinate us as
Thought for December 26th. “PATIENT ENDURANCE”
Today's readings.. (Job 36,36), (Zechariah 11), (Revelation 12,13), "Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints" [Revelation 13:10.] The A V Bible uses the word "patience" here, one of seven significant occasions when the word occurs in this book. we should best read it as "patient endurance." This statement was true then and it is just as true today; it is vital it
Thought for December 25th. “THE TIME … FOR REWARDING YOUR SERVANTS”
Today's readings.. (Job 34), (Zechariah 10), (Revelation 10,11), The Book of Revelation provides us with a wondrous vision today. There are loud voices in heaven saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever” [Ch.11 v.15]. Then the elders fall on their faces and worship saying, “We give thanks to you Lord God Almighty, who
Thought for December 24th. “FROM EVERY NATION”
Today's readings.. (Job 33), (Zechariah 9), (Revelation 7,8,9), Our readings in the book of Revelation are about coming dramas in human history, as Jesus revealed them in largely symbolic language to his disciple John - the one “whom Jesus loved” [John 21 v.7,20]. The description builds up to the climactic failure of human life on earth. We read of visions, largely, but not entirely, in symbol, they ‘picture’
Thought for December 23rd “IF I HAVE WALKED IN FALSEHOOD”
Today's readings.. (Job 31,32), (Zechariah 8), (Revelation 5,6), ‘IF’ is a two letter word that sometimes occurs within a very significant context. In our reading in Job today, Job’s 3 friends give up on their vain attempts to reason that Job must be a secret sinner. The argument that he must be so because of all the bad things that happened to him collapses, they can quote no evidence and
Thought for December 22nd. “I SCATTERED THEM … AMONG THE NATIONS”
Today's readings.. (Job 29,30), (Zechariah 6,7), (Revelation 3,4), Our readings today created a wide mix of thoughts. In the first one, Job continues to lament his situation and that is very understandable; he had held a position of the greatest respect, but now he is in the opposite situation – but we remember how Paul told the Corinthians that “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted
Thought for December 21st. “I WILL GIVE TO EACH AS YOUR …”
Today's readings.. (Job 28), (Zechariah 4,5), (Revelation 1,2), Today we started reading the book of Revelation and to begin with we have the messages to the 7 churches, of course that means the members, not the building; which is the meaning of the Gk word ecclesia. We can view these 7 churches as representative of all the different types of communities of believers that have existed through the ages.
Thought for December 20th. “WHO IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM STUMBLING”
Today's readings.. (Job 25,26,27), (Zechariah 2,3), (Jude), No one wants to stumble; what is the cause when this happens? They are not looking at where they are going and not watching where they put their feet; worse still, they have no definite destination in view and are constantly looking at the distractions all around them, God’s word no longer holds their attention.. I was really shocked once when a young
Thought for December 19th. “HE KNOWS THE WAY THAT I TAKE”
Today's readings.. (Job 23,24), (Zechariah 1), (2&3 John), Chapter 23 in Job today is very thought provoking, it spells out Job’s conviction that God is with him despite all that has happened to him. Although the word ‘faith’ is not used the chapter has many verses which can be described as his ‘statement of faith’ in God. Job says, “he knows the way that I take; when he has tried
Thought for December 18th. “BE STRONG”
Today's readings.. (Job 22), (Haggai 1,2), (1 John 5), Zerubbabel is the “governor of Judah” at the time Haggai uttered his prophecy, the prophet is contemporary to Ezra and Nehemiah and there are dozens of references to him in their books – and Haggai, whose 2 chapter prophecy we read today, is referred to by Ezra (5 v,1 & 6 v,14) as being “the prophet” who was present. Haggai is
Thought for December 17th. “FOR MY DECISION IS …”
Today's readings.. (Job 21), (Zephaniah 3), (1 John 3,4), Today we completed reading the lesser known – but quite remarkable prophecy God gave through Zephaniah. Yesterday’s chapter 2 was personal and challenging. “Seek the LORD, all you humble … who do his just commands; seek righteousness; seek humility; perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the anger of the LORD.” [v.3] Today we read about the day of
Thought for December 16th. “ABIDE IN HIM SO THAT WHEN …”
Today's readings.. (Job 20), (Zephaniah 2), (1 John 1,2), ‘Abide’ is a word we rarely use in conversation, but it was a special word in the mouth of Jesus (see John 12 v.46; 15 v.4,10). His youngest disciple particularly embraced this word; it implies a permanent loyalty. Remember how John stood by the cross with the mother of Jesus (John 19 v.26,27) and then took care of Mary.
Thought for December 15th. “WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE OUGHT YOU TO BE …..
Today's readings.. (Job 18,19), (Zephaniah 1), (2 Peter 3), As Peter completes his second letter he asks a question “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord … “ [3 v.11,12] What is to be dissolved? He writes that it is “the heavens and the earth” [v.7] But this is
Thought for December 14th. “IF THESE QUALITIES ARE YOURS”
Today's readings.. (Job 16,17), (Habakkuk 3), (2 Peter 1,2), Ah, that little word – “IF” again! Our quotation above is from today’s readings in 2nd Peter, chapters 1 & 2 This is Peter’s final message as he realises he is soon to die. He sees much evil growing and false believers coming to the fore who “promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a
Thought for December 13th. “IMPERISHABLE BEAUTY”
Today's readings.. (Job 15), (Habakkuk 2), (1 Peter 3,4,5), We all love beautiful things, but what one person sees as beautiful another does not. The saying is that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ Our thoughts rotated around this subject as we came across the phrase, “imperishable beauty” in ch. 3 of Peter’s 1stEpistle. What beauty is “imperishable” – that is, cannot be destroyed? There are
Thought for December 12th. “THAT BY IT YOU MAY GROW UP”
Today's readings.. (Job 13), (Nahum 3), (1 Peter 1), We all have either grown up or we are growing up – but in reading Peter’s first letter today we meditate on what he says about the growing up process. Peter went through a very challenging growing up process from the time he first met Christ.- what a journey in life he had to look back on
Thought for December 11th. “YOU WHITEWASH WITH LIES”
Today's readings.. (Job 13), (Nahum 3), (1 Peter 1), When we were young ‘whitewash’ was used a lot, it was a very cheap sort of white ‘paint’ you could quickly put on walls, even splash on and a grubby wall would quickly look good – but it was all for ‘looking’ good, it easily got dirty again and could not be cleaned down. As we continue reading
Thought for December 10th. “YOU HAVE SEEN THE PURPOSE OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Job 12), (Nahum 1,2), (James 5) Have you seen it? The context of the above statement we read today in the Epistle of James is most interesting – and challenging! We can say that we have seen the purpose of the Lord in many things, in particular in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but note the particular context in which James makes this statement.. “As an
Thought for December 9th. “MY GOD WILL HEAR ME”
Today's readings.. (Job 11), (Micah 7), (James 3,4) This is how the final chapter of the prophecy Micah begins, ‘Woe is me’! Much of this chapter, as with his previous chapters, pictures the lawless attitudes surrounding the prophet. His words of lament could just about describe life as it is becoming today around many of us. “The godly has perished from the earth,” he writes, and “there is no one
Thought for December 8th. “FAITH BY ITSELF … IS DEAD”
Today's readings.. (Job 10), (Micah 6), (James 2) The Epistle of James is particularly remembered for its message about faith. Faith is a vital factor in our salvation, but the genuineness of our faith is shown in what it causes us to do. James writes, “If you really fulfil the royal law according to scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself,’ you are doing well.” [2 v.8] It surprises
Thought for December 7th. “WHICH GOD HAS PROMISED TO THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (Job 9), (Micah 5), (James 1) We have 3 most interesting and thought provoking readings today! We see Job wrestling with his concept of what God is and how he “does great things beyond searching out, and marvellous things beyond number.” [9 v.10]. We have Micah who was inspired to record that “the one who is to be ruler in Israel” would “come forth” from Bethlehem. [5 v.2]
Thought for December 6th. “THE LORD IS MY HELPER”
Today's readings.. (Job 8), (Micah 3,4), (Hebrews 13) Today we completed reading Hebrews and specially noted how Paul’s concluding appeal to them could equally apply to nearly every aspect of our lives today – surrounded as we are with false values and godless behavior. He warns, “God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have, for
Thought for December 5th. “FOR THE LORD DISCIPLINES …”
Today's readings.. (Job 6,7), (Micah 2), (Hebrews 12) After the testimony about men and women of faith we read yesterday in Hebrews 11, we now notice how the next chapter starts with “therefore” and then states, “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also ….” The witnesses are understood as the men and women of faith listed in ch. 11, they should be an
Thought for December 4th. “THE REPROACH OF CHRIST”
Today's readings.. (Job 5), (Micah 1), (Hebrews 11) The word “reproach” is not in common use these days, it means you are looked down upon because of something you are doing or have done. As a result you are often lower, often a lot lower, in people’s estimation. Today’s familiar 11th chapter of Hebrews is well known to those who read the Bible; even to those who do not read
Thought for December 3rd. “LET US DRAW NEAR WITH A TRUE HEART”
Today's readings.. (Job 3,4), (Jonah 4), (Hebrews 10) “A true heart” – we plucked out that phrase from our reading of Hebrews 10 with a question in our minds – who has a “true” heart”? We are conscious that there are many passages in Scripture which emphasise the deceitfulness of the human heart, e.g., Jeremiah 17 v.9; Mark 7 v.21,22, etc. We finished reading Jonah today and
Thought for December 2nd. “DO YOU STILL HOLD FAST YOUR INTEGRITY?”
Today's readings.. (Jo 1,2),(Jonah 2,3),(Hebrews 8,9) Today we started to read the book of Job: it has a powerful message, indeed an important message for us. But it is a strange book in the way the message is conveyed. We have come to the conclusion that it is an extended parable although built on an actual person and events. We need to read it exercising our minds on the events
Thought for December 1st. “A SURE AND STEADFAST ANCHOR”
Today's readings.. (Esther 9,10), (Jonah 1), (Hebrews 6,7) Chapter 6 in Hebrews today highlights the example of Abraham and his faith in God. The events of his life illustrate the need for patience in waiting for God to fulfil his promises – and so we read, “Abraham, having patiently waited, obtained the promise” [Ch. 6 v.15]. The account in Genesis shows how he and his wife Sarah’s faith was tested
Thought for November 30th. “THE HOUSE OF ESAU STUBBLE”
Today's readings.. (Esther 7,8), (Obadiah), (Hebrews 3,4,5) Esau was the twin brother of Jacob; when Jacob was given the name Israel, Esau began to be called Edom (Gen. 25 v.30) Remarkably both Jacob and Esau had 12 sons – see Genesis 36 v.9 – 43, Esau’s spread out, certainly as far as the Euphrates (v,37) Our reading of the prophecy of Obadiah today reminded us
Thought for November 29th. “I WILL NOT UTTERLY DESTROY”
Today's readings.. (Esther 5,6), (Amos 9), (Hebrews 1,2) The 9 chapters of the prophecy of Amos which we completed reading today, is one of continuous condemnation of God’s nation – until the final verses of the last chapter. In these the prophet records the picture – the vision - God finally gives him that illuminates the nation’s ultimate restoration. “Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful
Thought for November 28th. “IF YOU KEEP SILENT”
Today's readings.. (Esther 3,4), (Amos 8), (Philemon) We are reading the dramatic story of Esther and how she became the Queen of King Ahasuerus. Haman comes on the scene and wins the King’s favour, but Esther’s uncle, Mordecai declines to honour him by bowing down as he passes. A proud man, Haman decides to destroy, not only Mordecai but also all the Jews and he sends out an edict in
Thought for November 27h. “HOLD FIRM TO THE TRUSTWORTHY WORD”
Today's readings.. (Esther 2),(Amos ), (Titus 1-3) What things really matter? Today we read the 3 short chapters that make up the whole of Paul’s powerful letter to Titus who is described as “my true child in a common faith.” [v.4] There is one “faith” which should be “common” to everyone; but the many parts of Christendom shows that is now far from the case. . The Apostle says, “I
Thought for November 26th. “ … AND HAVE FIRMLY BELIEVED”
Today's readings.. (Esther 1), (Amos 6), (2 Timothy 3,4) Today we completed reading Paul’s letters to Timothy whom he calls “my true child in the faith [1 Tim.1 v.2] Paul writes in a most passionate way. It is a very intimate letter revealing the bond of service to Christ that had grown up between them. He tells him, “You however (in contrast to some others) have followed my teaching, my
Thought for November 25th. “ … NO NEED TO BE ASHAMED”
Today's readings... (Nehemiah 13), (Amos 5), (2 Timothy 2) We saw some parallel thoughts today between Paul’s advice to Timothy in his 2nd letter to him and the words of Nehemiah in his final chapter. Timothy is told [Ch. 2 v..14-15] to “remind them (the Ephesians) of these things and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.
Thought for November 24th. “BEFORE THE AGES BEGAN”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 1), (Amos 4), (2 Timothy 1) Paul’s second letter to Timothy is the last letter he wrote; he knows he is nearing the end of his life and writes, “I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award me on that Day, and not only to
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 11), (Amos 3), (1 Timothy 6) Do you store up treasure, if so, what sort of treasure? Nehemiah and Ezra have told us of the treasure that was brought back to Jerusalem – and of the things that really mattered. The City walls and gates are now intact, they have held a great feast of tabernacles, they “taught the people … eat the fat and drink sweet
Thought for November 22nd. “TRAIN YOURSELF FOR GODLINESS”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 10), (Amos 2), (1 Timothy 4,5) We constantly see and hear reference to athletes and other sportsmen being in training. For many, it is something they do daily, especially just before a competition, so as to to build up their muscles or other skills and bring them up to peak performance. During our lifetime we have seen new records being set again and again. We thought of this
Thought for November 21st. “GODLY AND DIGNIFIED IN EVERY WAY”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 9), Amos 1), (1 Tim 1-3) We live in a world where those in authority are constantly being challenged. Elections are confrontations that make news headlines; reasoned discussion is at a minimum: slogans are bandied around. An earnest and committed Bible believer is increasingly dismayed by the various environments that surround them. What attitudes should such believers take, especially when some specific attitude is expected of them? Dedicated
Thought for November 20th. “JUDGE THE SURROUNDING NATIONS”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 8), (Joel 3), (2 Thessalonians 3) The final chapter of Joel’s prophecy always intrigues us. It’s opening verse is plain – “For behold in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. I will …” The fortunes of God’s nation of Israel have been dramatically restored in the last 100 years. How long, we ask ourselves, before “the LORD roars
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 7), (Joel 2), (2Thessalonians 1,2) Today we read two of the most dramatic passages in Scripture - in Joel and Thessalonians. It is far from easy to fit together some of the jigsaw pieces they present to us about the last days of human rule. It is clear the return of Christ will be the most incredible event the world has ever witnessed when “the Lord Jesus
Thought for November 18th. “CHILDREN OF THE DAY”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 5,6), (Joel 1), (2 Thessalonians 1,2) In the sight of God we all have the opportunity to be his children. Paul, in completing his first letter to the Thessalonians makes the point, “you are not in darkness brothers … for you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night …” “ [ch. 5 v.4,5] There is a simple but profound
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 4), (Hosea 14), (1 Thessalonians 3,4) The reassurance Paul gave the believers at Thessalonica in his first letter to them is so much needed today. The true original faith is under threat both from unbelief and – what we might call – misbelief – also – an undefined sort of belief. The great majority who die have no hope of any
Thought for November 16th. “AND NEXT TO HIM … AND AFTER HIM”
Today's readings..(Nehemiah 3), (Hosea 13), (1 Thessalonians 1,2) Chapter 2 of Nehemiah is about his own return to Jerusalem; it finished with his rebuke to those who opposed the rebuilding of its walls; these were an Ammonite and an Arab (v.19), they did not want the Jews to be able to defend themselves. But the Jews set to work – and it was a most remarkable team effort! As we
Thought for November 15th. “THEN I WAS VERY MUCH AFRAID”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 1,2), (Hosea 12), (Colossians 3,4) Today we started to read the book of Nehemiah who was in exile in Susa, the capital of the empire of the Medes and Persians. He is obviously a very special personality for he had become cupbearer to King Artaxerxes – a very responsible and trusted position to ensure the king was not poisoned. Nehemiah records that “… my brothers came …
Thought for November 14th. “THEY ARE OF NO VALUE”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 10), (Hosea 11), (Colossians 2) We humans value a wide variety of things today. It is not just possessions, it is things like a good education and unique experiences. It is things we do – or do not do – we can take a sort of ‘pride’ in. Jesus told a parable about a Pharisee praying in the Temple, “God, I thank you that I am not
Thought for November 13th. “WE HAVE NOT CEASED TO PRAY FOR YOU, ASKING THAT …”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 9), (Hosea 10), (Collosans 1) Today we began reading Paul’s letter to the Colossians. It is a passionate letter full of his love for them. We sense that the results of genuine love is a greatly heightened concern for the spiritual well-being of the objects of that love. This concern is reflected in Paul’s prayers; “we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when
Today's readings.. (Ezra 8), (Hosea 9), (Acts 28) We are naturally inclined toward the positive and encouraging matters we read in God’s word – and so it has been encouraging today to read of the faith and commitment of Ezra in leading many of God’s people back from captivity to Jerusalem. We also read of Paul’s arrival in Rome and how “he lived there two whole years … and welcomed
Thought for November 11th. “THEY SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 7), (Hosea 8), (Acts 27) Our chapter 7 yesterday in Hosea was an awesome prophecy the Almighty gave him of his judgements on Israel because “they do not consider that I remember all their evil.”[v.2] God remembers! And we are commanded to do the same! Paul challenged the Thessalonians, “Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? [2nd
Thought for November 10th. “FOR THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE IN A CORNER”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 5,6), (Hosea 7), (Acts 25,26) When Paul testifies to his faith and actions before King Agrippa he said some particularly interesting things. Luke who records these, was evidently an eyewitness to these events and to all that was said - for the first verse of Acts 27 continues to use the word “we”. Paul reflects back on the events following the resurrection of Jesus and his own
Thought for November 9th. “THE HELP THAT COMES FROM GOD”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 3,4), (Hosea 6), (Acts 23,24) It is Luke “the beloved physician” (Col. 4 v.14) who travelled with Paul in the later years of his preaching – for it is evident he was with him when he returned to Jerusalem (Acts 21 v.17) and Paul was arrested. The detailed account we are reading is therefore an eye witness account, and Luke shows himself in many ways to be
Thought for November 8th . ” … DAUGHTERS, WHO PROPHESIED”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 1,2), (Hosea 12), (Collosians 3,4) Our reading in Acts today is about Paul and his journey back to Jerusalem and the events there. Luke, who was with him, records that when they “came to Caesarea … we entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven (see Acts 6 v.3) and stayed with him. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied” [Ch. 21
Thought for November 7th. “… ANYTHING THAT WAS PROFITABLE””
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 36), (Hosea 4), (Acts 20) What a contrast there is today between the Old and New Testament readings – but our world is full of contrasts – although the ‘good’ things are getting less and less. In Acts 20 we read of Paul’s encouragement to the elders who came to him from Ephesus (v.17,18) What an example Paul set them – and everyone else,
Thought for November 6th. “FROM THE KING’S POSSESSIONS”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 35), (Hosea 3), (Acts 18,19) Our Chronicles reading today tells us of how a Passover celebration was organised by King Josiah (recall our thoughts yesterday) and that “No Passover like it had been kept in Israel since the days of Samuel the prophet” [2 Chronicles 35:18] Josiah was highly thought of, but 13 years later he got unwisely involved in a conflict between Assyria
Thought for November 5th. “IN THE EIGHTH YEAR OF HIS REIGN”
Today's readings.. ((2 Chronicles 34), (Hosea 2), (Acts 16,17) Reading the context about the one who is described as being “yet a boy” we discover he was 16 years old. Who was he? What did he do at this age? Today we read 2 Chronicles 34 about a really young boy who “was eight years old when he began to reign” [2 Chronicles 34:1]. His father Amon had
Thought for November 4th. “….POISONED THEIR MINDS”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 33), (Hosea 1), (Acts 14,15) No one likes friction, yet it is impossible to totally avoid it. News bulletins are usually dominated by information about troubles, friction of various kinds. God often uses human friction to test men and women as to whether they will follow what is good and true – or not! It is of great concern when it occurs
Thought for November 6th. “FROM THE KING’S POSSESSIONS”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 35), (Hosea 3), (Acts 18,19) Our Chronicles reading today tells us of how a Passover celebration was organised by King Josiah (recall our thoughts yesterday) and that “No Passover like it had been kept in Israel since the days of Samuel the prophet” [2 Chronicles 35:18] Josiah was highly thought of, but 13 years later he got unwisely involved in a conflict between Assyria
Thought for November 3rd. “LOOK YOU SCOFFERS”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 32), (Daniel 12), (Acts 13) Our chapter in Acts today, Acts 13, is full of drama! One of the lessons we learn is the way Paul, in his preaching, made use of what we call, the Old Testament. He uses no less than 7 quotations from 5 books of the Old Testament as he taught a large audience at Antioch in Pisidia (today this
Thought for November 2nd. “WHO HAS CHARGE OF YOUR PEOPLE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 31), (Daniel 11), (Acts 11,12) The above words complete Daniel 11 which we read this morning. It is a long chapter with a mass of detail about events that were future from Daniel’s time. We read yesterday of how an angel “came to make you understand what is happen to your people in the latter days” [Daniel 10:14] and as a result, writes Daniel,
Thought for November 1st. “EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 30), (Daniel 10), (Acts 10) All 3 chapters today are both exciting and challenging, but there is a very fundamental point in our Acts reading (ch. 10) from Peter’s words in Caesarea, when he is caused by God’s Spirit he is caused to travel there after receiving a strange vision on the rooftop of a house in Joppa. Peter is greatly surprised that the Spirit has
Thought for October 31st. “HIS MOTHER’S NAME WAS …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 29), (Daniel 9), (Acts 9) At the end of yesterday’s chapter 28 in 2 Chronicles we read of the death of Ahaz, he had been such a godless king, probably the worst to reign in Jerusalem so that they did not put his body into the tombs of the kings. His 16 year reign had been an utter disaster. The point is made, “in the
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 28), (Daniel 8), (Acts 8) The enemies of the gospel thought they had had a great victory when they stoned Stephen to death; but when we assess what happened as a result, it was a great victory for the spread of the Gospel. We can see this as we take an overview of today’s 8th chapter of Acts. We recall the 1st chapter , the words
Thought for October 29th. “DO NOT HOLD THIS SIN AGAINST THEM”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 26,27), (Daniel 7), (Acts 7) What sin? The above words were uttered by Stephen as they took up stones to throw at him, he knew he was going to be killed. His speech in response to the High Priest, as we read today, was increasingly provocative – rather similar to how Jesus repeatedly uttered provocative parables about the Pharisees in the weeks prior to his arrest:
Thought for October 28th. “UNLESS WE FIND IT IN …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 25), (Daniel 6), (Acts 5,6) In Daniel Ch. 6 today we saw clear evidence that this wonderful man, now in his old age, was a man who had a regular prayer life, probably now more intense than ever. We read of those who are jealous of the opinion the king holds of him and how they look for ways to discredit his loyalty to the king.
Thought for October 27th. “HIS KNEES KNOCKED TOGETHER”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 24), (Daniel 5), (Acts 3,4) If you were doing a Bible Quiz and you were asked whose “knees knocked together” and why – what would you answer? Well, the answer is in today’s readings: it is one of several lessons as to how quickly humans can forget the evidence of the power and presence of God in their lives or in those very near to them.
Thought for October 26th. “I SAW THE LORD ALWAYS …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 23), (Daniel 4), ( Acts 2) We have valuable thoughts in all our readings today.. In Chronicles we read how the priest “Jehoiada took courage and entered into a covenant with the commanders …” [2 Chron 23 v.1] so that the kingship was restored and the evil queen mother – Ahab’s daughter – was destroyed. In Daniel we read chapter 4 and saw how parts of
Thought for October 25th “… YOU WILL BE BAPTISED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 21,22), (Daniel 3), ( Acts 1) Today we started reading the book of Acts. So many things in it are relevant to our efforts to serve Christ today, but it is important that we read it carefully; regrettably some do not. It begins with a summary of the final days of Jesus before he ascended to heaven “after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit
Thought for October 24th. “THAT BY BELIEVING YOU MAY HAVE …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 20), (Daniel 2), (John 20,21) We felt overwhelmed by the lessons contained in today’s 3 readings. First there was a sequel to what we read yesterday about Jehoshaphat. We read today of his remarkable God ordained victory over a large group of nations that came against his nation. Their efforts disintegrated into civil war (2 Chron 20 v.20-30), we see a repeat of this to some
Thought for October 23rd. “… AND HE MADE A MARRIAGE ALLIANCE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 18,19), (Daniel 1), (John 19) What a fascinating set of readings we have today, they provide a multitude of thoughts! We read in 2 Chronicles yesterday of the great successes of Jehoshaphat and how “the LORD established the kingdom in his hand … His heart was courageous in the ways of the LORD” and he “grew steadily greater.” [17 v.5,6,12] However, in today’s chapter (18)
Thought for October 22nd “… THEY ARE NOT OF THE WORLD”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 16,17), (Ezekiel 48), (John 17,18) The final prayer of Jesus before his arrest is intensely moving – it provokes the profoundest thoughts as we absorb its meaning into our minds. We could have expected Jesus to concentrate his thoughts inward, on himself and establish a conviction of mind that his will must become the same as his Father’s will – and the other gospels show that
Thought for October 21st. “… WHILE YOU ARE WITH HIM”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 14, 15), (Ezekiel 47), (John 15,16) We know that after Solomon died the nation of Israel fragmented because of the folly of his son. In today’s readings events have moved on – after two disastrous reigns, Solomon’s great grandson Asa becomes king. In ch. 14 (of 2 Chron.) we read how he prospered and in ch. 15 how God’s spirit came on Azariah, a prophet, who
Thought for October 20th “IF ANYONE LOVES ME HE WILL KEEP MY WORD”
Todays readings.. (2 Chronicles 12,13), (Ezekiel 46), (John 13,14) Our thoughts today flow on from yesterday’s, “Hate” is the opposite to “love” – and we saw the sense in which Jesus used the word “hate.” We know we cannot love the “life” that is all around us today with its self-centred ways of thinking and doing. As we read chapters 13 & 14 of John we saw how Jesus tried
Thought for October 19th. “THAT YOU MAY BECOME …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 10,11), (Ezekiel 45), (John 12) Life never stands still – we are all in the process of becoming something; this is especially the case of those going to College or University. How many in this country appreciate the wide range of opportunities they have? It seems to be part of human nature never to be satisfied, always wanting something better, or at least, wanting some new
Thought for October 18th. “SO THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 9), (Ezekiel 44), (John 11) What do you believe? Equally important, if not more so – is – Why do you believe what you claim to believe? We have searched our hearts in times past to give a genuine answer to this question ourselves. Our asking of this question was prompted by what we read today in John ch. 11. Jesus was conversing with his disciples
Thought for October 17th. “THIS SHALL BE THEIR INHERITANCE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 8), (Ezekiel 43), (John 9,10) Ears prick up where there is thought of an inheritance. Solomon had very great wealth, as we read today (2 Chron. 9). He obviously left a very great inheritance. But we will read tomorrow how it largely came to nothing because of the foolishness of his son because he failed to seek the wisdom of God, as his father had
Thought for October 16th. “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 7), (Ezekiel 43), (John 9,10) Today’s long chapter (8) in John’s Gospel is really challenging. Jesus said, “Whoever is of God knows the words of God, the reason you do not hear them is that you are not of God” [v.47]. But of course they were hearing what he said; the point was that they could not make sense of his words, they could not see
Thought for October 15th. “RENDER TO EACH WHOSE HEART YOU KNOW”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 5,6), (Ezekiel 41), (John 7) In today’s reading of 2 Chronicles 6 we have Solomon’s remarkable prayer at the dedication of the wonderful Temple he had just completed. It was constructed of cedar, but just about all the interior had been overlaid with gold. Imagine it! The greatest focus of the gold was on the Most Holy Place where Israel’s God, the only real God was
Thought for October 14th. “WHEN JESUS DEPARTED!”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 3,4), (Ezekiel 40), (John 6) Our readings in John [6] tell us of when Jesus, in effect, ran away! Thousands of people had just personally experienced a great miracle, it is the one miracle recorded in all four gospels; the time when Jesus miraculously fed thousands of people. People can see miracles, such as healings, even a dead man raised, things experienced by others, but when
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 1,2), (Ezekiel 39), (John 5) We may read God’s word every day, we may find it interesting and helpful as a guide to living a satisfying life, but is that enough? What did Jesus mean when he spoke about God’s word abiding, that is, living in a person? Who was Jesus talking to on this occasion? Today’s reading of John Ch. 5 is about the
Thought for October 12th. “YOURS, O LORD IS THE GREATNESS”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 29), (Ezekiel 38), (John 4) We tend to give only passing attention to our Chronicles reading because our other readings today in Ezekiel 38 and John 4 provoke so much thought. But in Chronicles we have the climax to King David’s life. Consider the scene: he had made great provision for building the Temple, others had followed his example and “the people rejoiced because they had
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 28), (Ezekiel 37), (John 2,3) These words of Jesus to Nicodemus, the Jewish teacher who came to him by night, challenge our thinking and understanding. We need to understand them within the context of the unfolding words of Jesus. Many Christians like to say they are “born again,” but what did Jesus mean? Nicodemus admitted. “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God,
Thought for October 10th. “IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 27), (Ezekiel 36), (John 1) Today we start reading the Gospel of John, which is one of the most challenging books of the Bible to fully understand. But the Bible would soon lose our continuing interest if its meaning was immediately plain as we read it. Often we have to think carefully about what we read to get to unfold the fullness of its
Thought for October 9th. ” ONE THING I DO … ”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 26), (Ezekiel 35), (Phillipians 3,4) The Apostle Paul is very emotional as he expresses his thoughts in his letter to the believers at Philippi. He makes us realize that a fully committed belief in Christ goes hand in hand with a fullness of conviction which creates, as a result, a living relationship day by day with our Lord Jesus. His words, to be fully appreciated, require
Thought for October 8th. “A WORK OUT”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 24,25), (Ezekiel 34), (Phillipians 1,2) Those of you who are young know what it is to have “a work out” – we understand it as a simple way of saying - exercising to keep yourself fit. It is just as important; well, actually far more important, to keep ourselves spiritually fit. If you are really young and feel very physically fit, then make sure your aim
Thought for October 7th. “ … PLAYS WELL ON AN INSTRUMENT”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 23), (Ezekiel 33), (Ephesians 5,6) Ezekiel, somewhat like Jeremiah, has a challenging time in being a prophet of the LORD. The reaction to his message is somewhat different, but it does have lessons for us today. He is told by the LORD, “As for you … your people who talk together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, say to one
Thought for October 6th. “CORRUPTING TALK”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 22), (Ezekiel 32), (Ephesians 3,4) The world today is full of ‘corrupting talk’. The Apostle Paul uses this phrase in today’s Ephesians’ chapters. This is the natural way of speaking in many cases among people who have no thought of God, especially those who are convinced they are the highest form of animal life and that they are just the result of evolution. The ‘atmosphere’ created
Thought for October 5th.”THEN SATAN STOOD …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 20,21), (Ezekiel 31), (Ephesians 1,2) After reading today’s 4 chapters we felt we could write a book about all the challenging points of interest in them. Ch. 21 in 1 Chron starts, “Then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel.” The parallel passage in 2 Sam 24 makes no mention of a “satan.” Remarkably it says, “the anger of the LORD
Thought for October 4th. “I WARN YOU”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 18,19), (Ezekiel 30), (Galatians 5,6) Modern pictures often portray contrasting colours. They rather hit you in the eye, whites and yellows, set against blues, blacks and reds. This is particularly the case in advertising, as they try to grab our attention. Our reading today in Galatians does not set colours in contrast – it sets human behaviour! It describes the good things
Thought for October 3rd. “WHO AM I LORD?”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 17), (Ezekiel 29), (Galatians 3,4) David was a shepherd, he sought to do his job properly, and he did, he protected the sheep. His father sent him with provisions for his brothers in the army, he knew nothing about the Philistine champion Goliath until he got there. The acts which made him great were caused by situations thrust upon him. His faith in God,
Thought for October 2nd. “SEEK HIS PRESENCE CONTINUALLY”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 16), (Ezekiel 28), (Galations 1,2) We have a most interesting, stimulating and challenging selection of chapters today. Firstly we read how David is at last able to bring the ark of God into the tent, i.e. tabernacle, he had set up inside Jerusalem, now called the city of David (see 2 Chron 5 v.2), In today’s chapter (1 Chron 16) we read a song David compiles;
Thought for October 1st. ‘THUS IT IS WRITTEN’
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 15), (Ezekiel 28), (Galatians 1,2) It is disappointing that so many only read the New Testament – and sometimes it is the only part of the Bible they have. Many do not understand that the Old Testament is quoted copiously throughout the New Testament. This comment was prompted by our reading today (Luke 24) of the drama of the appearances of Jesus after his resurrection. He told
Thought for September 30th. “PILATE … I WILL RELEASE HIM”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 13,14), (Ezekiel 26), (Luke 23) Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus. But he was strangely helpless in carrying out his own desire to let Jesus go free, though he said, as we read today, “I find no guilt in this man” (Luke 23 v.4) and “nothing deserving of death has been done by him” (v.15) “I will release him”
Thought for September 29th. “PRAY THAT YOU MAY NOT …. ”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 12), (Ezekiel 25), (Luke 22) The biggest test of commitment to God’s will in the life of our Lord Jesus came in the final hours before his arrest. We read of this today in Luke ch. 22. As he instituted what is usually called, “the last supper,” he caused his disciples to search their hearts by speaking of there being a traitor among them. He said
Thought for September 28th. “MY WORDS WILL NOT PASS AWAY”
Today's readings .. (1 Chronicles 11), (Ezekiel 24), (Luke 21) Today we read and were challenged by the words of Jesus about the future, some of his words clearly include our days. How familiar is Luke ch. 21 to you? Jesus first predicted the destruction of Jerusalem, telling them, “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you know its desolation has come near. Then let those who are in
Thought for September 27th. “THOSE WHO DENY THAT …”
Today's readings .. (1 Chronicles 10), (Ezekiel 23), (Luke 20) We have 3 chapters today that teach valuable lessons. 1 Chron. Ch. 10 tells us that “Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD …” [v.13] in not keeping his commandments, a lesson for all those who have committed themselves to serve the LORD. “The word of the LORD came to me “ says Ezekiel
Thought for September 26th. “BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KNOW”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 9), (Ezekiel 22), (Luke 19) How vital to know certain things; the young go to school and then, if they are capable, to a University or a higher learning institute to gain additional knowledge or skills so they can more effectively make their way in life. The need for this is self-evident to all – there is no reward for the lazy, although some try to
Thought for September 25th. “ALWAYS PRAY AND NOT LOSE HEART”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 8), (Ezekiel 21), (Luke 18) In this parable, at the start of Luke ch. 18, Jesus illustrates the importance of persistence in prayer. We must become increasingly conscious that God’s power is such that he sees and knows all. David puts it this way, “O LORD … you discern my thoughts from afar.” [Psa. 139 v.2]. This parable challenges us to consider answers to prayer. Do
Thought for September 24th. “SO IT WILL BE ON THE DAY WHEN …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 7), (Ezekiel 20), (Luke 17) One cannot escape from the obvious meaning of the words of Jesus about what happens at the time of his return to earth. It is a time when human beings have, from God’s point of view, totally given themselves over to godlessness. Today’s chapter in Luke (17) indicates that before our Master’s return there will be those who mislead, claiming to
Thought for September 23rd. “YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 6), (Ezekiel 19), (Luke 16) In the end,
Thought for September 22nd. “WAS DEAD AND IS ALIVE”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 5), (Ezekiel 18), (Luke 15) Today we read one of the most remembered parables of Jesus. It is usually called the ‘parable of the prodigal son,’ but it occurs to us that it could equally be called ‘The parable of the forgiving father.’ The key to the primary purpose of Christ’s parables is usually in their final verse, in this one we read the father’s words,
Thought for September 21st. “SALT IS GOOD”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 4), (Ezekiel 17), (Luke 13,14) There are many parables and challenging sayings in today’s 2 chapters in Luke’s gospel. Jesus’ utterance of just 3 words are very thought provoking: “Salt is good” [14 v34] This immediately reminds us of what Jesus said in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ after what we call the ‘Beatitudes’ Look at Matt. 5 v.13, - he said “You are the salt
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 3), (Ezekiel 16), (Luke 12) We have a ‘powerful’ chapter in Luke today (12) – it provokes many challenging thoughts. The text is made up almost entirely of the words of Jesus. It deserves to be read slowly, section by section. When Jesus ascended to heaven he knew that those who believed in him, and those who came to believe, would face an increasingly difficult time
Thought for September 19th. “BLESSED RATHER ARE THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 2), (Ezekiel 15), (Luke 11) We live in a world in which people more than ever focus on physical possessions and experiences, they inter-act between themselves in all that they and others experience but, says Jesus, these are not the things that matter. We will read in Luke’s gospel tomorrow – his comment that, “one’s life does not consist in the abundance of (our) possessions” [12
Thought for September 18th. “WITH ALL YOUR HEART”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 1), (Ezekiel 14), (Luke 10) The scriptures make it plain that the condition of our hearts matters most of all. Jesus gave a very significant answer to “a lawyer (who) stood up to put him to the test, saying, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” [Luke 10 v.25] Jesus answered his question with a question; ”What is written in the Law? How
Thought for September 17th. “… PUTTING TO DEATH SOULS”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 24,25), (Ezekiel 13), (Luke 9) One of the puzzling things in Scripture for many people are the references to the death of “souls.” We have this in our Ezekiel reading today (ch.13) where the prophet writes, “The word of the LORD came to me” to speak against “those who prophesy from their own minds” [v.1,2]. They are challenged by the LORD, “Will you hunt
Thought for September 16th. “WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 22,23), (Ezekiel 12), (Luke 8) What do we have faith in today? Certainly not the Government – of whatever kind it may be! Our doctor? It is good to find one we can have a good deal of confidence in – especially if our health is uncertain. While we can speak of having faith in people or things, we know that this is vastly different to
Thought for September 15th. “I KNOW THE THINGS THAT COME INTO YOUR MIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 21), (Ezekiel 11), (Luke 7) Our reading in Ezekiel causes us to think about how God works; the unlimited power he has to know all that is happening; more than that, to know all that men and women are thinking! And of course Jesus had the same ability; if you were not on the side of Jesus it must have been unnerving as you were forced
Thought for September 14th. “…. KNOWN BY ITS OWN FRUIT”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 20), (Ezekiel 9), (Luke 5) Our chapter in Luke today (6) is parallel with the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ chapters (5,6 & 7) in Matthew: in a sense it is a summary of them - highlighting many of its key lessons. We are all trees, growing in different parts of God’s garden, the owner is looking to see what quality of fruit, if any, is growing
Thought for September 13th. “DEPART FROM ME”
Todays readings.. (2 Kings 19), (Ezekiel 9), (Luke 5) Peter was an experienced fisherman, that is how he made his living on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus came along the shore and climbed into Peter’s boat. At first “he sat down and taught the people from the boat” [Luke 5 v.3] “When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘put out into the deep and let down your nets
Thought for September 12th. “DO NOT LET HEZEKIAH MAKE YOU …”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 18), (Ezekiel 8), (Luke 4) Our reading in 2 Kings (ch.18) illustrates how those who trust in God are sometimes fully tested to cause them to examine the basis of their trust. It seems clear that deserters from among the defenders of Jerusalem had expressed their reasons for changing sides to the Assyrians. This followed the collapse of their faith in the LORD, their faith was
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 17), (Ezekiel 7), (Luke 3) Our Ezekiel reading (ch.7) is initially about the disaster coming on the people still living in Jerusalem. Ezekiel was a priest and is among those taken into captivity (ch.1 v.1) some years before Jerusalem is destroyed. Those taken away are earnestly hoping to return to the land of their birth, but God gives Ezekiel only bad news for them. Indeed the
Thought for September 10th. “THOUGHTS FROM MANY HEARTS … REVEALED”
Today's readings.. (2 kings 16), (Ezekiel 6), (Luke 2) The start of our reading in Luke ch. 2 covers one of the events which is often quoted at Christmas time. Most know of the angelic appearance to the shepherds on the hillside and how they came and found the babe in the manger and tell of what they had seen and heard “out in the field .. concerning this child.”
Thought for September 9th. “THE NINTH HOUR”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 15) (Ezekiel 5), (Luke 1) Today we began reading the Gospel of Luke. A chain reaction in our thoughts was triggered by the dramatic appearance of an angel to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. All the people were “praying without at the hour of incense” Presumably this was the ninth hour: we recall that Peter and John went up into the temple at
Thought for September 8th. “TO KEEP ME FROM BEING TOO ELATED”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 14), (Ezekiel 4), (2 Corinthians 12,13) We made reference yesterday to those who boast – how much do we see this attitude in politicians today! We read today in Corinthians of Paul’s comments on the things he could boast about if he wanted to. The final chapters illustrate that boastful attitudes were still a problem at Corinth, they also illustrate that Paul expressed his thankfulness, maybe reluctantly,
Thought for September 7th. “ … PROCLAIMS A DIFFERENT JESUS”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 13), (Ezekiel 3), (2 Corinthians 10,11) People boast today of everything they can which they hope will add to their prestige. Politicians in particular are very anxious about the image they are creating – what people think of them. It has to be good or they will not get re-elected. Such is the growing noise from the US elections today. Our chapters in 2nd Corinthians today
Thought for September 6th. WHETHER THEY HEAR OR REFUSE”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 11,12), (Ezekiel 2), (2 Corinthians 8,9) Who would be a prophet specially sent by God! We are now reading Ezekiel and we find many similarities in his circumstances to that of Jeremiah. The word of the LORD is not welcome because it does not agree with what the people want to hear. Ezekiel is among the captives in exile (ch.1 v.1-3) and all the exiles want
Thought for September 5th. “BRINGING HOLINESS TO COMPLETION”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 10), (Ezekiel 1), (2 Corinthians 5,6,7) The 3 chapters (totaling 55 verses) we have in 2nd Corinthians today are quite a challenge to get our minds around and grasp all the passionate points and appeal Paul is making in them. He is concerned about “those who boast about outward appearance and not about what is in the heart” [5 v.12] He tells them, “if anyone is
Thought for September 4th. “BEING RENEWED DAY BY DAY”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 9), (Lamentations 5), (2 Corinthians 3,4) Our readings in 2nd Corinthians again gave us thoughts which are very ‘heart’ provoking. There is a danger for those (and that is most of us) who are busy earning our living in an environment which has little or no thought about God or Christ, that the attitude around us will start to ‘soak’ into our way of thinking and
Thought for September 3rd. “THAT WAS TO MAKE US RELY … ON GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 8), (Lamentations 4), (2 Corinthians 1,2) What thought challenging verses we had today as we started reading 2nd Corinthians. Paul writes of his experiences of afflictions and the “comfort” God gives him to cope with them – and yet his comfort is also founded on the comfort believers give to each other. “The father of mercies,” writes Paul, “comforts us in all our affliction,
Thought for September 2nd. “BEAR THE YOKE IN OUR YOUTH’
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 7), (Lamentations 3), (1 Corinthians 16) The Lamentations of Jeremiah is not a book we “enjoy” reading. But do we only read those things that give a positive message and we find encouraging? Actually there are some gems hidden among this prophet’s words of despair and distress. The first 2 chapters are about how God’s anger with Jerusalem finally overflows into action; his mercy toward the
Thought for September 1st. “HIS GRACE TOWARD ME WAS NOT IN VAIN”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 6), (Lamentations 2), (1 Corinthians 15) Today we read one of the most meaningful chapters in the Bible > Ch. 15 of 1 Corinthians. Many verses “jump out” inviting our meditation. The one we have chosen to really reflect upon is v10. Paul laments on his unworthiness, but then says, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me
Thought for August 31st. “IN YOUR THINKING BE MATURE”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 5), (Lamentations 1), (1 Corinthians 14) Today we read 1 Corinthians ch 14 which completes the Apostle’s message about Spirit Gifts. Paul is earnestly exhorting them to properly use the spirit gifts they were privileged to possess. The first verse stresses, “Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” Prophecy does not mean to predict the future but
Thought for August 30th. “… A STILL MORE EXCELLENT WAY”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 4), (Jeremiah 52), (1 Corinthians 12,13) We are told in several chapters in Acts, quite apart from the initial outpouring of the Spirit Gifts to the 12 disciples on the day of Pentecost, that the Spirit was given by the laying on of the Apostles hands (see 8 v.17) or the direct action of their unseen Lord (10 v.44) upon new believers
Thought for August 29th. “THUS SHALL BABYLON SINK”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 3), (Jeremiah 51), (1 Corinthians 11) We have nearly completed the book of Jeremiah. Today’s 51st chapter of 64 verses is quite remarkable, quite challenging. It is all about Babylon and God’s judgments on her, that mighty city and the country of the same name. She had destroyed Jerusalem and God’s great Temple and taken all its treasures. She is led by a king who, up
Thought for August 28th. “ELIJAH WENT UP BY A WHIRLWIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 1,2), (Jeremiah 50), (1 Corinthians 10) Our reading of 2 Kings 2 today records the transfer of responsibility before God from Elijah to Elisha. Elisha requests, “Let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” [v.9] and it is significant that it is recorded of Elisha that he ultimately performs twice as many miracles as Elijah. However, in doing God’s most important work and conveying
Thought for August 27th. “… KNOWN BY GOD?“
Today's readings... (1 Kings 22), (Jeremiah 49), (1 Corinthians 8,9) Our reading of ch. 8 in 1st Corinthians begins with an interesting use of the word ‘knowledge.’ Paul says, “knowledge puffs up” [8 v.1]. We can be proud of what we know – and this undermines our wise use of that knowledge – depending on what that knowledge is about. Paul then says, “If anyone imagines that he knows something,
Thought for August 26th. “HAVE YOU FOUND ME, OH MY ENEMY?”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 21), (Jeremiah 48), (1 Corinthians 7) The above saying was spoken by Israel’s bad king Ahab to Elijah when the prophet challenged him as he took possession of Naboth’s vineyard – after his evil wife Jezebel had organised the death of Naboth. Yet Elijah had only “found” Ahab because God had directed him, he was acting for God. Let us make
Thought for August 25th. “DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT … ”
Today's readings... (1 Kings 20), ( Jeremiah 47), (1 Corinthians 6) Four times the above phrase is used by Paul in our chapter (6) of 1st Corinthians today. Many believers there were spiritually blind to the follies of the behaviour that they had slipped back into. It happened then, it happens today. It appears to be worse among those who proclaim that once you are saved you are saved
Thought for August 24th. “THEN HE WAS AFRAID”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 19), (Jeremiah 45,46), (1 Corinthians 4,5) The strength of our faith can collapse in some situations. This is human nature – and we must recognise how to recover from this. We have an outstanding example in our 1 Kings reading today. Elijah had been the ‘spiritual hero’ of the LORD on Mt Carmel in front of Ahab. God responded to his faith and “the
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 18), (Jeremiah 44), (1 Corinthians 3) We had a dramatic chapter (18) to read in 1 Kings today where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel and divine power was shown to set fire to Elijah’s offering on the LORD’s altar that he built. The foolishness of those following Baal was made plain and they were all killed. In our 1 Corinthians reading (ch.3)
Thought for August 22nd. “IT IS NOT A WISDOM OF THIS AGE”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 17), (Jeremiah 43), (1 Corinthians 1,2) Today we start reading Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. The believers there had been converted from the foolish philosophies of the Greeks who believed in a spirit after-life; also in many gods of their imagination – of whom they erected idols. We have had a parallel experience in going into Indian temples in recent years.. Paul says, “The Jews demand
Thought for August 21st. “THEY WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 16), (Jeremiah 42), (Mark 16) Today we completed reading the Gospel of Mark. One needs to compare all 4 Gospels to get a full picture of events after Christ rose from the dead. Such was the awesome sight of Christ’s horrible death on the cross, whether seen from nearby or from afar, that his followers could not begin to imagine he could rise from the dead
Thought for August 20th. “IT WAS OUT OF ENVY”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 15), (Jeremiah 41), (Mark 15) One of the outstanding characteristics of human nature is the capacity to be jealous, to envy others; many advertising tactics exploit this. The gospels repeatedly show us that those in positions of authority were envious of the great popularity Jesus enjoyed. Our ‘democratic’ societies have elections every few years and we witness the clash of ego’s between those seeking
Thought for August 19th. “WATCH AND PRAY”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 14), (Jeremiah 40), (Mark 14) Today in Ch. 14 we read Mark’s moving account of the events in the Garden of Gethsemane. That evening they had been together in what is known as the “upper room.” This was when what we call “the last supper” took place. As the bread and the cup were passed around (v.22-25) the disciples would not have accepted in their minds
Thought for August 18th. “YOU DO NOT KNOW WHEN THE TIME WILL COME”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 13), (jeremiah 39), (Mark14) Today we again read what is known as ‘The Olivet Prophecy’; we read it every 2 months, is
Thought for August 17th. “…. AND TREATED HIM SHAMEFULLY”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 12), (Jeremiah 38), (Mark 13) As we read Jesus’ parable about the tenants in the vineyard today (Mark 17 v.1-9) and the treatment they meted out to any servants that came to them on behalf of the owner seeking his share of the fruit, our thoughts went quite naturally to what we had just read in Jeremiah who brought from God messages that did not please
Thought for August 16th. “THE LORD RAISED UP AN ADVERSARY”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 11), (Jeremiah 37), (Mark 11) After all the wonders for most of Solomon’s reign, all the benefits and blessings he had inherited from his father David, Solomon’s greatness - we would say – humanly speaking – went to his head. We read today “when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart … “ [1 Kings 11 v.4] A significant factor
Thought for August 15th. “AND THE DISCIPLES WERE AMAZED …”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 10), (Jeremiah 36), (Mark 10) The disciples of Jesus had more remarkable experiences than any other group of human beings. The sudden stilling of the storm on the Lake of Galilee was one event that particularly astonished them, but in today’s 10th chapter of Mark we may have a sense of surprise at the cause behind the statement, “And his disciples were amazed at his words.”
Thought for August 14th. “THEY HAVE NOT LISTENED”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 9), (Jeremiah 35), (Mark 9) Have you heard of the Rechabites? Jeremiah is told to “go to the house of the Rechabites” [ch.35 v.2] “and bring them to the house of the LORD … then offer them wine to drink.” This event was to be a lesson which Jeremiah could convey to the people. Jeremiah says, “I brought them to the house of
Thought for August 13th. “FOR WHOEVER IS ASHAMED”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings8), (Jeremiah 34), (Mark 8) We live in a world in which most people do not want to feel ashamed of anything. Lawyers grow rich out of the efforts of some to camouflage over their failures and wrongdoing. But there can be no effective camouflage before God – so we must not be influenced by the attitudes that surround us. We read today how Jesus had a
Thought for August 12th . “IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 7), (Jeremiah 33), (Mark 7) Although atheism is rife in our country, is not an even greater disaster those who go to places of Christian worship and yet, in God’s eyes, fail to offer to him the heart-felt worship he seeks. The wide variety of Churches must surely indicate this. But we must avoid a judgmental attitude, that is God’s prerogative, however we cannot help seeing
Thought for August 11th. THE LITTLE WORD ‘IF’
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 6), (Jeremiah 32), (Mark 6) Today’s reading in 1 Kings 6 describes how Solomon in the 4th year of his reign began to build that remarkable temple on the mount in Jerusalem. This is what his father wanted to build, it took him 7 years (v.38) and “when the house was built; it was with stone prepared in the quarry, so that neither hammer nor axe
Thought for August 10th. “AT THAT TIME … THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 4,5), (Jeremiah 31), (Mark 5) Part of today’s 31st chapter in Jeremiah provides us with a sequel to the verses in ch. 30 that describe God’s reaction to the time when the world’s nations, at the climax of human history, regard Israel as “outcasts … for whom no one cares” These verses greatly attract our interest because the attitudes today more and more fit this picture.
Thought for August 9th. “ZION FOR WHOM NO ONE CARES”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 3), (Jeremiah 30), (Mark 4) Zion is another name for Jerusalem and 100 years ago Jerusalem was a neglected city; it had been part of the aging Turkish empire for the past several centuries, only those who saw significance in Bible prophecies about this ancient city were interested in its’ welfare. Of course, some of the scattered Jews were also interested. It
Thought for August 8th. “WHOEVER DOES THE WILL OF GOD HE (or she) IS …”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 2), (Jeremiah 29), (Mark 3) We all want to do the will of God, don’t we? The Bible is full of examples of those who claim to do the will of God, but who fail to grasp what the will of God really is! Some deceive themselves into thinking that what they say and do is in harmony with the ways of God – and
Thought for August 7th. “THEN IT WILL BE KNOWN THAT …”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 1), (Jeremiah 28), (Mark 2) In today’s chapter (28) in Jeremiah we see how he is confronted by a false prophet Hananiah who predicts falsely “in the name of the LORD of hosts” that “within two years I will bring back to this place all the vessels of the LORD’s house, which Nebuchadnezzar took away from this place and carried to Babylon” [v.2,3] There is a
Thought for August 6th “A NEW TEACHING WITH AUTHORITY”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 27), (Mark 1) Today we start reading the Gospel of Mark. It is accepted that Mark’s Gospel was the first one to be written. It is probable, but cannot be absolutely proved, that he is the ‘Mark’ referred to 4 time in the Acts, named as John Mark in Acts 12 v.12. He starts his gospel by telling us of John the Baptist and
Thought for August 5th. “THE SWEET PSALMIST OF ISRAEL”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 23), (Jeremiah 26), (Romans 15,16) The above phrase occurs in the first verse of our 2 Samuel Ch. 23 reading today. It has often been quoted about David that he is “the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet Psalmist of Israel”. Although there are many Psalms not written by him, he laid the foundation for the hymns that were sung in the Temple that
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 22), (Jeremiah 25), (Romans 13,14) Today’s chapter in Jeremiah is very disturbing. The prophet receives visions from God of future events, some of them are of a future that was then far distant. The main message he is to give is that God’s judgements are about to fall on Jerusalem and that “this whole land shall become a ruin and waste and these nations shall serve
Thought for August 3rd. “LET LOVE BE GENUINE”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 20,21), (Jeremiah 24), (Romans 12) Today we have that marvelous chapter in Romans (12) in which Paul lists all the good attitudes that those who claim to be believers need to have in order to show they are really committed believers. It is good to read diligently so that we correctly understand the word of God – but it is vital that, on the other side
Thought for August 2nd. “IN THE LATTER DAYS”
Today's readings.. (12 Samuel 19), (Jeremiah 23), (Romans 10,11) A multitude of thoughts tended to tumble around and out of our minds as we read today’s chapters. Verse 20 in Jeremiah ch. 23 was one that particularly captured our attention: “The anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart. In the latter days you will understand it clearly.” And
Thought for August 1st. “GOD … ENDURED WITH MUCH PATIENCE”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 18), (Jeremiah 22), (Romans 9) There is a complete change of theme today in Paul’s letter to the Romans compared to what we read yesterday. In ch’s 9 to 11 his thoughts are on Israel: he had formerly been proud of being an Israelite, the chosen nation. The main point he makes in these chapters is that he now sees that everything depends on God’s mercy.
Thought for July 31st “… WHO CAN BE AGAINST US”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 17), (Jeremiah 21), (Romans 7,8) Ever feel that everything is against you? We wonder if Paul was ever inclined to feel that way? Remember how he writes of his “countless beatings … many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food …” [2 Cor.11 v.23,27] In view of such experiences, let us take special notice of his testimony that we read today in his
Thought for July 30th “ … WHO TESTS THE RIGHTEOUS”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 16), (Jeremiah 20), (Romans 5,6) What ‘powerful’ chapters we have read today: firstly David, humbled by the consequences of his sin flees from Jerusalem. He refuses to take any action against the one who curses him. He says, of Shimei, “Let him curse, for the LORD has told him to. It may be that the LORD will look on the wrong done to me, and that
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 15), (Jeremiah 19), (Romans 3,4) The lives of all who commit themselves to serve God travel along their own particular paths. Paul in his letter to the Romans, we read today, reflects on the life of Abraham as “he grew strong in faith” and how he became “fully convinced that God was able to do what he promised.” [Ch. 4 v.20.21] Abraham’s faith went from strength
Thought for July 28th “THE POWER OF GOD’
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 14), (Jeremiah 18), (Romans 1,2) Paul in writing to the Romans speaks about “the power of God”. What does he mean? He is not referring to physical power such as will be shown at the time Jesus returns when the greatest earthquake ever (Rev. 16 v.18) and other terrible events will occur. In today’s reading in Romans, Paul writes of the gospel saying, “For I am
Thought for July 27th. “DECEITFUL ABOVE ALL THINGS”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 13), (Jeremiah 17), (Matthew 28) Our Jeremiah reading today contains a verse about the natural deceitfulness of the human heart that is often quoted. It is good to look at the context which leads the prophet to make this statement: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” [ch.17 v.9] When we start reading from v.5 we see how the
Thought for July 26th. “HE CHANGED HIS MIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 12), (Jeremiah 16), (Matthew 27) It is good to change your mind when you contemplate doing something bad – BUT – but you must do it before it is too late. We read in Matthew’s Gospel that Judas Iscariot “changed his mind” [27 v.3] – but it was too late. He “brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders saying, ‘I
Today's readings... (2 Samuel 11), (Jeremiah 15), (Matthew 26) What deep sense of emotion we can develop when we slowly read and absorb into our minds the account Matthew gives us of the arrest of Jesus and the events which led up to it. It is a rather detailed description and if we then add in the accounts of the other Gospels, especially John’s, we get a thought absorbing full
Thought for July 24th. ” … AND HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 10), (Jeremiah 14), (Matthew 25) Today we continued reading Jeremiah and saw the exchange of words between the LORD and the prophet. There is no genuine spirituality left among the people, it is all a sham - yet the prophet appeals to God to act to relieve the terrible famine that is afflicting the land and all the people. He says, “though our iniquities testify against
Thought for July 23rd. “BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN ME”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 8,9), (Jeremiah 13), (Matthew 24) Do you forget things? Yes, we all do – but rarely do we forget anything really important, but the vital question is, ‘What is important – to God?’ Our world has forgotten God, putting the thought that he exists out of their minds – in fact more and more people are becoming convinced that God does not exist! There were parallels
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 7), (Jeremiah 12), (Matthew 23) Today’s reading in 2 Samuel 7 is one that many know well: it is one of the most significant passages in the Old Testament. King David has reached the pinnacle of his life, his love for God and his relationship with God is at its highest point. It suddenly comes into his mind that he should build a Temple for his
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel6), (Jeremiah 11), (Matthew 22) This rebuke of Jesus to the Sadducees (Matt.22 v.23), who did not believe in the resurrection, is very blunt. It is a saying we feel inclined to repeat today. How few carefully read, understand and then believe God’s word and his power to fulfil his promises? Our world seems so full of remarkable inventions that capture our interest and attention. The Bible
Thought for July 20th. “CORRECT ME, O LORD, BUT …”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 4,5), (Jeremiah 10), (Matthew 21) The words of Jeremiah continue to attract our thoughts, his situation before God and the messages he conveyed to a people who had become extremely Godless, have a great number of parallels to our days. We read ch. 10 which starts, “Hear the word the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel … Learn not the way of the nations
Thought for July 19th. “IT SHALL NOT BE SO …”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 3), (Jeremiah 9), (Matthew 20) Events in our world, in all countries, frequently feature struggles over who is going to take the leadership in a nation. Today, in Matthew ch. 20, we read how the mother of 2 of the disciples came to Jesus to request “that these two sons of mine are to sit, one on your right hand and one on your left, in
Thought for July 18th. ‘… ONLY THOSE TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 2), (Jeremiah 8), (Matthew 19) Today’s chapter in Matthew (19) challenges us to understand what Jesus meant when he responded to the Pharisees’ question, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause? [v.3] They disagreed among themselves over how to apply (or twist) the laws which Moses laid down; their attitudes were becoming similar to those we are reading about in Jeremiah which he
Thought for July 17th. “TRUTH HAS PERISHED”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 1), (Jeremiah 7), (Matthew 18) How many ‘tell the truth and nothing but the truth’ when they are asked to swear in giving evidence in a court of law – or sign their name to a document that it is the truth of some matter? If it should incriminate them in some way, the ‘truth’ gets bent – even if it is not an outright lie.
Thought for July 16th. “IF YOU HAVE FAITH LIKE …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 31), (Jeremiah 6), (Matthew 17) Only Jesus had perfect faith – but he gives a very useful lesson to his disciples in today’s ch. 17 in Matthew. He had come down from the mountain on which he had been with his 3 chosen disciples – in the meantime the other disciples had been unable to heal an epileptic boy an anxious father had brought to them.
Thought for July 15th. “MY PEOPLE LOVE TO …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 29,30), (Jeremiah 5), (Matthew 16) What do people today love to have, love to do? What were the words of God to Jeremiah stating what God saw. that his people loved to have? Are there parallels today? God said, “An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land; the people prophecy falsely and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it
Thought for July 14th. “… THIS DEFILES A PERSON”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 28), (Jeremiah 4), (Matthew 15) The Jews had strict laws to ensure cleanliness, these were laid down by Moses under God’s direction. In some ways these had become, in the time of Jesus, a ritual they tried to apply in every possible situation. However, the cleanliness fundamentals in these laws were ignored by the world until less than 200 years ago; illness and death were high
Thought for July 13th. “THE LORD REWARDS …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 26,27), (Jeremiah 3), (Matthew 14) Today we read the words which David spoke to Saul when they faced each other in the wilderness. The king had been pursuing David; but David had been able to take Saul’s spear and jar of water from beside him and his men “because a deep sleep from the LORD had fallen upon them.” [1 Sam 26 v.12] David called out
Thought for July 12th. “HE HAS NO ROOT IN HIMSELF”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 25), ( Jeremiah 2), (Matthew 13) Our world is becoming full of people without “roots” – people who are restless, ever looking for new experiences, until the pandemic, they were building ever larger airports to cope with all the travellers, the hotel trade was booming, all around evidence of the Mammon God being worshipped, but one day soon it will fall on its knees like Dagon
Thought for July 11th. “I APPOINTED YOU A PROPHET”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 1), (Matthew 12) Today we started to read the prophecies God gave to Jeremiah. He was “one of the priests of Anathoth” [v.1] and therefore a Levite: but God decreed he was to be more than a priest He starts his testimony from v. 4. “Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew
Thought for July 10th. “TO WHOM THE SON CHOOSES TO …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 23), (Isaiah 66), (Mathew 11) What a thought challenging chapter we have today in Matthew. When Jesus asked, “To what shall I compare this generation?” 11 v.16] we can see in his answer close comparisons to most people living today. Jesus said they were “like children sitting in the market places calling to their playmates, ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance;
Thought for July 9th. “… SHALL NOT BE REMEMERED”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 21,22), (Isaiah 65), (Matthew 10) We have read wonderful visions in the 65th chapter of Isaiah today. God, through the prophet, says he sees two classes of people, those “who walk by the way that is not good, following their own devices” [v.2] and those “who have sought me” [v.10] and these “bless (themselves) by the God of truth.” [v.16] For these, God says, “… behold
Thought for July 8th. ‘FRESH WINESKINS’
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 20), (Isaiah 64), (Matthew 9) Those who do not read the Gospels regularly may be puzzled by many of the things Jesus said. He often spoke in parables, simple stories, but they had deep spiritual meanings, a lesson for the ordinary folk “who heard him gladly” [Mark 12 v.37] but which the haughty religious leaders had no time for. Their religion was centred on observing the
Thought for July 7th. “LOOK DOWN FROM HEAVEN AND SEE”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 17), (Isaiah 63), (Matthew 8) The prophet Isaiah reflected on how God had acted in the past to help his people Israel, especially how he had delivered them from Egypt; we read “so you led your people to make for yourself a glorious name.” [ch.63 v.14] God’s name YAHWEH has the primary sense of meaning “to be” – of becoming the LORD of all the earth!
Thought for July 6th. “I NEVER KNEW YOU”
Today's readings.. (1 samuel 18), (Isaiah 62), (Matthew 7) Many of the things Jesus said are very challenging, but few offer a greater challenge than the words we read today about what will be said to some “on that day” [Matt.7 v.22], i.e. the day of judgement. He speaks of those who will come before him, but to some of them he will say, “Depart from me; I never knew
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 17),(Isaiah 61), (Matthew 6) Today’s chapter (6) in Matthew concludes with 2 verses which are very stimulating if we can take them into our hearts and make them principles’ to live by - they will be an inspiration governing the direction of our lives. “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Therefore do not be
Thought for July 4th. “BLESSED ARE THE …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 16), (Isaiah 60), (Matthew 5) Today’s chapter 60 in Isaiah is a vision of God’s kingdom in operation in its ultimate stage of perfection. Some phrases are taken up and used in the book of Revelation, for e.g. v.19 “The sun shall be no more your light by day … but the LORD will be your everlasting light.” And v.21, “Your people shall be all righteous
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 15), (Isaiah 59), (Matthew 3,4) In Matthew’s Gospel today we have the account of how “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted…” [Ch. 4 v.1] He had just received “the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him” [3 v.16] and “a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am
Thought for July 2nd. “AS IF THEY … DID RIGHTEOUSNESS”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 14), (Isaiah 58), (Matthew 1,2) God’s words through the prophet Isaiah today are very challenging. So often those who claim to worship God and Jesus make an outward show of doing so – but God knows their hearts. The prophet’s words are one’s we need to always remember. God tells the prophet, “declare to the people their transgressions … yet they seek me daily and delight
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 13), (Isaiah 56,57), (Revelation 21,22) People have become conscious of how they are harming the world although few see it as harming God’s creation. Some are desperately trying to do something towards limiting the problem – being provoked by the increasing proof it is causing severe climate change which is starting to affect their lives – and there is every prospect of it getting much worse.
Thought for June 30th. “WHY DO YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY FOR …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 11,12), (Isaiah 55), (Revelation 19,20) What a meaningful chapter we read in Isaiah today! Meaningful because it is so applicable to the attitudes that can and do influence us today. The prophet is caused by the Lord to put the question to the people, “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which does not satisfy?” [55
Thought for June 29th. “IN A SINGLE HOUR”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 10), (Isaiah 54), (Revelation 17,18) The symbolic language of the book of Revelation continues to challenge us. Chapters 17 & 18 today describe the dramatic end of the prostitute (AV whore). In Ch. 17 John is told, “Come I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute … on her forehead was written a name of mystery: Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes” [ v.1,5]
Thought for June 28th. “IT IS DONE”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 9), (Isaiah 54), (Revelation 15,16) There is only one place in the Bible that uses the word ‘Armageddon’ - it is in our reading today (Rev.16). It occurs at the climax of the pouring “out on the earth of the seven bowls of the wrath of God” [v.1] It is the outpouring of the last two bowls that attract our particular attention. As the final bowl
Thought for June 27th. “GOOD NEWS OF HAPPINESS”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 7,8), (Isaiah 52), (Revelation 14) The nature of present human happiness and its causes is very different to the “good news of happiness” that God will bring about – as we read in Isaiah today. But first we read the lament by the LORD, “all the day my name is despised” [ch. 52 v.5] followed by the declaration, “Therefore in that day they shall know that
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 5,6), (Isaiah 51), (Revelation 12,13) Our Isaiah chapter (51) starts with a challenge! It was a challenge to the people of the nation at that time: he lived through the reign of 4 different kings (see ch. 1 v.1) and Ahaz especially did not live righteously. We read today, “Listen to me you who pursue righteousness, you who seek the Lord …” [v.1] But how successful
Thought for June 25th. “MORNING BY MORNING”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 4), (Isaiah 50), (Revelation 10,11) The prophecy of Isaiah is like a mine into which we dig for godly thoughts and illuminating visions, but these are sometimes set against a backdrop of failure in God’s nation. Today’s 50th chapter starts, “Thus says the LORD” but the message is one of dismay at their ungodliness, “Why, when I called , was there no one to answer? …
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 3), (Isaiah 49), (Revelation 7,8,9) The book of Revelation, while containing many visions of a symbolic nature that indicate the fate of the godless, also includes some plain statements of the future for those who are in awe of their Creator and who spend their lives aiming to serve him in an acceptable way. Today’s 7th chapter begins with a picture of those “sealed from every
Thought for June 23rd. “A GOD OF KNOWLEDGE”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 2), (Isaiah 48), (Revelation 5,6) Today we read a most remarkable prayer and we will benefit from meditating on the depth of its meaning. It is a prayer by the mother of the child Samuel. It is more than a prayer of thanksgiving. Let’s pick out some of the more significant parts, starting from 1 Samuel 2 v.2. “… there is no rock like our God.
Thought for June 22nd. “YOU SAY I AM RICH …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 1), (Isaiah 46,47), (Revelation 3,4) We continue reading the thought challenging last book in the Bible – the message of Jesus given through his disciple John. We are fascinated by how much of it includes detailed allusions to the Old Testament, for instance our reading today of Isaiah 47 (note v.3,8 and 9 onwards) is about the pride and fall of Babylon. We will see as
Thought for June 21st. “MAY YOU ACT WORTHILY”
Today's readings.. (Ruth 3,4), (Isaiah 45), (Revelation 1,2) Yesterday and today we read the lovely story of Ruth. We saw the outcome of the faithfulness of this woman, who had been widowed early in life. She supported her grieving mother-in-law, Naomi and although not born an Israelite, she told Naomi, “Your people shall be my people, and your God shall be my God.” [1 v.16] Her action is a telling
Thought for June 20th. “BUILD YOURSELVES UP …”
Today's readings.. (Ruth 1,2), (Isaiah 44), (Jude) There is a fair amount of promotion of the need for body building and physical fitness these days. It is a pity there is not as much – indeed more – emphasis on being spiritually fit, it is far more needed – and vital for our own eternal well-being. Our thoughts were provoked along these lines as we read today the 25 verses
Thought for June 19th. “….IN HIS OWN EYES”
Today's readings.. (Judges 21), (Isaiah 43), (2 & 3 John) Today we completed reading the book of Judges. This covers the period after the death of Joshua who brought the people of Israel across the Jordan after their wanderings in the wilderness; wanderings completed when Moses died. Joshua oversees their establishment as a nation in the promised land. After he died the nation did not function very well, they rallied
Thought for June 18th. “THIS IS THE VICTORY”
Today's readings.. (Judges 20), (Isaiah 42), (1 John 5) Humanly speaking, the victory we read about today in 1 John ch. 5 was a strange kind of victory. “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world,” writes John, and then he adds, “And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith” [1 John 5 v.4]. What is faith? The answer is simple! Or
Thought for June 17th. “WE ARE GOD’S CHILDREN NOW”
Today's readings.. (Judges 19), (Isaiah 41), (1 John 3,4) John’s epistles are very personal, they are for those who really believe from their hearts. He is asking them to fully appreciate their relationship with their Lord and with the eternal Father. Chapter 3 starts, “See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the
Thought for June 16th. “EVEN YOUTHS SHALL FAINT”
Today’s readings.. (Judges 17,18), (Isaiah 40), (1 John 1,2) It is being said that this is a world for young people: meaning that the young people are growing up in a much different world and are being trained to cope with and make use of all the technological wonders of the 21st Century. Never before has the world changed so much in one generation. But most young people are living
Thought for June 15th. “TO BE FOUND BY HIM WITHOUT …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 16), (Isaiah 39), (2 Peter 3) Our world is anxious! After the big world wars in Europe and Asia ended in 1945 there was a lot of positive talk about a better future, the United Nations was set up – Germany and Japan had been humbled. This positive talk was again evident when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990. But …. Yes, but, the older generation especially,
Thought for June 14th. ” … IT WAS FROM THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Judges 14,15), (Isaiah 38), (2 Peter 1,2) We have 3 really challenging sections of Scripture to read today. In Judges we learn how God allowed human desires to be fulfilled, although unspiritual, but he then weaves them into his purpose: this is observable in several parts of Scripture. The ‘superman’ Samson, possessed of remarkable physical strength, desires a Philistine as a wife. He needs his parents to arrange
thought for June 13th. “ANYONE WHO ASKS YOU …”
Today's readings.. (Judges 12,13), (Isaiah 37), (1 Peter 3,4,5) The 3 short chapters we read in 1 Peter today contain a whole range of thought provoking points most of which we can apply to the situations which now surround us when so many no longer believe there is A God. Peter reasons with believers, “who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good? [3 v.13].
Today's readings.. (Judges 10,11), (Isaiah 36), (1 Peter 2) What is “pure” in this world? Ways of living are corrupted in various ways, there is constant friction as everyone wants to do “what is right in their own eyes” as the very last words in the Book of Judges tells us of that era. In reaction to this our opening quotation from the writings of Peter are very appropriate –
Thought for June 11th. “BORN AGAIN TO A LIVING HOPE”
Today's readings.. (Judges 9), (Isaiah 35), (1 Peter 1) What a total contrast there is between our readings in Judges ch. 9 and all the conflict and resultant deaths it describes - caused by Abimelech - and the “living hope" of which Peter writes at the start of his First Epistle. The spirit that Abimelech created all around him has considerable comparison with life around nearly all the world today.
Thought for June 10th. “THE LORD HAS A DAY OF VENGEANCE”
Today's readings.. (Judges 7,8), (Isaiah 34), (James 5) It is human nature to try to be optimistic about the future. It is understandable that human beings want to think positively, to highlight their good expectations. However, as 2020 progresses there is uncertainly in the medical and financial communities among many nations about many things and storm clouds are building up around the world, especially around God’s Holy Land. Our chapters
Today's readings.. (Judges 6), (Isaiah 33), (James 3,4) The Bible contains the true wisdom from above – but the human mind misuses it; that is why there are so many different churches. We must feed on the whole of God’s word, the more we read the more we will sense the true spirit of its message – and highlight the parts which are most relevant to the circumstances in which
Thought for June 8th. “THE EFFECT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS …”
Today's readings... (Judges 4,5), (Isaiah 32), (James 2) Our chapter in Isaiah starts with a vision of the ultimate future, “Behold a king will reign in righteousness and princes will rule in justice” - how wonderful when God’s king reigns – and the whole world will then have to acknowledge what is the right way to live. However – ignore the chapter break and see that the king reigning in
Today's readings.. (Judges 2,3), (Isaiah 31), (James 1) Everything that humans make to be used regularly for some purpose – gets tested to make sure it is good enough for that purpose. James makes this simple yet important analogy at the start of his letter to his fellow Jews: the half-brother of Jesus he became the spokesman for the large congregation of believers at Jerusalem (Acts 15 v. 13-19) The
Thought for June 6th. “IN QUIETNESS AND IN TRUST”
Today's readings (Judges 1), (Isaiah 30), (Hebrews 13) God’s message through Isaiah in today’s ch. 30 shows us that God’s nation was experiencing very uncertain times. Isaiah was God’s major prophet to the nation during the reign of King Hezekiah and there are 32 references to the king in chapters 36 to 39, this was the climax of Isaiah’s ministry, see Isaiah 1 v.1. It was an era of both
Thought for June 5th. “BE VERY CAREFUL THEREFORE TO …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 23,24), (Isaiah 29), (Hebrews 12) Today we completed reading the book of Joshua. As Moses had done, Joshua gives a final message and appeal to the people to remain faithful to God. The essential thrust of his words are parallel to those of Moses, that is, it is vital they have the right spirit of mind in serving their God. Joshua says “Be very careful therefore to
Thought for June 4th. “EVENTS AS YET UNSEEN”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 22), (Isaiah 28), (Hebrews 11) As we examine all the varying parts of some chapters in God’s word, we marvel more and more at their message and meaning: Hebrews ch. 11 is outstanding in this. We should be familiar with it as the “faith” chapter. Real genuine faith, a conviction in our hearts about ‘things not yet seen’ with our eyes, is the ‘engine’ which drives those
Today's reading.. (Joshua 20,21), (Isaiah 26,27), (Hebrews 10) When we do our readings at the start of every day we like to look for something positive and encouraging to think about and comment upon, but we cannot ignore the scriptures which tell us we must show in the way we live our hope and our faith in that hope. We are sad that some claim the Scriptures justify them in
Today's readings.. (Joshua 19), (Isaiah 25), (Hebrews 8,9) Our Hebrews reading includes a long quotation [Ch. 8 v.8-12] from the prophet Jeremiah. This starts with “Behold the days are coming” and ends with “for they shall all know me (the LORD) from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Hebrews shows how the old
Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6,7) Our generation, more than ever before, struggles to have any long term hope and vision of the future! The way ahead looks increasingly uncertain making the warning of Jesus about attitudes in the last days more and more evident, “Watch yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life and that day come upon you
Thought for May 31st. “THE MESSAGE … DID NOT BENEFIT THEM”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3,4,5) We continue reading the challenging chapters of the letter to the Hebrews. It was obviously written in the final years the Temple existed in Jerusalem before it was destroyed in AD70. Those who made the Temple and the Mosaic Law a highly important part of their lives and expectations, although accepting Jesus as their Messiah, were going to be devastated when the
Thought for May 30th. “MADE LIKE HIS BROTHERS”
Today's readings... (Joshua 16), (Isaiah 22), (Hebrews 1,2) Today we start reading the Epistle to the Hebrews: primarily it is a careful analysis and explanation of God’s purpose in using his Son to reconcile the peoples of the world to himself – but only those who recognize this will be part of this reconciliation. This recognition requires faith and understanding, an essential part of this is our recognition of God
Thought for May 29th. “I PRAY THAT …”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 15), (Isaiah 20,21), (Philemon) What do you pray for? Prayer is personal, it is intimate! It certainly was for the Apostle Paul, he lays bare his heart in many of his letters so that we fully see the central focus of his mind. He describes himself as a “prisoner” (v.23) as he writes his short letter to Philemon. This was primarily about Onesimus, a slave who had
Today's readings.. (Joshua 14), (Isaiah 19), (Titus 1,2,3) We are surrounded by ungodliness to a far greater degree than experienced by any previous generation – at least in the western world. We can say we “renounce ungodliness”, but putting what we say into action is getting more difficult: it means we must concentrate our minds on godly thoughts at every opportunity. The 46 verses of Paul’s letter to Titus is
Thought for May 27th. “DAMASCUS WILL CEASE TO BE A CITY”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 13), (Isaiah 17,18), (2 Timothy 3,4) Several prophecies in Isaiah attracted our attention as we read our 2 chapters in Isaiah today. Damascus was the capital of Syria in those days – and still is today. We recall reading in the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE that Damascus is the oldest most continuously inhabited city in the world and there is no evidence that it was ever destroyed like
Thought for May 26th. “IF … WE WILL ALSO LIVE WITH HIM”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 12), (Isaiah 16), (2Timothy 2) Among the believers in the First Century there was in circulation what are called the ‘sayings of the faithful’. There was no opportunity for the great majority to learn to read and write so certain sayings were memorized. Some persons with exceptional abilities of memory are said to have memorized all the Psalms. Mission workers have been surprised when meeting some so
Thought for May 25th. “WITH A CLEAR CONSCIENCE”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 11), (Isaiah 15), (2 Timothy 1) Paul tells Timothy in his 2nd letter, “I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience” [1 v.3] How necessary to have such a conscience. How shattered his conscience must have been after his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus. As soon as he could, after Ananias came to him. he was baptised to
Thought for May 24th. “FLEE THESE THINGS”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 10), (Isaiah 14), (1 Timothy 6) The Apostle Paul concludes his first letter to “his son” (Phil.2 v.22) Timothy with a survey of the problems and bad influences amongst some of the believers. He stresses the things he should teach adding, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness,
Today's readings.. (Joshua 9), (Isaiah 13), (1 Timothy 4,5) God’s revelation of the future to Isaiah clearly has an application beyond the future that faced God’s nation during and sooner after the prophet’s own day. Ignoring the chapter break between today and tomorrows’ chapters (13 & 14) we read, “its time is close at hand and its days will not be prolonged. For the LORD will have compassion on Jacob
Thought for May 22nd. “HOW ONE OUGHT TO BEHAVE”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 8), (Isaiah 12), (1 Timothy 1,2,3) Paul's letter to Timothy is full of advice and instruction we can use for ourselves. He tells Timothy that, “I hope to come to you soon , but I am writing these things to you so that, if I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church (assembly) of the living
Thought for May 21st. “… AN EXAMPLE TO IMITATE”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 7), (Isaiah 11), (2 Thessalonians 3) Today, more than ever before, we live in a herd environment, a human herd. Mass advertising in a great variety of media confronts us hour after hour, creating a herd mentality. We reflected on this as we read Paul’s words this morning. He told the Thessalonians that we “give you in ourselves an example to imitate.” [2 Thess. 3 v.9] What
Thought for May 20th. “THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 5,6), (Isaiah 10), (2 Thessalonians 1,2) Today we read how Joshua and the emerging nation of Israel crossed the river Jordan – and - under divine guidance destroyed Jericho. Only Rahab (and her household) who knew and feared the true God are saved. Indeed, when we come to read Hebrews 11 we will see that she is listed among the examples of men and women of real
Thought for May 19th. “FOR ALL THIS”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 3,4), (Isaiah 9), (1 Thessalonians 5) Four times, the first three being in today’s reading of the 9th chapter of Isaiah, the prophet states God’s attitude is that, “For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still” [v.12,17, 21 In their own strength they think they can ignore God and restore the things that have gone wrong, to bounce back
Thought for May 18th. “BLAMELESS IN HOLINESS”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 2), (Isaiah 8), (1 Thessalonians 3,4) Many parts of the world indulge in what is called ‘the blame game.’ Very few admit anything is their fault – and lawyers become very wealthy! There is less and less genuine honesty in our world: men and women may deceive one another – but God is never deceived! In Paul’s 1st letter to the Thessalonians he is exceedingly anxious for
Thought for May 17th. “WHICH IS AT WORK IN YOU”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 1), (Isaiah 7), (1 Thessalonians 1,2) We have 3 stirring portions of Scripture to challenge and encourage us today. Paul tells the Thessalonians how they have been “entrusted with the gospel … not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. For we never came with words of flattery” [2 v.4,5]. Our sense of God’s all-knowing presence is an essential, indeed the main ingredient,
Thought for May 16th. “HIGH AND LIFTED UP”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 33,34), (Isaiah 6), (Colossians 3,4) Our reading in Isaiah today gave us thoughts that are high and lifted up! But then we contradicted ourselves – and felt as low as one can possibly be! What caused this? Meditate on the unfolding message. Isaiah has a vision of “the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple.” There
Thought for May 15th. “THEY ARE OF NO VALUE IN …”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 32), (Isaiah 5), (Colossians 2) Paul’s message to the Colossians again arrested our attention. He tells them, “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition …” [2 v.8] Jesus had warned against “traditions” that religious leaders of his day had developed (see Matt. 15 v.3-9). Creating things to observe and keep do not make us more righteous
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 31), (Isaiah 3,4), (Colossians 1) Is your knowledge of God increasing? We live in a world in which all kinds of knowledge multiplies as never before – human cleverness appears to know no bounds! Sadly – at the same time, awareness and acknowledgement of God is decreasing at an astonishing rate. It reminds us of the parable in which the citizens “hated” him and sent a message
Thought for May 13th. “PROCLAIMING THE KINGDOM”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 30), (Isaiah 2), (Acts 280 We complete reading ACTS today: the last 2 verses show us us that Paul was in Rome for “two whole years … and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.” Notice the emphasis on Paul proclaiming God’s Kingdom – it is sad that as the
Thought for May 12th. “TO WHOM I BELONG”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 29), (Isaiah 1), (Acts 27) Today we read the dramatic account of Paul’s experience of shipwreck on the way to Rome. It is a first person account as Luke, the author of the book of Acts, is with him. The point which particularly caught our attention was Paul’s way of talking to the crew when they were in utter desperation and the loss of the ship with
Thought for May 11th. “THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE IN A CORNER”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 28), (Song of Solomon 8), (Acts 25,26) Things done in a corner are concealed from general knowledge. It seems evident that Luke, the writer of the book of ACTS was with Paul on some of his travels. Ch. 27 v.1 shows he was with him as he travelled after his appeal to Caesar (v.1,3,4 &c “we” experienced this and that). The defense of Paul before King Agrippa
Thought for May 10th. “AS HE REASONED ABOUT …”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 27), (Song of Solomon 7), (Acts 23,24) What do we/you reason about? This question is prompted by verses in today’s 24th chapter of Acts. The arrest of Paul which had been predicted by the prophets in the early church possessed by the gifts of the Spirit, had now taken place in Jerusalem. Paul is brought to Caesarea and kept in custody by the Roman Governor Felix who
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 26), (Song of Solomon 6), (Acts 21,22) Moses’ final message to the emerging nation of Israel is now approaching its’ climax. Today’s chapter 26 in Deuteronomy contains two statements that arrested our attention. First he says to them, “You have declared today that the LORD is your God, and that you will walk in his ways and keep his commandments and his rules and obey his voice”
Thought for May 8th. “THE WHOLE COUNCIL OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 25), (Song of Solomon 5), (Acts 20) Our chapter in Acts (20) emphasizes the total dedication of Paul to complete the mission Jesus gave him. He declares to the Ephesian elders who had come to him at Miletus that he has “gone about proclaiming the kingdom … therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all of you, for I
Thought for May 7th. “YOUR BLOOD BE ON YOUR OWN HEADS”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 24), (Song of Solomon 4), (Acts 18,19) The Apostle Paul frequently encountered conflict as he travelled to different communities preaching the message of the cross. At each place he started by preaching to the Jews in their synagogues. We read today that “he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks.” [Acts 18 v.4] Then Silas and Timothy joined him, they found
Thought for May 6th. “DRAMA AT ATHENS”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 23), (Song of Solomon 3), (Acts 16,17) One of the better known stories in the Bible is when Paul was in Athens and confronted the idol worshippers. He gave a challenging speech on Mars Hill, (modern Bibles translate it as Areopagus) Paul observes how religious (AV ‘superstitious’) they are! (Acts 17 v.22). “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious: for I
Thoughts for May 5th. “… AND FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 22), (Song of Solomon 2), (Acts 14,15) There is a very interesting link between our 3 readings today. The early church has a crisis meeting to decide whether the new Gentile converts should be expected to keep the Law of Moses. Leaders including Paul, Barnabas, Peter and James participate in, what we would call today, a high level conference in Jerusalem . The end result is that
Thought for May 4th. “… JUDGE YOURSELVES UNWORTHY”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 21), (Song of Solomon 1), (Acts 13) Our chapter today (10) in Acts is most thought provoking. The message of the Gospel is now spreading and what is most fascinating is all the different reactions Paul and Barnabas experienced as they travelled. What is also significant is the extent to which they quoted from the Old Testament – but that was their Bible. Our chapter contains no
Thought for May 3rd. “IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 20), (Ecclesiastes 12), (Acts 11,12) Today we read the final chapter of Ecclesiastes which begins with the wise advice, “Remember … your Creator in the days of your youth.” The Hebrew word for “Remember” is sometimes translated as “mindful” eg Psa 8 v.4 – that God is “mindful” of human beings!. How “full” are our minds of our Creator in our youth? Solomon sees this as vital
Thought for May 2nd. “NOT TO ALL THE PEOPLE”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 19), (Ecclesiastes 11), (Acts 10) These days so many strive to convince themselves there is no God. We pondered the fact that God does not make it abundantly evident that he exists. If he did there would be no need for faith, no need to search out what is the real cause of human existence. These thoughts arose as we read of the conversion of Cornelius, the
Thought for May 1st. “BEHOLD HE IS PRAYING”
Today's readings.. (Deuteronomy 18), (Ecclesiastes 10), (Acts 9) How full of zeal Paul was - as a result of his human perceptions of what really mattered in life – a zeal which had two sides! One was self exaltation and the praise of his fellow men who agreed with his cause – the other side – was to destroy this movement which was threatening the authority of the powerful Jewish
Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE
Today's readings.. (numbers 14), (Proverbs 10), (Luke 23) Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers and the people” [Luke 23 v.13] opposed Pilate’s decision to release him so he gave in and “delivered Jesus over to their will.” He is crucified between two criminals and one of these derides him saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us,” but the other
Thought for March 30th. “ALL WHO HATE ME LOVE DEATH”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 12,13), (Proverbs 8,9), (Luke 22) What a challenging statement that is, “all who hate me love death”! It is the final statement in Proverbs ch. 8, a chapter which begins with the question, ”Does not wisdom call?”. Call? – this is a Hebrew word that occurs 16 times in Proverbs, for example, 1 v.24 :”I have called and you refused to listen.” In today’s chapter, it is
Today's readings.. (Numbers 11), (Proverbs 7), (Luke 21) Foreboding is not a word we use much these days; the dictionary says it means – ‘have a premonition of something evil or harmful.’ Jesus used it (as translated by the ESV) in our reading today [Luke 21 v.26]; he forecast that just before he returns to earth there will be, “distress of nations in perplexity … people fainting with fear and
Today's readings.. (Numbers 10), (Proverbs 6), (Luke 20) Our Proverbs (Ch.6) reading calls for reflective meditation. “My son keep your father’s commandment and forsake not your mother’s teaching . Bind them on your heart always … when you walk they will lead you …. They will talk with you.” [v.20-22] Are mother’s and father’s fulfilling their responsibility today? A teaching technique is needed that so fixes words of
Thought for March 27th. “THE THINGS THAT MAKE FOR PEACE”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 8,9), (Proverbs 5), (Luke 19) Our world likes to talk about peace. We cannot recall a time when there has not been talks about the need for peace in some situation, often many situations. At the end of world wars “peace” is declared! But is “peace” simply a cessation of hostilities? No it is not, well not from the divine perspective. We read in today’s 19th chapter
Thought for March 26th. “MY FATHER … HE TAUGHT ME”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 7), (Proverbs 4), (Luke 18) Today’s 4th chapter of Solomon’s Proverbs alerts us to the responsibility of fathers. It starts, “Hear. O sons, a father’s instruction, and be attentive … “ It is clear that David, the father of Solomon had seen in him a responsive spirit and taught him the ways of God. This led David to name Solomon as his successor (see 1 Kings 1
Thought for March 25th. “THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 6), (Proverbs 3), (Luke 17) In Numbers we read that the establishment of Israel as an organised nation is now complete. It had been just over a year since they escaped from Egypt; the 10 commandments and other laws had been given, the tabernacle had been made and erected and is now ready for use. The priesthood. led by Aaron, had been appointed, Our chapter (6) today
Today's readings.. (Numbers 5), (Proverbs 2), (Luke 16) Honesty seems to be an increasingly rare commodity in the 21st Century. Cheating the Govt at least a little is a common practice. The shop assistant is astonished, but pleased, when one hands back money when you have been given too much change after making a purchase! We read today a parable Jesus told about a manager who worked for a rich
Thought for March 23rd. “HOW LONG WILL SCOFFERS DELIGHT”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 4), (Proverbs 1), (Luke 15) Solomon’s proverbs begin with a very telling chapter on the need “to know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in …” [v.2,3] It is a most appropriate message for all those who are in awe of God, “let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance” [v.5] writes Solomon. Verse 7
Thought for March 22nd. ” YOU WILL BE REPAID AT …”
Today's readings... (Numbers 3), (Psalms 148,149,150), (Luke 13,14) Luke’s record of the sayings of Jesus in today’s chapters are very challenging. The essential message is that you cannot be a follower of Jesus on your own terms – you cannot just serve Jesus in your spare time. Also – we must not serve Jesus in anticipation of getting immediate benefits. Jesus illustrated this with parables – such as those who
Thought for March 21st. “ONE’S LIFE DOES NOT CONSIST IN …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 2), (Psalms 145,146,147), (Luke 12) Many of the sayings of Jesus in today’s 12th chapter of Luke are very challenging. They were addressed to the generation that were about to experience the destruction of Jerusalem and their nation at the hands of the Romans: their lives were going to be turned upside down. Yet, as it is today, nearly all were self-centred, their religious beliefs were just
Thought for March 20th. “BLESSED RATHER ARE THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. (Numbers 1), (Psalms 143,144), (Luke 11) Very soon we will be reading the Proverbs of Solomon. We thought of this when we saw the reference Jesus made to Solomon in today’s chapter 11 of Luke’s gospel. He made reference to the accounts in the Old Testament of the wisdom from God that Solomon received and how, such as the queen of Sheba, “came from the ends
Thought for March 19th. PARABLES
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 27), (Psalms 140,141,142), (Luke 10) Jesus spoke in parables, stories that were not necessarily factual because their purpose was to drive home some principle about the spiritual meaning of life. In Luke 10 we encounter some one word parables and phrases that are so obviously not literal. He did many miracles in Capernaum and other cities. He challenges, "If the mighty works done in
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 26), (Psalms 137,138,139), (Luke 9) I remember searchlights as a boy. Beams of light would sweep across the sky from near where I lived. They were searching for enemy planes, if they found one they would lock on to it and the gunners would try to shoot it down. My wife Fran had gunners right near her house. We were reminded of this
Thought for March 17th. GOD’S PRINCIPLE
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 25), (Psalms 135,136), (Luke 8) Today’s readings in Leviticus 25 are the words of the LORD about how the nation is to function when they settle into the promised land. First there are laws to see that they treat the land properly so that the soil continues to yield its increase. They were work the land for 6 years “but in the seventh
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 23), (Psalms 128,129,130), (Luke 6) "Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like" [Luke 6:47] There follows the story of a man carefully building a house and digging deep and finding a rock on which to base foundations. So when all was complete "a flood arose, the stream broke against that house, and could
Thought for March 16th. “WHO INHABITS ETERNITY”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 24), (Psalm 131,132,133,134), (Luke 7) "Remember O LORD in David's favour, all the hardships he endured, how he swore to the LORD and vowed …" [Psalm 132:1-2] The prayer and petition in that Psalm has a very significant lesson for us. What particular thing did David vow to do that he should be remembered for? Was it some great thing? He did many great things
Thought for March 14th. “BUT AT YOUR WORD I WILL …”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 22), (Psalm 125,126,127), (Luke 5) Who told Jesus
Thought for March 13th. “I WAS SENT FOR THIS PURPOSE”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 21), (Psalms 120,121,122,123,124), (Luke 4) The Apostle Paul told Timothy, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” [1 Tim 1 v.15] That salvation was only possible through his sacrifice on the cross, a sacrifice that brought an end to all the sacrifices of animals and the use of their blood on the altar that we have been
Thought for March 12th. “I REJOICE AT YOUR WORD”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 20), (Psalm 119: 129-176), (Luke 3) Today we completed reading the 176 verses of Psalm 119. What impressed us was how often the Psalmist stresses the value of knowing God’s word. There is no point in reading God’s word if what we read has no effect on us. We read today, “The unfolding of your word gives light; it imparts understanding …”[v.130] and leads to the plea
Thought for March 11th. “MY MEDITATION ALL THE DAY”
Today's readings.. (Levite's 19), (Psalm 119:81-128), (Luke 2) The intensity of spiritual thought to be found in Psalm 119 invites our deepest reflection and meditation. The Psalmist is contemplating how the reality of his relationship with God penetrated all spheres of his life. As we read this Psalm it impels us to treasure God’s word as the springboard of all our really worthwhile meditation. “How sweet are your words to
Thought for March 10th. “SO KEEP MY CHARGE NEVER TO … “
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 17,18), (Psalm 119: 41-80), (Luke 1) Leviticus does not make pleasant reading, but there are many things in the Bible which make us feel uncomfortable – for our own good. We could not fail to notice, in reading chapter 18, the parallel with much human behaviour these days. The LORD tells Moses about his abhorrence of many of the ways of life in Egypt – and in
Thought for March 9th. “WITH MY WHOLE HEART … “
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 16), (Psalm 119:1-40), (2 Corinthians 12,13) Today we started reading Psalm 119. The longest ‘chapter’ in the Bible. The phrase “whole” arrested our attention, it is in v.2,10 & 34 in today’s portion. The point comes across most powerfully that the real way to approach God is to do it with all our being, with total commitment of mind. Verse 2 says “Blessed are those who keep
Thought for March 8th. “UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 15), (Psalms 117,118), (2 Corinthians 10,11) Those suffering with leprosy in Bible times were expected to cry out “Unclean, unclean” (Lev. 13 v.45) so that people would know not to touch him or her for fear of contagion. Today’s reading in Leviticus 15, might seem rather boring, but it has valuable lessons on cleanliness of which the world was ignorant until about 200 years ago. The word ‘Leprosy’
Thought for March 7th. “OF THEIR OWN FREEWILL”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 14), (Psalm 115,116), (2 Corinthians 8,9) Paul’s letters to the Corinthians are the most detailed and intimate of all that he wrote to places he had visited. It is evident as we read chapters 8 & 9 of his 2nd letter that he has built up a close relationship and understanding with them. He tells them of the believers in Macedonia, of which Philippi and Thessalonica are
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 12,13), (Psalm 113,114), (2 Corinthians 5,6,7) The points Paul makes to the Corinthians in his 2nd letter are very thought provoking – but really Jesus made the same point – it all comes down to the fact that those who give minimal priority to genuine spiritual things have a different set of values from those who give them a high priority. In the outworking of those values
Thought for March 5th. “RENEWED DAY BY DAY … “
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 11), (Psalms 110,111,112), (2 Corinthians 3,4) How essential it is that we are renewed day by day. Just as our body needs physical food – so does our mind. This is one of the points in Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians. His life is under a lot of stress, far more than others. He says, “we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but
Thought for March 4th. “I WILL BE SANCTIFIED.”
(Leviticus 9,10), (Psalm 108,109), (2 Corinthians 1,2) ‘Sanctified’ means recognized as holy, set apart from the commonplace; treating spiritual situations with all reverence. Far above all other considerations, this must be our spirit when we approach God. Our Leviticus reading today shows us the dramatic and disastrous result of a failure to do this. Think of the atmosphere at the tabernacle in the manifestation of the actual presence of God
Thought for March 3rd. “THE DAYS OF YOUR ORDINATION”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 8), (Psalm 107), (1 Corinthians 16) We have been reading in Leviticus about the laws and offerings that were to come into operation now that they had made the Tabernacle with its Holy Place, altars and other furnishings. The clothing and rituals for the priests are very detailed and elaborate. Today’s reading (Ch. 8) is about how the LORD tells Moses to bring Aaron and his sons
Thought for March 2nd. “THOSE WHO ARE OF HEAVEN”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 7), (Psalm 106), (1 Corinthians 15) Our reading of that well known and oft quoted 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians graphically illustrates a principle that is made again and again in God’s word – that there is no ‘middle’ way: our ultimate future is black – or - white. Paul goes to great pains to emphasize this: some in Corinth were doubting that Christ’s resurrection literally happened,
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 5,6), (Psalm 105), (1 Corinthians 14) Today’s 14th chapter of 1 Corinthians completes Paul’s detailed advice to the believers on the wise use of the spiritual gifts that were then available. Those who claim some type of spiritual gift today almost always quote very selectively from this chapter, ignoring the context. They had no Bible to read in Corinth - like we have! It seems there were
Thought for February 28th. “SO NOW FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE ABIDE”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 3,4), (Psalm104), (1 Corinthians 12,13) One of the problems in Corinth Paul had heard about, was “concerning spiritual gifts” [1 Cor. 12 v.1] This chapter and the next two show that the improper use of the gifts by some was a large problem. Of course, with the Gospels not yet in circulation, the existence of spiritual gifts had real purpose. Paul says that “the manifestation of the
Thought for February 27th. “…. ON THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”
Today's readings.. (Leviticus 1,2), (Psalm 103), (1 Corinthians 11) Psalm 103 is a very ‘popular’ Psalm because of its emphasis on the love and mercy of the LORD. It is very encouraging for those who struggle to feel ‘right’ before God – and isn’t that all of us at some stage(s) of our lives! We feel in our hearts the urgent need, despite our failures, to feel God is ‘on
Thought for February 26th. “A PARTICIPATION IN THE BODY OF CHRIST”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 39,40), (Psalm 102), (1 Corinthians 10) In Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians we have come to where he refers to the memorial emblems, he stresses that their participation in these should be in a way that illustrates their unity. Paul has made several points very strongly in earlier chapters addressing issues that were seriously undermining their unity in Christ: their lack of harmony worried him very
Thought for February 25th. “IF ANYONE LOVES GOD, HE IS KNOWN BY GOD”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 38), (Psalms 100,101), (1 Corinthians 8,9) Love is, above all, an active quality; genuine love causes us to do things: it motivates our heart. Now, the things love causes us to do are not things we do out of a sense of obligation, there should not be occasions when we say, “I suppose I had better do …” especially when it comes to serving the Lord. Our
Today's readings.. (Exodus 37), (Psalms 96,97,98,99), (1 Corinthians 7) Today’s chapter in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians gives his views about specific situations occurring there. However, it contains principles which apply to believers of all ages. He is responding to “matters about which you wrote” [1 Cor.7 v.1] and his words are like hearing one side of a conversation. Corinth was a very immoral city and its idolatry and
Thought for February 23rd. “WHEN THE CARES OF MY HEART ARE MANY …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 36), (Psalm 94,95), (1 Corinthians 6) What a personally stirring Psalm we have today in No. 94. The name of the Psalmist is not given but it “feels” very much like one of David’s. “When I thought, ‘My foot slips,’ your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” [v.18,19] One
Thought for February 22nd. “EVERYONE WHOSE HEART STIRRED HIM”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 35), (Psalm 92,93), (1 Corinthians 4,5) The drama of Moses in the mountain and then in dealing with those who made the golden calf is now in the past. We read today of preparations for making the Tabernacle: everyone had brought away from Egypt items of value - remember what you read in Ch. 12 v,35,36! “They plundered the Egyptians.” Moses appeals to the people,
Thought for February 21st. “PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR GLORY”
Today’s readings.. (Exodus 33,34), (Psalms 90,91), (1 Corinthians 3) The life story of Moses is remarkable, only after being a shepherd for 40 years in Midian was he called by God to serve him. He then had the drama of the plagues and his inter-action with Pharaoh. The dramatic crossing of the Red Sea and the quaking mountain and 40 days on the summit are naturally seen as
Thought for February 20th. “WHERE IS THE ONE WHO IS WISE?”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 31,32), (Psalm 89), (1 Corinthians 1,2) Today we began reading Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. Corinth was a centre of Greek learning and Greek wisdom. Winning converts was a challenge - a quite different kind of challenge to winning converts among the Jews. Today’s world with its atheism and humanism is yet another kind of challenge – yet there are parallels – and what Paul wrote applies
Thought for February 19th. “THAT WE MAY SEE AND BELIEVE”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 30), (Psalm 87,88), (Mark 15,16) What causes belief – real conviction? Well, it depends what you want to believe; what you need to believe! If someone cries ‘Fire’ – you lose no time in acting to verify the cry is genuine – and seeing what you can possibly do in helping to put it out. Our thoughts were triggered along these lines as we read today in
Thought for February 18th. “TEACH ME THY WAYS O LORD”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 29), (Psalms 85,86), (Mark 14) Today we read a most moving and personal prayer of David. It begins, “Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. Preserve my life for I am godly.” [Psa. 86] Can we pray as David did? But in what sense are we poor and needy? Many might say this today, but not mean it in the
Thought for February 17th. “IN WHOSE HEART ARE THE HIGHWAYS TO …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 28), (Psalm 83,84), (Mark 13) Today we travel on highways, freeways and motorways. Different countries call them different names. These allow us to travel at speed to our destinations. Our thoughts “raced” along these lines as we read Psalm 84 and the words he addressed to God, “Blessed are those whose strength is in you and in whose heart are the highways to Zion”
Thought for February 16th. “LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 27), (Psalm 81,82), (Mark 12) Can we know some sayings of Jesus too well? It is possible to get to know some things so well that we cease to let them dwell in our thoughts very much – moving on to what we may see as more profound matters. We wonder who the unnamed scribe was who came to Jesus – having heard his fellow
Thought for February 15th. BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED …”
Today’s readings.. (Exodus 26), (Psalm 79,80), (Mark 11) There is a puzzling statement by Jesus in today’s 11th chapter of Mark. Jesus makes a triumphant entry into Jerusalem creating much speculation. He curses a fig tree and it withers ; Peter expresses astonishment when they see it the next morning (v.21). God’s fig tree (Joel 1 v.7) was to dramatically wither in that generation. In response to Peter, Jesus simply
Thought for February 14th. THEY FLATTERED HIM …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 24,25), (Psalm 78), (Mark 10) Can we “flatter” God? Human flattery emerges out of unhealthy attitudes of mind to achieve a fleshly purpose! There are many meaningful lessons to be gleaned from today’s Psalm 78. It surveys the whole history of God’s nation and the good – and not so good – indeed the bad - in their relationship with their God. What is a
Thought for February 13th. “I BELIEVE, HELP MY UNBELIEF”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 23), (Psalm 77), (Mark 9) What did Jesus mean when he said, “All things are possible for one who believes” [Mark 9 v.23] His remark was made in the context of some of his disciples failing to heal a boy who was suffering from what we would call today, epilepsy. Jesus had been away with his 3 most intimate disciples – his remarkable transfiguration had taken place
Thought for February 12th. “DO YOU NOT REMEMBER?”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 22), (Psalms 75,76), (Mark 8) The disciples of Jesus were in training – but they did not realize this! Do we? Jesus spoke in parables and they, most of all, were expected to grow in their ability to sense their meaning and lesson. In today’s chapter in Mark (Ch.. 8) they go in a boat to the other side of Galilee but “they had forgotten
Thought for February 11th. “A FOOLISH PEOPLE REVILES YOUR NAME”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 21), (Psalm 74), (Mark 7) Our Psalms reading today (No. 74) was obviously written when God’s nation was in distress and their temple destroyed. Asaph is a later Psalmist and some of his words are very appropriate to our situation now; the few faithful in Israel were surrounded by scoffers, not dissimilar to what we will soon read in Exodus. Real faith in God is a challenge,
Thought for February 10th. “GOD HAS COME TO TEST YOU, THAT …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 19,20), (Psalm 73), (Mark 6) Almost 2 months elapsed after the people of Israel escaped from Egypt and now “they came into the wilderness of Sinai” [Exod.19 v.2] and encamped “before the mountain” [v.2] - not any mountain! Most dramatic events followed! We should take special notice of what Moses is told by the LORD to tell the people. “You yourselves have seen what I
Thought for February 9th. THE PRAYERS OF DAVID
Today's readings.. (Exodus 17,18), (Psalm 72), (Mark 5) The Psalms are divided into 5 books, and today we complete the second, today’s Psalm (72) ending with the words, “the prayers of David, the son of Jesse are ended.” There are more Psalms attributed to David later on. The Psalms (the Hymn Book of Israel) are not compiled in the order they were written and at the head of
Thought for February 8th. “WHO THEN IS THIS?”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 16), (psalms 70,71), (Mark 4) We all have probably had the experience of suddenly seeing another side of friend’s character that we did not know existed. We then wonder who they really are! Hopefully these are good things we see, but sadly, that is not always the case. Now consider the experience of the disciples of Jesus, our heading is the question they asked themselves at a
Thought for February 7th. “I WILL SING TO THE LORD
Today's readings.. (Exodus 15), (Psalm 69), (Mark 3) The occasion when we particularly sing with spiritual joy in our hearts is when a new brother or sister emerges from the waters of baptism. Consider then the song “Moses and the people of Israel sang … to the LORD” [Exod.15]. It is a song about what had just happened, the deliverance of a nation, in reality the birth of a new
Today's readings... (Exodus 13,14), (Psalm 68), (Mark 2) There are interesting parallels between our two Old Testament readings today. Chapters 13 & 14 of Exodus describe the drama of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt. We noted the fear they had when the Egyptians started pursuing them and Moses reassurance that the LORD was in control, they must “Fear not and stand firm” [14 v.13]; their God would complete their
Thought for February 5th. “IF I HAD CHERISHED …”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 11,12), (Psalms 66,67), (Mark 1) The Psalms captured our particular attention this morning, although all the chapters we read were full of drama – arising from – or anticipating - the actions of the Almighty. In Exodus we read of the night of the Passover with the angel of the Lord destroying all the firstborn in Egypt. An incredible outcry followed – how comparable will that be
Today's readings.. (Exodus 10), (Psalms 64,65), (Romans 15,16) We thought about this for some time. How do we understand the references in today’s ch. 10 of Exodus to the LORD hardening Pharaoh’s heart. (v.1,10,27) Can God blame man for what God does – if that is the way to understand this? Notice how Moses conveys the message of the LORD (i.e. Yahweh/Jehovah) to Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD,
Today's readings.. (Exodus 9), (Psalms 62,63), (Romans 13,14) The first part of our reading today, Ch. 13 of Romans, needs to be understood in the context of the whole Bible. Paul tells his readers, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities … those that exist have been instituted by God. Whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed … for rulers are not a terror to
Thought for February 2nd. “AS A LIVING SACRIFICE”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 7,8), (Psalms 60,61), (Romans 12) In Genesis we are reading of Moses’ encounters with Pharaoh and today we saw Moses’ demand “We must go three days journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD our God as he tells us” [Ch.8 v.27] Over the next few days we will read of the drama of the plagues: we pondered the example of Pharaoh’s tactic of first
Thought for February 1st. “I APPEARED … AS GOD ALMIGHTY”
Today's readings.. (Exodus 5,6), (Psalms 58,59), (Romans 10,11) Our reading in Exodus ch. 6 today presents us with a puzzle. “God spoke to Moses and said to him, ‘I am the LORD. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty (Heb: El Shaddai) but by my name the LORD (Heb: Yahweh) I did not make myself known to them.” [v.2,3] Yet we can see that
Thought for January 21st. “CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 36), (Psalm 38), (Matthew 23) Matthew Ch 23 is full of blunt observations by Jesus about the religious leaders, but no indication is given of their reaction. The end of ch. 22 shows how he silenced them with a question they could not answer and “from that day did anyone dare ask him any more questions.” Chapter 23 starts by telling us he is
Thought for January 9th. “WALK BEFORE ME AND BE BLAMELESS”
Today's readings.. (Genesis 17,18), (Psalms 19,20,21), (Matthew 11) Abraham is one of the three outstanding characters in the Old Testament (the other two are Moses and David). Genesis 17 tells us that when Abraham was 99 the LORD appeared and said, “I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless” that I may make my covenant between me and you …” [v.1,2] Abraham’s acts of faith were
Thought for January 8th. “I ALSO WILL DENY …”
Today's readings...(Genesis 15,16), (Psalm 18), (Mathew 10) Matthew’s gospel records how Jesus started training his disciples for their work when he would no longer be with them. Today’s ch. 10 starts, “And he called to him his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and every affliction.” What are “unclean spirits”? The parable in Ch. 12 v.43-45 illustrates that
Thought for January 5th. “BUT GOD REMEMBERED … ”
Today's readings... (Genesis 9,10), (Psalms 11,12,13), (Matthew 7) In Genesis we have been reading the account of the flood that wiped out all the descendants of Adam and Eve except Noah, his wife, 3 sons and their wives. Archaeologists have come across many ancient records of other nations with memories of a massive flood, although these accounts are embellished with lots of fanciful features. Both Jesus [Luke 17
Thought for December 31st. “EVERYONE WHO LOVES AND PRACTICES …”
Today's readings.. (Job 41,42), (Malachi 3,4), (Revelation 21,22) Today we read the final chapters in both the Old and New Testaments. Both describe in graphic (and fairly symbolic) detail the final climax of world history. Malachi in particular says, “the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and evildoers will be stubble.” [4 v.1] But what should concern us most, are the principles God uses in
Thought for December 30th. “EVERYONE WHO DOES EVIL IS GOOD”
Today's readings.. (Job 40), (Malachi 2), (Revelation 19,20) After Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament was written, there was silence; no inspired message from God until John the Baptist came on the scene 400 years or so later. No wonder John attracted so much attention. Through Malachi God again predicted the coming of Jesus, his special messenger, but Jesus states that John had also been predicted [Luke
Thought for December 29th.”…IN A SINGLE DAY … IN A SINGLE HOUR”
Today's readings.. (Job 39), (Malachi 1), (Revelation 17,18) As one debates in one’s thoughts the most likely way some of the symbolic language of Revelation is best understood there can be no doubt that today’s chapters (17 & 18) clearly portray the collapse of a great – and false – religious system. It is described as a ‘prostitute’ (AV – harlot). “A “voice from heaven” [18 v.4,5]
Thought for December 28th. “THERE SHALL NEVER AGAIN BE …”
Today's readings.. (Job 38), (Zechariah 13,14), (Revelation 15,16) Our chapters today in Zechariah 13 & 14 and Revelation 15 & 16 may be the most dramatic in the whole Bible with their descriptions of events leading up to the final judgments of God on the forces of the nations that are blind to the reality of his existence. Some of the ‘jigsaw pieces’ of events we are able
Thought for December 27th. “THE BURDEN OF THE WORD OF THE LORD”
Today’s readings.. (Job 37), (Zechariah 12), (Revelation 14) All too often the prophets of the LORD had to bring messages of coming acts of judgement from him.. These, , were predictions that were sure and certain. What a ‘burden’ this is for the prophet. The Hebrew word for ‘burden’ has the primary meaning of a pronouncement of doom to someone, all too often, to Israel.. Yet Zechariah’s prophecy has
Thought for December 26th. “MY WORTHLESS SHEPHERD”
Today's readings.. (Job 35,36), (Zechariah 11), (Revelation 12,13) Jesus is the good shepherd – and in this world of sin and death (Romans 5 v.12) how urgent it is to find and hear the voice of the good shepherd. There have been many shepherds over the Centuries that have been good up to a point; for example, David, Solomon, Elijah and Hezekiah – and in recent Centuries, men of the
Thought for December 25th. “THERE WOULD BE NO MORE DELAY”
Today's readings.. (Job 34), (Zechariah 10), (Revelation 10,11) In the Old Testament we read how often there were bad kings on the throne in Jerusalem that corrupted the people, or were corrupt because of the people, kings like Manasseh, yet God – from our human perspective – kept delaying in acting to destroy the Holy City and its Temple. Then in the New Testament Jesus wept over Jerusalem
Thought for December 24th. “THE REST OF MANKIND … DID NOT REPENT …”
Today's readings.. (Job 33), (Zechariah 9), (Revelation 7,8,9) As we pondered the symbolic language of our Lord Jesus in his final message – a revelation given through his beloved disciple John - we were struck by the many different ways God has ultimately punished and destroyed those who have no time for him – often after a long period of grace looking to see in them a change of
Thought for December 23rd. “WORTHY IS THE LAMB”
Today's readings.. (Job 31,32), (Zechariah 8), (Revelation 5,6) “Who is worthy ….?” This is a key question for us in our readings in the book of Revelation today. In reading this final book in God’s word, our minds can get ‘bogged down’ in debating the meaning of individual details, but it is spiritually invaluable to gain the overall spirit – and wonder – of this final message/vision which our Saviour
Thought for December 22nd. “NOT REALISING THAT YOU ARE …”
Today's readings.. (Job 29,30), (Zechariah 6,7), ((Revelation 3,4) Our world is full of people who have no comprehension of what God is – many are convinced there is no God – allegedly wise men and women keep telling them this. Sadly most churches have little to say in protest at this state of things. We are now reading the book of Revelation and today in ch. 3 we completed
Thought for December 21st. “IT CANNOT BE BOUGHT FOR GOLD”
Today's readings.. (Job 28), (Zechariah 4,5), (Revelation 1,2) Job’s friends have given up reasoning with him! This is good, their point of view was a sort of tunnel vision arising from their conviction that his woes were the result of some concealed misbehavior on his part. Job now switches his thoughts more fully to perceptions of God and his ways – his thoughts are highly interesting to say the
Thought for December 20th. “THE APPLE OF HIS EYE”
Today's readings.. (Job 25,26,27), (Zechariah 2,3), (Jude) Yesterday we started reading Zechariah, he was a prophet associated with Ezra (5 v.1) in the return from captivity to rebuild the Temple. First he addresses the Jews in Babylon saying “Up, escape to Zion, declares the LORD” [2 v.7] Then Zechariah is caused to make a fascinating point, “for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye.” [v.8] This
Thought for December 19th. “I HAVE NO GREATER JOY”
Today's readings.. (Job 23,24), (Zechariah 1), (2&3 John) The word ‘joy’ is in popular use at this time of year, but from a spiritual perspective, what is ‘joy’? It is vastly different from what is called JOY today! The final and short 3rd letter of the aging disciple John is addressed to “the beloved Gaius.” who, says John, “I love in truth,” adding, “For I rejoiced greatly when
Thought for December 18th. “EMPTY NOTHINGS?”
Today's readings.. (Job 22), (Haggai 1,2), (1 John 5) At the end of the Book of Job we will read how God rebukes Eliphaz and his two friends who have argued with Job. God tells them “you have not spoken of me what is right [40 v.11] Today we read Ch. 22, the third speech of Eliphaz who is reacting to Job’s complaint that the ‘friends’ - “comfort me with
Thought for December 17th. “SEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE…. “
Today's readings.. (Job 21), (Zephaniah 3), (1 John 3,4) Our chapter in 1 John 3 today starts with “See what kind of love the father has given to us …” Do we understand what kind of love this is? The word love is used so much today that we may take what it means for granted; and because of this unclear thoughts can develop in our minds as
Thought for December 16th. “SEEK THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Job 20), (Zephaniah 2), (1 John 1,2) When I was young, I, together with others. used to play “Hide and Seek’ It was fun. When you become an adult, Paul says, of himself, “I gave up childish ways.” [I Cor 13:11] But when you are grown up you should still SEEK! But what do you seek? This line of thought was prompted by the occurrence of the word
Thought for December 15th. “THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Job 18,19), (Zephaniah 1), (2 Peter 3) Yesterday in reading the chapter in Peter we could have noted that Peter also wrote, "you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets …" [2 Peter 3:2]. Now we are currently reading the short prophecy of Zephaniah. His message starts "The word of the LORD that came to Zephaniah …" It is God revealing the future to him and through
Thought for December 14th. “TO THOSE WHO HAVE OBTAINED … “
Today's readings.. (Job 16,17), (Habakkuk 3), (2 Peter 1,2) The marvel is – that although one has read the Bible over a great number of years one still comes across things one has not really taken notice of before. The opening words of Peter’s second epistle caught our attention “to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours.” The point does not stand out so much in
Thought for December 13th. “WEARY THEMSELVES FOR NOTHING”
Today's readings.. (Job 15), (Habakkuk 2), (1 Peter 3,4,5) It has always been so – but it is more obvious today – how meaningless life is in the ultimate sense. More than ever before people are living for the here and now. With this thought in mind we can relate to the words of the prophet Habakkuk. In today’s ch. 2 where he says of his decadent nation, “Woe
Thought for December 12th. “IF A MAN DIES, SHALL HE LIVE AGAIN”
Today's readings.. (Job 14), (Habakkuk 1), (1 Peter 2) As we continue our reading in Job, we came to his question given in our heading. Job struggles to find the answer – but as we read on in coming days, we will find that his mind becomes clearer and his hope in the future more sure. Today we read of his pleading with God, “Oh that you would hide
Thought for December 11th. “SET YOUR HOPE FULLY ON ….”
Today's readings.. (Job 13), (Nahum 3), (1 Peter 1) Is our world in a hopeless condition? The indications that it is are multiplying. The nations are too self-centred to take any effective action over global warming and the weather is getting more extreme. The United Nations are more disunited than ever over many issues, especially over Israel. The money woes of the nations increase and move from crisis
Thought for December 10th. “… TREASURE IN THE LAST DAYS
Today's readings.. (Job 12), (Nahum 1,2), (James 5) What sort of treasure in the last days; any different from other days? As we complete reading the letter of James we find it is full of interesting and challenging thoughts, the reference to “treasure” is one of them. James is the leader of the believers in Jerusalem that we read about in Acts 15 v,13 when the Apostles met to
thought for December 9th. “WOE IS ME”
Today's readings.. (Job 11), (Micah 7), (James 3,4) We saw in our readings in Job yesterday that Job was so depressed he declared, “I loathe my life” However, we recall the comment we made as we began reading Job that the ultimate end of the book is one of wonderful restoration. Today we have the final chapter of the prophecy of Micah which begins, ‘Woe is me’! Remarkably, as
Thought for December 8th. “FAITH WAS COMPLETED BY … “
Today's readings.. (Job10), (Micah 6), (James 2) Today we continued meditating on the Epistle of James and his important observations on the quality of faith that a believer needs to have. The Jews were very good at reasoning and talking, we can see that in the speeches of Job’s friends, also in the religious leaders who had encounters with Jesus and had confidence in being “the children of Abraham”
Thought for December 7th. “THE TESTING OF YOUR FAITH PRODUCES …”
Today's readings.. (Job 9), (Micah 5), (James 1) All faith has to be tested to prove that it is real faith. This is the opening theme of James’ wonderful letter that we started reading today – and in our continued reading of Job we see him as an extreme example of testing from God – or that God allowed. Paul wrote, “God is faithful, and he will not let
Thought for December 6th. “SO WE CAN CONFIDENTLY SAY ….”
Today's readings.. (Job 8), (Micah 3,4), (Hebrews 13) How many can speak with confidence these days? Certainly the Politicians can’t! Although they often try to sound that way. We read the last chapter of Hebrews today and Paul is emphasising to them the need to be positive in their attitude to the spiritual aspects of life. His first 4 words are, “Let brotherly love continue” That surely includes sisterly
Thought for December 5th. “….THAT WE MAY SHARE HIS HOLINESS”
Today's readings.. (Job 6,7), (Micah 2), (Hebrews 12) Hebrews ch, 12 provides a sequel to the challenging 11th chapter on faith which provoked our thoughts yesterday. It starts, “Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance ….” The cloud of witnesses are those who were named
Thought for December 4th. “THEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED …”
Today's readings.. (Job 5), (Micah 1), (Hebrews 11) God ashamed!! What is this verse saying? What is it about? Today’s reading in Hebrews is that well known chapter 11 on FAITH. We should all be familiar with the words, that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” [v.1] What are the things we are convinced about – things that give reality to
Thought for December 3rd. “YOU HAVE NEED OF …”
Today's readings.. (Job 3,4), (Jonah 4), (Hebrews 10) Is there anyone who thinks they do not need anything? With Christmas in 3 weeks’ time, the younger one’s especially are thinking of the things they need and that it would be good to receive! Our readings today in Hebrews say, “For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what
Thought for December 1st. “THEN THE MEN FEARED …”
Today's readings... (Esther 9,10), (Jonah 1), (Hebrews 6,7) Jesus spoke of “the sign of the prophet Jonah” [Matt. 12 v.39-40] as being a sign of great significance. Jonah came forth alive from “the belly of the great fish”. [Jonah 1 v.17], We believe it was a special fish, one of a kind, not a sort of whale. The text says, “the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow up
Thought for November 30th. “YOU HAVE BECOME DULL OF HEARING”
Today's readings.. (Esther7,8), (Obadiah), (Hebrews 3,4,5) In our readings in Hebrews Paul is telling his fellow Jews about Jesus, that he is their one and only high priest. Priests had held important posts, playing a significant role in the life of Israel and had done so since the time of Moses, even when they were in captivity. All this was to be destroyed for their nation and its temple
Thought for November 29th. “IF WE NEGLECT”
Today's readings.. (Esther 5,6), (Amos 9), (Hebrews 1,2) Today we began reading the letter the Hebrews. Many of its verses are full of meaning! It is important to grasp the flow of reasoning – and not to take one phrase or sentence out of its context. The writer was most probably Paul; but since it is written primarily for the Jews – and he had fallen out of favour
Thought for November 28th. “A FAMINE … OF HEARING THE WORDS OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (Esther 3,4), (Amos 8), (Philemon) "Behold, the days are coming," the Lord GOD told the prophet, as we read today in Amos ch. 8 v.11, "when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.' And what God 'sent' happened! Verse 7 is significant, "The LORD has sworn ... 'Surely I
Thought for November 27th. “NOTHING IS PURE”
Today's readings.. (Esther 2), (Amos 7), (Titus 1,2,3) We do not know as much about Titus as we do about Timothy, but Paul left him in Crete to help the many converts there. Paul writes to him, “to Titus, my true child … in the common faith” [1 v.4] Of course the faith was only “common” in the sense that it was becoming common to believe the message.
Thought for November 26th. “BUT UNDERSTAND THIS”
Today's readings.. (Esther 1), (Amos 6), (2 Timothy 3,4) ` “But understand this,” that is how today’s reading of 2 Timothy Chapter 3 starts. It is familiar as a chapter often used with talks about “last days” events. The chapter brings out two particular points. First, the first verse says that there will be times of special stress, when life is perilous and this happens “in the last
Thought for November 25th. “WOE TO YOU WHO DESIRE …”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 13), (Amos 5), (2 Timothy 2) What do you desire? Many children will be starting to have in mind what they desire as Christmas presents! As we continue to read the prophet Amos we note how he states, “Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! Why would you have the day of the LORD?” [5 v.18] This verse provides food for much thought.
Thought for November 24th. “AND THE JOY OF JERUSALEM WAS HEARD …”
Today's readings.. (nehemiah 12), (Amos 4), (2 Timothy 1) We are approaching what some call ‘the silly season’! This time next month the largely foolish frivolity of Christmas will be in full swing! In contrast our readings today in Nehemiah describes an event of true joy. All the efforts to make Jerusalem secure and safe to live in had been completed and Nehemiah and Ezra arrange a great celebration
Thought for November 23rd. “THE LORD GOD HAS SPOKEN WHO CAN BUT …”
Today's readings... (Nehemiah 11, (Amos 3), (1 Timothy 6) We are reading the prophecy of Amos at the moment. We realize that the word ‘prophecy’ in many cases does not mean predicting the future, but rather messages from God about his observations and attitude toward the present state of things - with lessons taken from the past. Amos lived in Israel’s northern kingdom and he brought the inhabitants warnings
Thought for November 22nd. “PERSIST IN THIS”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 10), (Amos 2), ( 1 Timothy 4,5) Paul’s letters to Timothy are very personal in parts and contain much sound advice, especially for those in a position of responsibility among believers. True believers always need to look to the future: solving problems effectively is not achieved through emergency stop gap measures; the council in Jerusalem (Acts 15) is an example of how things should be done.
Thought for November 21st. “LOVE THAT ISSUES FROM A PURE HEART”
Today's readings... (Nehemiah 9), (Amos 1), (! Timothy 1,2,3) The word “love” is in common usage these days, but the way it is used and the meaning given to it, is so different to its’ use in the Bible! Paul has “urged (Timothy) … remain at Ephesus that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine” [1 Tim. 1 v.3]. Paul advises him of the
Thought for November 20th. “LET THE WEAK SAY … “
Today's readings.. ((Nehemiah 8), (Joel 3), (2 Thessalonians 3) Today we completed reading the short but intensely challenging prophecy of Joel: it contains predictions which, in part, are very appropriate to the present situation in the Middle East. Today’s chapter (3) starts with, “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations … and I will
Thought for November 19th. “THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING BECAUSE …”
Today's readings.. (Nehe3miah 7), (Joel 2), (2 Thessalonians 1,2) We are challenged by the way Paul uses the word “truth” 3 times in Chapter 2 of his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians. He also uses it 11 times in his letters to Timothy, which we are just about to read. There is not much “truth” spoken today. No one admits anything they say is a lie, but it is
Thought for November 18th. “THE BREASTPLATE OF FAITH”
Today's readings... (Nehemiah 5,6), (Joel 1), (1 Thessalonians 5) Some of the verses in the final chapter of Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians are really appropriate for conditions we live in today. The chapters in Nehemiah are also full of lessons, showing his dedicated effort, despite all kinds of distraction and opposition. He led the people in overcoming these so that the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem were
Thought for November 17th. “ESTABLISH YOUR HEARTS BLAMELESS”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 4), (Hosea 14), (1 Thessalonians 3,4) Several verses in the 2 chapters (3 & 4) of our 1 Thessalonians reading today are very meaningful for us as we struggle with influences that can undermine our faith. In many ways it was a better atmosphere a few generations ago (in the western world), not only because moral standards were higher, but because the churches generally, although misunderstanding
Thought for November 16th. “… BUT TO PLEASE GOD”
Today's readings.. (Nehemiah 3), (Hosea 13), (1 Thessalonians 1,2) A simple – and maybe obvious point – attracted our attention as we read the first 2 chapters of Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. What motivates us to do things? What motivated Paul? Today, it can be; to make money, to create an opportunity for enjoyment, some excitement – and other things which centre on ourselves. Paul makes
Thought for November 13th. “THAT YOU MAY BE FILLED WITH …”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 9), (Hosea 10), (Colossians 1) The Apostle Paul has some challenging points to make in his letter to believers at Colossae – most of them are really relevant to us today, An very important point is the power of prayer. Paul rejoices that “the word of truth, the gospel which has come to you … is bearing fruit and growing” [1 v.5,6] The gospel is not
Thought for November 12th. “I WAS ASHAMED TO ASK
Today's readings.. (Ezra 8), (Hosea 9), (Acts 28) Today’s reading in Ezra [Ch. 8] does not look at first very interesting with all its detail about those returning from captivity in Babylon. It appears that Ezra himself wrote this chapter and the next. He led a company of Levites who were returning to Jerusalem and they had with them a great quantity of gold and silver, as detailed in
Thought for November 11th. “FOR THEY SOW TO THE WIND”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 7), (Hosea 8), (Acts 27) You may have heard the proverb about sowing to the wind and reaping the whirlwind? Do you know what it means? Did you know it was taken from the Bible? The farmer in ancient times, sowed seed in his field by carrying a basket and scattering the seed around as he walked. He took care to scatter it as evenly as
Thought for November 10th. “THE HELP THAT COMES FROM GOD”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 5,6), (Hosea 7), (Acts 25,26) It is Luke “the beloved physician” (Col. 4 v.14) who travelled with Paul in the later years of his preaching – for it is evident he was with him when he returned to Jerusalem (Acts 21 v.17) and Paul was arrested. The detailed account we are reading is therefore an eye witness account, and Luke shows himself in many ways
Thought for November 9th. “… LIKE A MORNING CLOUD”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 3,4), (Hosea 6), (Acts 23,24). Today’s chapter in Hosea is a message given when God was about to send the 10 northern tribes into captivity in Assyria. There are several points made by God through this prophet which are helpful for us to think about. Notice the line of thought that starts from verse 4 of ch. 6, - where the chapter break is in the
Thought for November 8th. “RISE AND BE BAPTISED”
Today's readings.. (Ezra 1,2), (Hosea 5), (Acts 21,22) The circumstances, vary greatly, that lead to decisions to be baptised and take on the name of Jesus Christ so that he is our spiritual elder brother and God truly our Father. In a very real sense we must feel we have become or are becoming part of a new family, a spiritual family. Our thoughts on this were prompted by
Thought for November 7th. “UNTIL THERE WAS NO REMEDY”
Today's readings... (2 Chronicles 36), (Hosea 4), (Acts 20) Today we completed reading 2nd Chronicles, a chapter which describes the final end of the kingdom set up in God given glory in the reigns of David and Solomon. Now it has become a time when “all the officers of the priests and the people were exceedingly unfaithful …” [v.14] to God. Despite this, The LORD, the God of their
Thought for November 6th. “I AM INNOCENT. FROM NOW ON …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 35), (Hosea 3), (Acts 18,19) Today we read two very stirring chapters about the total commitment of the Apostle Paul to preach – to witness to as many as possible about the eternal life giving message of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the only message that matters (eternally). These chapters give some indication of the dangers that surrounded the Apostle. At Corinth “the
Thought for November 5th. “WHILE HE WAS YET A BOY”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 34), (Hosea 2), (Acts 16,17) Reading the context about the one who is described as being “yet a boy” we discover he was 16 years old. Who was he? What did he do at this age? Today we read 2 Chronicles Ch, 34 about a really young boy who “was eight years old when he began to reign” [v.1]. His father Amon had died after
Thought for November 4th. “THROUGH MANY TRIBULATIONS”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 33), (Hosea 1), (Acts 14,15) No one likes friction, yet it is impossible to totally avoid it. News bulletins are usually dominated by information about troubles, about friction of various kinds, and as the world becomes more ungodly this is increasing many fold. God often uses human friction to test men and women as to whether they will follow what is good and true –
Thought for November 3rd. “THE TIME OF THE END”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 32), (Daniel 12), (Acts 13) Today we completed reading the challenging book of Daniel. Some of the things we read were plain to understand but the phrase “the time of end” occurs 4 times [11 v.35,40; 12 v.4,9] and challenges our understanding – and it is hard to know how to answer the challenge. We would love to more fully understand it. On the final
Thought for November 2nd. “HE DID WITH ALL HIS HEART”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 31), (Daniel 11), (Acts 11,12) In reading the next chapter (31) in 2 Chronicles today, we saw what an example of true kingship Hezekiah displayed. If we can grasp and keep in mind the last 2 verses in that chapter we will more fully see the POWER of positive thinking and doing – in contrast to the leaders of the nations today. These verses
Thought for November 1st. “GOD IS GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 30), (Daniel 10), (Acts 10) In 2 Chron. Ch. 30 we have a wonderful testimony to the way God shows grace, describing the events which led to this. Hezekiah had come to the throne in Jerusalem; his father Ahaz had been a wicked king. Hezekiah first restores the Temple to make it fit for worship and re-organises and re-consecrates the priests as we read
Thought for October 31st. “FOR YOU ARE GREATLY LOVED”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 29), (Daniel 9), (Acts 9) What a remarkable set of heart stirring readings we have today, accounts of individuals with whom and through whom God can and did work. First, in 2 Chron. 29 we have the account of when the good king Hezekiah became king and his instant action beginning in the first month of his reign to restore the Temple and rededicate worship in
Thought for October 30th. “HAD RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 28), (Daniel 8), (Acts 8) We recall how, in the Gospels, Jesus often went through Samaria in travelling from Jerusalem to Galilee and back. On several occasions he had encounters with the Samaritans. On occasions Jesus spent time with the Samaritans. We read earlier this month of an occasion when he heeded their request to stay and teach them and, as a result, some said,
Thought for October 29th. A HISTORY LESSON IN FAITH
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 26,27), (Daniel 7), (Acts 7) Stephen is hauled before the Jewish Council and accused of speaking blasphemous words against the Law and saying the Temple would be destroyed. His speech (in Acts 7) before the Council is a history lesson! Why? What was his purpose? He reviews all that had happened since the time of Abraham. Didn’t the members of the Council know their history?
Thought for October 28th. “THREE TIMES A DAY”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 25), (Daniel 6), (Acts 5,6) Once again our readings have several lessons we can take and meditate upon and apply to ourselves. The account of Daniel’s life jumps forward to when the Medes and Persians are in power, as with Jeremiah, the chapters are not in time order. The high esteem in which the mature Daniel is held causes jealousy and when “presidents and satraps” knew
Thought for October 27th. “… THEY WOULD NOT PAY ATTENTION”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 24), (Daniel 5), (Acts 3,4) We felt we could have written a ‘book’ of ‘thoughts’ arising from today’s 4 chapters – each will, if read with real feeling, stir our hearts and lift them into meaningful spiritual perceptions. In Chronicles the events in the life of King Joash contained absorbing lessons. He became king when only 7 under special circumstances, he was guided for most of
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 23), (Daniel 4), (Acts 2) What is it to receive God’s word? Countless millions have read God’s word. Go back into ancient history; the world before Noah, his wife and family, turned right away from God. Soon the descendants of Noah were turning away again, resulting in God confounding human languages at Babel, a word which is significantly translated into Greek as Babylon.
Thought for October 25th. “A BURNING FIERY FURNACE”
Today's readings... (2 Chronicles 21,22), (Daniel 3), (Acts 1) In Daniel today we have the account of the faithfulness of Daniel’s 3 companions, those we read about in ch.1 who, together with him, refused to eat the king’s rich food and wine. Now we read how these 3 refused to bow down to the king’s tall golden image. The king warns,” if you do not worship, you shall immediately be
Thought for October 24th. “THAT BY BELIEVING YOU …”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 20), (Daniel 2), (John 20,21) We are inclined to feel that the 4 chapters we read today – are the most intensely meaningful of any of the days’ readings throughout the year: they need to be read slowly so that we imbibe the fullness of their meaning. The N T readings are the last 2 chapters of John’s gospel; and provide us with John’s intimate account
Thought for October 23rd. “A SPIRIT OF GRACE AND PLEAS FOR MERCY”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 18,19), (Daniel 1), (John 19) Zechariah’s remarkable prophecy (12 v.10) is quoted in today’s reading in John Ch. 19. John is completing his intimate account of the final hours of Jesus. The dying commission that was given to John by Jesus was to look after his mother. John and Jesus’ mother stood near the cross. John “the disciple whom he loved … took her to
Thought for October 22nd. “THE EYES OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 16,17), (Ezekiel 48), (John 15,16) Today in 2nd Chronicles we read the climax of the life of king Asa – and it has vital lessons for us. He had been a good king – for 35 years – but then he began to trust in his own ways of thinking – and not seek the LORD’s guidance when enemies came against him. The northern kingdom of
Thought for October 21st. “DO YOU NOW BELIEVE?”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 14,15), (Ezekiel 47), (John 15,16) We follow on from yesterday’s thoughts and the final climax of the conversation Jesus had with his disciples in the hours before his arrest – and his encouragement to them to “believe in God.” Today we have 2 of the most challenging chapters (15 & 16) in John’s Gospel. Jesus teaches them, in increasingly straight forward language, but even then, they
Thought for October 20th. “BELIEVE IN GOD”
Today's readings... (2 Chronicles 12,13), (Ezekiel 46), (John 13,14) In what circumstances did Jesus say, “Believe in God”? What is it to believe in something? When we or someone says. “I believe” there can obviously be varying intensities of meaning depending on the circumstances! If someone rushes in and says, “I believe the house is on fire” everyone who hears immediately acts to verify its truth and to then take
Thought for October 19th. “I DID NOT COME TO JUDGE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 10,11), (Ezekiel 45), (John 12) John’s Gospel begins [1 v.4-9] by saying Jesus is “the true light which enlightens everyone” and John the Baptist was “bearing witness to that light” It is not too difficult to understand that. Now, in today’s reading [Ch.12] as our Lord’s ministry is reaching its climax, he speaks some more about light and darkness; “I have come into the world as
Thought for October 18th. “THIS SHALL BE THEIR INHERITANCE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 9), (Ezekiel 44), (John 11) Ears prick up where there is thought of an inheritance. Solomon had very great wealth, as we read today (2 Chron. 9). He obviously left a very great inheritance. But we will read tomorrow how it largely came to nothing because of the foolishness of his son because he did not seeking the wisdom of God, as his father had
Thought for October 17th. “WHY THIS IS AN AMAZING THING”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 8), (Ezekiel 43), (John 9,10) We are now reading some of the most thought provoking – and personally challenging – chapters in the whole of Scripture. John records in detail the conversations of Jesus. On Tuesday we will read the words of Jesus to the disciples that they are going to receive, “the Holy Spirit ... the Father will send in my name, ... (which will)...
Thought for October 16th. “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 7), (Ezekiel 42), (John 8) Today’s long chapter (8) in John’s Gospel is most challenging. Jesus said, “Whoever is of God knows the words of God, the reason you do not hear them is that you are not of God” [v.47]. But of course they were hearing what he said, the point was that they could not make sense of his words, they could not
Thought for October 15th. “NO ONE EVER SPOKE LIKE THIS MAN”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 5,6), (Ezekiel 41), (John 7) The Chief Priests and Pharisees sent officers to arrest Jesus, but they returned having failed. The drama of this event is in our reading today in John 7. They are rebuked, “Why did you not bring him?” [v.45] and respond “”No one ever spoke like this man.” We are given no detail of the scene, but we imagine these officers
Thought for October 14th. “THIS IS TRULY THE PROPHET”
Today's readings... (2 Chronicles 3,4), (Ezekiel 40), (John 6) Our readings in John [Ch.6] tell us of when thousands of people personally experienced a great miracle, it is the one miracle recorded in all four gospels; it is when Jesus miraculously fed thousands of people. It is interesting how people can see miracles, such as healings, even a dead man raised, things that happen to other people, but
Thought for October 13th. “YOU DO NOT HAVE HIS WORD ABIDING IN YOU”
Today's readings.. (2 Chronicles 1,2), (Ezekiel 39), (John 5) We may read God’s word every day, we may find it interesting and helpful as a guide to living a satisfying life, but is that enough? What did Jesus mean when he spoke about God’s word abiding, that is, living in a person? Who was Jesus talking to on this occasion? Today’s reading of John Ch. 5 is about
Thought for October 12th. DAVID’S WONDERFUL FINAL PRAYER
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 29), (Ezekiel 38), (John 4) We tend to give only passing attention to our Chronicles reading because our other readings in Ezekiel 38 and John 4 provoke so much thought. But in Chronicles we have the climax of the end of David’s life. Consider the scene: he had made great provision for building the Temple, others had followed his example and “the people rejoiced because
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 28), (Ezekiel 37), (John 2,3) These words of Jesus to Nicodemus, the Jewish teacher who came to him by night, challenge our thinking and understanding. We need to understand them within the context of the unfolding words of Jesus. Many Christians like to say they are “born again,” but what did Jesus mean? Nicodemus admitted. “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come
Thought for October 10th. “THE WORD”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 27), (Ezekiel 36), (John 1) Today we started reading the Gospel of John. It is one of the most challenging books to understand. But the Bible would lose our continuing interest if its meaning was immediately plain as we read it. Often we have to carefully think about what we read. This is God’s wisdom in the way he has caused it to be
Thought for October 9th. ” … NOW TELL YOU EVEN WITH TEARS”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 26), (Ezekiel 35), (Phillipians 3,4) The Apostle Paul is very emotional as he expresses his thoughts in his letter to the Philippians. He helps us to realize that a fully committed belief in Christ goes hand in hand with a fullness of conviction which results in a living relationship day by day with our Lord Jesus. This comes across to us in what Paul
Thought for October 8th. “SO I WILL SEEK MY SHEEP”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 24,25), (Ezekiel 34), (Phillipians 1,2) God sees the people of Israel as his sheep (Ezekiel 34 v.12) and is distressed at the failure of the shepherds to look after his sheep. This is the message we read in Ezekiel. The leaders in Israel had failed; they had no spiritual vision, no sense of responsibility. God’s message to them through Ezekiel was, “Ah shepherds of Israel
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 23), (Ezekiel 33), (Ephesians 5,6) Our world is full of distractions – far more than in any previous age. Paul in today’s chapters in Ephesians [5 v.16] wrote the above words and they apply so much to the way we live our lives right now. He also wrote, “sexual immorality and all impurity … must not even be named among you … let there be
Thought for October 6th. “SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 22), (Ezekiel 32), (Ephesians 3,4) Our 2 chapters today in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reveal that the church there had become quite dysfunctional: Paul makes an impassioned appeal for the believers to regain their vision of the true way of belief and faith in Christ for there is only “one hope … one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of
Todays readings.. (1 Chronicles 20,21), (Ezekiel 31), (Ephesians 1,2) Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a rich source of spiritual “food” – we must digest it carefully and slowly. The thought that first attracted our attention today was that God [1v.4] “chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.” When Adam and Eve sinned and were
Thought for October 4th. “I WARN YOU …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 18,19), (Ezekiel 30), (Galatians 5,6) Modern pictures often portray contrasting colours as do many manufactured things, it is the fashion. They rather hit you in the eye, whites and yellows, set against blues, blacks and reds. This is particularly the case in advertising, as they aim to grab our attention. Our reading today in Galatians does not set colours in contrast – it sets
Thought for October 3rd. “WHO AM I?”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 17), (Ezekiel 29), (Galatians 3), (Galatians 4) Today we read King David’s reaction to the special message from God that Nathan the prophet brought to him. Originally Nathan, on hearing of David’s desire to build a house (Temple) for God to ‘dwell’ in so that God’s ‘presence’ would be there as it had been in the ‘Ark’ – told him, “Do all that is
Thought for October 2nd. “LET THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO … “
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 16), (Ezekiel 28), (Galatians 1), (Galatians 2) How are you feeling in your heart? Depressed? Exalted? Or somewhere in between? We meditated on the various conditions of our heart’s emotions and of David’s as we read of his efforts to stir the people into a spirit of thanksgiving. They were bringing the sacred ark of the covenant into the tent (presumably to some degree
Thought for October 1st. “ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 15), (Ezekiel 27), (Luke 24) How vital it is to do things – spiritual things especially, “according to the word of the LORD.” When we do not follow the instructions that come with the things we buy, or later lose them and guess what they said - we often have a problem! Until Solomon built the magnificent Temple, the centre of worship for the
Thought for September 30th. “I FIND NO GUILT IN THIS MAN”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 13), (1 Chronicles 14), (EZEKIEL 26), (LUKE 23) Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus. But he was strangely helpless in carrying out his own desire to let Jesus go free, though he said “I find no guilt in this man” [Luke 23 v.4] and “nothing deserving of death has been done by him” (v.15) “I will release
Thought for September 29th. “THIS SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 12), (Ezekiel 25), (Luke 22) Today’s 22nd chapter of Luke tells us of the arrest of Jesus, it is quite detailed and we pondered the probability that some in the crowd that came to arrest him and brought him to the High Priest’s house later believed and joined the early believers on the Day of Pentecost or soon after. Luke and the other gospel writers
Thought for September 28th. “DO NOT BE TERRIFIED”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 11), (Ezekiel 24), (Luke 21) How natural it is to be terrified when all the things around us are falling apart: The earthquakes and Hurricanes are recent examples of this. When Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple, the disciples were very anxious to know when, what sign there would be when it was about to happen. Our reading in Luke 21 shows how
Thought for September 27th. “WHO PRETENDED TO BE SINCERE”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 10), (Ezekiel 23), (Luke 20) What a lot of pretense there is in the world. So many create an ‘image’ to project before others! While politicians are probably the best example of this, let us not practice any self-deception, for such is our own human nature; the spirit of the age cannot help but have some influence on us. The ‘medicine’ to correct this is
Thought for September 26th. “BUT HIS CITIZENS HATED HIM”
Today's readings... (1 Chronicles 9), (Ezekiel 22), (Luke 19) We read today in Luke 19 that Jesus told “a parable … because they supposed that the kingdom of God was to appear immediately” [v.11] Jesus was the centre of attention of the ordinary people, he had a triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on a colt. (v.30-38). The crowd rejoiced but how many thought about his parable? It
Thought for September 25th. “NEVERTHELESS WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 8), (Ezekiel 21), (Luke 18) Today we read the parable of the persistent widow who kept coming to the judge in her city asking “justice against my adversary” – but this “judge neither feared God nor respected men” [Luke 18 v.23]. We get the impression some countries today have many judges like that, maybe it would resonate in the minds of some of Jesus’
Thought for September 24th. “WHOEVER SEEKS TO PRESERVE HIS LIFE WILL …”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 7), (Ezekiel 20), (Luke 17) Those who read the Bible regularly know that the shortest verse is “Jesus wept” [John 11 v.35]. It occurs when Jesus comes to the tomb of Lazarus after he had been dead 4 days. Everyone is weeping, the two sisters of Lazarus, Mary and Martha were there, they were grief stricken and at this point Jesus himself wept, but very
Thought for September 23rd. “BUT GOD KNOWS YOUR HEARTS”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 6), (Ezekiel 19), (Luke 16) Our chapter (19) in Ezekiel is called a “lamentation for the princes of Israel” – it is a ‘parable’ describing the utter failure of these “princes” to perform their role – until, in the end “there remains … no sceptre for ruling” [v.14]. We can apply that parable to the failure of Christianity today – and for many years past. In
Thought for September 22nd. “JOY BEFORE THE ANGELS OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 5), (Ezekiel 18), (Luke 15) Our readings today in both Ezekiel and Luke highlight how God looks to see a repentant spirit among individuals and when it happens “there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” [Luke 15 v.10]. We noted the emphasis on one sinner. The Jewish communal way of life under the Law of Moses around the
Thought for September 21st. “UNLESS YOU REPENT YOU WILL…”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 4), (Ezekiel 17), (Luke 13), (Luke 14) Sin is not a word people use these days. People who do wrong, try hard to avoid any punishment. The prominent and wealthy employ expensive lawyers to help them avoid or minimize punishment. In the days of Jesus, people were expected to recognise that God was involved in causing events which brought punishment for their sins; the
Thought for September 20th. “AN EVERLASTING COVENANT”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 3), (Ezekiel 16), (Luke 12) Ezekiel is told by the LORD to “make known to Jerusalem her abominations” [Ch.16 v.2] He develops an elaborate parable that begins with all the blessings the people had experienced through the LORD who “entered into a covenant with you” [v.8]. This was at Sinai – through Moses. In v. 14 we read “your renown went forth among the
Thought for September 19th. “WHEN YOUR EYE IS HEALTHY”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 2), (Ezekiel 15), (Luke 11) In today’s chapter (11) Luke records some of the sayings of Jesus which require careful thought and comparison with other scriptures to unravel our Lord’s underlying meaning. In v. 33 he comments on the correct use of lamps, needed when there is darkness – and then speaks of darkness as being both literal and spiritual. Jesus next says, “Your
Thought for September 18th. ” … AND YET COMES TO THE PROPHET”
Today's readings.. (1 Chronicles 1), (Ezekiel 14), (Luke 10) Ezekiel is recognised as a man in touch with God, as a true prophet, by the “elders of Israel” [14 v.1], they are all together in captivity. They had been taken into captivity because of their godlessness. Note God’s attitude about those who came to listen to Ezekiel for God knew their hearts. He writes, “the word of the
Thought for September 17th. “I WILL FOLLOW YOU WHEREVER …”
Today's readings... (2 Kings 24), (2 Kings 25), (Ezekiel 13), (Luke 9) The finish of today’s chapter in Luke is about three different people and the reasons they gave for delaying putting into practice their decision to follow Jesus. “I will follow you wherever you go” they had said. It had been exciting to follow Jesus, amazing things had been happening, food had been provided – miraculously –
Thought for September 16th. “IN HIS RIGHT MIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 22), (2 Kings 23), (Ezekiel 12), (Luke 8) Of all the miracles Jesus did the one that usually creates the most comment and questions is the occasion when he healed the madman among the tombs and sent his “demons” into a herd of pigs and they all drowned. The most important thing is to realize the purpose of Jesus in the way this healing happened.
Thought for September 15th. “I KNOW THE THINGS THAT COME INTO YOUR MIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 21), (Ezekiel 11), (Luke 7) The words of Ezekiel the prophet invite us to think about how God works; the unlimited power he has to know all that is happening; more than that, to know all that men and women are thinking! And of course Jesus had the same ability; if you were not on the side of Jesus it must have been unnerving when
Thought for September 14th. “YOUR REWARD IS GREAT IN HEAVEN”
Today's readings... (2 kings 20), (Ezekiel 10), (Luke 6) Our reading of Luke Ch. 6 today is a briefer form of what we call ‘the sermon on the mount’ that’s in Matt. Ch.’s 5,6 & 7. Luke, who travelled with Paul to Rome and was in Rome with him (2 Tim. 4 v.11), wrote his gospel primarily for Gentiles. We saw in Luke 1 v.3 that it was
Thought for September 13th. “THAT ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD MAY KNOW …”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 19), (Ezekiel 9), (Luke 5) Our thoughts today flowed on from yesterday’s. We read King Hezekiah’s prayer and then Isaiah’s prophecy as recorded in 2 King’s 19. History continually repeats itself, human powers constantly rise, wane and fall; we have seen that with the rise, fall and rise again of the Russian Empire. The ‘picture’ in this chapter is how the boasting of the
Thought for September 12th. “WE TRUST IN THE LORD OUR GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 18), (Ezekiel 8), (Luke 4) What is it to trust – and to show your trust by your actions? That is, specifically, in the LORD as your God? We read in 2 Kings 18 today of an outstanding King who came to the throne in Jerusalem, “and he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that David his
Thought for September 11th. “WHAT THEN SHALL WE DO?”
Today's readings.. (2 kings 17), (Ezekiel 7), (Luke 3) Our 3 readings today have, in a sense, a common theme. Luke ch. 3 gives us the message that John the Baptist preached in the wilderness; but first we noted his opening 3 verses. Luke was a real historian and he gives details of 5 different Gentiles who were in power when John began his preaching. Sceptics in the
TODAY'S READINGS.. (2 KINGS 16), (EZEKIEL 6), (LUKE 2) What a challenging, but also wonderful, life Mary had. We read today the 2nd ch. of Luke’s gospel which details far more than the other gospel’s the early events in the life of Jesus. The danger is that our very familiarity with some of these incidents may cloud our perception and resultant meditation on their full significance. Let us not miss
Thought for September 9th. “AT THE NINTH HOUR”
Today's readings... (2 kings 15), (Ezekiel 5) (Luke 1) Today we begin reading the Gospel of Luke. A chain reaction of thoughts was triggered as we read of the dramatic appearance of an angel to Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. All the people were “praying without at the hour of incense.” Presumably this was the ninth hour as we recall that Peter and John went up
Thought for September 8th. “TO KEEP ME FROM BEING TOO ELATED”
Today's readings... (2 kings 14), (Ezekiel 4), (2 Corinthians 12), (2 Corinthians 13) We made reference yesterday to those who “measure themselves” against each other – and how this is seen in attitudes in such as politicians. We now read in Corinthians of Paul’s comments of the things he could boast about - if he wanted to. The final chapters illustrate that boastful attitudes were still a problem
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 13), (Ezekiel 3), (2 Corinthians 10), (2 Corinthians 11) It is human nature to constantly draw comparisons between “us” and “them.” This is particularly evident in the “game” of politics. Paul, as he starts to draw his 2nd letter to the Corinthians to a conclusion, expresses concern about certain influences upon them which were not spiritually healthy. He writes, “the weapons of our warfare
Thought for September 6th. “IMPUDENT AND STUBBORN”
Today's readings.. (2 kings 11), (2 Kings 12), (Ezekiel 2), (2 Corinthians 8), (2 Corinthians 9) Yesterday we started reading the book of Ezekiel. He is a priest (1 v.3) and is with those taken into captivity and placed by the Babylonians “by the Chebar canal” [v,3]. Jerusalem and the Temple have not yet been destroyed, indeed we calculate from the dates given, that its’ destruction is still
Thought for September 5th. “BRINGING HOLINESS TO COMPLETION …”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 10), (Ezekiel 1), (2 Corinthians 5), (2 Corinthians 6), (2 Corinthians 7) Today we read 3 short but remarkable chapters in 2nd Corinthians. Paul has learnt through the coming of Titus the blessing that spiritual life and attitudes are improving in Corinth. He writes, “God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, and not only by his coming but also
Thought for September 4th. “THAT IS NOT TRUE”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 9), (Lamentations 5), (2 Corinthians 3), (2 Corinthians 4) What is true? We live in a world abundant with half-truths and misleading information; those in authority are expert at ‘bending’ the truth. What of the truth about God? We suspect that underlying all the ‘denial’ by academics, &c, people still have in their hearts an underlying concept of God. Is not this concept ‘fed’
Thought for August 3rd. “BUT THAT WAS TO MAKE US RELY … ON GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 kings 8), (Lamentations 4), (2 Corinthians 1), (2 Corinthians 2) We live in extremely uncertain times. Times of anger , war and violence. Children can sense the attitudes of older people and acute anxieties ‘transmit’ into their minds so that they need the reassurance of faithful parents. When such is absent, they are perplexed. In this ungodly 21st Century genuine reassurance that comes from real faith
Thought for September 2nd. “BUT THIS I CALL TO MIND”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 7), (Lamentations 3), (1 Corinthians 16) Such are the means of modern communication rarely a day goes past without us hearing some news of events that are causing anxiety – even distress – among believers in some part of the world. We reflected on this as we continued reading Jeremiah’s brief book of Lamentations. It was obviously written after the tragedy of Jerusalem’s fall
Thought for September 1st. “HIS GRACE TOWARD ME WAS NOT IN VAIN”
Today's readings... (2 Kings 6), (Lamentations 2), (1 Corinthians 15) Paul expresses himself from his heart in the above words. After his astonishing encounter with Christ on the Damascus Rd he was overwhelmed by a sense of utter appreciation – followed by total commitment in the service of Christ for the rest of his life. Our oft quoted chapter 15 in Corinthians today – must be read slowly,
Thought for August 31st. “IN YOUR THINKING BE MATURE”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 5), (Lamentations 1), (1 Corinthians 14) Today we read the completion of Paul’s earnest advice to the Corinthians to cease their misuse of the gift of speaking in tongues, that is, other languages, as had taken place in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). He sets the gift of tongues in contrast to the gift of prophecy – this gift did not
Thought for August 30th. “… THE SAME CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 4), (Jeremiah 52), (1 Corinthians 12), (1 Corinthians 13) The church at Corinth was not functioning very well. Today’s chapters (12 & 13) are about their misuse of the gifts of the Spirit that the first generation or two of believers were privileged to possess – it gave added impetus in the establishment of the church. The word church means the body of believers,
Thought for August 29th. “THE HEAD OF CHRIST IS GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 3), (Jeremiah 51), (1 Corinthians 11) Today’s chapter 11 in 1 Corinthians starts, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Paul, from the time Christ made himself known to him, had been the ‘role model’ (a phrase often used today) of his life. So many follow strange ‘role models’ today – but the Scriptures have the true ‘role models’ for us –
Thought for August 28th. “THIS IS THE VENGEANCE OF THE LORD”
Today's readings.. (2 Kings 1), (2 Kings 2), (Jeremiah 50), (1 Corinthians 10) It is wonderful to see the way the Almighty – our Heavenly Father – loves his creation. But what happens when there is – endlessly – no response to his love, no appreciation of his creation – a total denial that he created it? Our meditations on this arose from our long chapter (50) in
Thought for August 27th. “BUT I HATE HIM FOR HE NEVER …”
Today's readings.. (1 kings 22), (Jeremiah 49), (1 Corinthians 8), (1 corinthians 9) In the last chapter of 1 Kings today, is about prophets, human prophets. The kings of the northern kingdom of Israel gathered a lot of – what we might describe by the modern phrase – “hangers on”! Such always aim to be optimistic about the future and tell the king of their optimism – the king
Today's readings.. (1 kings 21), (Jeremiah 48), (1 Corinthians 7) Today’s chapter in Corinthians is an answer to specific situations there. However, it contains many principles which apply to believers in all ages. Paul is responding to “matters about which you wrote” [1 Cor.7 v.1] and it is like hearing one side of a conversation. Corinth was a very immoral city and the idolatry and fleshly living that
Thought for August 25th. “DO YOU NOT KNOW … ”
Today's readings.. (1 kings 20), (Jeremiah 47), (1 Corinthians 6) There are many things we do not know – but most of these “many things” are of no serious consequence. Paul addresses the Corinthians as to the things it is essential they understand – and the most challenging are his comments on their lack of spiritual perception of the reality of their relationship with things Divine. The believers
Thought for August 24th. “What are you doing here, Elijah?
Today's readings.. (1 kings 19), (Jeremiah 45), (Jeremiah 46), (1 Corinthians 4), (1 Corinthians 5) Elijah showed he was a man of great faith when he challenged the wicked king Ahab on Mount Carmel, fire miraculously burnt up his offering and 450 prophets of Baal were killed. Then three and a half years of drought came dramatically to an end! But after that he had a remarkable collapse of
Today's readings.. (1 kings 18), (Jeremiah 44), (1 Corinthians 3) How we respond to challenging events “will disclose the purposes of the heart” [1 Cor. 4 v.5] and reveal to our Lord – and to ourselves - if we are honest with ourselves - the real purposes, the real objectives that dominate our minds. The Bible contains numerous examples of this and we read several today. Elijah challenges
Thought for August 22nd. “IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 17), (Jeremiah 43) (1 Corinthians 1), (1 Corinthians 2) Today we start reading the first letter to the Corinthians. There are many believers there; Paul had spent much time there and his letters to them total 29 chapters containing a great many lessons appropriate for us today. The return of the Lord was very much in his mind, but he had no idea when; he
Thought for August 21st. “THE LORD YOUR GOD”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 16), (Jeremiah 42), (Mark 16) Jeremiah tells us that after all the more important people were taken away to Babylon those who remained in Judah were in disarray. The one the Babylonians had put in charge (Gedaliah) had been murdered and others also (Ch.40 v.1-8); the murderers fled to the Ammonites.(v.15). Today’s chapter (41) tells us how the remaining people “from the least
Thought for August 20th. ” … STIRRED UP THE CROWD”
Today's readings... (1 Kings 15), (Jeremiah 41), (Mark 15) As we reflected on our Mark 15 reading we noted how the evil “chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him (Pilate) release for them Barabbas instead” of Jesus (v.11) The role of the “crowd” is often a significant factor in the course of events. We have read earlier in the book of Kings of the harmony and
Thought for August 19th. “…. UNBEARABLE NEWS FOR YOU”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 14), (Jeremiah 40), (Mark 14) Have you heard of the prophet Ahijah? He plays a small but significant role during the reign of Solomon and also later. First, God sends him to Jeroboam, during Solomon’s reign, to tell him (1 Kings 11 v.29-39) that he would become king over most of Israel after Solomon’s death. God’s message to Jeroboam, via Ahijah was, “if you will
Thought for August 18th. “FOR YOU DO NOT KNOW …”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 13), (Jeremiah 39), (Mark 13) Today we have read the challenging text of Mark – his record of the words of Jesus (Ch. 13) in what we usually call the ‘Olivet prophecy’. The disciples had been astonished by his prediction that the Temple they had just praised would be destroyed. Four of them “asked him privately ‘Tell us when will these things be, and
Thought for August 17th. “JEREMIAH SANK IN THE MUD”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 12), (Jeremiah 38), (Mark 12) Jeremiah’s tests of faith now reached new heights, but God had prepared him for this - just as he did with Abraham, for we recall his increasing tests of faith. The king’s officials had pressured the king, they said to him, “Let this man be put to death, for he is weakening the hands of the soldiers who are
Thought for August 16th. “HAVE FAITH IN GOD”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 11), (Jeremiah 37), (Mark 11) It is relatively easy to tell each other to “have faith in God” when there is no pressure on us and life is relatively peaceful; it can be much harder when the ‘storm clouds’ of trouble are looming all around us. Today we read of this happening to Jeremiah and to Jesus – and both knew what an awesome
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 10), (Jeremiah 36), (Mark 10) A feature of our godless world is the minimising of the value of marriage. How few exchange vows that their union is taking place in the sight of God! Those who still do so must be fully conscious of the all-seeing, all-hearing and all-knowing presence of God; read Psalm 139. After Jesus said that in marriage a man must
Thought for August 14th. “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 9), (Jeremiah 35), (Mark 9) Jesus said many things his disciples did not at first understand, it was only the events that followed that led to their understanding – and they are explained to them. This is part of the challenge in reading the Bible – our continuous reading should encourage us to read and search further and increase our understanding. By comparing Scriptures
Thought for August 13th. YOU ONLY, KNOW THE HEARTS OF ALL”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 8), (Jeremiah 34), (Mark 8) The magnificent temple Solomon built was opened and dedicated. Consider the words Solomon used in addressing God! “Whatever prayer, whatever plea is made by any man or by all your people Israel, each knowing the affliction of his own heart and stretching out his hands toward this house, then hear in heaven your dwelling place and forgive and act
Thought for August 12th. “IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 7), (Jeremiah 33), (Mark 7) How do we worship? What is worship? Unless we have a heartfelt awe of God there will be fundamental flaws in our worship. Our first aim must be to make sure we are approaching God and His Son in the way he desires. Our second aim should be to try to guide others to worship God in the way and
Thought for August 11th. “NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU”
Today's readings.. (1 kings 6), (Jeremiah 32), (Mark 6) The book of Jeremiah confuses us a little because it is not in chronological order. Today’s 32nd chapter starts by telling us the word of the LORD came to him “in the tenth year of Zedekiah” [v.1] “At that time the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem” [v.2]. We do not know which month, but ch.
Thought for August 10th. “BREADTH OF MIND”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 4), (1 Kings 5), (Jeremiah 31), (Mark 5) Let us grasp the sense of the phrase “breadth of mind” which occurs in our 1 Kings reading today. It is the result of God responding to King Solomon’s request for wisdom. We read “The LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, ‘Ask what I shall give you’ “ [1 Kings
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 3), (Jeremiah 30), (Mark 4) Our chapter (30) in Jeremiah is intriguing. The last verse challenges our thinking, “The fierce anger of the LORD will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intentions of his mind. In the latter days you will understand this.” In the chapter’s opening verses Jeremiah is told, “Thus says the LORD … write in a book
Thought for August 8th. “GUILTY OF AN ETERNAL SIN”
Todays's readings.. (1 Kings 20), (Jeremiah 29), (Mark 3) Imagine you are living in Israel as reports about what Jesus is doing and saying spread. Our reading in Mark shows what contrasting reactions took place. The worst reactions were among those who felt their positions of authority were under threat. It also came from those who were proud of their interpretations of the very letter of the laws
Thought for August 7th. “WHEN JESUS SAW THEIR FAITH”
Today's readings.. (1 Kings 1), (Jeremiah 28), (Mark 2) Today we have the account of` a miracle of Jesus that we tend to remember most. Jesus had now become so sought after that it was sometimes difficult to see and hear him. There is a paralysed man who lay on a bed that 4 friends carried, but it was impossible for them to bring him anywhere near Jesus.
Thought for August 6th. “THE ANGER OF THE LORD WAS KINDLED …”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 27), (Mark 1) The final chapter in 2 Samuel begins by telling us “again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.” We are not told why God was angry, there is no indication that it was comparable with his anger in the days of Jeremiah resulting in the Temple and the city being destroyed. We suggest his anger with
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 23), (Jeremiah 26), (Romans 15), (Romans 16) As we complete reading Paul’s letter to the Romans we note his point that “whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” [15 v.4] “The Scriptures” are, of course, the Old Testament. Paul wanted the Gentile Christian converts in Rome
Thought for August 4th. “EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS …”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 22), (Jeremiah 25), (Romans 13), (Romans 14) In today’s chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans Paul is urging harmony between believers. He asks, “Who are you to pass judgement on the servant of another?” [14 v.4] He tells them “not to quarrel over opinions” [v.1]. He gives examples; the first is disagreements over observing specific days (v.6); the second is on what believers
Thought for August 3rd. ” … BY THE MERCIES OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 20), (@ Samuel 21), (Jeremiah 24), (Romans 12) Today we have a really special chapter – Romans 12. Its’ 21 verses all provoke deep thought for meditation. Let’s start with verse 1, ‘I appeal to you therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” The more we sense
Thought for August 2nd. “IN THE LATTER DAYS YOU WILL …”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 19), (Jeremiah 23), (Romans 10), (Romans 11) Our 4 chapters listed for today are of great interest. David is re-installed as king, causing great heart-searching among those who had been drawn away to follow his vain son Absalom: an example of the type of leader many have followed or elected in recent years with Hitler being by far the worst example. Our chapter in
Thought for August 1st. “IT DEPENDS … ON GOD WHO HAS MERCY”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 18), (Jeremiah 22), (Romans 9) The special lesson we learn today, in what we can call ‘the bottom line’ is that in the end everything depends upon God’s mercy toward us – because no one can “earn” salvation by their own righteousness. We read of David’s distress of mind over Absalom; his emotional love for his wayward son would not allow him to think
Thought for July 31st. “HE WHO SEARCHES HEARTS KNOWS … “
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 17), (Jeremiah 21), (Romans 7), (Romans 8) Paul’s 7th and 8th chapters of Romans are among the most profound in the whole Bible. We must beware of taking any verse out of context, these chapters are the climax to chapters 5 & 6 we read yesterday. At the very beginning of the Bible we read how the spirit of God was moving over the
Thought for July 30th. “THAT GRACE MAY ABOUND”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 16), (Jeremiah 20), (Romans 5), (Romans 6) What is grace? Simple question, but the answer is not exactly simple. The 4 words in our heading, “that grace may abound” are at the start of Ch. 6 in today’s reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans. Let’s try to understand the way in which ‘grace’ operates. The word ‘grace’ became a special word for Paul!
Thought for July 29th. “HE GREW STRONG IN HIS FAITH”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 15), (Jeremiah 19), (Romans 3), (Romans 4) All who decide to serve God and become his sons and daughters through baptism travel along different paths of experience in life. Paul in his letter to the Romans reflects on the life of Abraham as “he grew strong in faith” and how he became “fully convinced that God was able to do what he promised.” [Ch.
Thought for July 28th. “BEGINNING AND ENDING IN FAITH”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 14), (Jeremiah 18), (Romans 1), (Romans 2) The first 2 chapters of Romans, which we started reading today, contain some of the most personally challenging thoughts in the Bible. In its 16 chapters Paul gives a comprehensive overview of the Gospel. We were struck by the alternative translation (given in a footnote in the ESV) to v.17. The text reads (taking it in context
Thought for July 27th. “I THE LORD SEARCH THE HEART”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 13), (Jeremiah 17), (Matthew 28) There is much food for thought and meditation in our chapter in Jeremiah today (17). What a burden lay on this prophet, the final prophet to the kings and people in Jerusalem in its final years before God showed the fullness of his anger on the place. Jeremiah received – to give to the people – a series
Thought for July 26th. ‘I HAVE SINNED AGAINST THE LORD’
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 12), (Jeremiah 116), (Matthew 27) As God sees our lives all wrongdoing is against him. Are we sufficiently aware of his oversight of our lives? Paul became dramatically aware and was to write, “None of us lives to himself … whether we live or whether we die we are the Lord’s” [Rom. 14, v.7,8]. Therefore, as we read today of David being confronted by the
Thought for July 25th. “NOT AS I WILL BUT AS YOU WILL”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 11), (Jeremiah 15), (Matthew 26) Today we read the account of the dreadful last 24 hours or so in the mortal life of our Lord Jesus. Yes, he was mortal, otherwise his death was only a sort of ‘mirage.’ His agony of mind in the Garden of Gethsemane shows he knew what awaited him. It is possible he reasoned, as he prayed to his father,
Thought for July 24th. “LORD, WHEN DID WE SEE THEE … ”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 10), (Jeremiah 14), (Matthew 25) Today’s 25th chapter of Matthew contains 3 challenging parables, the Master’s final ones. Just 2 days later (26 v.2) he is arrested and the major purpose of his mortal life on earth unfolds. The first parable highlights 5 virgins who were wise in taking “a flask of oil with their lamps” [v.4], in case the bridegroom was long in
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 8), (2 Samuel 9), (Jeremiah 13), (Matthew 24) ‘The Olivet Prophecy’ as most of today’s reading of Matthew 24 is known - is full of challenging language about events future to that time. Is it good to think that we have the ‘interpretation’ of its words exactly sorted out? The phraseology is puzzling in parts and we must recognize some aspects of prophecy only
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 7), (Jeremiah 12), (Matthew 23) Today’s reading in 2 Samuel 7 is one that many know well: it is one of the most significant in the Old Testament. King David’s love for God and his relationship with God has reached its highest point. It suddenly comes into his mind that he should build a Temple for his God, where God can be worshipped
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 6), (Jeremiah 11), (Matthew 22) One of the most worrying sayings of Jesus is that quoted above, but in looking back on the events of history it makes sense. We read in Jeremiah that the call to serve God in the way he desires went unheeded. Jeremiah is told, as we read today, “Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in
Thought for July 20th. “BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 4), (2 Samuel 5), (Jeremiah 10), (Matthew 21) Matthew in his Gospel is more prolific than the other Gospel writers in quoting the Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Today we have in his 21st chapter the account of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (v.4-11). Matthew writes, “this took place to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet, saying ‘Behold your king
Thought for July 19th. “FOR IN THESE THINGS I DELIGHT”
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 3), (Jeremiah 9), (Matthew 20). The LORD tells Jeremiah, “ … for in these things I delight.” These things form a wonderfully positive statement – following after so many words denouncing the ungodliness of the nation. We can take these words to heart ourselves; challenging words - and those who appreciate the forthright words of the Creator of all things will respond to them.
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 2), (Jeremiah 8), (Matthew 19) Our reading in Matthew 19 begins with the Pharisees asking Jesus a key question, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” [v.3] They thought they could catch Jesus with this question; involve him in a disputed matter, maybe make him unpopular? For Jesus it was an opportunity to reinforce his teaching to his disciples in the
Thought for July 17th. “IT IS NOT THE WILL OF MY FATHER … “
Today's readings.. (2 Samuel 1), (Jeremiah 7), (Matthew 18) One of the most wonderful messages within the Bible concerns the mercy and forgiveness of God. Today, in Matthew 18 we read the well-known parable of the lost sheep, it is prefaced by the words, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones”[v.10]. This, we conclude means - those seen to be the “least” as the Gk
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 24), (Jeremiah 1), (Matthew 12) Jesus says many things that are very challenging, but few are more challenging than those we read today in Matthew 12 v.36, “I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” What is a
Thought for July 10th. “AND ANYONE TO WHOM …”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 23), (Isaiah 63), (Matthew 11) Our chapter in Matthew (11) makes it clear that the teaching of Jesus was a tremendous challenge as he continued his ministry. “Jesus went on from there to teach and preach in their cities” [v.1] It is not difficult to imagine the great discussions and debate that took place; the condemnation of the religious leaders adding to the confusion.
Thought for July 9th. “THIS IS THE ONE TO WHOM I WILL LOOK”
Today's readings..(1 Samuel 21), (1 Samuel 22), (Isaiah 65), (Matthew 10) Today and tomorrow we read the final 2 chapters of Isaiah. God expresses through the prophet his lament for those who turn away from him, those who “insulted me” - to whom he says, “do not come near me, for I am too holy for you” [65 v.5,7] In contrast his true servants “shall sing for
Thought for July 8th. “MAKE YOUR NAME KNOWN
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 20), (Isaiah 64), (Matthew 9) The word ‘name’ is often used in Scripture in the sense of reputation. We use it that way too: someone has a ‘bad name’ or a ‘good name.’ As we complete reading the prophecies of Isaiah in the next couple of days we see references to God’s name in this sense; that his ‘reputation’ has been forgotten, his people
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 19), (Isaiah 63), (Matthew 8) Isaiah writes, “I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has granted us … [6 v.7] It is good as well as necessary that we think positively about the attitude of God to his creation. We can – and must – sometimes think of his anger with
Thought for July 6th. “THE GATE IS NARROW”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 18), (Isaiah 62), (Matthew 7) Today we completed reading the 3 chapters in Matthew (5,6 & 7) which comprise what we call ‘The Sermon on the Mount.’ Today’s chapter is full of challenging precepts as to the way we should live our lives. Verses 1 to 5 are a warning about being hypocritical; how readily we human beings can see the faults in others
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 17), (Isaiah 61), (Matthew 6) What are our priorities in life? Do we only find time to think about and do anything in the service of God and our Saviour Jesus in our spare time? Of course, Sunday’s would be at least partly an exception. Matthew 6, which we read today, has many challenging words from Jesus. It’s final verses see Jesus challenging
Thought for July 4th. “IN IT’S TIME, I WILL HASTEN IT”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 16), (Isaiah 60), (Matthew 5) We have a remarkable chapter in Isaiah today; a number of its verses reflect some in the final chapters in Revelation that we read a few days ago. They picture the ultimate time to come when the perfect age is reached and the whole world becomes a garden of Eden populated by perfected people. This is what God intended from
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 15), (Isaiah 59), (Matthew 3), (Matthew 4) Our Matthew reading brings us to the strange account of the temptation of Jesus by the devil. The first point to note is that “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” [ch.4 v.1] This shows us that it was God’s Spirit that “led” him to a place of
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 14), (Isaiah 58), (Matthew 1), (Matthew 2) Fasting means abstaining; deliberately depriving yourself of something, usually food, as an act of submissive worship. Jesus criticised the religious leaders who “disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others,” deliberately making themselves “look gloomy” [Matt. 6 v. 16]. Jesus classes them as “hypocrites”. What provoked our thoughts on this was the message
Thought for July 1st. “AFTER HIS OWN HEART”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 13), (Isaiah 56), (Isaiah 57), (Revelation 21), (Revelation 22) Samuel said to Saul, “You have done foolishly … your kingdom shall not continue. The LORD has sought out a man after his own heart.” [1 Samuel 13 v.13,14]. Saul was in trouble, he was in a hopeless military position, the prophet Samuel had come a day later (maybe only hours later) than had been
Thought for June 30th. ” … WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND”
Todays's readings.. (1 Samuel 11), (1 Samuel 12), (Isaiah 55), (Revelation 19), (Revelation 20) Today’s chapter (55) in Isaiah starts with an invitation, “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come … “ The next verse asks a question, “Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which does not satisfy?” Today
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 10), (Isaiah 54), (Revelation 17), (REVELATION 18) The great majority of human beings, apart from many in poor countries, are totally motivated to gain and enjoy wealth. Of course we need to have some money but Paul wrote, “Keep yourself free from the love of money, and be content with what you have.” [Heb 13 v.5] Remember our thoughts 2 days ago about those who
Thought for June 28th. “IT IS WHAT THEY DESERVE”
Today's readings... (1 Samuel 9), (Isaiah 53), (Revelation 15), (Revelation 16) Behind every significant event in history has been the “will of the LORD” bringing about things that are “good” or things that are “bad” – more often the latter. This is even sometimes the case with seemingly insignificant events! In our reading of 1 Samuel 9, donkeys belonging to a Benjamite become lost and the owner’s son,
Thought for June 27th. ” … BUT TURNED ASIDE AFTER GAIN”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 7), (1 Samuel 8), (Isaiah 52), (Revelation 14) 1 Samuel 8 starts by telling us “when Samuel became old …” and the next few chapters tell us of all the drama that happened in his old age. The first problem was that Samuel’s sons whom he had made judges “did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after gain. They took bribes and
Thought for June 26th. “THE HEAVENS VANISH LIKE SMOKE”
Today's readings... (1 Samuel 5), (1 Samuel 6), (ISAIAH 51), (REVELATION 12), (REVELATION 13) Our readings in Isaiah and Revelation both challenge us with figurative language about the climax of life on earth. There are many passages in God’s word which make reference to the heavens in a way in which it seems clear they symbolise, in certain contexts, the ruling powers on earth. Through Isaiah God says,
Thought for June 25th. “MORNING BY MORNING”
Today's readings... (1 Samuel 4), (Isaiah 50), (Revelation 10), (Revelation 11) We do not know a great deal about Isaiah’s personal situation. In John’s Gospel we read that “Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke of him” [12 v.41], so the seeing was with the eye of faith, a vivid picture in the mind. Isaiah “saw” what was to come, believing with such total
Thought for June 24th. “WOE TO THOSE WHO DWELL ON EARTH”
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 3), (Isaiah 49), (Revelation 7), (Revelation 8), (Revelation 9) As we continue reading the final message of Jesus in Revelation we reflect on how much heart searching it has caused believers in every generation. It’s wonderful visions of an ultimate age of perfection and glory are balanced by the awesome series of woes beforehand. The last 1900 years bear testimony to the judgements that were
Todays's readings... (1 Samuel 2), (Isaiah 48), (Revelation 5), (Revelation 6) It appears to us as we read the unfolding visions in Revelation that their sequence reveals different aspects of the ‘march’ of human history - as human beings try to avoid their responsibility to their Creator and the Saviour he provided. These different aspects all climax in the time when “the great ones and the generals and the
Today's readings.. (1 Samuel 1), (Isaiah 46), (Isaiah 47), (Revelation 3), (Revelation 4) Our readings today all provoke some challenging thoughts. First we read Hannah’s impassioned prayer leading her to tell Eli the priest, “I have been pouring out my soul before the LORD” [1 Sam. 1 v.15] Such is human nature that we usually only do this when there is some real crisis. Hannah proves herself to
Today's readings.... (Ruth 3), (Ruth 4), (Isaiah 45), (Revelation 1), (Revelation 2) Today we started reading the thought challenging last book of the Bible. At the start the symbolic language is clearly explained, assemblies of believers (which is what the word for ‘church’ means) are called “lampstands” (1 v.20 – candlesticks in the old A V – places where light should shine forth). The book is “a revelation
Today's readings.. (Ruth 1), (Ruth 2), (Isaiah 44), (Jude 1) The account of Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi has a special message for us in encouraging us to see the ‘bigger picture’ of life, the picture as God sees it. Because of a severe famine Naomi with her husband and 2 sons move from Bethlehem to Moab. Some years pass but then her husband dies and she “was left with
Thought for June 19th.”THIS IS LOVE THAT WE WALK … “
Today's readings.. (Judges 21), (Isaiah 43), (2 John 1) (3 John 1) What is love? As we read the aged disciple John’s final two short Epistles, his use of the word “love” jumps out at us. He writes how, “I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth … and this is love, that we walk according to his commandments.” [2 John v.4,6] This is how
Today's readings.. (Judges 20), (Isaiah 42), (1 John 5) “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world,” writes John, and then he adds, “And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith” [1 John 5 v.4]. What is faith? That’s is a fundamental question – and the answer is simple! Or is it? Consider what happened in the First Century – beginning with
Thought for June 17th. “SEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE”
Today's readings.. (Judges 19), (Isaiah 41), (1John 3), (1 John 4) Our chapter in the First Epistle of John (Ch. 3) starts with the above words! Love comes in different “kinds” and fully genuine love is proved by the actions that follow. When we get to v.18 we read, “let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” That kind of love should create
Thought for June 16th. “BUT THEY WHO WAIT FOR THE LORD SHALL …”
Today's readings... Judges 17), (Judges 18), (Isaiah 40), (1 John 1), (1 John 2) Today we read the fascinating 40th chapter of Isaiah which was largely taken and put to music in the Oratorio ‘The Messiah’ about 250 years ago. It begins “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem … that her warfare is ended and her iniquity is pardoned.” Jerusalem has been
Today's readings... (Judges 16), (Isaiah 39), (2 Peter 3) The list in Hebrews of those who are named as examples of faith has some surprising inclusions and Samson is one of them. None of those in the list lived ‘perfect’ or blameless lives, but all had times in which they displayed great faith in God. We have just read the accounts of Samson’s remarkable strength because his hair had never
Thought for June 14th. “IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER FOR THEM … “
Today's readings... (Judges 14), (Judges 15), (Isaiah 38) (2 Peter 1), (2 Peter 2) We read the first 2 chapters of Peter’s second epistle today and he, like Paul in his 2nd letter to Timothy, is nearing the end of his mortal life. Peter is greatly concerned that all too many who had accepted Jesus as their Saviour were losing their commitment and turning back to fleshly ways of
Today's readings.. (Judges 12), (Judges 13), (Isaiah 37), (1 Peter 3), (1 Peter 4), (1 Peter 5) What is “very precious” in “God’s sight”? The 3rd chapter of Peter’s First Epistle includes a message addressed specifically to wives. He writes, “… wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their
Today's readings... (Judges 10), (Judges 11), (Isaiah 26), (1 Peter 2) Peter’s letters contain so much that is appropriate to life today and the circumstances that challenge those struggling to believe and develop their faith in God. This is equally true of those who have spent a lifetime as believers but now struggle in a world that has become almost totally godless. The world distracts us from taking “the pure
Today's readings.. (Judges 9), (Isaiah 35), (1 Peter 1) What are you going to do today? Some people act and speak on the spur of the moment – and when they do they sometimes regret it afterwards. We began reading the first letter of Peter today and it occurred to us that Peter’s comment to his readers about “preparing your minds for action” may reflect on his own impulsiveness in
Today's readings.. (Judges 7), (Judges 8), (Isaiah 34), (James 5) Our chapter (34) in Isaiah today clearly has some application to our days. This is further illustrated by the way it flows into the next chapter which is so evidently a picture of life in God’s Kingdom: this chapter is often quoted and some of its verses form part of our hymns about the kingdom. The vision presented in today’s chapter
Thought for June 9th. “BE OUR ARM EVERY MORNING”
Today's readings.. (Judges 9), (Isaiah 33), (James 3), (James 4) Our Bible readings today provoked a great multitude of thoughts. Isaiah 33 is quite a mixture and may be better if it had been broken up into 2 or 3 short chapters. Verse 2 is a delightful ‘prayer’ we can start the day with, “O LORD, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our
Thought for June 8th. “I WILL SHOW YOU MY FAITH BY MY WORKS”
Today's readings.. (Judges 4), (Judges 5), (Isaiah 32), (James 2) Today we read the challenging second chapter of James which tells us it is not enough to just talk about our faith, it has to become evident by what it causes us to do. James bluntly wrote, “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”[v.17] Now James was writing to believers among the 12 tribes [v.1] who
Today's readings.. (Judges 2), (Judges 3), (Isaiah 31), (James 1) Our chapter in Isaiah (31) ends with a declaration by “the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.” But, ignoring the chapter break, note the very next words, “Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.” Then looking on to v.17, “… and the effect of righteousness will be peace,
Today's readings.. (Judges 1), (Isaiah 30), (Hebrews 13) The final chapter of Hebrews contains several straightforward statements which are just as much needed today – if not more so – as in the First Century. “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body (of Christ).” [v.3] We have been hearing quite a number of
Thought for May 5th. “BE VERY CAREFUL THEREFORE TO … “
Today's readings.. (Joshua 23), (Joshua 24), (Isaiah 29), (Hebrews 12) Today we came to the end of the book of Joshua, and as Moses had done, Joshua, sensing his approaching death says, “and now I am about to go the way of all the earth” [23 v.14] – now note what he then said, “…. Since it is the LORD your God who fights for you, just as he
Today's readings... (Joshua 22), (Isaiah 28), (Hebrews 11) The Romans at first called Christians Atheists! This is shown in the records that have been found written by Roman historians early in the 2nd Century. Christians were seen as people who were worshipping something that could not be seen! The Romans could see their gods, but their gods were the work of men’s hands! These were our thoughts as we read
Today's readings.. (Joshua 20), (Joshua 21), (Isaiah 26), (Isaiah 27), (Hebrews 10) In Isaiah and Hebrews today we have some heart stirring verses. Isaiah says to the Almighty, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in you” [ Ch. 26 v.3] One can live surrounded by confusion, as Paul often did, but still have peace of mind. Isaiah writes of the ideal
Thought for June 2nd. “PURIFY OUR CONSCIENCE FROM … “
Today's readings.. (Joshua 19), (Isaiah 25), (Hebrews 8), (Hebrews 9) We live in a world where “conscience” is rarely mentioned. If someone is accused of wrong doing, they usually do their utmost to dodge around the accusations and imply they are “innocent” – if they have to admit anything, they resort to saying something was ‘inappropriate’ – never that they told a lie! This is especially the case with politicians.
Thought for June 1st. “HOW LONG WILL YOU PUT OFF … “
Today's readings.. (Joshua 18), (Isaiah 24), (Hebrews 6), (Hebrews 7) We continue to read the book of Joshua (a name which is the same as ‘Jesus’ and means ‘Saviour’) and we see Joshua urging of the nation, now in their promised land, to go and take possession and settle in the area of the land that had been allotted to them. Five of the tribes had done this, but today’s
Today's readings.. (Joshua 17), (Isaiah 23), (Hebrews 3), (Hebrews 4), (Hebrews 5) Continuing our reading of Hebrews, we notice more of its many quotations from the Old Testament. Many of these quotations contain that significant little word “IF” ! The major theme is that the readers should learn from the failures of the past and not make the same mistakes, but will “hear” what is written. In chapter 3 v.4
Thought for May 30th. “… HE HAS SPOKEN TO US BY HIS SON”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 16), (Isaiah 22), (Hebrews 1), (Hebrews 2) Today we started to read the letter to the Hebrews. It does not tell us who wrote it. We are not sure it was Paul; at the very end (13 v.23) it comments that “our brother Timothy has been released” – was Paul still alive then? One early tradition is that Barnabas wrote it, but it
Thought for May 29th. “REFRESH MY HEART IN CHRIST”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 15), (Isaiah 20),(Isaiah 21), (Philemon 1) Today we read Paul’s shortest letter, a unique personal message between one brother and another – and it teaches us one particular valuable lesson. Philemon is a special associate of Paul, he calls him, “our beloved fellow worker” [v.1] and says, “I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of
Thought for May 28th. “IN THAT DAY”
Today's readings... (Joshua14), (Isaiah 19), (Titus 1),(Titus 2), (Titus 3) Five times we find this phrase in today’s chapter in Isaiah (19); each of them has either a latter day or an even later application. They are quite specific; there is nothing vague about them. In Isaiah’s time Egypt was still a major power and was contending with Assyria for influence and control in the world, but long before
Thought for May 27th. “DAMASCUS WILL CEASE TO BE A CITY”
Today's readings... (Joshua 13), (Isaiah 17), (Isaiah 18), (2 Timothy 3), (2 Timothy 4) Several prophecies in Isaiah attracted our attention in our readings today. Damascus was the capital of Syria in those days – and still is today. We recall reading in the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE that Damascus is the oldest most continuously inhabited city in the world and there is no evidence that it was ever destroyed like
Thought for May 26th. ” … RATHER THAN LOVERS OF GOD”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 12), (Isaiah 16), (2 Timothy 2) ` “But understand this,” that is how our reading in 2 Timothy Chapter 3 starts; Paul’s thoughts flow on from the previous chapter. Chapter 3 is familiar to most as a chapter often used at talks about “the last days”. The chapter brings out two particular points. It
Today's readings ... (Joshua 11), (Isaiah 15), (2 Timothy 1). The final letter of the Apostle Paul was his second letter to Timothy. His opening verses after his usual greeting is to write of Timothy’s faith. Note how he expresses it, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you
Today's readings.. (Joshua 10), (Isaiah 14), (1 Timothy 6). Righteousness? In the very earliest translations of the Bible into English this word was spelt right-wise-ness! Interesting – we like to think of it as indicating that the only wise way to live our lives was always to aim to do right – that is, right by God’s standards.. Paul, in concluding his first letter to Timothy tells him that he
Todays readings.. (Joshua 9), (Isaiah 13), (1 Timothy 4), (1 Timothy 5) What is godliness? Is the answer obvious? It should be, but in a world that increasingly does not believe in God, let alone read the Bible, few have a clear idea of what godliness is! Do we? We are reading Paul’s letters to “Timothy, my true child in the faith” (1 Tim 1:2). Paul had urged him to
Thought for May 22nd. ” … ALL THAT IS WRITTEN”
Today's readings ... (Joshua 8), (Isaiah 12), (1 Timothy 1), (1 Timothy 2), (1 Timothy 3) Over the last few days we have been reading about the conquests of the Israelites after they crossed the Jordan. The account of the conquest of Jericho is well known and the way the walls fell down. Then there was a setback in achieving what had appeared to be an easy task in conquering
Thought for May 21st. “AN EXAMPLE TO IMITATE”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 7), (Isaiah 11), (2 Thessalonians 3) Today, more than ever before, we live in a herd environment, a human herd. Mass advertising in a great variety of media confronts us hour after hour, this creates a herd mentality. We reflected on this as we read Paul’s words this morning. He told the Thessalonians that we “give you in ourselves an example to imitate.” [2 Thess. 3:9]
Thought for May 20th. “THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL”
Today's readings.. (Joshua 5-6), (Isaiah 10), (2Thess. 1)(1Thess.2) Today’s chapter in Isaiah reveals how God uses evil nations, in this case the Assyrians, as His axe, rod or saw to deal with other nations He had decided to punish - often that nation was His own people Israel. These nations think they are achieving their successes by their own strength – and so, in one sense they are, but God
Today's readings... Joshua 3&4, Isaiah 9, 1Thessalonians 5 Four times, the first three being in today’s reading of the 9th chapter of Isaiah, the prophet’s message is, “For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still” [v.12,17, 21 and 10 v.4]. It is a condemnation against those who speak “in pride and in arrogance of heart” [v.9] of all they will do in
Today's readings.. Joshua 2, Isaiah 8, 1 Thessalonians 3&4 What do we find encouraging in our lives? Some would find this a difficult question – our Godless world has threatening storm clouds on the horizons – and many are fearful of how serious they might become. Paul’s words to the Thessalonians with which our chapters today conclude contained a positive message, this was that they should not grieve over any
Thought for May 17th. “BOLDNESS IN OUR GOD”
Today's readings.. Joshua 1, Isaiah 7, 1 Thessalonians 1&2 Today we began reading the book of Joshua: also Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. Both recount the need for boldness and the need to be courageous – comparable in some ways to the thought that has been expressed in recent generations, ‘the power of positive thinking,’ but which lacks the ‘God-fearing’ ingredient. Attitudes of thinking in the minds of those
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 33&34, Isaiah 6, Colossians 3&4 Paul writes in a very challenging way to the Colossians; he spells out very plainly that the pathway in following Christ is the very opposite to the pathways of those whose way of life leaves Christ and God out of account; their way of life becomes increasingly tragic especially if they believe there is no God – and therefore reject there
Thought for May 15th. “BY THIS WORD YOU SHALL LIVE”
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 5, Colossians 2 Moses has reached the end of his long life, he is now 120 years old and his final effort is a final message to the nation. We read, “then Moses spoke the words of this song … in the ears of the assembly of Israel.” [Deut.31 v.30]. His words were designed to be memorised. “When Moses had finished speaking all these words
Thought for the May 14th. “THE FIRSTBORN FROM THE DEAD”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 31, Isaiah 3&4, Colossians 1 The Apostle Paul, said Peter (2 Peter 3 v.16), writes “some things … that are hard to understand which the ignorant and unstable twist”! We suspect some verses in today’s reading of Chapter 1 of Colossians are an example of this. Paul writes about Jesus as “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” [1 v.15]. He goes
Thought for May 11th. “DO YOU BELIEVE THE PROPHETS?”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 28, Song of Solomon 8, Acts 25&26 This was the question the Apostle Paul put to King Agrippa. He did not wait for him to answer, but immediately added, “I know that you believe” [Acts 26 v.27]. The King does not deny this, but notice his response, “In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?” [v.28] There is no evidence that he
Thought for May 10th. “THERE WILL BE A RESURRECTION …”
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 27, Song of Solomon 7, Acts 23&24 Our readings in Acts (23 & 24) describe events when Paul is arrested at Jerusalem, as the prophets among the believers had been inspired to predict. Paul takes advantage of the disagreement among his accusers, the Pharisees and Sadducees, to cause dissension among them. (23 v.7). More than 40 plot to lay an ambush and kill Paul. This plot
Thought for May 9th. “YOU SHALL REJOICE IN ALL THE GOOD … “
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 26, Song of Solomon 6, Acts 21&22 Moses is now starting to give his final message of encouragement to the nation before he dies. He is painting a picture in words of all the blessings to come when they go over the Jordan and settle in the promised land, a promise that was fulfilled to all that heard him. It was fulfilled under the leadership of
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 25, Song of Solomon 5, Acts 20 We are reading of Paul and his slow progress in travelling back to Jerusalem as he completes his third missionary journey. The elders of the church at Ephesus come to see him at Miletus. He reminds them of all he has done in “serving the Lord with all humility … how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 24, Song of Solomon 4, Acts 18&19 Continuing our readings in the ACTS of the Apostles, two particular words jumped out today. The Apostle Paul came to Corinth and “he reasoned every Sabbath and tried to persuade both Jews and Greeks” [Ch.18 v.4] Imagine the reasoning! Can you? What reasoning is most persuasive? We read yesterday that he was “reasoning out of the Scriptures,” which is
Thought for May 6th. “SIGNS AND WONDERS”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 23, Song of Solomon 3, Acts 16&17 One of the better known incidents in the Bible is when Paul was in Athens confronting the idol worshippers and then gave his speech on Mars Hill, which modern Bible’s translate as Areopagus (Acts 17 v.22). It still exists today. Paul comments on how religious (AV superstitious) they are! “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are
Thought for May 5th. “IF YOU KEEP YOURSELF FROM THESE …”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 22, Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon 2, Acts 14&15 Today we read about a serious conference that took place in Jerusalem among the disciples and other principal brethren about problems that had arisen among the believers. Some of the Pharisees who were now believers in Christ were advocating that the Gentiles whom Paul had been converting, that “it is necessary to circumcise them and to order them
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 21, Song of Solomon 1, Acts 13 We consider today’s chapter 13 in Acts to be one of the most ‘powerful’ in the Scriptures in the way it portrays the essential challenge to all men and women, young and old, of whether they are on God’s side or not. And, if they are on God’s side, then, whether they truly see the meaning of life as
Thought for May 3rd. “… WITH STEADFAST PURPOSE”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 20 Ecclesiastes 12, Acts 11&12 One of the early converts after the day of Pentecost was a man called Barnabas; we are not told all that much about him but what we are told is most interesting. At the end of Acts ch. 4 we read of a Levite, one of the priestly tribe, named Joseph “who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 19, Ecclesiastes 11, Acts 10 Today we read of the perplexity of the Apostle Peter when he has a vision, while sleeping, of a great sheet lowered from heaven which contained a lot of animals that were unclean under the Law of Moses and therefore should not be killed for food. He is told to “kill and eat” and he refuses, but a voice says, “What
Thought for May 1st. “WHY ARE YOU PERSECUTING ME”
Today's readings... Deuteronomy 18, Ecclesiastes 10, Acts 9 Most people have heard and read of the dramatic conversion of the Apostle Paul. Acts Chapter 8 starts by telling us that Paul “approved of” the “execution” of Stephen and how he then “was ravaging the church, and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.” [v.1,3] Chapter 9 starts by telling us that
Thought for April 30th. “TIME AND CHANCE HAPPEN TO THEM ALL”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 17, Ecclesiastes 9, Acts 8 In our Ecclesiastes reading today a verse occurs which has caused much discussion, “Again I saw that under the sun” writes Solomon, “the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favour to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all” [Ch.9 v.11].
Thought for April 29th. “YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 16, Ecclesiastes 8, Acts 7 Stephen’s speech (in Acts 7) before the Jewish Council is a history lesson! Why? For what purpose? He reviews all that had happened since the time of Abraham. Didn’t the members of the Council know their history? As we read the chapter we see Stephen is tracing the things God had instigated since he called Abraham from his homeland in Ur.
Thought for April 28th. “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 15, Ecclesiastes 7, Acts 5&6 The commission Jesus gave his disciples to go out preaching tested their faith to the uttermost. They were to just begin in Jerusalem, and what a beginning that was. How exciting it is to read the Acts of the Apostles, for the disciples were now called apostles (meaning those ‘sent forth’). They now possessed the Holy Spirit, as we commented yesterday.
Thought for April 27th. “GREATLY ANNOYED”
Today's readings ... Deuteronomy 13&14, Ecclesiastes 6, Acts 3&4 Have you ever been greatly annoyed? Of course you have! It’s human nature. Sometimes such feelings are justified, sometimes not. We read today in Acts Ch 4 of a group of people who were “greatly annoyed.” Why? Ch. 3 tells us of a most remarkable healing of a man of over 40 years of age who had been lame from birth
Thought for April 26th. “AND IN THE LAST DAYS IT SHALL BE …”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 12, Ecclesiastes 5, Acts 2 Today we read the familiar and oft quoted chapter 2 of Acts and pondered how to correctly understand and apply the quotation Peter made from the prophet Joel. The promise of Jesus to his disciples that they would receive a ‘Counsellor’, the Holy Spirit that would “be in you ..” [John 14 v.16,17] and would, among other things, “bring to your
Todays readings ... deuteronomy 10&11, Ecclesiastes 4, Acts 1 These words should be familiar to all Bible readers: they are the words of the “two men … in white robes” (a common way of describing angels) said to the disciples as their astonished eyes watched their Lord ascending upwards “and a cloud received him out of their sight” [Acts 1 v.9-11]. We suspect it was no ordinary cloud, but
Thought for April 24th. “KNOW THEREFORE THAT THE LORD IS NOT … “
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 8&9, Ecclesiastes 3, John 20&21 Today’s 2 chapters in Deuteronomy contain the heart of Moses’ final exhortation to the people of Israel. It is an impassioned plea for them to remain faithful after his death and they cross the Jordan into the promised land. “God has led you these forty years in the wilderness that he might humble you, testing you to know what was in
Thought for April 23rd. ‘THIS WAS MY REWARD’
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 6&7 Ecclesiastes again attracted our meditation. The reminisces of the wisest of king’s, Solomon, on the nature of his life’s achievements are thought provoking. He was blessed with a special dispensation of wisdom, but what is wisdom? One evidence of it is the Proverbs Solomon wrote. As we read Ecclesiastes we perceive the exercise of his wisdom in a material way followed by his reflections
Thought for April 22nd. “IN MUCH WISDOM IS MUCH VEXATION’
Today's readings ... Deuteronomy 5, Ecclesiastes 1, John 17&18 Today we began reading Ecclesiastes written by “the preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem [1 v.1]. His first words are, “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” What does vanity mean? The lexicon says the Hebrew word means, transitory, emptiness. Solomon is reviewing, apparently in his old age, all that he has accomplished in his life and is overwhelmed
Thought for April 21st. “LEST THEY DEPART FROM YOUR HEART”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 4, Proverbs 31, John 15&16 Chapter 4 of Deuteronomy is a powerful exhortation by Moses, part of his final message before he dies. It contains much that also applies to those trying to remain faithful to Jesus as they journey through today’s wilderness to the promised land of God’s worldwide kingdom, praying with greater and greater urgency, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done.”
Thought for April 20th. “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 3, Proverbs 30, John 13&14 What is the peace of Jesus? The world is full of restless hearts and minds, many are looking for the next new experience, others are disturbed because their lives are out of control for one reason or another. Those who have a real relationship with Jesus develop “the peace of God which surpasses all understanding” [Philpns 4 v.7]. Today’s chapters in
Today's readings .. Deuteronomy 2, Proverbs 29, John 12 How challenging are the words of Jesus that form the closing verses in today’s 12th chapter of John’s gospel! “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” The 2 verses which follow, the last in the chapter, are equally challenging! Jesus
Thought for April 18th. “GATHER INTO ONE THE CHILDREN OF GOD'”
Today's readings.. Deuteronomy 1, Proverbs 28, John 11 Disunity is a common feature in our world. The nature of politics highlights this; there is constant debate between opposing voices. In contrast the message of God’s word looks forward to a time of oneness. The friction created by those who were jealous of the tremendous popularity of Jesus reaches its peak following the fresh burst of support and belief in
Thought for April 17th. ” … FOR THEY KNOW HIS VOICE”
Today's readings... Numbers 36, Proverbs 27, John 9&10 Today our New Testament reading confronts us with the picture Jesus paints of himself as the good shepherd and the sheep he is calling to follow him, “for they know his voice.” Many who listened to Jesus did not understand what he meant, and John comments, “This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he
Thought for April 16th. “… HE WILL NEVER TASTE DEATH”
Today's readings ... Numbers 35, Proverbs 26, John 8 In our readings we have now reached the profound statements of Jesus that John alone records – but John was “the disciple whom Jesus loved”[John 21 v.7,20] and with whom he had a special relationship. He was the only one to stand by the cross, together with his mother and 2 other faithful women (John 19 v.25-27); we notice that John
Thought for April 15th. “RIVERS OF LIVING WATER”
Today's readings ... Numbers 34, Proverbs 25, John 7 A really challenging saying of Jesus was, “If anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’” [John 7 v.37-38] Jesus is obviously NOT speaking of people feeling a physical thirst! What is the ‘water’ that will flow out of believers?
Thought for April 14th. “THEY CAMPED BY THE JORDAN”
Todays readings... Numbers 33, Proverbs 24, John 6 Today’s chapter 33 in Numbers shows that the people had completed their wilderness travels and “they camped by the Jordan” [v.49] The chapter lists all the places where they had camped in those 40 years. The chapter starts by telling us, “These are the stages of the people of Israel, when they went out of the land of Egypt … under
Todays readings.. Numbers 32, Proverbs 23, John 5 In our readings in John’s Gospel we start to encounter the many statements of Jesus about how he looks to the Father for guidance; that he does nothing out of his own initiative. His response in the time of his temptation in the wilderness demonstrated this. Three times he said, “It is written.” His Father’s inspiration of the Old Testament writers
Thought for April 12th. “UNLESS YOU SEE SIGNS AND WONDERS … “
Today's readings... Numbers 31, Proverbs 22, John 4 What caused people to believe in Jesus? When Jesus called disciples he did not attract them by performing miracles. We saw in John 2 that his disciples were with him when he performed “the first of his signs” in Cana [v.2,12]. No doubt it added to their belief, but true belief cannot be based on seeing miracles. When his teaching became
Thought for April 11th. “WHOEVER DOES NOT BELIEVE IS …”
Today's readings.. Numbers 29&30, Proverbs 21, John 2&3 Once again our readings remind us there is no middle ground, you either believe – or you do not. There is a limit as to how long you can stand at the crossroads trying to decide, the signposts are clear to those with eyes to see and those who cannot see - are in darkness. Today the contrast between
Thought for April 10th. “BUT TO ALL WHO DID RECEIVE HIM … “
Todays readings.. Numbers 28, Proverbs 20, John 1 Today we start reading John; this is a gospel which challenges us to think very carefully and make sure we harmonise our thoughts about various passages of Scripture. The Gospel starts, “In the beginning was the Word” What beginning? The very first words in the Bible are “In the beginning God created … “ The original Greek in this
Thought for April 9th. “NOT THAT I HAVE ALREADY OBTAINED … “
Today's readings... Numbers 27, Proverbs 19, Philippians 3&4 There is an attitude among some who claim to follow Christ that they are already certain of being rewarded by God because they have accepted Christ. This is an unscriptural way of thinking. Paul did not have this attitude until the end of his life as we see in the final letter he wrote, see 2 Timothy 4 v.6-8.
Thought for April 8th. “THE FOUNTAIN OF WISDOM”
Today's readings.. Numbers 26, Proverbs 18, Philippians 1&2 We live today in a world of many voices, many opinions and many opportunities to express them. There are ‘tweets’ and ‘blogs’ in abundance on the Internet where people express their views on matters and comment on those of others. Newspapers have Opinion pages on their sites and in print. Polls are taken, especially by politicians, to see if the opinion
Today's readings.. Numbers 24&25, Proverbs 16, Ephesians 5&6. The one who uttered the oracle referred to above was destroyed by God! The wonder of hearing and reading the words of God is only of real value if it leads to godly thoughts and actions. Indeed, the Apostle Peter writes of those who fail to do this, that “it would have been better for them never to have known the way
Thought for April 6th. “HAVING LOST ALL SENSITIVITY”
Todays readings.. Numbers 22&23, Proverbs 16, Ephesians 3&4 Are you sensitive? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It seems to us that people generally have largely lost whatever ability they had to be really sensitive to the feelings of others. It is wonderful that there are always some who will give help to victims of some tragedy, such as when there are floods or storms, but is
Thought for April 5th. “A PLAN FOR THE FULLNESS OF TIME”
Todays readings... Numbers 20&21, Proverbs 15, Ephesians 1&2 The opening chapters of Ephesians, when read prayerfully and carefully, open an intensely thought provoking picture of the whole purpose of God “that we should be holy and blameless before him.” [1 v.4] This holiness is achieved, not by our works, but by our reactions to his actions to show us his love. Our reaction should be one of “praise of
Today's readings.. Numbers19, Proverbs 14, Galations 5&6 In every generation there are things which hinder people from living their lives in God’s way. Our chapter in Proverbs lists many positives and their counterpart negatives in human behaviour. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” [14 v.34] In past centuries we can see how, when the Bible was printed, the countries in which it was
Thought for April 3rd. “ANGUISH OF CHILDBIRTH UNTIL …”
Today's readings.. Numbers 17&18, Proverbs 13, Galations 3&4 Paul in writing to the Galatians asks, “Who has bewitched you”[3 v.1] because many had been persuaded to follow the observances of the law. We commented on this yesterday and the seriousness of this is emphasized because today we are reading more about this problem. But is the issue relevant to us today? The celebration of Easter in two weeks time provokes
Thought for April 2nd. ASTONISHMENT
Todays readings.. Numbers 16, Proverbs 12, Galations 1&2 In the opening chapter of his letter to the Galatians Paul writes of his astonishment “that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.” [Ch.1 v.6]. He goes on to say that “if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received let him be
Thought for April 1st. “BURNING WITHIN”
Today's readings.. Numbers 15, Proverbs 11, Luke 24 Today we completed our reading of Luke’s Gospel and it is Luke who gives us the fascinating account of the two disciples who were walking to Emmaus. They had heard news that some women had gone to the tomb early that morning and had found it empty and claimed they had seen a vision of angels who said Jesus was alive. As
Thought for March 31st. “YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE”
Today's readings.. Numbers14, Proverbs 10, Luke 23 Today we read of Jesus on the Cross. “The chief priests and the rulers and the people” [Luke 23 v.13] opposed Pilate’s decision to release him so he gave in and “delivered Jesus over to their will.” Jesus is crucified between two criminals and one of these derides him saying, “Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us,” but the other
Thoughts for March 30th. How strong is your faith?
Today's readings.. Exodus 12&13, Proverbs 8&9, Luke 22 Can you imagine yourself as a member of the Israelites who miraculously escaped from Egypt? After seeing all the remarkable plagues, the wonder of crossing the Red Sea, then camping beside Mt. Sinai with the earth quaking, the clouds, the fire and the voice from the mountain! After that the miraculous provision of manna, also quails, and the water from the rock.
Thought for March 29th. “FAINTING WITH FEAR”
Today's readings.. Numbers 11, Proverbs 7, Luke 21 All my life we have read Luke ch. 21 and pondered its application to current events! Included in our ‘pondering’ is to understand the length of a generation! “Seventy” seems to be a significant number in the Old Testament, it occurs 3 times in today’s ch. 11 in Numbers and Israel went into captivity for “seventy years.” Tyre was judged for
Thought for March 28th. “BIND THEM ON YOUR HEART”
Today's readings... Numbers 10, Proverbs 6, Luke 20 God’s word again directs our thoughts to the vital importance of our attitude of “heart” as the most vital thing in our thought processes. We saw in Luke on Saturday that Jesus, “told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” [18 v.1] Today in ch. 6 of Proverbs, Solomon's son is
Thought for March 27th. “SERVANTS” and “CITIZENS”
Today's readings... Numbers 8&9, Proverbs 5, Luke 19 In our chapter in Luke today (19) We read that Jesus “proceeded to tell a parable … because they supposed that the Kingdom of God was to appear immediately. He said therefore, ‘A nobleman (Jesus) went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return.” [v.11,12] We know this parable well. The nobleman calls “10 of his
Thought for March 26th. “WHEN I WAS A SON …”
Today's readings.. Numbers 7, proverbs 4, Luke 18 Solomon in today’s chapter in the Proverbs reflects on how his father taught him. “When I was a son with my father … he taught me and said to me, Let your heart hold fast to my words; keep my commandments and live; get wisdom.” [Proverbs 4 v.3-5] Interesting word “insight” – the chapter started with, “Hear, O son a father’s instructions
Thought for March 25th. “THE LORD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU”
Today's readings.. Numbers 6, Proverbs 3, Luke 17 We are reading in Numbers how the establishment of Israel as an organised nation is now complete. It had been just over a year since they escaped from Egypt; the 10 commandments and other laws had been given, the tabernacle made and erected and is now ready for use. The priesthood has been appointed, led by Aaron. Our chapter today
Thought for March 24th. ” … WATCHING OVER THE WAY OF HIS SAINTS”
Today's readings.. Numbers 5, Proverbs 2, Luke 16 The 2nd chapter of Proverbs is one of the most thought provoking in the entire book. Meditate on the sequence of ‘ifs’ in the first 4 verses. “IF you receive my words … IF you call out for insight and … understanding …. IF you seek it like silver and search for it … then you will
Today's readings ... Numbers 4, Proverbs 1, Luke 15 Today we start reading “the proverbs of Solomon” [v.1] and the key verse that jumps out at our eyes is “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” [v.7]. Our minds should be filled with awe as to all that God must be!! The plea of Solomon is, “”Hear my son, your
Thought for March 22nd. “WILL THOSE WHO ARE SAVED BE FEW?”
Today's readings.. Numbers 3, Psalm 148-150, Luke 13-14. Today’s chapters in Luke are full of challenging parables. They really challenge us to understand and act on a particular message, what Jesus said when someone asked, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” [13 v.23] The question leads Jesus to talk about the “narrow door” [v.24]. We recall on another occasion he spoke about the “narrow gate” [Matt.7:13-14] when he
Today's readings.. Numbers 2, Psalm 145-147, Luke 12 We are coming to the end of reading the Psalms. David’s perceptions and praise of God appears to reach ever greater proportions. Psalm 145 starts, “I will extol you, my God and King ... Every day I will bless you and praise your name ..." Let us start each day by saying a 'blessing' and thanksgiving to our God and his Son,
Thought for March 20th. “BLESSED RATHER ARE THOSE WHO …”
Today's readings.. Numbers 1, Psalm 143-144, Luke 11 Very soon we will be reading the Proverbs of Solomon. We thought of this when we saw the reference Jesus made to Solomon in today’s chapter 11 of Luke’s gospel. He made reference to the accounts in the Old Testament of the wisdom from God that Solomon received and how, such as the queen of Sheba, “came from the ends
Today's readings.. Leviticus 27, Psalm 140-142, Luke 10 In contrast to the wonderful spiritual perceptions of Psalm 139 which we read yesterday, today we have a Psalm which is, in some ways, the opposite. The superscription at the start says it was a prayer of David when he was in a cave. Twice David was in great peril hiding in caves; once when he fled from the King of
Today's readings... Leviticus 26, Psalm 137-139, Luke 9 I remember playing searchlights as a boy. Beams of light would sweep across the yard from our torches as we played some war or spy game. We were reminded of this by our reading of Psalm 139 today. "Oh LORD you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and
Today's readings.. Leviticus 25, Psalm 135-136, Luke 8 Today’s readings in Leviticus 25 are the words of the LORD about how the nation is to function when they settle into the Promised Land. First there are laws to see that they treat the land properly so that the soil continues to yield its increase. They were work the land for 6 years “but in the seventh
Thought for March 16th. ” … UNTIL I FIND A PLACE FOR THE LORD”
Today's readings... Leviticus 24, Psalm 131-134, Luke 7 Psalm 132 provokes much personal thought. “Remember, O LORD, in David’s favour, all the hardships he endured, how he swore to the LORD and vowed … I will not enter my house or get into my bed, I will not give sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, until I find a place for the LORD, a dwelling
Todays readings... Leviticus 23, Psalm 128 - 130, Luke 6 Our Psalms and Luke readings today link together in encouraging us to think and live positively in a world that buffets us with false values. There are times when these greatly affect us and they threaten to be overwhelming. These Psalms provide us with encouragement, should that be our experience. Psalm 130 is an outstanding example: “Out of
Thought for March 14th. “DO GOOD O LORD, TO THOSE WHO ARE GOOD”
Todays readings.. Leviticus 22, Psalm 125-127, Luke 5 We continue to read the Psalms which up to Psalm 130 are each captioned, ‘A SONG OF ASCENTS’. These are short songs which are believed to have been sung as people ascended up to Mount Zion to the Temple to worship. “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” [Psa,125 v.1] They
Thought for March 13th. SONGS OF ASCENTS “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!”
Todays readings... Leviticus 21, Psalm 120,121,122,123,124. Luke 4 Today we have 5 short Psalms to read and they are all called ‘A SONG OF ASCENTS’ Among the Jews these and the ten Psalms which follow are generally understood to be the songs that were sung as they went up to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple. In some cases they would be coming from distant lands – remember
Thought for March 12th. “I REJOICE AT YOUR WORD”
Today's readings.. Leviticus 20, Psalm 119: 129-176, Luke 3 Today we completed reading the 176 verses of Psalm 119. What impressed us was how often the Psalmist stresses the value of knowing God’s word. There is no point in reading God’s word if what we read has no effect on us. We read today, “The unfolding of your word gives light; it imparts understanding …”[v.130] and leads to the
Thought for March 11th. “MY MEDITATION ALL THE DAY”
Todays readings.. Leviticus 19, Psalm 119: 81-128, Luke 2 The intensity of spiritual thought to be found in Psalm 119 invites our deepest reflection and meditation. The Psalmist is contemplating how the reality of his relationship with God penetrated all spheres of his life. As we read this Psalm it impels us to treasure God’s word as the springboard of all our really worthwhile meditation. “How sweet are your
Thought for march 10th. “SO KEEP MY CHARGE NEVER TO …”
Today's readings.. Leviticus 17&18, Psalm 119:41-80, Luke 1 Leviticus does not make pleasant reading, but there are many things in the Bible which make us feel uncomfortable – for our own good. We could not fail to notice, in reading chapter 18, the parallel with much of human behaviour today. The LORD tells Moses about his abhorrence of many of the ways of life in Egypt – and in leaving
Thought for March 9th. “WITH MY WHOLE HEART … “
todays readings ... Leviticus 16, Psalm 119 1-40, 2 Corinthians 12&13 Today we started reading Psalm 119. The longest ‘chapter’ in the Bible. The phrase “whole” arrested our attention, it is in v.2,10 & 34 in today’s portion. The point comes across most powerfully that the real way to approach God is to do it with all our being, with total commitment of mind. Verse 2 says “Blessed
Todays readings.. Leviticus 15, Psalm 117&118, 2 Corinthians 10&11 We are now nearing the climax of Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians. He becomes increasingly blunt in the way he expresses his thoughts: having carefully reasoned out the true gospel and the need to live a Christ-like life he now bluntly challenges them: he says, “I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts
Thought for March 7th. “OF THEIR OWN FREEWILL”
Today's readings.. Leviticus 14, Psalm 115&116, 2 Corinthians 8&9 Paul’s letters to the Corinthians are the most detailed and intimate of all that he wrote to places he had visited. It is evident as we read chapters 8 & 9 of his 2nd letter that he has built up a close relationship and understanding with them. He tells them of the believers in Macedonia, of which Philippi and Thessalonica
Thought for March 6th. “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES FROM …”
Today's readings.. Leviticus 12,13 / Psalm 113,114 / 2 Corinthians 5,6&7 Remember how the disciples showed Jesus the grandeur of the Temple (Mark 13 v.1,2) and he shocked them by saying it was all going to be destroyed! Now see how today’s reading in 2nd Corinthians shows how the temple was to be replaced. There is a new kind of Temple where God wants to dwell and that is the
Thought for March 5th. “ … WE DO NOT LOSE HEART”
Today's readings.. Leviticus 11, Psalm 110,111&112, 2 Corinthians 3&4 Do you ever lose heart? Does life sometimes seem to be full of too many difficulties, too many frustrations? When we feel like this we should read these verses in Paul’s 2nd letter to Corinth. So many times Paul was confronted with very difficult situations that would have threatened to daunt the strongest personality.
Today's readings.. Leviticus 9&10, Psalm 108&109, 2 Corinthians 1&2 We have a degree of concern about the references to “fire” when God shows his extreme anger with this Godless world at the return of Christ. See 1 Cor. 3 v.13 in last week’s readings and more specifically 2 Thess. 1 v.8 and 2 Peter 3 v. 7. Our thoughts on this were spurred by the account of how two sons
Thought for March 3rd. “LET ALL THAT YOU DO BE DONE IN LOVE”
Today's readings... Leviticus 8, Psalm 107, ! Corinthians 16 Today we completed reading 1st Corinthians. Two verses about love caught our eye in this final chapter. Verse 14 says, “Let all that you do be done in love” – but v. 22 we read, “If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, come!” How do we show our love for the Lord? Well, we
Thought for March 2nd. “THOSE WHO ARE OF HEAVEN”
Todays's readings.. Leviticus 7, Psalm 106, 1 Corinthians 15 Our reading of that well known and oft quoted 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians graphically illustrates a principle that is made again and again in God’s word – that there is no ‘middle’ way: our ultimate future is black – or - white. Paul goes to great pains to emphasize this: some in Corinth were doubting that Christ’s resurrection literally happened,
Thought for March 1st. “IT IS SHAMEFUL FOR A WOMAN TO …”
Todays readings.. Leviticus 5&6, Psalm 105, 1 Corinthians 14 We reflected at length on the verse that includes the above quotation in reading 1 Corinthians 14 today. So many churches, apart from the Catholic church, now allow women to speak, and in some cases take quite prominent roles. The words, “it is shameful for a woman to speak in church” are in verse 35. Have we taken the quotation
Thought for February 28th. “SO NOW FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE ABIDE”
Todays's readings... Leviticus 3&4, Psalm 104, 1 Corinthians 12&13 One of the problems in Corinth Paul had heard about, was “concerning spiritual gifts” [1 Cor. 12 v.1] This chapter and the next two show that the improper use of the gifts by some was a large problem. Of course, with the Gospels not yet in circulation, the existence of spiritual gifts had real purpose.
Thought for February 27th. “…. ON THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”
Todays readings.. Leviticus 1&2, Psalm 103, 1 Corinthians 11 Psalm 103 is a very ‘popular’ Psalm because of its emphasis on the love and mercy of the LORD. It is very encouraging for those who struggle to feel ‘right’ before God – and isn’t that all of us at some stage(s) of our lives! We feel in our hearts the urgent need, despite our failures, to feel God is
Thought for February 26th. “A PARTICIPATION IN THE BODY OF CHRIST”
Todays readings... Exodus 39&40, Psalm 102, 1 Corinthians 10 In Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians we have come to where he refers to the memorial emblems, he stresses that their participation in these should be in a way that illustrates their unity. Paul has made several points very strongly in earlier chapters addressing issues that were seriously undermining their unity in Christ: their lack of harmony
Thought for February 25th. “IF ANYONE LOVES GOD, HE IS KNOWN BY GOD”
Todays readings... Exodus 38, Psalm 100&101, I Corinthians 8&9 Love is, above all, an active quality; genuine love causes us to do things: it motivates our heart. Now, the things love causes us to do are not things we do out of a sense of obligation, there should not be occasions when we say, “I suppose I had better do …” especially when it comes to serving the Lord.
Todays readings... Exodus 37, Psalm 96,97,98&99. 1 Corinthians 7 Today’s chapter in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians gives his views about specific situations occurring there. However, it contains principles which apply to believers of all ages. He is responding to “matters about which you wrote” [1 Cor.7 v.1] and his words are like hearing one side of a conversation. Corinth was a very immoral city and its idolatry
Thought for February 23rd. “HE WHO IS JOINED TO THE LORD BECOMES …”
Todays readings.. Exodus 36, Psalm 94&95, 1 Corinthians 6 We have an intensely thought provoking set of readings today. In Exodus we read how they start to construct the tabernacle in the wilderness and they are to “work in accordance with all that the LORD has commanded." [36 v.1] The Creator had detailed every part of its’ construction to Moses on the Mount – it would be God’s Tabernacle. Our
Todays readings... Exodus 35, Psalm 92&93, 1 Corinthians 4&5 The drama of Moses in the mountain and then in dealing with those who made the golden calf is now in the past. We read today of preparations for making the Tabernacle: everyone had brought away from Egypt items of value - remember what you read in Ch. 12 v,35,36! “They plundered the Egyptians.” Moses appeals to
Todays readings.. Exodus 33&34, Psalm 90&91, 1 Corinthians 3 Our 5 chapters today were intensely thought provoking. First, the utterly remarkable and challenging relationship of Moses (and the people through Moses) with the LORD (yhwh) who had delivered them from Egypt. Second, the Psalms of Moses, 90 & 91; “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” [90 v.12]: then we were
Thought for February 20th. “UNITED IN THE SAME MIND”
Todays readings.. Exodus 31&32, Psalm 89, 1 Corinthians 1&2 Once again we have an overflow of challenging thoughts in today’s readings. Paul’s words particularly arrested our attention. “I appeal to you brothers by the name of our Lord that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment” [1 Cor. 1 v.10-11]. This is essential among those who follow Christ, but in Corinth they were in
Todays readings.. Exodus 30, Psalm 87&88, Mark 15&16 Today we completed reading the gospel of Mark. As with all the gospels, the death and resurrection of our Lord is its’ crowning message. While he is on the cross there are mockers, in particular “the chief priests with the scribes mocked him to one another, saying, "He saved others; he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come
Thought for February 18th. “TEACH ME THY WAY O LORD”
Todays readings.. exodus 29, Psalm 85&86, Mark 14 In the Old Testament in Exodus (Ch.29) we are reading about the institution of the first covenant with Moses ordaining Aaron as High Priest and all the sacrifices of animals that were involved. We compare this with what we read today in Mark’s gospel about the institution of the “new covenant” [ch. 14 v.24] that replaced all the sacrifices that were ordained
Thought for February 17th. “IN WHOSE HEART ARE THE HIGHWAYS TO ZION”
todays readings.. Exodus 28, Psalm 83&84, Mark 13 Today we travel on highways, freeways and motorways. Different countries call them different names. These allow us to travel at speed to our destinations. Our thoughts “raced” along these lines as we read Psalm 84 and the words he addressed to God, “Blessed are those whose strength is in you and in whose heart are the highways to Zion” [v.5]. Let us all create a “highway” in our heart for godly thoughts
Thought for February 16th. “THE MOST IMPORTANT IS..”
Todays readings.. Exodus 27, Psalms 81&82, Mark 12 In Mark’s Gospel we read how Jesus told parables against the religious leaders with the result “they were seeking to arrest him but feared the people” [12 v.12]. After this, “some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodian’s” tried “to trap him in his talk” [v.13] with a question about whether “it is lawful to pay taxes
Thought for February 15th. “BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED …”
Todays readings... Exodus 26, Psalm 79&80, Mark 11. There is a puzzling statement by Jesus in today’s 11th chapter of Mark. Jesus makes a triumphant entry into Jerusalem creating much speculation. He curses a fig tree and it withers; Peter expresses astonishment when they see it the next morning (v.21). God’s fig tree (Joel 1 v.7) was to dramatically wither in that generation. In response
Thought for February 14th. “BUT IT SHALL NOT BE SO AMONG YOU”
Todays readings.. Exodus 24&25, Psalm 78, Mark 10. We read today how two disciples of Jesus, the brothers James and John, created dissension by asking, “Grant us to sit, one on your right hand and one on your left, in your glory.” [Mark 10 v.37] “When the ten heard it, they began to be indignant … “ [v.41] causing Jesus to say to them, “You know that those who
Thought for February 13th. “I BELIEVE, HELP MY UNBELIEF”
Todays readings.. Exodus 23, Psalm 77, Mark 9 What did Jesus mean when he said, “All things are possible for one who believes” [Mark 9 v.23] His remark was made in the context of some of his disciples failing to heal a boy who was suffering from what we would call today, epilepsy. Jesus had been away with his 3 most intimate disciples – his remarkable
Thought for February 12th. “DO YOU NOT REMEMBER?”
Todays readings.. Exodus 22, Psalm 75&76, Mark 8 The disciples of Jesus were in training – but they did not realize this! Do we? Jesus spoke in parables and his disciples, most of all, were expected to grow in their ability to sense their meaning and lesson. In today’s chapter in Mark (Ch.. 8) they go in a boat to the other side of Galilee but
Thought for February 11th. “IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME”
Todays readings.. Exodus 21, Psalm 74, Mark 7 There are many different kinds of worship in our world, many beliefs as to what God is – so many gods of human imagination! We know from experience that some/many of the young generation in India , treat the ‘gods’ in the Temples as a ‘joke’ – and the feasts, especially ‘Puja’ as just a fun time – comparable to our
Thought for February 10th. “GOD HAS COME TO TEST YOU, THAT …”
Todays readings ... Exodus 19&20, Psalm 73, Mark 6 Almost 2 months elapsed after the people of Israel escaped from Egypt and now “they came into the wilderness of Sinai” [Exod.19 v.2] and encamped “before the mountain” [v.2] - not any mountain! Most dramatic events followed! We should take special notice of what Moses is told by the LORD to tell the people. “You yourselves have seen
Thought for February 9th. “MAY THE WHOLE EARTH BE FILLED WITH …”
Todays readings.. Exodus 17&18, Psalm 72, Mark 5 Today, we read the inspiring vision of the future contained in Psalm 72. Now, David's primary vision in writing it, was for his son Solomon's' reign. It starts, “Give the king your justice, O God." We can read this Psalm - and see both a short range and a long range, even eternal application in it – to when human justice -
Thought for February 8th. “MY MOUTH IS FILLED WITH …”
Todays readings.. Exodus 16, Psalm 70&71, Mark 4 We have a particularly inspiring set of readings today – in that they challenge our personal attitudes and ways of living in our godless world. Mark’s gospel has several of the challenging parables of our Lord: does our familiarity with them reduce their challenge to our hearts? Let’s look carefully at Exodus. In ch. 16 we read of the complaints of the
Thought for February 7th. “… MAGNIFY HIM WITH THANKSGIVING”
Todays readings.. Exodus 15, Psalm 69, Mark 3 Is there an attitude of thankfulness for all the blessings we have today? In most countries there is ample food and clothing, especially in Australia where there is an abundance of everything we could possibly require – and many things we do not need! It is such a contrast to the time we were young – during the war and for
Todays readings.. Exodus 13&14, Psalm 68, Mark 2 There are interesting parallels between our two Old Testament readings today. Chapters 13 & 14 of Exodus describe the drama of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt. We noted the fear they had when the Egyptians started pursuing them and Moses reassurance that the LORD was in control, they must “Fear not and stand firm” [14
Thought for February 5th. “IF I HAD CHERISHED …”
Todays readings ... Exodus 11&12, Psalm 66&67, Mark 1 The Psalms captured our particular attention this morning, although all the chapters we read were full of drama – arising from – or anticipating - the actions of the Almighty. In Exodus we read of the night of the Passover with the angel of the Lord destroying all the firstborn in Egypt. An incredible
Todays readings.. Exodus 10, Psalm 64&65, Romans 15&16 What fills us with joy and peace? What kind of joy? The frivolity which so many seek to fill their spare time is not at all the joy that Paul is writing about as he completes his letter to the Romans. It does not create “peace.” The full context of his words are, “May the God of
Thought for February 3rd. “…. FULFILLING HIS WORD”
Todays readings.. Exodus 9, Psalm 62&63, Romans 13&14 The above is not quoted from our readings today, but from the verse in Psalm 148 that we quoted at the end of our thoughts yesterday. We recalled this today as we read of the encounters of Moses and Aaron with Pharaoh. Moses stated the words of God as to what God would do because of Pharaoh’s refusal to
Todays readings.. Exodus 7&8, Psalm 60&61, Romans 12 Evil threatens to overcome the world. Evil has always been present, sometimes violently so such as in the days when Adolf Hitler was in power. Massive force was used to overcome the evil he created. But today we read how Paul wrote, “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good” [Romans 12 v.21]. How do
Thought for February 1st. “DO NOT BECOME PROUD, BUT STAND IN AWE”
Todays readings.. Exodus 5&6, Psalm 58&59, Romans 10&11 It is fundamental to human nature, uninfluenced by God’s Word, to become proud about what they are achieving. Paul makes this point strongly in chapter 11 of his letter to the Romans. He warns the Gentile converts not to follow the same path as did most leading Jews in their pride in their privileged position before God. He uses the analogy
Thought for January 31st. “WHAT IS HIS NAME?”
Todays readings.. Exodus 3&4, Psalm 56&57, Romans 9 We have now moved on to read about the dramatic life of Moses. Exodus Ch. 3 is about his special encounter with God at the burning bush. For 40 years he had been living as a shepherd in Midian after fleeing from Pharaoh after his killing of an Egyptian became known. Now ‘the angel of God appeared to him in a
Todays readings.. Exodus 1&2, Psalm 53, 54&55, Romans 7&8 Today we read ch. 7 & 8 in Romans. We see them as two of the most meaningful – but also the most challenging chapters in the Bible. We also read David’s Psalms 53 to 55. Psalm 53 is so appropriate for today, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there
Today’s Chapters 5 & 6 of Romans contain a great abundance of food for thought. We could not fail to pick up the continuing message of the wonder of God’s grace, God’s readiness to be merciful – and that the gift of grace was continually there. Believers cannot earn salvation – as the Jewish Priests thought they were doing, and were blind to the sin of pride in the
Thought for January 28th. “NO ONE SEEKS FOR GOD”
Todays readings ... Genesis 46&47, Psalm 50, Romans 3&4 Today we read of how Joseph’s father and brothers and their families came to live in Egypt. This created the situation in which they would grow into a nation and God would raise up Moses and Aaron to lead them out of Egypt. He would then give them his laws at Sinai: but their faith would then falter and they
Thought for January 27th. “WHY SHOULD I FEAR IN TIMES OF TROUBLE”
Todays readings.. Genesis 44&45, Psalm 49, Romans 1&2 The above words are in the opening verse of today’s Psalm 49. This is a little surprising seeing this is the Hymn Book of Israel, so it was a message, in those days, and today, for all people. It is a powerful message! It is a blunt message! It contains some very pointed questions, especially for today. “Why should I
Thought for January 26th. “A VERY PRESENT HELP IN TROUBLE”
Todays readings.. Genesis 42&43, Psalm 46,47&48, Matthew 28 Today we completed reading the gospel of Matthew with its' account of the resurrection. We especially noted its' conclusion that they were "to make disciples of all nations" - and only in our generation is this being completed. The outward proof of conversion is baptism. (v.19) But we must make sure our heart has genuinely experienced conversion. Our chapters in Genesis
Thought for January 25th. “HIS BLOOD BE ON US”
Todays readings.. Genesis 41, Psalm 45, Matthew 27 If anyone dies an unnatural death, there is always an effort to find whether anyone is to blame. As we read the trial of Jesus Christ we see the determination of his enemies to have him put to death. “They all said, ‘let him be crucified’” to which Pilate responded, “Why, what evil has he done?” [Matt. 27 v.22,23] They never
Thought for January 24th. “UNTIL THAT DAY WHEN …”
Todays readings... Genesis 39&40, Psalm 44, Matthew 26 Our Matthew reading (ch. 26) recounts the agonies of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and his prayers. “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as you will.” [v.39]. Jesus made his “will” conform to his Father’s will. And what of our “will”?
Thought for January 23rd. “YOU KNOW NEITHER THE DAY, NOR THE HOUR”
Todays readings.. Genesis 38, Psalm 41,42&43, Matthew 25 Today we have 3 parables in our chapter (25) in Matthew which all convey fundamentally the same lesson. The fact that there are three shows how extremely important the message is. Those who read the Bible regularly will know them well; we must beware of knowing them too well, lest the message loses its power to stir
Thought for January 22nd. “AS THE LIGHTNING COMES ….”
Todays readings... Genesis 37, Psalm 39&40, Matthew 24 What a fascinating set of readings we have today, but the chapter in Matthew is intensely thought provoking and ended up dominating our thoughts. Jesus made awesome predictions about the future as “he sat with them (the disciples) on the Mount of Olives” [v.3] The bulk of his predictions related to the destruction of the Temple - and this occurred about 40
Thought for January 21st. “CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER”
Todays readings... Genesis 26, Psalm 38, Matthew 23 Matthew Ch 23 is full of blunt observations by Jesus about the religious leaders, but no indication is given of their reaction. The end of ch. 22 shows how he silenced them with a question they could not answer and “from that day did anyone dare ask him any more questions.”
Thought for January 20th. “THOSE INVITED WERE NOT WORTHY”
Todays readings.. Genesis 34&35, Psalm 37, Matthew 22 One of the most telling parables of Jesus is his story about “a king who gave a wedding feast for his own son” [Matt. 22 v.2]. Strangely the king had difficulty finding guests who were interested in attending. Many have more important things to do. He “sent his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding feast
Thought for January 19th. “THEY WERE INDIGNANT”
Todays readings... Genesis 32&33, Psalm 36, Matthew 21 Today’s chapter in Matthew (21) is full of exciting incidents. The opposition to Jesus caused by his popularity had reached fever pitch. The religious leaders were afraid to do anything because his popularity had become so intense. We read of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “the crowds that went before him and that followed after were shouting ‘Hosanna to the Son of
Thought for January 18th. “WHOEVER WOULD BE GREAT …”
Todays readings... Genesis 31, Psalm 35, Matthew 20 The mortal life of Jesus, as recounted by Matthew, is now moving towards its' climax. Today's 20th chapter tells us that Jesus "took the twelve disciples aside" as they were "going up to Jerusalem" and told them "the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death...." [v.17,18]
Todays readings ... Genesis 30, Psalm 34, Matthew 19 The last 2 verses of today’s chapter (19) in Matthew can be puzzling if we do not realize the chapter break is wrongly placed and the context includes the next chapter. The end of chapter 19 records Jesus as saying, “everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for my name’s sake,
Thought for January 16th. “ … THE GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM”
Todays readings.. Genesis 28&29, Psalm 33, Matthew 18 It is intriguing to compare the brothers we read of in the Old Testament compared to the New. We read today in Genesis (Ch, 27) of the friction between the twin brothers Jacob and Esau. We read yesterday that Esau had despised his birthright (Ch.25 v.34) and “sold” it to Jacob for some stew. Today we read that Jacob, at
Thought for January 15th. “AND THEY WERE GREATLY DISTRESSED”
Todays readings .. Genesis 27, Psalm 32, Matthew 17 Two incidents are described in today's 17th chapter in Matthew in which three were “terrified” and then all the disciples” were greatly distressed.” The first occasion was the experience of three of them, Peter, James and John when Jesus “led them up a high mountain ... and he was transfigured before them" [v.1,2] and "a bright cloud overshadowed them" and they
Thought for January 14th. “MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND”
Todays readings... Genesis 25&26, Psalm 31, Matthew 16 David employs some very significant phrases in his 31st Psalm that we read today. It is a very personal Psalm – it unfolds to reveal the wonder of his relationship with God. It starts as a prayer, "Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me!" [v.2] David then prays, "... for your name's sake you lead
Thought for January 13th. “THE VOICE OF THE LORD”
Todays readings.. Genesis 24, Psalm 29&30, Matthew 15 The sevenfold occurrence of the phrase “the voice of the LORD” in today’s Psalm (29) intrigues us. Then, when we came to the Matthew reading, the words of Isaiah Jesus quoted arrested our attention, “This people honours me with their lips but their heart is far from me” [Ch.15 v.8]. The contrast between God’s “voice” and what comes out of human “lips”
Thought for January 12th. “COUNTED … TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS”
Todays readings.. Genesis 22&23, Psalm 26, 27&28, Matthew 14 Today we have read that significant chapter in Genesis (22) in which Abraham obeys the LORD by being prepared – without hesitation – to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. The progressive tests of faith which Abraham “passed” resulted in ever greater promises being made to him. Remember the very first promise God made to him was “I will make
Thought for January 11th. ” … AND IMMEDIATELY RECEIVES IT WITH JOY”
Todays readings.. Genesis 20&21, Psalm 23,24&25, Matthew 13 Can we become too familiar with something? Can we know about some issue, some fact, have some experience – and then, over time be that long or short, the wonder of our perception of it fades right away? The parables of Jesus can be like that – we understood his teaching long ago, we received it into
Thought for January 10th. “MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME”
Todays readings.. Genesis 19, Psalm 22, Matthew 12 Our Psalms reading today (22) begin with the last words Jesus utters on the cross, “My God, why have you forsaken me.” This is a Psalm of David and must reflect an experience of his when he was in deep depression – very probably at some stage when he was being pursued by Saul and his
Thought for January 9th. “WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED BY HER DEEDS”
Todays readings.. Genesis 17&18, Psalm 19,20&21, Matthew 11 What kind of "wisdom" is to be seen in the world today? Wisdom is quite a contrast to "knowledge" - sometimes a total contrast. What a fascinating set of chapters we have to read - they illustrate the right kind of wisdom - heavenly wisdom, a wisdom that can be ours - if we will absorb them into our thinking. This line
Thought for January 8th. “THE CLEANNESS OF MY HANDS”
Todays readings... Genesis 15&16, Psalm 18, Matthew 9 Psalm 18 is a major psalm of David, we meditate on his words in surveying all the ways in which the LORD had been overseeing his life. God is his rock, his place of refuge (v.2). He writes that the LORD has dealt with him according to his righteousness, stating, “according to the cleanness of my hands he rewarded me” [v.20] This
Thought for January 7th. “SHEEP WITHOUT A SHEPHERD”
Todays readings.. Genesis 13&14, Psalm 17, Matthew 9 In Matthew’s chapter 9 there is a summary of the work of Jesus – “and Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and
Thought for January 6th. “LET US MAKE A NAME”
Todays readings.. Genesis 11&12, Psalm 14,15&16, Matthew 8 Our readings in Genesis have progressed to the time after the flood. Much time has passed and the descendants of Noah have multiplied and "they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there ... Then they said, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name
Todays readings.. Genesis 9&10, Psalm 11,12&13, Matthew 7 Can the parables of Jesus become too well known to those who read the Bible regularly? It is possible, especially if that familiarity leads them to slide past simple but powerful lessons. “The wise man who built his house upon a rock” is such a lesson. We must never overlook that for everyone’s house, that is,
Todays readings... Genesis 7&8, Psalm 9&10, Matthew 6 The above words conclude Psalm 9. As we read this Psalm we saw it as a remarkable summary – from God’s perspective – of life on earth. David, in his sublime meditation was able to possess the enlarged heart (Psa. 119 v.32) he had prayed for and it is our privilege to enter into that vision, but we must read and
Thought for January 3rd. “BLESSED ARE THE …”
Todays readings...Genesis 5&6, Psalm 6,7&8, Matthew 5 Today’s chapter - Matthew 5 - is one of the most well known in the whole Bible; well, the first 12 verses anyway. These contain a list of 9 circumstances in which one should feel and count as a blessing. None of the 9 circumstances are remotely like those which people count as blessings today. They would use words like lucky or
Thought for January 2nd. “MAN SHALL NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE”
Todays readings.. Genesis 3&4, Psalm 3,4&5, Matthew 3&4 Our New Testament reading in Matthew 4 leads us to encounter the word DEVIL for the first time in the Bible. There is special significance in the way this account starts. The first verse tells us, “Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” [v.1] So the temptation was initiated by
Thought for January 1st. “HE WHO SITS IN THE HEAVENS LAUGHS”
Todays readings... Genesis 1&2, Psalm 1&2, Matthew 1&2 The first 12 weeks of the year involve reading the Psalms; they are so often personal and wonderfully thought provoking. Psalm 2 has 4 verses which have been familiar to us in the last week because they are in Handel’s Messiah. “Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves,
Thought for December 31st. “BUT FOR YOU WHO FEAR MY NAME… “
Todays readings.. Job 41&42, Malachi 3&4, Revelation 21&22 If you believe in God, are you in awe of him? This is the underlying sense of the word ‘fear.’ God does not want us to be scared of him as we might be scared of a bully or an evil person. The closing words of the Old Testament we read today show how God will in the climax of human godlessness deal with
Thought for December 30th. “EVERYONE WHO DOES EVIL IS GOOD ,,,:”
Todays readings.. Job 40, Malachi 2, Revelation 19&20 After Malachi, the last book in the Old Testament was written, there was silence; no inspired message from God until John the Baptist came on the scene 400 years or so later. No wonder John attracted so much attention. Through Malachi God again predicted the coming of Jesus, his special messenger, but Jesus
Thought for December 29th. “I HAVE LOVED YOU’ SAYS THE LORD”
Todays readings.. Job 39, Malachi 1, Revelation 17&18 Today we started reading the last book of the Old Testament, by the prophet Malachi. This was the final message of God; he sent no more prophets until John the Baptist and Jesus Christ came. It was a time of divine silence similar to today, but they did have the writings of the prophets and patriarchs and we also have
Todays Readings... Job 38, Zechariah 13&14, Revelation 15&16 Today's reading of the last chapter of the prophet Zechariah starts with, "Behold a day is coming for the LORD … will gather all nations against Jerusalem …" and our reading in Revelation contains the only verse in the Bible with the word ARMAGEDDON. We read there how "demonic spirits" (totally irrational attitudes? Now seen in
Thought for December 27th. “STRENGTH THROUGH THE LORD OF HOSTS”
Todays readings... Job 37, Zechariah 12, Revelation 14 Nine times we read the phrase "on that day" in just 15 verses in Zechariah 12 through to the first 2 verses of Zechariah 13. We note the prelude to these pronouncements, "Thus declares the LORD who stretched out the heavens and founded the earth and formed the spirit of man within him" [Zechariah 12:1]. These words fascinate us as
Thought for December 26th. “ENDURANCE AND FAITH”
Todays readings... Job 35&36, Zechariah 11, Revelation 12&13 “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints” [Rev.13 v.10.] The A V Bible uses the word “patience” here, one of seven significant occasions when the word occurs in this book. – we should best read it as “patient endurance.” This statement was true then – and it is just
Thought for December 25th. “THE TIME … FOR REWARDING YOUR SERVANTS”
Todays readings... Job34, Zechariah 10, Revelation 10&11 The Book of Revelation provides us with a wondrous vision today. There are loud voices in heaven saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever” [Ch.11 v.15]. Then the elders fall on their faces and worship saying, “We give thanks to you
Thought for December 24th. “A GREAT MULTITUDE … FROM EVERY NATION”
Todays readings ... Job 33, Zechariah 9, Revelation 7,8&9 Our readings in the book of Revelation are about the climax of human history – we read of visions, largely, but not entirely, in symbol, picturing God’s judgements. It is a time for opening the book of life. There are blessings for those he judges as righteous and the opposite for the others. There does not appear to be a third
Todays readings.. Job 31&32, Zechariah 8, Revelation 5&6 The 31st chapter of Job today is highly interesting; it is his final speech and in it he looks deeply into his conscience, reflecting on his motives for his actions. In doing this he uses the word ‘IF’ no less than 18 times, saying if I have done this or that then I would be deserving of God’s judgements, i.e. punishment.
Thought for December 22nd. “THOSE WHOM I LOVE”
Todays readings... Job 29&30, Zechariah 6&7, Revelation 3&4 One of the most challenging lessons in Scripture is to realize that, what seems logical reasoning about cause and effect – does not – at least in the wisdom and outworking of God’s will in our lives – always apply. Today, in the book of Revelation, we read, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent” [Ch
Thought for December 21st. “IT CANNOT BE BOUGHT FOR GOLD”
Todays readings.. Job 28, Zechariah 4&5, Revelation 1&2 Job’s friends have given up reasoning with him! This is good; their point of view was a sort of tunnel vision arising from their conviction that his woes were the result of some concealed misbehavior on his part. Job now switches his thoughts more fully to perceptions of God and his ways – his thoughts are
Thought for December 20th. “WHO IS ABLE TO KEEP YOU FROM STUMBLING”
Todays readings.. Job 25,26&27, Zechariah 2&3, Jude 1 No one wants to stumble; what is the cause when this happens? They are not looking at where they are going and not watching where they put their feet; worse still, they have no definite destination in view and are constantly looking at the distractions all around them, God’s word no longer holds their attention. I was really
Thought for December 19th. “HE KNOWS THE WAY THAT I TAKE”
Todays readings.. Job 23&24, Zechariah 1, 2&3 John Chapter 23 in Job today is very thought provoking; it spells out Job’s conviction that God is with him despite all that has happened to him. Although the word ‘faith’ is not used, the chapter has many verses which can be described as Job’s ‘statement of faith’ in God. Job says, “he knows the way that
Thought for December 18th. “BE STRONG”
Todays readings.. Job22, Haggai 1&2, 1 John 5 Zerubbabel is the “governor of Judah” at the time Haggai uttered his prophecy, the prophet is contemporary to Ezra and Nehemiah and there are dozens of references to him in their books – and Haggai, whose 2 chapter prophecy we read today, is referred to by Ezra (5 v,1 & 6 v,14) as being “the prophet” who was present.
Thought for December 17th. “NO ONE WHO KEEPS ON SINNING HAS …”
Todays readings .... Job 21, Zephaniah 3, 1 John 3&4 The subject of LOVE is used so much in text and conversation that we may take what it means for granted; then again, there may be some unclear thoughts in our minds. It is a simple, yet, at the same time, a profound subject. The Apostle John uses it frequently in his Epistles. He himself is described as
Thought for December 16th. “THE BURNING ANGER OF THE LORD”
Todays readings.. Job 20, Zephaniah 2, 1 John 1&2 Yesterday in reading the chapter in Peter we could have noted that Peter also wrote, "you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets …" [2 Peter 3:2]. Now we are currently reading the short prophecy of Zephaniah. His message starts "The word of the LORD that came to Zephaniah …" It is God revealing the
Thought for December 15th. “TO THOSE WHO HAVE OBTAINED … “
Todays readings.. Job 18&19, Zephaniah 1, 2 Peter 3 The marvel is – that although one has read the Bible over a great number of years one still comes across things one has not really taken notice of before. The opening words of Peter’s second epistle caught our attention “to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours.” The point does not stand out so
Thought for December 14th. “IF THESE QUALITIES ARE YOURS”
Todays readings... Job 16&17, Habakkuk 3, 2 Peter 1&2 Ah, that little word – “IF” again! Our quotation above is from today’s readings in 2nd Peter, chapters 1 & 2 This is Peter’s final message as he realises he is soon to die. He sees much evil growing and false believers coming to the fore who “promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption.
Thought for December 13th. “THE GLORY OF THE LORD”
Todays readings... Job 15, Habakkuk 2, 1 Peter 3,4&5 It has always been so – but it is more obvious today – how meaningless life is in the ultimate sense. More than ever before people are living for the here and now. With this thought in mind we can relate to the words of the prophet Habakkuk.
Thought for December 12th. “THAT BY IT YOU MAY GROW UP INTO SALVATION”
Todays readings… Job 14, Habakkuk 1, 1 Peter 2 We meditate thoughtfully on Peter’s 1st letter: he was writing to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” [1 v.1] – primarily Jews – as James (1 v.1) had also done “To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion.” [1 v.1] Peter names them as being in “Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” – and Paul visited some of these places, and he
Thought for December 11th. “YOU WHITEWASH WITH LIES”
Todays readings... Job 13, Nahum 3, 1 Peter 1 When we were young ‘whitewash’ was used a lot, it was a very cheap sort of white ‘paint’ you could quickly put on walls, even splash on and a grubby wall would quickly look good – but it was all for ‘looking’ good, it easily got dirty again and could not be cleaned down.
Thought for December 10th. “YOU HAVE SEEN THE PURPOSE OF THE LORD”
Todays readings.. Job 12, Nahum 1&2, James 5 Have you seen it? The context of the above statement we read today in the Epistle of James is most interesting – and challenging! We can say that we have seen the purpose of the Lord in many things, in particular in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but note the particular context in which
Thought for December 9th. “MY GOD WILL HEAR ME”
Todays readings .. Job 11, Micah 7, James 3&4 This is how the final chapter of the prophecy Micah begins, ‘Woe is me’! Much of this chapter, as with his previous chapters, pictures the lawless attitudes surrounding the prophet. His words of lament could just about describe life as it is becoming today around many of us. “The godly has perished from
Thought for December 8th. “FAITH WAS COMPLETED BY … “
Todays readings.. Job 10, Micah 6, James 2 Today we continued meditating on the Epistle of James and the vital observations he makes on the quality of faith that a believer needs to have. The Jews were very good at reasoning and talking, we can see that in the speeches of Job’s friends, also in the religious leaders who had encounters with Jesus and had confidence in being “the
Thought for December 7th. “THE TESTING OF YOUR FAITH PRODUCES …”
Todays readings.. Job 9, Micah 5, James 1 All faith has to be tested to prove that it is real faith. This is the opening theme of James’ wonderful letter that we started reading today – and in our continued reading of Job we see him as an extreme example of testing from God – or that God allowed. Paul wrote, “God is faithful,
Thought for December 6th. “CONSIDER HIM WHO ENDURED …”
Todays readings...Job 8, Micah 3&4, Hebrews 13 The writer of the Hebrews asks his readers to “Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” [12 v.3] The writer, almost certainly Paul is encouraging his fellow Jews “not grow weary or fainthearted. In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And
Todays readings.. Job 6&7, Micah 2, Hebrews 12 After the testimony about men and women of faith we read yesterday in Hebrews 11, we now notice how the next chapter starts with “therefore” and then states, “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also ….” The witnesses are understood as the men and women of faith listed in ch. 11, they
Thought for December 4th. “THEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED …”
Todays readings.. Job 5, Micah 1, Hebrews 11 God ashamed!! What is this verse saying? What is it about? Today’s reading in Hebrews is that well known chapter 11 on FAITH. We should all be familiar with the words, that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” [v.1] What are the things we are convinced about – things that give reality to
Thoughts for December 3rd. “… LET US DRAW NEAR WITH A TRUE HEART”
Todays readings.. Job 3&4, Jonah 4, Hebrews 10 “A true heart” – we plucked out that phrase from our reading of Hebrews 10 with a question in our minds – who has a “true” heart”? We are conscious that there are many passages in Scripture which emphasize the deceitfulness of the human heart, e.g., Jeremiah 17 v.9; Mark 7 v.21,22, etc. We finished reading
Thought for December 2nd. “SHALL WE NOT RECEIVE EVIL?”
Todays readings.. Job 1&2, Jonah 2&3, Hebrews 8&9 All 3 readings today give us a mass of things to think about – some deep thinking is involved. Job’s reaction to his wife’s suggestion that he should curse God and die [2 v.9-10]. His reaction reveals a very valuable principle, “shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” Do we expect all life to be smooth and
Todays readings .. Esther 9&10, Jonah 1, Hebrews 6&7 Anchors are vital in certain situations. Do we realize how much we need them in our journey through life? In some situations, other people can be an anchor, but what is this anchor we are reading
Thought for November 30th. “THE HOUSE OF ESAU STUBBLE”
Todays readings.. Esther 7&8, Obadiah, Hebrews 3,4&5 Esau was the twin brother of Jacob; when Jacob was given the name Israel, Esau began to be called Edom (Gen. 25 v.30) Remarkably both Jacob and Esau had 12 sons – see Genesis 36 v.9 – 43, Esau’s spread out, certainly as far as the Euphrates (v,37) Our reading of the prophecy of Obadiah today reminded us
Todays readings.. Esther 5&6, Amos 9, Hebrews 1&2 Today we start reading Hebrews; much of this letter is a remarkable testimony to what Jesus achieved. It prevents any impression some might have that the work of Jesus was, sort of automatic, in fulfilling God’s will. Having previously spoken “by the prophets” [1 v.1] God “has now spoken to us by his Son whom he appointed heir of all things”
Thought for November 28th. “IF YOU KEEP SILENT”
Todays readings... Esther 3&4, Amos 8, Philemon We are reading the dramatic story of Esther and how she became the Queen of King Ahasuerus. Haman comes on the scene and wins the King’s favour, but Esther’s uncle, Mordecai declines to honour him by bowing down as he passes. A proud man, Haman decides to destroy, not only Mordecai but also all the Jews and he sends out an edict
Thought for 27th November.“HOLD FIRM TO THE TRUSTWORTHY WORD”
Todays readings.. Esther 2, Amos 7, Titus 1,2&3 What things really matter? Today we read the 3 short chapters that make up the whole of Paul’s powerful letter to Titus who is described as “my true child in a common faith.” [v.4] There is one “faith” which should be “common” to everyone; but the many parts of Christendom shows that is now far from the case. . The Apostle
Thought for November 26th. “ … AND HAVE FIRMLY BELIEVED”
Todays readings.. Esther 1, Amos 6, 2 Timothy 3&4 Today we completed reading Paul’s letters to Timothy whom he calls “my true child in the faith [1 Tim.1 v.2] Paul writes in a most passionate way. It is a very intimate letter revealing the bond of service to Christ that had grown up between them. He tells him, “You however (in contrast to some others) have followed my teaching,
Thought for November 25th.”DO NOT WIPE OUT MY GOOD DEEDS”
Todays readings... Nehemiah 13, Amos 5, 2 Timothy 2. Today we completed reading the book of Nehemiah. For some reason (13 v.6) the Persian King had caused Nehemiah to leave Jerusalem. This happened “in the thirty second year of Artaxerxes (12 years after Nehemiah first came)… and after some time I asked leave of the king and came to Jerusalem, and I then discovered the evil that Eliashib (“the
Thought for November 24th. “NOT BECAUSE OF OUR WORKS, BUT …”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 12, Amos 4, 2 Timothy 1 We started reading Paul’s final letter today; “the time of my departure” from this life “has come’ [4 v.6] he tells Timothy. Since his dramatic conversion his life had been filled with doing a great many works in carrying his saviour’s name to a great many places. But his ultimate salvation will not be because of this! We cannot ‘earn’
Thought for November 23rd.”SO THAT MY HOLY NAME IS PROFANED”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 11, Amos 3, 1 Timothy 6 How is God’s name profaned? Two days ago we started reading the prophecy of Amos, he ministered at about the same time of Hosea, about 30 years before the collapse and captivity of the northern kingdom, and the seeds of godlessness that Ahab and Jezebel had sown were bearing evil fruit. Israel and Judah both claimed to know and
Thought for November 22nd. “KEEP A CLOSE WATCH ON YOURSELF”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 10, Amos 2, Timothy4&5 Paul, who told Timothy he was his "true child in the faith" [1 v.2], is very straightforward in his advice to him about making sure he grows spiritually. There are many verses in his epistle to him we can, and should, apply as his advice and encouragement to ourselves and so be " trained in the words of the faith and of
Thought for November 21st. “GODLY AND DIGNIFIED IN EVERY WAY”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 9, Amos 1, 1 Timothy 1&2 We live in a world where those in authority are constantly being challenged. Elections are confrontations that make news headlines; reasoned discussion is at a minimum: slogans are bandied around. An earnest and committed Bible believer is increasingly dismayed by the various environments that surround them. What attitudes should such believers take, especially when some specific attitude
Thought for November 20th. “JUDGE THE SURROUNDING NATIONS”
Todays readings... Nehemiah 8, Joel 3, 2 Thessalonians 3 The final chapter of Joel’s prophecy always intrigues us. It’s opening verse is plain – “For behold in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. I will …” The fortunes of God’s nation of Israel have been dramatically restored in the last 100 years. How long, we ask ourselves, before “the LORD roars from
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 7, Joel 2, 2 Thessalonians 1&2 Today we read two of the most dramatic passages in Scripture - in Joel and Thessalonians. It is far from easy to fit together some of the jigsaw pieces they present to us about the last days of human rule. It is clear the return of Christ will be the
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 5&6, Joel 1, 1 Thessalonians 5 Every generation has thought it possible for “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” [1 Thess. 5 v.23] to occur in their lifetime. Now what does the first part of the verse we have quoted above (and the 2 previous) say? “test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. Now may the God of peace
Thought for November 17th. “WHOEVER IS WISE, LET HIM UNDERSTAND”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 4, Hosea 14, 1 Thessalonians 3&4 The above words are to be found in today’s last verse at the end of Hosea. What is he (or she) to understand? The complete verse reads, “Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in
Thought for November 16th. “TO PLEASE GOD WHO TESTS OUR HEARTS”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 3, Hosea 13, 1 Thessalonians 1&2 As Paul and his companions travelled to bring the message of Christ their reception was different in each place. We have had the same experience ourselves. What
Thought for November 15th. “THEN I WAS VERY MUCH AFRAID”
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 1&2, Hosea 12, Colossians 3&4 Today we started to read the book of Nehemiah who was in exile in Susa, the capital of the empire of the Medes and Persians. He is obviously a very special personality for he had become cupbearer to King Artaxerxes – a very responsible and trusted position to ensure the king was not poisoned. Nehemiah records that “… my
Thought for November 14th.”THE RICHES OF FULL ASSURANCE’”
Todays readings.. Ezra 10, Hosea 11, Colossians 2 Today we completed reading the book of Ezra. Only the last 4 chapters were written by or for him, the first 6 are to be seen as a continuation of 2 Chronicles. Before Ezra came, the people - led by Zerubbabel, and encouraged by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah (ch.5 v.1,2) had rebuilt the Temple. When Ezra arrived it became plain
Thought for November 13th.“INCREASING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD”
Todays readings.. Ezra 9, Hosea 10, Colossians 1 What a powerful and positive letter Paul wrote to the Colossians – let us take it as a letter to us in these last days. May we “ be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good
Todays readings.. Ezra 8, Hosea 9, Acts 28 We are naturally inclined toward the positive and encouraging matters we read in God’s word – and so it has been encouraging today to read of the faith and commitment of Ezra in leading many of God’s people back from captivity to Jerusalem. We also read of Paul’s arrival in Rome and how “he lived there two whole years … and
Thought for November 11th. “… FOR I HAVE FAITH”
Todays readings.. Ezra 7, Hosea 8, Acts 27 We read today of two outstanding characters, believers who had an active faith with whom God could work to perform his will, they are great examples for us. First we have Ezra who is a direct descendent of Aaron [ch.7 v.5] "who had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach ..."
Thought for November 10th.”THE HELP THAT COMES FROM GOD”
Todays readings.. Ezra 5&6, Hosea 7, Acts 25&26 It is Luke “the beloved physician” (Col. 4 v.14) who travelled with Paul in the later years of his preaching – for it is evident he was with him when he returned to Jerusalem (Acts 21 v.17) and Paul was arrested. The detailed account we are reading is therefore an eye witness account, and Luke shows himself in many ways to
Todays readings.. Ezra 3&4, Hosea 6, Acts 23&24 Today we read of Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem and the drama that followed with an attempt by factions of the Jewish leaders to kill him. But the Jewish leadership was not united and Paul caused a dispute among them by crying out, when brought before their council, “It is with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead that
Thought for November 8th. “RISE AND BE BAPTISED”
Todays readings.. Ezra 1&2, Hosea 5, Acts 21&22 The circumstances vary greatly, that lead to decisions to be baptised and take on the name of Jesus Christ so that he is our spiritual elder brother and God is truly our Father. In a very real sense we must feel we have become or are becoming part of a new family, a spiritual family. Our thoughts on this
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 36, Hosea 4, Acts 20 In these days when “knowledge has been increased” and many “run (travel) to and fro” [as we read in Daniel 12 v.4] we think of the dedication of the Apostle Paul, as we read today in Acts 20, who “did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. “ [Acts 20 v.27] Paul was speaking to the elders
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 35, Hosea 3, Acts 18&19 Today we read two very stirring chapters about the total commitment of the Apostle Paul to preach – to witness to as many as possible about the eternal life giving message of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the only message that matters (eternally). These chapters give some indication of the dangers that surrounded the Apostle. At Corinth “the
Thought for November 5th.“THAT THEY SHOULD SEEK GOD”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 34, Hosea 2, Acts 16&17 Some people, and today it seems many people, prefer to remain ignorant of what matters most – that is, ignorant of the meaning of life, of its’ cause and destiny: they live for the day, the month, and at most the next year or two. We read today of the challenge that resulted when Paul explores the way of life and
Thought for November 4th. “THROUGH MANY TRIBULATIONS”
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 33, Hosea 1, Acts 14&15 No one likes friction, yet it is impossible to totally avoid it. News bulletins are usually dominated by information about troubles, about friction of various kinds, and as the world becomes more ungodly this is increasing many fold. God often uses human friction to test men and women as to whether they will follow what is good and true –
Thought for November 3rd. “LOOK YOU SCOFFERS, BE ASTOUNDED”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 32, Daniel 12, Acts 13 Our chapter 13 in Acts today tells us how Paul’s witnessing about God in Antioch attracted great we read how Paul’s witnessing about the true God in Antioch attracted great interest – but then it resulted in some opposition. Those who scoffed at the message about Jesus, Paul said, made “themselves unworthy of eternal life” [v.46]. Paul then declared that “the
Thought for November 2nd. “HE DID WITH ALL HIS HEART”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 31, Daniel 11, Acts 11&12. In reading the next chapter (31) in 2 Chronicles today, we saw what an example of true kingship Hezekiah displayed. If we can grasp and keep in mind the last 2 verses in that chapter we will more fully see the POWER of positive thinking and doing – in contrast to the leaders of the nations today. These verses
Thought for November 1st. THREE WHO DID GOD’S WILL
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 30, Daniel 10, Acts 10. All three of our Bible readings this morning provide inspiration in their accounts of dramatic events showing God at work among human beings whom he called to serve him – despite their frailties. But God only reaches out to involve humans in serving him in some capacity when he sees they have the right kind of attitude of heart.
Thought for October 31st. “A CHOSEN INSTRUMENT … TO CARRY MY NAME”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 29, Daniel 9, Acts 9 We have a mentally absorbing set of readings today. They are most spiritually stimulating – and challenging!. In Chronicles ch. 29 we read of the ascension to the throne of Hezekiah – and in the “first month” he opened up the Temple and ordered the Levites to begin a process of thoroughly cleansing it ready for use. We think of
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 28, Daniel 9. Acts 8 What a challenge it is to understand some parts of the Bible – for it is a message God caused to be written and preserved. The question in our title today should sound familiar to most of us. We came across it in Acts ch. 8 where we read that “an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and go
Thought for October 29th. “DO NOT HOLD THIS SIN AGAINST THEM”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 26&27, Daniel 7, Acts 7 What sin? The above words were uttered by Stephen as they took up stones to throw at him; he knew he was going to be killed. His speech in response to the High Priest, which we read today, was increasingly provocative – rather similar to how Jesus repeatedly uttered provocative parables about the Pharisees in the weeks prior to his
Thought for October 28th. “BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 25, Daniel 6, Acts 5&6 In Daniel Ch. 6 today we have clear evidence that this wonderful man, now in his old age, was a man who had a regular prayer life. We read of those who are jealous of the opinion the king holds of him and look for ways to discredit his loyalty to the king. They confer together and decide; “We shall
Thought for October 27th. “HIS KNEES KNOCKED TOGETHER”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 24, Daniel 5, Acts 3&4 If you were doing a Bible Quiz and you were asked whose “knees knocked together” and why – what would you answer? Well, the answer is in today’s readings in Daniel.This is one of several lessons as to how quickly humans can forget the evidence of the power and presence of God in their lives or in those very near to them.
Thought for October 26th. “THOSE WHO RECEIVED HIS WORD”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 23, Daniel 4, Acts 2 Today we read the dramatic account of the events that followed after the disciples were empowered by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Led by Peter, they preached in such a way about Jesus, who he was and what he had done, and the terrible events to come that the hearers “were cut to the heart” [Acts 2 v.37].
Thought for October 25th. “THIS JESUS WILL COME IN THE SAME WAY AS …”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 21&22, Daniel 3, Acts 1 We started reading the Acts of the Apostles today – it was written by Luke; his “first book” [1 v.1] was his gospel. He provides us with the plainest reference to what was said by the angels as Jesus left the disciples. “Two men … in white robes… Men of Galilee … why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus,
Thought for October 24th. “THAT BY BELIEVING YOU
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 20, Daniel 2, John 20&21 We are inclined to feel that the 4 chapters we read today – are the most intensely meaningful of any of the days’ readings throughout the year: they need to be read slowly so that we imbibe the fullness of their meaning. The N T readings are the last 2 chapters of John’s gospel; and provide us with John’s intimate account
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 18&19, Daniel 1, John 19 John’s gospel provides us with the most intimate account of events in the life or Jesus – especially of those in the final hours of his mortal life. We read today in his 19th chapter of how the soldiers broke the legs of the 2 crucified with him – to make sure they were dead before the Sabbath began (v.31)
Thought for October 22nd. “… THEY ARE NOT OF THE WORLD”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 16&17, Ezekiel 48, John 17&18 The final prayer of Jesus before his arrest is intensely moving – it provokes the profoundest thoughts as we absorb its meaning into our minds. We could have expected Jesus to concentrate his thoughts inward, on himself and establish a conviction of mind that his will must become the same as his Father’s will – and the other
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 14&15, Ezekiel 47, John 15&16 A prophet said the above words to Asa, the great grandson of Solomon (2 Chron.15 v.2). Our reading of the chapter shows that these words were heeded. It had been a time when “there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for great disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands. They were
Thought for October 20th. “BECAUSE I LIVE, YOU ALSO WILL LIVE”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 12&13, Ezekiel 46, John 13&14 Today’s and tomorrow’s chapters in John’s Gospel are two of the most meaningful in the whole of the Bible. We must not make the mistake, as sadly some do, of plucking a few of the words out of their context. An essential theme in these chapters is to see that Jesus is talking about relationships: firstly, his relationship with his father
Thought for October 19th. “WHOEVER HATES HIS LIFE IN THIS WORLD”
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 10&11, Ezekiel 45, John 12 In John’s Gospel today we read that although Jesus “had done so many signs among them, they still did not believe in him” [12 v.37] This surprises us, but the main reason for this unbelief lies in the “difficult” things he said, such as, “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will
Thought for October 18th. “SO THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 9, Ezekiel 44, John 11 What do you believe? Equally important, if not more so – is – Why do you believe what you claim to believe? Most of us have searched our hearts in times past to give a genuine answer to this question ourselves. Our asking of this question was prompted by what we read today in John ch. 11. Jesus was
Thought for October 17th. “… AND FIND PASTURE”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 43, John 9&10 Today John carefully details for us the teaching of Jesus about the shepherd and the sheep. How rewarding it is to meditate on his words. Jesus is both “the good shepherd” and “the door” by which the sheep enter. He says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and go in and out and
Thought for October 16th.”IF YOU ABIDE IN MY WORD YOU ARE …”
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 7, Ezekiel 42, John 8 Jesus said, “Whoever is of God knows the words of God, the reason you do not hear them is that you are not of God” [John 8 v.47]. Of course they were hearing what he said. The point was they could not see what he meant because their minds were so fixed on their own way of thinking; in that sense,
Todays readings .. 2 Chronicles 5&6, Ezekiel 41 John 7 Solomon's prayer in dedicating the completed Temple is detailed in today's 6th chapter of 2nd Chronicles. What particularly caught our attention was that Solomon, after he "spread out his hands toward heaven”, and said, “O LORD, God of Israel ... keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to your servants who walk before you with all their heart" [v.13,14] and the
Thought for October 14th ” … AND YET YOU DO NOT BELIEVE”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 3&4, Ezekiel 39, John 6 What a fascinating chapter is John 6, but what caught our attention today was how, when the people did not get the answers and actions they requested from Jesus, so many turned away. The first 15 verses describe the miracle of feeding the 5,000. It excited the crowd and they were annoyed when they found he had slipped away from
Thought for October 13th. “AN HOUR IS COMING WHEN …”
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 1&2, Ezekiel 39, John 5 The words of Jesus recorded in John ch. 5 make it one of the most challenging chapters in the Bible. After healing a man lame and unable to walk from his birth – Jesus declares that “… the Father loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing. And greater works than these will he show him, so
Thought for October 12th. “YOURS, O LORD IS THE GREATNESS”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 29, Ezekiel 38, John 4 We tend to give only passing attention to our Chronicles reading because our other readings today in Ezekiel 38 and John 4 provoke so much thought. But in Chronicles we have the climax to King David’s life. Consider the scene: he had made great provision for building the
Thought for October 11th. “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD”
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 28, Ezekiel 37, John 2&3. What an intensely thought challenging set of chapters we have today. The highlight of course is chapters 2 & 3 in John’s Gospel, but first we have that marvellous ch. 28 in 1st Chronicles in which David, in his old age, charges Solomon his son to build a house (Temple). David declares that the LORD “has chosen Solomon my son to
Thought for October 10th.“IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD”
Todays readings.. I chronicles 27, Ezekiel 36, John 1 Today we start to read the Gospel of John. “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” This is a most challenging gospel to understand. But the Bible would lose our continuing interest if its meaning was immediately plain as we read it. Often we have to
Thought for October 9th. “WALK AS ENEMIES OF THE CROSS”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 26, Ezekiel 35, Philippians 3&4 The Apostle Paul is very emotional as we reads today his thoughts in his letter to the believers
Thought for October 8th. “WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH …”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 24&25, Ezekiel 34, Philippians 3&4
Thought for October 7th. “MAKING THE BEST USE OF THE TIME BECAUSE …”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 23, Ezekiel 33, Ephesians 5&6 Our world is full of distractions to us – far more than in any previous age. Paul in today’s chapters in Ephesians [5 v.16] wrote the above words and they apply so much to the way we live our lives right now. He also wrote, “sexual immorality and all impurity … must not even be named among you … let
Thoughts for October 6th. “THEN THEY WILL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 22, Ezekiel 32, Ephesians 33 The above phrase occurs so often in Ezekiel. For example, Chapters 28, 29 and 30 all conclude with these words. In today’s chapter (32) it occurs in v.15 after predicting the downfall and disgrace of Egypt where the remnant of the people from Jerusalem had gone for safety, taking a reluctant Jeremiah with them (Jeremiah 43). Egypt had been
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 20&21, Ezekiel 31, Ephesians 1&2 “Grace” is a special word for Paul - it is often defined by ‘christian’ writers as ‘unmerited forgiveness’ but that is scarcely satisfactory – although we can see how such a definition applies to Paul. It is the ‘opposite’ to ‘earning’ salvation by keeping the law – or practicing rituals such as those developed by the Roman Catholic church. It is
Thought for October 4th. “I WARN YOU AS I WARNED YOU BEFORE”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 18&19, Ezekiel 30, Galations 5&6 Modern pictures often portray contrasting colours as do many manufactured things, it is the fashion. They rather hit you in the eye, whites and yellows, set against blues, blacks and reds. This is particularly the case in advertising, as they aim to grab our attention. Our reading today in Galatians does not set colours in contrast – it sets
Thought for October 3rd. “WHO AM I LORD GOD?”
Todays readings.. ! Chronicles 17, Ezekiel 29, Galations 3&4 As a lad David was a shepherd, he sought to do his job properly, and he did; he protected the sheep. His father sent him with provisions for his brothers in the army, he knew nothing about the Philistine champion Goliath until he got there. The act which was to give
Thought for October 2nd. “IT IS NO LONGER I WHO LIVE”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 16, Ezekiel 28, Galations 1&2 Paul’s letter to the Galatians is both challenging – and inspiring – and has been for all generations since it was written by him in the 1st century. We know how Paul was dramatically converted and how wonderfully true are the words we read today. We must each ask ourselves are they true as applied to me personally. There are words
Thought for October 1st. “ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 15, Ezekiel 27, Luke 24 How vital it is to do things – spiritual things especially, “according to the word of the LORD.” When we do not follow the instructions that come with the things we buy, or later lose them and guess what they said - we often have a problem! Until Solomon built the
Thought for September 30th. “I FIND NO GUILT IN THIS MAN”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 13&14, Ezekiel 26, Luke 23 Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus. But he was strangely helpless in carrying out his own desire to let Jesus go free, though he said “I find no guilt in this man,” (Luke 23 v.4) adding, “nothing deserving of death has been
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 12, Ezekiel 25, Luke 22 This is an intriguing statement by Jesus; it would seem they are his last words to his disciples before his arrest. We read them today in Luke ch. 22 v.46. We are not told whether the disciples put them into practice? Surely the words of Jesus are applicable to us today! It was not the first time Jesus said these words
Thought for September 28th. “DISTRESS OF NATIONS IN PERPLEXITY”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 11, Ezekiel 24, Luke 21 Our ch. 21 in Luke’s gospel today contains the awesome prophecy Jesus gave of events on earth when he is about to return. The meaning of v.24 is clear to us – that “Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” It is no longer “trampled underfoot” – but it is not clear
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 10, Ezekiel 23, Luke 20 One of the most boring parts of the Bible to read are the lists of names in genealogies. We completed reading yesterday the first 9 chapters of 1 Chronicles which are full of such lists, tracing lines of descent. Ch. 9 starts with the words “So all
Thought for September 26th. “SLAUGHTER THEM BEFORE ME”
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 9, Ezekiel 22, Luke 19. Today in the 19th chapter of Luke we read one of the last parables of Jesus; it is usually called, ‘The parable of the Ten Minas’ – a ‘mina’ is an amount of money – which is said to be about 3 months wages for a labourer. The parable features a “nobleman” who “went into a far country to receive for
Thoughts for September 25th. “THEY UNDERSTOOD NONE OF THESE THINGS”
- Luke 18:33-34. Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 21, Luke 18 Today in Luke ch. 18 we read how Jesus “taking the twelve, he said to them, "See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets will be accomplished. For he will be delivered over to the Gentiles and will be mocked and shamefully treated and
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 7, Ezekiel 20, Luke 17 We wonder why the Pharisees asked Jesus “when the kingdom of God would come?” [Luke 17 v.20] The reply of Jesus implies they were interested to know what “signs” would indicate its approach. How did Jesus reply? “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed.” Shortly after he
Thought for September 23rd. “YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD AND …”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 6, Ezekiel 19, Luke 16 Today we read the most challenging of the parables of Jesus – yet its’ primary meaning is unmistakable. Jesus uttered it in relation to our purpose in life – how it comes down to one of two things. Jesus sums it all up in today’s reading in Luke. “No servant can serve two masters … he will be devoted to the
Thought for September 22nd. “The Soul that Sins will Die”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 5, Ezekiel 18, Luke 15 Our chapter 18 in Ezekiel is one that is often quoted in discussions with those who believe that we possess some sort of inner being, a soul, that lives on in some sense after their body dies: but this idea is nowhere to be found in God’s word. The word ‘nephesh’ in Hebrew, which here and in some places is translated
Thoughts for September 21st. “SALT IS GOOD”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 4, Ezekiel 17, Luke 13&14 There are many parables and challenging sayings in today’s 2 chapters in Luke’s gospel. Jesus’ utterance of just 3 words are very thought provoking: “Salt is good” [14 v34] This immediately reminds us of what Jesus said in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’ after what we call the ‘Beatitudes’ Look at Matt. 5 v.13, - he said “You are
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 3, Ezekiel 16, Luke 12 Our ch. 16 in Ezekiel today finishes with this wonderfully positive declaration. After all the negative messages Ezekiel had been caused to send back to the remnant of his people in and around Jerusalem - in v,60 we read, “yet I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish for you an everlasting
Thought for September 19th. “BUT INSIDE YOU ARE FULL OF …”
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 2, Ezekiel 15, Luke 11. Our Luke reading today features Jesus’ criticism of the religious leaders. They were obsessed with unimportant ritual. They had elaborated on the straightforward commandments of Moses about washing hands and making sure cups and vessels were clean. What really motivated them to do this? The ritual they had created was more important to
Thought for September 18th. “TURN AWAY FROM YOUR IDOLS
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 1, Ezekiel 14, Luke 10 There are
Thought for September 17th. “WHEN THE LORD HAS NOT SENT THEM”
Todays readings... 2 Kings 24&25, Ezekiel 13, Luke 9 There is a parallel between today’s readings which complete the 2nd book of Kings and what we read in Ezekiel: they are both about the same period, the end and destruction of the wonderful Kingdom David and Solomon had established; but it is written from two different aspects. The people of God’s
Thought for September 16th. “THERE WAS NO KING LIKE HIM WHO …”
Todays readings... 2 Kings 22&23, Ezekiel 12, Luke 8 What a challenging – and inspiring – set of readings we have today! In 2nd Kings 22 & 23 we see how Josiah, the last good and righteous king to reign in Jerusalem was inspired by the words that Moses had written when they were discovered in the Temple as it was being restored and cleansed at his command. As a
Thought for September 15th. “BLESSED IS THE ONE WHO …”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 21, Ezekiel 11, Luke 7 As usual, all our chapters are full of meaningful lessons: first, Hezekiah after his life is extended 15 years is succeeded by a 12 yr old son, Manasseh who turns out to be a very bad king. We wonder about the role of Hephzibah, his mother in this. The spirituality of the person we marry is very important. Hephzibah’s name is
Thought for September 14th. “ … AND NOT DO WHAT I TELL YOU”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 20, Ezekiel 10, Luke 6 We read more of the challenging sayings of Jesus today – human nature is such that it tens to gloss over them, especially if they are too challenging. So many came to Jesus to see his miracles – and if they were sick, or had someone who was – to be healed. How few, it seems, came to hear and to
Thought for September 13th. “YOU HAVE MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 19, Ezekiel 9, Luke 5 We read today at the start of ch. 19 of the 2nd book of Kings the prayer of King Hezekiah. He “went into the house of the LORD” and then “sent Eliakim, who was over the household … to the prophet Isaiah.” His message to the prophet was, “This day is a day of distress, of rebuke, and of disgrace
Thought for September 12th. “DO NOT LET HEZEKIAH MAKE YOU …”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 18, Ezekiel8, Luke 4 Our reading in 2 Kings (ch.18) illustrates how those who trust in God are sometimes fully tested to cause them to examine the basis of their trust. It seems clear that deserters from among the defenders of Jerusalem had expressed their reasons for changing sides to the Assyrians. This followed the collapse of their faith in the LORD; their faith was
Thoughts for September 11th. “WHAT THEN SHALL WE DO?”
Todays readings... 2 kings 17, Ezekiel 7, Luke 3 Our 3 readings today have, in a sense, a common theme. Luke ch. 3 gives us the message that John the Baptist preached in the wilderness; but first we noted his opening 3 verses. Luke was a real historian and he gives details of 5 different Gentiles who were in power when John began his preaching. Sceptics in the 19th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 16, Ezekiel 6, Luke 2 What thoughts are provoked in your mind as you read the Bible? We keep many of our thoughts to ourselves, especially if they are “disturbing” thoughts. Today we read in Luke ch. 2 of something that was to happen “so that the thoughts from many hearts may be revealed” [v.35] Who said this to whom? The man who said it
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 15, Ezekiel 5, Luke 1 Today we started reading the gospel of Luke. This is the Gospel that starts with an account of the father of John the Baptist, a priest in the Temple, who is made deaf and dumb because he questioned the words of the angel Gabriel who appeared to him as he was ministering in the Temple. It was only after
Thought for September 8th. “ALL FOR YOUR UPBUILDING”
Todays readings... 2 Kings 14, Ezekiel 4, 2 Corinthians 12&13 Today we completed reading Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians. Paul declares to them, “It is in the sight of God we have been speaking in Christ, and all for your upbuilding” [12 v.19]. And that is the foundation reason why we read God’s word every day – for our spiritual strengthening and upbuilding. How vitally necessary this is
Thought for September 7th. “I PAUL … ENTREAT YOU BY THE MEEKNESS … OF CHRIST”
Todays readings .. 2 Kings 13, Ezekiel 3, 2 Corinthians 10&11 Paul’s 10th chapter of his 2nd letter to the Corinthians starts with an impassioned appeal to them. His appeal challenges us to consider the extent to which we (& others) are influenced by the way people try to influence others to accept and believe what they are saying! Let us ponder the way we (& others) try to influence
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 11&12, Ezekiel 2, 2 Corinthians 8&9 Throughout the Old Testament, especially from the time of the Law of Moses, tithing became an established principle for God’s nation. But we must remember that this was a law for a nation. When the nation chose to have kings there were additional financial burdens. The situation with Christianity was quite different, believers became a spiritual nation (1 Peter
Todays readings... 2 kings 10, Ezekiel 1, 2 Corinthians 5,6&7 As we read further in Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians we note the words he uses to express the wonder of their privileged position before God. Previously they had gone to pagan temples to worship idols but now, Paul tells them, you “are the temple of the living God” and directs their minds to what had been
Thoughts for September 4th. “THE THINGS THAT ARE UNSEEN ARE ETERNAL”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 9, Lamentations 5, 2 Corinthians 3&4 The 4th chapter of Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians ends with the above ‘ triumphant’ statement. Paul is reassured and reassures others who possess “the same spirit of faith” [v.13], triumphantly stating that - “knowing that he who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence.” [v.14]. Let
Thoughts for September 3rd. “BUT THAT WAS TO MAKE US RELY … ON GOD”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 8, Lamentations 4, 2 Corinthians 1&2 We live in an increasingly godless world. People in any kind of difficulty expect their Governments to provide and complain when they do not. They are trying to do this in the USA. Govts that are in financial difficulties are increasingly have to do this, indeed some are being forced to cut back on their services. We started
Thoughts for September 2nd. “BEAR THE YOKE IN OUR YOUTH’
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 7, Lamentations 3, 1 Corinthians 16 The Lamentations of Jeremiah is not a book we “enjoy” reading. But do we only read those things that give a positive message and we find encouraging? Actually there are some gems hidden among this prophet’s words of despair and distress. The first 2 chapters are about how God’s anger with Jerusalem finally overflows into action; his mercy toward
Thoughts for September 1st. “HIS GRACE TOWARD ME WAS NOT IN VAIN”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 6, Lamentations 2, 1 Corinthians 15. Paul expresses himself from his heart in the above words. After his astonishing encounter with Christ on the Damascus Rd he was overwhelmed by a sense of utter appreciation – followed by total commitment in the service of Christ for the rest of his life. Our oft quoted chapter 15 in Corinthians today – must be read slowly, meaningfully,
Thought for August 31st. “IN YOUR THINKING BE MATURE”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 5, Lamentations 1, 1 Corinthians 14 Today we read the completion, in chapter 14, of Paul’s earnest advice to the Corinthians to cease their misuse of the gift of speaking in tongues, that is, other languages, as had taken place in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). He sets the gift of tongues in contrast to the gift of prophecy – this gift
Thoughts for August 30th. “FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE ABIDE”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 4, Jeremiah 52, 1 Corinthians 12&13 Paul’s words to the Corinthians surely reflect his own path of growth – spiritual growth! What of our growth? How often do we measure it? By what means? We each must do our own heart searching in answering that question. Our daily reading of God’s word feeds our growth? Paul writes about “gifts” - gifts that need to be
Thoughts for August 29th. “THUS SHALL BABYLON SINK”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 3, Jeremiah 51, 1 Corinthians 11 We have nearly completed the book of Jeremiah. Today’s 51st chapter of 64 verses is quite remarkable, a really challenging read. It is all about Babylon and God’s
Thoughts for August 28th. “ELIJAH WENT UP BY A WHIRLWIND”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 1&2, Jeremiah 50, 1 Corinthians 10 Our reading of 2 Kings 2 today records the transfer of responsibility before God from Elijah to Elisha. Elisha requests, “Let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” [v.9] and it is significant that it is recorded of Elisha
Thoughts for August 27th. “… KNOWN BY GOD?“
Todays readings.. 1 kings 22, Jeremiah 49, 1 Corinthians 8&9 Our reading of ch. 8 in 1st Corinthians begins with an interesting use of the word ‘knowledge.’ Paul says, “knowledge puffs up” [8 v.1]. We can be proud of what we know – and this undermines our wise use of that knowledge – depending on what that knowledge is about. Paul then says, “If anyone imagines that he knows
Todays readings... 1 Kings 21, Jeremiah 48, 1 Corinthians 7 We have 3 long, interesting and challenging readings today, they are examples of the challenge to get our minds around the words God has caused to be written and preserved. When we do this we get the full picture of God at work, his mercy and forbearance, what he allows and what he condemns, it is a lifetime
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 20, Jeremiah 47, 1 Corinthians 6 How utterly challenging in a spiritual sense – is the above statement of the Apostle Paul! This is what he told the believers at Corinth. To fully perceive the reality and wonder of this, would give the Corinthians the spiritual strength to grow to become more and more like Christ. And surely the same applies to us today. Paul put a most significant
Thought for August 24th. “IT IS ACTUALLY REPORTED THAT … “
Todays readings.. 1 kings 19, Jeremiah 45&46, 1 Corinthians 4&5 Our reading today of Paul’s admonition to the believers at Corinth contains an important lesson of the need
Thoughts for August 23rd. “EACH ONE’S WORK WILL BECOME MANIFEST”
Todays readings... 1 Kings 18, Jeremiah 44, 1 Corinthians 3 Our Old Testament chapters today (1 Kings 18 & Jeremiah 44) both illustrate the ungodly actions of those who fail to remain faithful to the one true God – but it seems even worse today! King Ahab follows the false god of Baal – a god of human imagination – as all such God’s are. Elijah alone is the only prophet who
Thought for August 22nd. “IT WAS NOT THE WISDOM OF THIS AGE”
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 17, Jeremiah 43, 1 Corinthians 1&2 Paul writes some very challenging things in his 1st letter to the Corinthians. In our days our world, through its ‘imagined’ wisdom, believes in evolution. Many think that everything in some mysterious way sort of ‘created’ itself – and wonderfully manages to work together! The world says, but cannot explain, how the birds, the flowers and the bees for
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 16, Jeremiah 42, Mark 16 The final chapter of Mark’s gospel tells us of the reaction of the 3 women who came first to the tomb. A “young man,” most evidently an angel, said to them, "Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. “[v.6]. Ponder their feelings!
Thought for August 20th. “THAT WE MAY SEE AND BELIEVE”
Todays readings.. 1 kings 15, Jeremiah 41, Mark 15 What does it need before people believe anything? Today we have more means of obtaining convincing evidence to prove something than ever before! There is more evidence of the incredible marvels of creation than ever before - yet
Thoughts for August 19th. “WATCH AND PRAY THAT YOU MAY NOT … “
Todays readings..1 Kings 14, Jeremiah 40, mark 14 Jesus said to the 3 disciples with him in the garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested; “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” [Mark 14 v.38] How were they going to be in danger of falling into temptation where they were? What kind of temptation were they going to experience? It was obviously dark; very few people were
Thought for August 18th. “YOU DO NOT KNOW WHEN THE TIME WILL COME”
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 13, Jeremiah 39 Mark 13 Today we again read what is known as ‘The Olivet Prophecy’; we read it every 2 months, is it TOO familiar to us?. This teaching of Jesus is specifically to his disciples as they sat on the Mount of Olives where they could look down on the Temple. He had shocked them by saying the Temple was going to be destroyed.
Todays readings.. 1 kings 12, Jeremiah 38, Mark 12 The words above were spoken by Jesus to the Sadducees and are found in Mark 12 v.24. This religious group, who were separate from the Pharisees, “say that there is no resurrection.” [v.18]. They came to Jesus and put a question to him about a woman who had had 7 husbands, one after another but left no offspring. Their question is, “In the
Todays readings.. 1 kings 11, Jeremiah 37, Mark 11 Before he was arrested Jesus was in the Temple: now the Jews were misusing the Temple, it was partly used as a sort of market place; there were “money changers” and “those who sold pigeons.” We read this today in Mark ch. 11 v.15. Imagine the drama when Jesus “entered the temple and began to drive out those who
Thoughts for August 15th. “HOW DIFFICULT IT WILL BE FOR …”
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 10, Jeremiah 36, Mark 10
Thought for August 14th. “THEY HAVE NOT LISTENED”
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 9, Jeremiah 35, Mark 9 Have you heard of the Rechabites? Jeremiah is told to “go to the house of the Rechabites” [ch.35
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 8, Jeremiah 34, Mark 8 What a challenge it is for young people growing up today in Australia and similar prosperous countries (but how do you measure prosperity?) to be bold in making it known that they believe in Jesus, except doing so among the circle of their fellow believers and friends! Even more than this,
Thought for August 12th. “… BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM ME”
Todays readings.. 1 kings 7, Jeremiah 33, Mark 7 Jesus was asked by “the Pharisees and scribes …”Why do your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat with defiled hands?" [Mark 7 v.5] The Pharisees had made quite a ritual of “many other traditions … such as the washing of cups and pots and copper vessels” [v.4] Jesus responded by saying, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites,
Thought for August 11th. “AH LORD GOD! IT IS YOU WHO HAVE MADE … “
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 6, Jeremiah 32, Mark 6 The above words form the start of Jeremiah’s prayer after “the LORD of hosts” had said to him “Houses and fields and vineyards shall again be bought in this land.' [ch.32 v.15] It obviously needed a miracle for this to happen. Let us now meditate on the ‘power’ behind the words of v.17! 'Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have
Todays readings.. 1 kings 4&5, Jeremiah 31, Mark 5 It has only been in my lifetime that it has been possible to send rockets into distant space to explore its’ extent – and they have discovered that it appears to be limitless! This thought was prompted by our Jeremiah chapter 31 today - which has two remarkable statements! First, reading from v.31, "Behold, the days are coming, declares the
Thoughts for August 9th. “WHO THEN IS THIS?”
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 3, Jeremiah 30, Mark 4 The disciples had been constant companions of Jesus, seeing him do remarkable miracles and hearing his teaching. In today’s chapter 4 in Mark’s Gospel, the point is made that Jesus “did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.” [v.34] How privileged the disciples were - and, in one sense, cannot most of us can say
Thoughts for July 8th. “WHOEVER DOES THE WILL OF GOD HE (or she) IS … “
Todays readings... 1 Kings 2, Jeremiah 29, Mark 3 We all want to do the will of God, don’t we? The Bible is full of examples of those who claim to do the will of God, but who fail to grasp what the will of God really is! Some deceive themselves into thinking that what they say and do is in harmony with the ways of God – and is therefore his will. The
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 1, Jeremiah 28, Mark 2 As we read Jeremiah’s rebuke to the false prophet Hananiah (28 v.15) we thought of how this is happening today! We are surrounded by the false teaching and belief in evolution – that there is no God and, as a result, people can live as they please – although, or course, obeying the laws of the country in which they live; although in many cases,
Thoughts for August 6th. “BUT DAVID’S HEART STRUCK HIM …”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 24, Jeremiah 27, Mark 1 Today we read how David pressures Joab to find out how many fighting men he has. When David receives the final tally we read, “But David’s heart struck him after he had numbered the people.
Thoughts for August 5th. “THE SWEET PSALMIST OF ISRAEL”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 23, Jeremiah 26, Romans 15&16 The above phrase occurs in the first verse of our 2 Samuel Ch. 23 reading today. It has often been quoted about David that he is “the anointed of the God of Jacob, the sweet Psalmist of Israel”. Although there are many Psalms not written by him, he laid the foundation for the hymns that were sung in the Temple
Thoughts for August 4th. “SALVATION IS NEARER TO US NOW”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 22, Jeremiah 25, Romans 13&14 What a challenging mixture of chapters we read today. First we read David's remarkable 'song' to the LORD; his 50 verses of praise to him because "the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies …" [2 Sam. 22 v.1] He began by declaring, " "The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge..."
Thought for August 3rd. ‘HOLD FAST TO WHAT IS GOOD”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 20&21, Jeremiah 24, Romans 12 How many things and experiences can we call “good” today? We need to think of this as “good” - as God sees it! It is surely only that which we are ‘inspired’ to think and do day after day as a result of reading God’s word. What an uplifting, indeed, inspiring, chapter 12 we have in Paul’s letter to the Romans today! “Let love be genuine.” writes Paul
(Romans 11:23). Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 19, Jeremiah 23, Romans 10&11 Chapter 11 of the letter to the Romans starts with the question, “Has God rejected his people?” The answer is, “By no means!” This question was being
Thoughts for August 1st. “IS NOT THIS TO KNOW ME”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 18, Jeremiah 22, Romans 9 Who was told to preach this to his people? He also preached God’s message, “You have eyes and heart only for your dishonest gain … for practicing oppression and violence." This could also be said in many places today! But what a negative reaction the preacher would get today! We read the above today in Jeremiah 22 v.17. But the previous verse illustrates that in
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 17, Jeremiah 21, Romans 7&8 How challenging – to our minds – no, more than that – to our hearts, are the words of Paul that we read today – the words he addressed to the believers in Rome. His 7th and 8th chapters are among the most challenging – for our meditation – in the whole of God’s word! They demand our heart-felt meditation. There are two ways before us –
Thoughts for July 30th. “THAT GRACE MAY ABOUND”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 16, Jeremiah 20, Romans 5&6
Thoughts for July 29th. “THAT IS WHY IT DEPENDS ON FAITH”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 15, Isaiah 19, Romans 3&4 How important it is to get into our minds a balanced picture of the reasoning Paul develops in his letter to the Romans. With his background training and practice from when he was a Pharisee he was more conscious than anyone else - that – to have a real relationship - from our hearts - with
Todays readings ... 2 Samuel 14, Jeremiah 18, Romans 1&2 What a challenging set of readings we have today, powerful lessons as to the wise way to live before God can be drawn from all 3 of them. Our chapter 14 in the 2nd book of Samuel provides us with the lesson “the LORD looks on the heart” as we saw in the 1st book of Samuel16 v.7] when the prophet
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 13, Jeremiah 17, Matthew 28 What a meaningful, indeed spiritually powerful message came to Jeremiah – that we read today in his 17th chapter. May we all be able to take it to heart – in such a way that his words become guiding principles in our lives. Sadly , as in the time of Jeremiah, today very few do this; but the Eternal Lord and His Son are looking for
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 12, Jeremiah 16, Matthew 27 Today the great majority of people “despise the word of the Lord,” it means nothing to them. Less and less people own Bibles – and if they do, how regularly do they use them? Is this affecting us? The godless ‘spirit’ of life that surrounds nearly all of us is surely affecting us all in some degree. We must try harder to push
Thought for July 25th. “YOUR WORDS BECAME TO ME A JOY”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 11, Jeremiah 15, Matthew 26 The words of Jeremiah in his 15th chapter arrested our attention this morning. What a difficult life Jeremiah had after good king Josiah (see 2 Kings 23 v.16-28) was killed in battle (v.29). After his death only ungodly kings came on the throne until the nation completely disintegrated and the majority were taken into captivity. As this situation developed Jeremiah became very depressed
Thoughts for July 24th. “AT MIDNIGHT THERE WAS A CRY”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel10, Jeremiah 14, Matthew 25 Today we read the ‘simple’ – yet absolutely challenging parable of Jesus about himself as the bridegroom! It is particularly challenging because “… at midnight there was a cry, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' [Matt. 25 v,6] The virgins did know the exact time the groom was coming; certainly not at midnight! “As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 8&9, Jeremiah 13, Matthew 24 ‘The Olivet Prophecy’ as most of today’s reading of Matthew 24 is known - is full of challenging language about events future to that time. Is it good to think that we have the ‘interpretation’ of its words exactly sorted out? The phraseology is puzzling in parts and we must recognize some aspects of prophecy only become clear as events start to take place. It is like
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 7, Jeremiah 12, Matthew 23 Today’s 7th chapter of 2nd Samuel is remarkable –– it inspires us in many ways. We see how God’s promise to him – originally inspired David. It starts by describing God’s reaction to David’s desire to build a house, a Temple, for God to dwell in; it seems the Tabernacle was close to being worn out, it had served its’ purpose. Nathan the prophet
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 6, Jeremiah 11, Matthew 22 This rebuke of Jesus to the Sadducees (Matt.22 v.23), who did not believe in the resurrection, is very blunt. It is a saying we feel inclined to repeat today. How few carefully read, understand and then believe God’s word and his power to fulfil his promises? Our world seems so full of remarkable inventions that capture our interest and
Thought for July 20th. “BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 4&5, Jeremiah 10, Matthew 21 Matthew in his Gospel is more prolific than the other Gospel writers in quoting the Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Today we have, in his 21st chapter, the account of the triumphant entry of Jesus
Thoughts for July 19th. “LET NOT THE WISE MAN BOAST IN …”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 3, Jeremiah 9, Matthew 20 Our ch. 9 in Jeremiah today contains that remarkable declaration that those who are wise “boast” only in one thing! All around us in the world there is a mixed lot of fleshly boasting – the President of the United States is setting the example – and what a fleshly example! In contrast, if we feel inclined to boast, the words the
Thought for July 18th. ‘… ONLY THOSE TO WHOM IT IS GIVEN”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 2, Jeremiah 8, Matthew 19 Today’s chapter in Matthew (19) challenges us to understand what Jesus meant when he responded to the Pharisees’ question, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause? [v.3] They disagreed among themselves over how to apply (or twist) the laws which Moses laid down; their attitudes were becoming similar to those we are reading about in Jeremiah
Thoughts for July 17th. “TRUTH HAS PERISHED”
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 1, Jeremiah 7, Matthew 18 How many ‘tell the truth and nothing but the truth’ when they are asked to swear in giving evidence in a court of law – or sign their name to a document that it is the truth of some matter? If it should incriminate them in some way, the ‘truth’ gets bent – even if it is not an
Thoughts for July 16th. “THE WORD – AN OBJECT OF SCORN”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 31, Jeremiah 6, Matthew 17 “Behold the word of the LORD is to them an object of scorn; they take no pleasure in it. Therefore …“[Jeremiah 6 v.10] – we will come to the “therefore” in a minute, but the above words jumped out at us in today’s reading in Jeremiah.
Thoughts for July 15th. “EYEWITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 29&30, Jeremiah 5, Matthew 16 One of our greatest challenges in life is to see all that happens from God’s perspective. The more we read God’s word and meditate on what we read –
Thoughts for July 14th. “… THIS DEFILES A PERSON”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 28, Jeremiah 4, Matthew 15 The Jews had strict laws to ensure cleanliness and in some ways these had become, in the time of Jesus, a ritual - their original purpose had been swamped, had been lost sight of. However, these laws were
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 26&27, Jeremiah 3, Matthew 14 Jeremiah lived and served the LORD as the kingdom came to an end. It had begun with Saul and was established in Jerusalem under David and Solomon. With the building of the Temple and the words God inspired through David and Solomon and the prophets of that era, the nation achieved a measure of spiritual greatness. But now about 400
Thoughts for July 12th. “SO IT WILL BE AT THE CLOSE OF THE AGE”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 25, Jeremiah 2, Matthew 13 Today’s 13th chapter of Matthew contains 6 parables of Jesus and at the end of the last one Jesus says, “so it will be at the close of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 24, Jeremiah 1, Matthew 12 Today we read in Matthew ch. 12 several of the most challenging sayings of Jesus – they were spoken against the Pharisees who were looking for things about which they could criticise him and his disciples – firstly for “…doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath." [v.2] Jesus points out how inconsistent the Pharisees were in their
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 23, Isaiah 66, Matthew 11 Today we reached the last chapter of the many remarkable – and often challenging – chapters of the prophet Isaiah. The chapters end with two contrasting visions of the last Days. One is an awesome, indeed fearsome picture of the divine judgements! "For behold, the LORD will come in fire … to render his anger in fury … by fire will
Thoughts for July 9th. “THIS IS THE ONE TO WHOM I WILL LOOK”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 21&22, Isaiah 65, Matthew 10 Today and tomorrow we read the final 2 chapters of Isaiah. God expresses through the prophet his lament for those who turn away from him, those who “insulted me” - to whom
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 8, Isaiah 64, Matthew 9 What challenging words are these that we read in Isaiah ch. 64 (v.5) today! What attitude of mind do we have as we seek to “joyfully” do the right thing – especially when surrounded by godlessness? Today’s chapter starts with a petition to God we should be uttering today – and as our world becomes even more godless and evil, surely we should be
Thoughts for July 7th. “LOOK DOWN FROM HEAVEN AND SEE”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 19, Isaiah 63, Matthew 8 The prophet Isaiah reflected on how God had acted in the past to help
Thoughts for July 6th “I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 18, Isaiah 62, Matthew 7 The teachings of Jesus recorded in Matthew’s gospel are, in todays’ chapter 7 especially, very black and white. They apply just as much today; you are either on the side of Jesus – or you are not! If you are not - you are against him. Jesus tells them, “"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
Thoughts for July 5th. “THE DAY OF VENGEANCE”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 17, Isaiah 61, Matthew 6 We read 3 fascinating chapters this morning! First was the account of David’s total faith “in the living God” as he went forth against Goliath – he had no confidence in human armour and we should have no confidence in human reasoning. Then in Matthew’s gospel we read the continuation of the sermon on the mount and the many vital
Thoughts for July 4th. “… A JOY FROM AGE TO AGE”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 16, Isaiah 60, Matthew 5 What a fascinating thought challenging set of chapters we have today. I 1st Samuel 16 we see how Samuel is sent to Bethlehem to anoint as king in place of Saul a son of Jesse “him whom I declare to you.” [v.3] There are parallel with Jesus being born in Bethlehem! Then we have a remarkable chapter in Isaiah today;
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 15, Isaiah 59, Matthew 3&4 Isaiah’s message keeps returning to the theme of the need for reality in human thinking about their relationship with God. Belief in God in those days was not like it is with so many today, indeed in some countries today the majority do not seem to believe in any God at all! In Isaiah’s day it was worse than that! How was that? Well, they acknowledged that there was
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 14, Isaiah 58, Matthew 1&2
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 13, Isaiah 56&57, Revelation 21&22 What a challenging mixture of Divine messages we have in today’s readings - but this is usually the case, this is why we find reading God’s word so meaningful – and challenging. Isaiah is told (56 v.1) “Thus says the LORD: "Keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my righteousness be revealed.” This is “soon” in time
Thoughts for June 30th.“SEEK THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 11&12, Isaiah 55, Revelation 19&20 Seeking the LORD is an act of faith. When it is clearly seen that Jesus has returned the whole situation will change for human beings. Our chapters in the book of Revelation describe, symbolically, all the causes of godlessness. We are told sin is “bound …for a thousand years” [20 v.3] and “those who had not worshiped the beast (the symbol of atheism) came to
Thought for June 29th. “FOR IN A SINGLE HOUR”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 10, Isaiah 54, revelation 17&18. Our chapters in the thought-challenging book of Revelation are now moving towards a climax – those we read today portrayed God’s final judgements on godlessness. The centrepiece of the action is described as God’s judgement on “Babylon”! But what are we to understand by that word? It is very interesting to realise that the word Babylon in Hebrew – is – Babel
Thought for June 28th. “YET IT WAS THE WILL OF THE LORD”
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 9, Isaiah 53, Revelation 15&16 Today we meditated at length on Isaiah Ch. 53, one of the best known and most meaningful chapters in the Bible. It is the message Isaiah received about the suffering saviour of mankind that God so wondrously brought into being.. How challenging for us, who have absorbed God’s scripture into our hearts, to see
Thought for June 27th
“GOOD NEWS OF HAPPINESS” Todays readings.. ! Samuel 7&8, Isaiah 52, Revelation 14 The nature of present human happiness and its causes are in total contrast to the “good news of happiness” that God will bring about – as we read in Isaiah ch. 52 today. But first the chapter describes the lament of the LORD, “all the day my name is despised” [ch. 52 v.5] followed by the declaration,
Thoughts for June 26th
“LISTEN TO ME YOU WHO KNOW RIGHTEOUSNESS” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 5&6, Isaiah 51, Revelation 12&13 How few there are today who “know righteousness”! This is because there are few who meditatively read God’s word – to absorb it into their hearts. We read today of the LORD’s appeal to us to “know righteousness” – it is in ch. 51 of Isaiah. We meditate on the contexts in which the
Thought for June 25th
“MORNING BY MORNING” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 4, Isaiah 50, Revelation 10&11 We do not know a great deal about Isaiah’s personal situation. In John’s Gospel we read that “Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke of him” [12 v.41], so the seeing was with the eye of faith, a vivid picture in the mind. Isaiah “saw” what was to come, believing with such total conviction
Thought for June 24th
“IN A TIME OF FAVOUR” Todays readings.. 1Sam 3, Isaiah 49, Revelation 7,8&9 Our first reading is the heart stirring account of young Samuel in the Temple/tabernacle at Shiloh and the LORD calling him, “Samuel, Samuel” – and the message he received about the failure of Eli to discipline his sons. The ungodliness of their behaviour in appearing to serve the LORD makes sad reading – but it has had
Thought for June 23rd
“THE LORD WILL JUDGE THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” Todays readings.. 1Samuel 2, Isaiah 48, Revelation 5&6 Hannah, who was to be the mother of Samuel, "My heart exults in the LORD; my horn is exalted … because I rejoice in your salvation.” [1 Sam. 2 v.1] She was exalted in heart because of God’s promises which she whole heartedly believed and embraced: let us do the same. She declares
Thought for June 22nd
“LISTEN TO ME YOU STUBBORN OF HEART” Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 1, Isaiah 46&47, Revelation 3&4 What a blunt message from God Isaiah was sent to convey to the godless people of his day – equally it is a message for such people today. Human nature does not change unless it is influenced by an unmistakeable awareness of the ‘reality’ of God, the originator of all that exists. God causes
Thought for June 21st
"TO THE ONE WHO CONQUERS I WILL GRANT ..." Todays readings.. Ruth 3&4, Isaiah 45, Revelation 1&2. What a remarkable set of thought challenging chapters we have today. First we read the 3rd and 4th chapters of Ruth which climax by telling us how she became the great grandmother of David. Then we read the inspiring 45th chapter of Isaiah. Verse 11 jumped out at us! "Thus says the LORD
Thought for June 20th
BESIDES ME THERE IS NO GOD” Daily readings.. Ruth 1&2, Isaiah 44, Jude Today most people do not believe there is any God at all, they think that everything that exists sort of – ‘created’ itself! They invented the theory of evolution - but since doing this – human minds have gone round and round in circles trying to ‘prove’ it happened. Our chapter 44 in Isaiah today challenges this
Thought for June 19th
“I HAVE NO GREATER JOY THAN …” Todays readings.. Judges 21, Isaiah 43, 2&3 John. Today we read the 2 final short letters of John. He is obviously an old man; he waits for news of developments among those he knows – news must have travelled very slowly in those days – it is the complete opposite today – in most cases. In his final letter we read – “I
Thought for June 18th
"THAT YOU MAY KNOW THAT YOU HAVE ETERNAL LIFE" Daily readings.. Judges 20, Isaiah 42, 1 John 5. The climax to John’s First Epistle contains some challenging words with its totally positive statements about knowing “you have eternal life.” We conclude he is encouraging his readers to think positively, not to be fearful, but to know that God loves them and, as Peter puts it, God is “not wishing that
Thought for June 17th
“WHOEVER CONFESSES THAT … “ Daily readings.. Judges 19, Isaiah 41, 1 John 3,4. What deep spiritual perceptions John unfolds in his First Epistle. They are simple – yet they are profound! “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.” [1 John 4 v.7] What is it to “know” God? It is – to have a ‘real’ day-to-day relationship with him –
Thought for June 16th
“EVERYONE WHO PRACTICES RIGHTEOUSNESS HAS BEEN…” Daily readings.. Judges 17,18. Isaiah 40. 1John 1,2. What thought inspiring chapters we have in Isaiah and 1 John today! John told his readers that, as “little children” they should “abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. “ [ch. 2 v.28] John then adds, “If you know that he
Thought for June 15th
“… DID NOT KNOW THAT IT WAS FROM THE LORD" Daily readings.. Judges 16, Isaiah 39, 2 Peter 3 Our thoughts yesterday went to the strange example of Samson as a man God used in his service to deliver his people. The list in Hebrews of those who are named as examples of faith has some surprising inclusions and Samson is one of them. None of those in the list
Thought for June 14th
” THE LORD KNOWS HOW TO RESCUE THE UNGODLY FROM TRIALS” Daily readings: Judges 14,15 Isaiah 38 2Peter 1,2 We have quite a mixture of Scripture to read today – God used all kinds of people to speak to/or deliver his people – Samson was an outstanding, but strange example: he was a ‘superman’, possessed of remarkable physical strength, but desires a Philistine as a wife. He needs his parents
Thought for June 13th
Todays readings.. Judges 12&13, Isaiah 37, 1Pater 3,4&5 “WHEN THE CHIEF SHEPHERD APPEARS, YOU WILL RECEIVE …” Today we read the concluding chapters of Peter’s 1st Epistle. What a challenging message Peter conveys to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” [1 v.1]. As Paul was the apostle “to the Gentiles” – see Galatian 2 v.8,9., so Peter is the Apostle to the natural Jews who have
Thought for June 12th
“… LEAVING YOU AN EXAMPLE” Let us meditate on what Peter is writing about in the 2nd chapter of his first epistle. Peter penned these challenging words! “…if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God”.[v.20] How true this was in centuries past for those who dedicatedly read and put into practice the original teaching of Jesus and his followers, such as Peter. We
Thought for June 11th
Todays readings.. Judges 9, Isaiah 35, 1 Peter 1 “PREPARING OUR MINDS FOR ACTION”
Thought for June 10th
Todays readings.. Judges 7&8, Isaiah 34, James 5 “THE PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS PERSON HAS GREAT POWER” James tells us to “pray for one another´[5 v.16] – adding the powerful and challenging words, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” But how many then and how many now - can be called “a righteous person.”? Our thoughts go to Hebrews 11 that we read
Thought for June 9th
Todays readings.. Judges 6, Isaiah 33, James 3&4 "BE OUR ARM EVERY MORNING, OUR SALVATION IN TIME OF TROUBLE" We were rather overwhelmed by the range of appropriate thoughts in all our readings this morning! God’s words through Isaiah, quoted above (Ch.33 v.2) arrested our attention. Jesus is the “arm of the Lord” – soon we will read Isaiah’s famous 53rd chapter which starts “to whom has the arm
Thought for June 8th
Todays readings.. Judges 4&5, Isaiah 32, James 2 “A KING WILL REIGN … PRINCES WILL RULE … " Our chapter (32) in Isaiah starts, “Behold a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.” This surely visualises God’s king, the Lord Jesus, at last reigning over the earth. There will also be “princes” reigning who ”will rule with justice.” At last the world will experience true justice. The words of the prophecy imply
Thought for June 7th
Todays readings.. Judges 2&3, Isaiah 31, James 1 “RECEIVE WITH MEEKNESS THE IMPLANTED WORD” Today we started reading the challenging epistle of James which is so full of practical advice for living a Christ-like life. Paul says that when he later visited Jerusalem he “saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord's brother.” [Gal. 1 v.19] – so we conclude this was the James – not initially a
Thought for June 6th
Todays readings.. Judges 1, Isaiah 30, Hebrews 13 “KEEP YOUR LIFE FREE FROM …” Today we read the concluding chapter of the letter to the Hebrews, it starts, “Let brotherly love continue.” What things can undermine “brotherly love”? One thing is a breakdown in teamwork between believers in Christ – starting with a lessening of “spirit of Christ” in their hearts - see Romans 8 v. 9-11. We do
Thought for June 5th
Todays readings.. Joshua 23&24, Isaiah 29, Hebrews 12 “FOR OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE” The above statement concludes the 12th chapter of Hebrews we read today. The whole chapter provides the climax to the remarkable 11th chapter with its testimony of the faithful; those who “died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles
Thought for June 4th
Todays readings.. Joshua 22, Isaiah 28, Hebrews 11 “BY FAITH …” Today we read the well known 11th chapter of Hebrews, it starts, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This is the vital lesson we must take to heart in reading this chapter – that having faith is having a state of mind that must cause us to lead different lives, different priorities –
Thought for June 3rd.
Todays readings.. Joshua 20&21, Isaiah 26&27, Hebrews 10 “YOU WILL KEEP … IN PERFECT PEACE" Our Isaiah and Hebrews readings provide an
Thought for June 2nd
Todays readings... Joshua 19, Isaiah 25, Hebrews 8&9 “TO SAVE THOSE WHO ARE EAGERLY WAITING FOR HIM” Our Hebrews reading includes a long quotation [Ch. 8 v.8-12] from the prophet Jeremiah. This starts with “Behold the days are coming” and ends with “for they shall all know me (the LORD) from the least of them to the greatest. For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will
Thought for June 1st
Todays readings.. Joshua 18, Isaiah 24, Hebrews 6&7 "MADE PERFECT FOREVER" Our Hebrews and Isaiah chapters both end on a note of climax – and wonder! Hebrews was written to inspire those Jews who now believed in Christ - to make it clear how the Law of Moses had been superseded. The writer (Paul?) points out how dramatic and meaningful the involvement of Abraham with Melchizedec was. [Hebrews 5 v.6,
Thought for may 31st
Todays readings.. Joshua 17, Isaiah 23, Hebrews 3,4&5 "... AND FIND GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED" We continue our heart challenging reading of the letter to the Hebrews – ch’s 3, 4 & 5. Ch. 3 draws a contrast – between Moses and Christ. ‘Grace’ is not an Old Testament word: in contrast, says God, the people he brought out of Egypt and who “saw my works for
Thought for May 30th
Todays readings.. Joshua 16, Isaiah 22, Hebrews 1&2 “WE MUST PAY MUCH CLOSER ATTENTION” Today we started reading the intensely thought challenging letter to the Hebrews. The author is anonymous but it is often thought that Paul wrote it but because he had become so unpopular among the Jews, he did not reveal his authorship. Our first two chapters today contain at least 14 quotations from the Old Testament, mainly
Thought for May 29th
Todays readings.. Joshua 15, Isaiah 20&21, Philemon “I REMEMBER YOU” Today, we read the short 25 verse letter of Paul to Philemon. Paul wrote this about Onesimus, an escaped slave; he had escaped from the 'ownership' of Philemon many years before. Onesimus had come to believe in Christ after his escape and this had changed the situation completely. His name means “useful” and he had become very useful to
Thought for May 28th
Todays readings... Joshua 14, Isaiah 19, Titus 1, 2 &3 "TEACH WHAT ACCORDS WITH SOUND DOCTRINE” First, we read the words of Caleb to Joshua - in Joshua ch. 14. Caleb was the only other ‘good’ spy among the 12 Moses sent from the wilderness to spy out the promised land – see Numbers 13. Today, we read that Caleb said to Joshua who was now the leader of
Thought for May 27th
Todays readings.. Joshua 13, Isaih 17&18, 2 Timothy 3&4 "HAVING THE APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS, BUT DENYING IT'S POWER" This comment of Paul to Timothy particularly invites our meditations today. Jesus accused the religious leaders of his day of having an “appearance of godliness”, he said "'This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me ..." [Matt. 15 v.8,9] They
Thought for May 26th
Todays readings.. Joshua 12, Isaiah 16, 2 Timothy 2 "CALL ON THE LORD FROM A PURE HEART" Paul's final letter, the one he wrote to Timothy, is probably the most personally challenging one for believers - and that surely includes us today! He is warning and advising Timothy about some "who have swerved from the truth ..." [2 v.18] this problem has plagued believers ever since - it is the
Thought for May 25th
Todays readings.. Joshua 11, Isaiah 15, 2 Timothy 1 “I REMEMBER YOU CONSTANTLY IN MY PRAYERS” Today we started reading the final epistle that Paul wrote, his second letter to Timothy. The spiritual relationship he had developed with him is an example to us of the relationship we should aim to develop with fellow believers; surely we should remember each other constantly in our prayers. The spiritual rapport we
Thought for May 24th
Todays readings.. Joshua 10, Isaiah 14, 1 Timothy 6 "FLEE THESE THINGS" The Apostle Paul concludes his first letter to “his son” (Phil.2 v.22) Timothy with a survey of the problems and bad influences amongst some of the believers. He stresses the things he should teach adding, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus
Thought for May 23rd
Todays readings... Joshua 9, Isaiah 13, 1 Timothy 4&5 “… THE EARTH WILL BE SHAKEN” What place is named in the first and last books of the Bible – and in many in between? Yes, it’s Babylon, yet you may not recognize that it occurs in Genesis because it is translated in its Hebrew form of Babel. The account in Genesis (Ch,11) is about what happened when the descendants
Thought for May 22nd
Todays readings.. Joshua 8, Isaiah 12, 1 Timothy 1,2&3 “LOVE THAT ISSUES FROM A PURE HEART” Love is a word in common use today. The utter sincerity of its use by Paul in his letters bears no relation to the way most people use it today. Paul wrote to Timothy, who is described as “my true child in the faith” - to practice “love that issues from a pure heart
Thought for May 21st.
Todays readings.. Joshua 7, Isaiah 11, 2 Thessalonians 3 "THE EARTH SHALL BE FULL OF ... " Today's Isaiah chapter is that marvellous one which tells us of the time to come when "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea"[Ch.11 v.9] The first part of the chapter is about the work of our Lord Jesus - and we see
Thought for May 20th
Todays readings.. Joshua 5&6, Isaiah 10, 2 Thessalonians 1&2 “WE ALWAYS PRAY … THAT OUR GOD MAY MAKE YOU WORTHY” The first 2 chapters of Paul’s 2nd letter to the Thessalonians have some awesome – and thought challenging Today, more than ever before, we live in a herd environment, a human herd. Mass advertising in a great variety of media confronts us hour after hour, this creates a herd mentality.
Thought for May 19th
Todays readings.. Joshua 3&4, Isaiah 9, 1 Thessalonians 5 “THE PEOPLE … IN DARKNESS HAVE SEEN A GREAT LIGHT” What darkness covers our world today! Nearly all have given up looking for light – they have come to the conclusion that this life is all there is – they have come believe that they are the highest form of the animals – that somehow – magically – evolved! And also
Thought for May 18th
Todays readings.. Joshua 2, Isaiah 8, 1 Thessalonians 3&4 “THAT HE MAY ESTABLISH YOUR HEARTS BLAMELESS … AT THE COMING OF OUR LORD” How inspiring to us – for meditation - are the words Paul addressed to the Thessalonians that we read today! It seems Paul is writing from prison but is experiencing spiritual joy at the news Timothy brings him (1 Thess. 3 v.6) about the situation among
Thought for May 17th
Todays readings.. Joshua 1, Isaiah 7, 1 Thessalonians 1&2 “THE WORD … WHICH IS AT WORK IN YOU BELIEVERS” As we started reading Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians we cannot help but be arrested in mind – and feel challenged by Paul’s perception of the spirit among the believers there. Paul had “charged (them) to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and
Thought for May 16th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 33&34, Isaiah 6, Colossians 3&4 “THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY” It is impossible to meaningfully imagine the time when “the whole earth (will be) full of his glory!" [Isa. 6 v.3] In one sense it is so today – for all the wonders of creation reflect the power and presence and glory of its’ Creator. One big difference in the future (and how soon?)
Thought for May 15th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 6, Colossians 2 “THEY ARE OF NO VALUE” Meditating further on Paul’s letter to the Colossians we see how it opens out into some challenging concepts. The problems at Colossae (and elsewhere) have their parallels to behaviour in worship today – see at its worst in the Catholic Church. It is the desire to create rituals – as though this somehow made you more righteous
Thought for May 14th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 31, Isaiah 3&4, Colossians 1 “INCREASING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD” Is your knowledge of God increasing? We live in a world in which all kinds of knowledge multiplies as never before – human cleverness appears to know no bounds - until there is a cyber attack! Sadly – at the same time, awareness and acknowledgement of God is decreasing at
Thought for May 13th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 30, Isaiah 2, Acts 28 “PROCLAIMING THE KINGDOM” We come to the end of the readings in ACTS today with the last 2 verses telling us that Paul was in Rome for “two whole years … and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.” That is where Luke ends his
Thought for May 12th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 29, Isaiah 1, Acts 27 “HEAR … FOR THE LORD HAS SPOKEN” Today we start reading the heart challenging book of Isaiah. The 2nd verse is particularly challenging! “Hear … give ear, O earth; for the LORD has spoken.” And his words of have been recorded and preserved – and have challenged every generation – and today, the people of every nation. They challenge us most of
Thoughts for May 11th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 28, Song 8, Acts 25&26 “PERFORMING DEEDS IN KEEPING WITH …” How inspiring are the words Paul addresses to King Agrippa! In Acts ch. 26 we read his account of his life following his conversion, in effect Paul was turned right around, to become a follower of the true Messiah. What an example this is to the great majority today, who need turning right around, from following
Thought for May 10th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 27, Song 7, Acts 23, 24 “AMEN” In our Deuteronomy reading today the word ‘AMEN’ occurs no less than 12 times! Very soon the Israelites will cross the Jordan, but Moses will no longer be their leader. Their crossing of the Jordan carries great symbolism, “Moses and the Levitical priests said to all Israel, ‘Keep silence and hear O Israel: this day you have become the people
Thought for May 9th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 26, Song 6, Acts 21&22 “ …. WITH ALL YOUR HEART” Sometimes we use the phrase ‘half-hearted’ meaning – we do not feel total commitment to what we are doing. We cannot follow God and His Son, who died for us, in this frame of mind. Our chapter in Deuteronomy today contains a powerful appeal by Moses to the people he will soon leave - about the
Thought for May 8th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 25, Song 5, Acts 20 “I DO NOT COUNT MY LIFE OF ANY VALUE” The Apostle
Thought for May 7th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 24, Song 4, Acts 18&19 "YOUR BLOOD BE ON YOUR OWN HEADS" The Apostle Paul frequently encountered conflict as he travelled to different communities preaching the message of the cross. At each place he started by preaching to the Jews in their synagogues. We read today that “he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and tried to persuade Jews and Greeks.”
Thought for May 6th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 23, Song 3, Acts 16&17 “THEY RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD WITH ALL EAGERNESS” What a challenging example to us today – almost 2,000 years after Jesus, the Son of God, walked and taught on this earth. The example to follow is that set by the Jews in Berea. When Paul arrived there “they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if
Thought for May 5th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 22, Song 2, Acts 14&15 "GOD WHO KNOWS THE HEART..." Today we read about a conference of a serious nature that took place in
Thought for May 4th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 21, Song 1, Acts 13 “… SALVATION TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” Today God’s message of “salvation” has reached “to the ends of the earth.” This word occurs 6 times in the book of Acts. Paul, early in his missionary journeys (with Barnabas) began to preach the “good news about the kingdom of God” [Acts 8 v.12]. We read today in Acts ch. 13, how, when
Thought for May 3rd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 20, Ecclesiastes 12, Acts 11&12 "GOD WILL BRING EVERY DEED INTO JUDGMENT ... WHETHER GOOD OR EVIL" These are the final words in Solomon’s Book of Ecclesiastes. In the previous verse he had written, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of mankind” At the start of this book we read, these are “the words of the Preacher, son of David,
Thought for May 2nd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 19, Ecclesiastes 11, Acts 10 “WE ARE WITNESSES OF ALL THAT HE DID” In Acts Chapter 10 today there is yet another dramatic account of how the message of Christ spread further
Thought for May 1st
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 18, Ecclesiastes 10, Acts 9 “TO CARRY MY NAME” At one stage during my career I was a company representative and as I visited many different companies it was said ‘The man from The Age (a major daily Newspaper) is here, I was carrying their name, I represented them. This memory came to mind as we read Acts Ch. 9 this morning and the comment of a
Thought for April 30th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 17, Ecclesiastes 9, Acts8 “ … AND TO THE END OF THE EARTH” We should be familiar with the words of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples….”thy will be done on earth” Our readings today show us how God creates situations to see that his will is carried out - when men neglect to do so! The last thing
Thought for April 29th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 16, Ecclesiastes 8, Acts 7 “YOU STIFF-NECKED PEOPLE” Stephen’s speech (in Acts 7) before the Jewish Council is a history lesson! Why? For what purpose? He reviews all that had happened since the time of Abraham. But the members of the Council would have known their history? But was it just academic knowledge to them? Had they failed to draw lessons for themselves from it?
Thought for April 28th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 15, Ecclesiastes 7, Acts 5&6 “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN” The above statement was made by Peter and the Apostles when they were brought before the council. They were told “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name” [Acts 5 v.28]. The council then then warned the Apostles, saying, “you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's
Thought for April 27th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 13&14, Ecclesiastes 6, Acts 3&4 "FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS TESTING YOU" Today’s Deuteronomy reading brings to our attention an aspect of God’s dealings with us we need to understand and appreciate. This final message of Moses, we are finding very interesting: in a number of places it contains lessons very appropriate to our days. Moses warns the people to beware of simply following some
Thought for April 26th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 12, Ecclesiasties 5, Acts 2 "EVERYONE WHOM THE LORD CALLS TO HIMSELF" What sort of person is the Lord seeking to call? As we completed reading Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 today this familiar question surfaced again. It was a remarkable speech before this great crowd intrigued to hear all these Galileans speaking in their own languages. Peter quoted
Thought for April 25th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 10&11, Ecclesiastes 4, Acts 1 “FOR IF YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO DO …” What do we all need to “be careful to do”? Our quotation is from the words of Moses; his final address to the generation who are about to enter the promised land under Joshua (and we know what Joshua means!) Their parents had died in the wilderness – because of
Thought for April 24th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 6&9, Ecclesiastes 3, John 20&21 “AND THAT BY BELIEVING YOU MAY HAVE LIFE IN HIS NAME” Today we read the climax and reached the end of the gospel of John, and what a challenging climax it unfolds to us.. These final two chapters are two of the most heart-warming and heart stirring chapters in the whole of the Bible. The words of Jesus to the disciple
Thought for April 23rd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 6&7, Ecclesiastes 2, John 19 “THIS WAS MY REWARD” The wisest of kings, Solomon, reflects on what his life had really achieved. In reading Ecclesiastes, we perceive his
Thought for April 22nd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 5, Ecclesiastes 1, John 17&18 “EVERYONE WHO IS OF THE TRUTH LISTENS …” Jesus had little to say to the High Priest who first questioned him; he simply told him, “I have spoken openly to the world, I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple” [John 18 v.20]. Jesus is challenging them; if I have said things that are
Thought for April 21st
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 4, Proverbs 31, John 15&16 "WATCH YOURSELVES VERY CAREFULLY" Today we have a remarkable set of meaningful readings. In Deuteronomy Moses commences his final exhortation to his nation; in Proverbs, the final chapter is taken to be an exhortation from the mother of Solomon (Bathsheba), a message that at the end of his life, he failed to follow. In John, we have now reached the point in
Thought for April 20th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 3, Proverbs 30, John 13&14 "MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU … NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES …” What is the peace of Jesus? The world is full of restless hearts and minds, many are looking for the next new experience - others are disturbed because their lives are out of control for one reason or another. Those who have a real relationship with Jesus develop
Thought for April 19th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 2, Proverbs 29, John 12 “THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN WILL JUDGE” How challenging are the words of Jesus that form the closing verses in today’s 12th chapter of John’s gospel! “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” The 2 verses which follow, the last in
Thought for April 18th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 1, Proverbs 28, John 11 "DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?" Who asked, “Do you believe this?” Jesus, of course. And to whom did he address this question? He addressed the question to Martha who came to him at Bethany 4 days after her brother Lazarus had died. And what was she challenged to believe? Jesus had said to her, “Your brother shall rise again? [John 11 v.23] And
Thought for April 17th
Todays readings.. Numbers 36, Proverbs 27, John 9&10 “FOR JUDGEMENT I CAME INTO THIS WORLD” John records some of the most thought challenging sayings of Jesus - more than the other gospel writers. Consider the conversation of Jesus with the man, whose blindness he healed: (he had been born blind so what a healing that was!) The man had declared, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.” In response Jesus
Thought for April 16th
Todays readings.. Numbers 35, Proverbs 26, John 8 "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" What did Jesus mean, “The Truth will set you free?” Free from what? The 8th chapter of John today contains aspects of the teachings of Jesus that we have to think around and put into context to get the correct meaning. The critics of Jesus were usually those whose thought processes were mechanical. They
Thought for April 15th
Todays readings .. Numbers 34, Proverbs 25, John 7 "IF ANYONE'S WILL IS TO DO GOD'S WILL" The Gospel of John is particularly soul stirring as we read it. We learn much detailed information about parts of the ministry of our Lord, filling some of the ‘gaps’ in the other gospels. We learn that the centre of opposition to Jesus was in Jerusalem and
Thought for April 14th
Todays readings.. Numbers 33, Proverbs 24, John 6 “YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE” Today’s 6th chapter of John is particularly challenging – for our meditation. It needs deep thought for the depth of its’ meaning to truly come alive in our minds. Many of his disciples found his words too challenging, too difficult to grasp - and “many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with
“AN HOUR IS COMING WHEN” – Thoughts on the Daily Bible Readings forApril 13th
Todays readings.. Numbers 32, Proverbs 23, John 5 “AN HOUR IS COMING WHEN” In our reading today in John Ch. 5, Jesus speaks of the dead hearing his voice! However, note how he says this twice – and the meaning is different! These quotes are in v.25-29. The first time (v.25) he says, “I say to you, an hour is coming and is now here, when the dead will hear
Thought for April 12th
Todays readings.. Numbers 31, Proverbs 22, John 2&3 "EXECUTE THE LORD'S VENGEANCE" Today’s chapter in Numbers (31) tells us about the death of Balaam and of those who accepted his counsel that the only way to combat the Israelites – was not by force – but by seducing them into immorality. They took his advice and put it into practice and it had worked! But now God
Thought for April 11th
Todays readings.. Numbers 29&30, Proverbs 21, John 2&3 “WHOEVER DOES WHAT IS TRUE …” In today’s ch. 3 of John’s Gospel we have the start of the teaching of Jesus – and how profound – and challenging are many of the verses. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” [v.16] Are the words
Thought for April 10th
Todays readings ... Numbers 28, proverbs 20, John 1 "BUT TO ALL WHO DID RECEIVE HIM ... " Today we start reading John; this is a gospel which challenges us to think very carefully and make sure we harmonise our thoughts about various passages of Scripture. The Gospel starts, “In the beginning was the Word” What beginning? The very first words in the Bible In Genesis are
Thought for April 9th
Todays readings.. Numbers 27, Proverbs 19, Phillipians 3&4 “REJOICE IN THE LORD” Today, more than ever before people, especially the young, love to enjoy themselves. Looking for means of enjoyment is often the pre-occupation of those in “the western world.” They seek situations in which they can have fun, play games, watch shows and much more. Planning for weekends, especially Easter and holidays are special times to rejoice. Our thoughts
Thought for April 8th
Todays readings.. Exodus 26, Proverbs 18, Phillipians 1&2 “HE HUMBLED HIMSELF BY BECOMING …” Paul, in the first 2 chapters of his letter to the Philippians we read today, draws some utterly powerful thoughts, that is, spiritually powerful, from his contemplation of the ‘mortal’ life of our Lord Jesus. Paul tells them to “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than
Thought for April 7th
Todays readings.. numbers 24&25, Proverbs 17, Ephesians 5&6 “AS IS PROPER AMONG SAINTS” What a challenge it is to realize that all those who really believe in God and Jesus Christ are called “saints”. The Greek word translated as saint, means, “holy, set apart.” Saints set themselves apart from worldly, godless ways of thinking and doing. Paul’s letters are addressed to saints, “the saints who are in Ephesus” “saints …
Thought for April 6th
Todays readings... Numbers 22&23, Proverbs 16, Ephesians 3&4 "THAT IS NOT THE WAY YOU LEARNED CHRIST" The chapters in Ephesians today are a passionate plea by Paul to the believers there to see their behaviour does not slip back to what it was before they believed in Christ. Life in those days, like life today was full of distractions, it certainly is today. He tells them, “you must no longer
Thought for April 5th
Todays readings .... Numbers 20&21, Proverbs 15, Ephesians 1&2 “BECAUSE YOU DID NOT BELIEVE” This is what the LORD said to Moses! We prove whether or not we believe God means what he says by what we do! We show whether we have listened carefully to his word by how we act! Near enough, is not good enough! Now, it is important that we understand why the LORD said these
Thought for April 4th
Todays readings.. Numbers 19, Proverbs 14, Galations 5&6 “LET US NOT GROW WEARY OF DOING GOOD” There are so many challenging, indeed bad situations, in our world. It was so in Paul’s experiences, as his comment to the Galatians in today’s chapter shows. If any of them are near us – and we can help the situation, we should “let us not grow weary of doing good, for
Thought for April 3rd
Todays readings.. Numbers 17&18, Proverbs 13, Galations 3&4. "GOD HAS SENT THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON” In his letter to the Galatians Paul reminds those who have responded to his teaching and become believers - of what they had been previously when they did not know the true God. Some have little trouble in letting previous beliefs and associated practices fade from their minds, but obviously
Thought for April 2nd
Todays readings.. Numbers 16, Proverbs 12, Galations 1&2 ‘TURNING TO A DIFFERENT GOSPEL” In the opening chapter of his letter to the Galatians Paul writes of his astonishment “that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.” [Ch.1 v.6]. He goes on to say that “if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one
Thought for April 1st
Todays readings... Numbers 15, Proverbs 11, Luke 24 "DID NOT OUR HEARTS BURN" What is a burning heart? When our minds are set on ‘fire’ by news of some dramatic event, especially if it affects us – then our hearts “burn”. Maybe you have not had such an experience – but when I was young I remember the ‘fire’ in the discussions among the brethren and sisters when there was
Thought for March 31st
“IF THE LORD DELIGHTS IN US” There is a climax point in most lives – a cross roads where a decision has to be made as to which path we will take! We read yesterday in Numbers of the conflicting reports of the twelve who had gone up to spy out the land, a 500 mile journey in 40 days. Today we read of the reaction of the mass of
Thought for March 30th
Todays readings.. Numbers 12&13, Proverbs 8&9, Luke 22 "WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE" Today we read nearly 50 verses in Proverbs on the wonderful value of Godly wisdom. It is written as though wisdom is a person – and of course the Lord Jesus is the one and
Thought for March 29th
Todays readings.. Numbers 11, Proverbs 7, Luke 21 "FOREBODING OF WHAT IS COMING ON THE WORLD" Foreboding is not a word we use much these days, the dictionary says it means – ‘have a premonition of something evil or harmful.’ Jesus used it (as translated by the ESV) in our reading today [Luke 21 v.26] in forecasting, just before he returned, “distress of nations in
Thought for March 28th
Todays readings.. Numbers 10, Proverbs 6, Luke 20 “STAY AWAKE AT ALL TIMES” We say that suicide is how people destroy themselves, but our reading in Proverbs today shows there is another way. We read “He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself. Wounds and dishonour will he get and his disgrace will not be wiped away.” [Ch. 6 v32,33] Adultery is not a word you
Thought for March 27th
Todays readings.. Numbers 8&9, Proverbs 5, Luke 19 “A HOUSE OF PRAYER” Our readings in the book of Numbers and the Gospel of Luke include references to cleansing. In Numbers we read yesterday how they consecrated the tabernacle now that it had been set up, offerings were made by each of the 12 tribes. It was about to be used for the first time to celebrate the Passover. It
Thought for March 26th
Todays readings.. Numbers 7, Proverbs 4, Luke 18 "THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS IS LIKE ... " Life is a pathway and the Book of Proverbs has many observations about the nature of this pathway and the challenges to those who walk upon it. Of course, the fact is that everyone is walking on it! Today’s chapter (4) has much to say about the responsibility of fathers to
Thoughts for March 25th
Todays readings .. Numbers 6, Proverbs 3, Luke 17 “PAY ATTENTION TO YOURSELVES” Our ch. 17 in Luke starts with Jesus telling his disciples - "Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come!” Are we a means by which others may be tempted? A great deal (as far as we can gather) of what is on TV portrays ungodliness – and is
Thought for March 24th
Todays readings.. Numbers 5, Proverbs 2, Luke 16 "ONE WHO IS DISHONEST IN VERY LITTLE" Honesty seems to be an increasingly rare commodity in the 21st Century. Cheating the Govt at least a little is a common practice. There is surprise when one hands back money when you have been given too much change when making a purchase! We read today a parable Jesus told about a manager
Thought for March 23rd
Todays readings.. Numbers 3, Proverbs 1, Luke 15 “LET THE WISE HEAR AND INCREASE IN …” Today we started reading the proverbs of Solomon and the opening chapters in particular, are really heart challenging. “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the LORD is
Thought for March 22nd
Todays readings.. Numbers 3, Psalms 148-150, Luke 13&14 "WERE WORSE SINNERS ... BECAUSE THEY SUFFERED IN THIS WAY?" In reading Luke 13 today we pondered the challenging conversation Jesus had with “some present” about the cause of recent tragedies.” Jesus challenged the conclusions some had drawn about the cause of these events? In particular, he asked, when a tower fell down and killed 18 people was because they
Thought for March 21st
Todays readings.. Numbers 2, Psalms 145-147, Luke 12 “ONE’S LIFE DOES NOT CONSIST IN …” Today’s 12th chapter in Luke contains some of the most challenging teaching of Jesus – it is as appropriate today as it was then! A crowd surrounded him and “Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." [v.13] And that is what people are interested in
Thought for March 20th
Todays readings.. Numbers 1, Psalms 143-144, Luke 11 “WHOEVER IS NOT WITH ME …” Jesus spoke in parables, stories that were not necessarily factual because their purpose was to drive home some principle about the spiritual meaning of life. In Luke 10 we encounter some one word parables and phrases that are so obviously not literal. He did many miracles in Capernaum and other cities. He challenges, “If the mighty
Thought for March 19th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 27, Psalms 140-142, Luke 10 "WHEN MY SPIRIT FAINTS ... THEN YOU KNOW MY WAY" In contrast to the wonderful spiritual perceptions of Psalm 139 which we read yesterday, today we have a Psalm which is in some ways the opposite. The superscription at the start says it was a prayer of David when he was in a cave. David was twice in great peril in
Thought for March 18th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 26, Psalms 137-139, Luke 9 "SEARCH ME O GOD AND KNOW ... AND LEAD..." I remember searchlights as a boy. Beams of light would sweep across the sky from near where I lived. They were searching for enemy planes, if they found one they would lock on to it and the gunners would try to shoot it down. My wife Fran had
Thought for March 17th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 25, Psalms 135, 136, Luke 8 "WHATEVER THE LORD PLEASES HE DOES" This quotation from today’s Psalm [135 v.6] is a challenge to our perception of the ways of God, let’s think about this. Today, at least in this country, the attitude is that you must let children do as they please! The reasoning is that parents must not stunt the development of their personality. We
2018 – Will This be the Year?
Thought for March 16th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 24, Psalms 131-134, Luke 7 “UNTIL I FIND A PLACE FOR …” “Remember O LORD in David’s favour, all the hardships he endured, how he swore to the LORD and vowed … “ [Psalm 132 v.1-2] The prayer and petition in that Psalm has a very significant lesson for us. What particular thing did David vow to do that he should be
Thought for March 15th
Todays readings... Leviticus 23, Psalms 128-130, Luke 6 “ALL NIGHT HE CONTINUED IN PRAYER” Can we imagine continuing all night in prayer? This is what Jesus did – as we read today in Luke ch. 6. Why did he, as the Son of God, find this necessary? And what was the result of his prayer? In v. 12 & 13 we read, “In these days he went out to
Thought for March 14th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 22, Psalms 125-127, Luke 5 “WHEN HE SAW THEIR FAITH” In our 5th chapter in Luke’s gospel today there is a thought provoking account of a paralysed man that was brought to Jesus on a stretcher by his friends. (v,18) When they could not get near to Jesus, who was in a house, and the crowd around him, seems to have included “scribes and Pharisees” [v.21] “they
Thought for March 13th
Todays readings .. Leviticus 21, Psalms 120-124, Luke 4 “MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD” Psalm 121 today begins with a question – and sometimes this is not recognised. The Psalmist is lifting up his eyes to the hills and asking, “from where does my help come?” The pagan people around and all too often the Jewish people also, looked to high places where they
Thought for March 12th
Todays readings .. Leviticus 20, Psalm 119:129-176, Luke 3 “MY HEART STANDS IN AWE …” “What shall we do?” was the question “the crowds asked” in our reading in Luke Ch. 3 today. You may recognise it as the same question the crowds asked Peter on the day of Pentecost, when Peter answered “Repent and be baptised.” . But we saw today that John the Baptist gave a different answer
Thought for March 11th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 19, Psalm 119: 81-128, Luke 2 “SO THAT THOUGHTS FROM MANY HEARTS MAY BE REVEALED” Many of the thoughts we have in our hearts are personal, we keep them to ourselves; but are they useful, are they productive? Could they sometimes be the starting point for prejudices we develop? They can be – unless our thoughts are constantly fed and influenced by God’s word which alone
Thought for March 10th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 17&18, Psalm 119: 41-80, Luke 8 “SO KEEP MY CHARGE NEVER TO …” Leviticus does not make pleasant reading, but there are many things in the Bible which make us feel uncomfortable – for our own good. We could not fail to notice, in reading chapter 18, the parallel with much of human behaviour today. The LORD tells Moses about his abhorrence of many of the ways
Thought for March 9th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 16, Psalm 119:1-40, 2 Corinthians 12&13 "FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG" What a contradiction that statement of Paul seems to be! Could we say that? The final 2 chapters of 2nd Corinthians which we read today is an emotional plea to the believers at Corinth. In both his letter to Galatians (4 v.11) and 1 Thessalonians (3 v.5) Paul
Thought for March 8th
Todays readings ... Leviticus 15, Psalms 117&118, 2 Corinthians 10&11 “UNCLEAN, UNCLEAN” A person with leprosy in Bible times was expected to cry out "UNCLEAN,
Thought for March 7th
Todays readings ... Leviticus 14, Psalm 115&116, 2 Corinthians 8&9 “THEREFORE I WILL CALL UPON HIM AS LONG AS I LIVE” How inspiring are the Psalms we read this morning. Psalm 115 starts, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory … “ God’s name, that is, his reputation for all he has done, beginning with creation, has this primary sense of
Thought for March 6th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 12&13, Psalms 113&114, 2 Corinthians 5-7 “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES FROM …” Remember how the disciples showed Jesus the grandeur of the Temple (Mark 13 v.1,2) and he shocked them by saying it was all going to be destroyed! Now see how today’s reading in 2nd Corinthians shows how the temple was to be replaced. There is a new kind of Temple where God wants to dwell
Thought for March 5th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 11, Psalms 110-112, 2 Corinthians 2&3 “NOT AFRAID OF BAD NEWS” The Psalms abound with challenging and positive thoughts in them. But our lives are often invaded by situations that provoke negative thoughts. We need the positive inspired words of the Psalms, Israel’s Hymn Book that David began to compile more than 3,000 years ago. They are a great stimulus to positive thinking. “The righteous will not
Thought for March 4th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 9&10, Psalms 108&109, 2 Corinthians 1&2 "FOR WE ARE THE AROMA OF CHRIST" Modern manufacturing and advertising salesmanship has become very ingenious in what they produce and encourage the public to buy – at least that is so in what we call the ‘western’ world. Many of these things are far from essential, for example, the expensive things that
Thought for March 3rd
Todays readings... Leviticus 8, Psalm 107, 1 Corinthians 16 “IT WILL TAKE SEVEN DAYS TO ORDAIN YOU” We have been reading in Leviticus about the laws and offerings that were to now come into operation now that the Tabernacle was set up and ready for use. Today’s reading (Ch. 8) is about how the LORD tells Moses to bring Aaron and his sons and assemble the entire congregation to
Thought for March 2nd
Todays readings... leviticus 7, Psalm 106, 1 Corinthians 15 "GOD, WHO GIVES US THE VICTORY THROUGH …” We pondered why the above saying rather suddenly occurs in that very moving and oft quoted 15th chapter of 1 Corinthians. Parts of this chapter are often read at funerals, it contains a powerful testimony to the certainty of resurrection and that “in Christ shall all be made alive” [v.22]
Thought for March 1st
Todays readings.. Leviticus 1&2, psalm 105, 1 Corinthians 14 "A BREACH OF FAITH AGAINST THE LORD" The book of Leviticus goes into great detail about how the people were to become a law abiding people by obeying the laws God was giving them. Tragically, apart from the Levites, the grown up people who had experienced life in Egypt, even though they had been slaves, never humbled themselves to
Thought for February 28th
Todays readings ... Leviticus 3&4, Psalm 104, I corinthians 12&13 "THE GREATEST OF THESE IS ..." What is the most valuable thing to possess? It is not a material possession - not even gold, which was greatly used in making the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple. Paul spells out to the Corinthians in today's ch. 13 what is the greatest attribute that a believer can - and must - possess. It
Thought for February 27th
Todays readings.. Leviticus 1&2, Psalm 103, 1 Corinthians 11 " ... TOWARD THOSE WHO FEAR HIM" What is it to "fear" God? It does not mean to be afraid or scared of God - but rather - to be in awe of him: this is the sense in which we encounter the word in verses 11,13 & 17 in today's 103rd Psalm, “so great is his steadfast love toward those
Thought for February 26th
Todays readings... Exodus 39&40, Psalm 102, 1 Corinthians 10 "WE MUST NOT PUT CHRIST TO THE TEST" Paul’s comments on Moses and how the people “all passed through the sea and all were baptised into Moses” [1 Cor. 10 v.1,2] obviously relate to what we have been reading in Exodus. Paul then states, “For they all drank from the Rock that followed them, and the Rock was
Thought for February 25th
Todays readings.. Exodus 38, Psalms 100&101, 1Corinthians 8&9 "IF ANYONE LOVES GOD, HE IS KNOWN BY GOD" Love is, above all, an active quality; genuine love causes us to do things: it is a motivation from the heart. The things love causes us to do are not things we do out of a sense of obligation, occasions when we say, “I suppose I had better …” We meditated
Thought for February 24th
Todays readings.. Exodus 37, Psalm 96-99, 1 Corinthians 7 “SECURE YOUR UNDIVIDED DEVOTION TO THE LORD” This phrase occurs in our Corinthians chapter (7) today. It is a chapter that is not as clear in meaning in some sections as we would like, but it becomes clearer as you take a contextual view of the flow of Paul’s reasoning. As we have read in the preceding chapters the large ecclesia
Thought for February 23rd
Todays readings.. Exodus 36, Psalm 94&95, 1 Corinthians 6 "WHEN THE CARES OF MY HEART ARE MANY ... " Our readings today provoke a multitude of thoughts, but it is the Psalms that provoke our personal meditations – that are so needful in the godless world of 2017, Psalm 94 contains many consoling and stimulating thoughts, especially for those who are exposed, every day, to the world and
Thought for February 22nd
Todays readings.. Exodus 35, Psalm 92&93, 1 Corinthians 4&5 “FOR YOU O LORD HAVE MADE ME GLAD ….” Today’s Psalm (92) tells us “It is good … to declare your steadfast love in the morning” [v.1,2] It is important to begin each day with taking at least a little time to focus our thoughts upon God, to declare to him in prayer our “steadfast love.” We read on, “For you
Thought for February 21st
Todays readings.. Exodus 33&34, Psalms 90&91, 1 Corinthians 3 "I ... COULD NOT ADDRESS YOU AS SPIRITUAL PEOPLE" Our 5 chapters today were intensely thought provoking. First, the utterly remarkable and challenging relationship of Moses (and the people through Moses) with the LORD (yhwh) who had delivered them from Egypt . Second, the Psalms of Moses, 90 & 91; “So teach us
Thought for February 20th
Todays readings.. Exodus 31&31, Psalm 89, 1 Corinthians 1&2 “THAT YOU BE UNITED IN THE SAME MIND” We have an overflow of challenging thoughts in our readings today. Paul’s words that particularly arrested our attention was his “appeal to you brothers by the name of our Lord that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment” [1 Cor. 1 v.10-11]. This essential factor needs to exist among
Thought for February 19th
Todays readings.. Exodus 30, Psalm 87&88, Mark 15&16 "THAT WE MAY SEE AND BELIEVE" What causes belief – real conviction of belief? Well, it depends what you want to believe; what you see you need to believe! If someone cries ‘Fire’ – you lose no time in acting to verify if the cry is genuine – and seeing what you can possibly
Thought for February 18th
Todays readings... Exodus 29, Psalm 85&86, Mark 14 “TEACH ME THY WAY O LORD” In the Old Testament in Exodus (Ch.29) we are reading about the institution of the first covenant with Moses ordaining Aaron as High Priest and all the sacrifices of animals that were involved. We compare this with what we read today in Mark’s gospel about the institution of the “new covenant” [ch. 14 v.24] that replaced
Thought for February 17th
Todays readings... Exodus 28,Psalm 83&84, Mark 13 “KEEP … STAY AWAKE” How challenging is today’s ch. 13 in Mark’s gospel. In part, the words of Jesus, applied to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, this was 35-40 years after the preaching/teaching years of Jesus. But then Jesus moves his ‘vision’ further forward to reveal the divine ‘picture’ of the final time of judgement on godless human beings; “days” when “there will be such tribulation
Thought for February 16th
Todays readings.. Exodus 27, Psalm 81&82, Mark 12 “AS IT HAS BEEN SHOWN…” In Exodus we are reading all the details of the construction of the tabernacle. This was to be the centre of worship for the Israelites for hundreds of years to come. All the detail of its’ construction and its’ measurements are given; this may seem rather boring to read – the precise material to be used, highlighting
Thought for February 15th
Todays readings.. Exodus 26, Psalm 79&80, Mark 11 "GOD SPOKE ALL THESE WORDS’ What is at first most surprising as we read the book of Exodus, is the detail Moses is given of the way to construct the tabernacle. We note that, starting with Ch. 20 v.1 “God spoke all these words” to Moses. Today in Ch. 26 we have God’s detailed instructions; he said to Moses, “moreover
Thought for February 14th
Todays readings .. Exodus 24&25, Psalm 78, Matthew 10 “THEY FLATTERED … THEY LIED” Scanning our eyes through today’s reading of Psalm 78, our attention was arrested by the many references to God’s people Israel that – they did this, and they did that. We counted 27 times the word “they” occurred! The word ‘they” was used in reference to things they did – or did not do. We meditated
Thought for February 13th
Todays readings.. Exodus 23, Psalm 77, Mark 9 “YOU SHALL NOT JOIN HANDS WITH … “ Shaking and joining hands is a
Thought for February 12th
Todays readings.. Exodus 22, Psalm 75&76, Mark 8 “WILL … BE ASHAMED WHEN HE COMES” “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes … “ [Mark 8 v.38] Why would we be ashamed of Jesus? Notice, he specifically refers to his words! What has Jesus said that we would be
Thought for February 11th
Todays readings.. Exodus 21, Psalm 74, Mark 7 "THE HABITATIONS OF VIOLENCE" Every time we listen to the world news we hear accounts of violence in various places. Our Psalm today (74) has some comparison to this as it was most likely written after the destruction of the Temple for the Psalmist (Asaph) is lamenting, “the enemy has set your sanctuary on fire; they profaned the dwelling place of
Thought for February 10th
Todays readings... Exodus 19&20, Psalm 73, Mark 6 “ALL THAT THE LORD HAS SPOKEN WE WILL DO” This was the great promise the people made to Moses when they “encamped before the mountain (of the LORD)” [Exodus 19 v.2]. It was 2 months since they had left Egypt. God instructs Moses to tell the people: “You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians … Now therefore, if
Thought for February 9th
Todays readings.. Exodus 17&18, Psalm 72, Mark 5 “MAY THE WHOLE EARTH BE FILLED WITH …” Today, we read the inspiring vision of the future contained in Psalm 72. Now, David's primary vision in writing it, was for his son Solomon's' reign. It starts, “Give the king your justice, O God." We can read this Psalm - and see both a short range and a long range, even eternal application
Thought for February 8th
Todays readings ....Exodus 16, Psalm 70&71, Mark 4 WHO THEN IS THIS?
Thought for February 7th
Todays readings.. Exodus 15, Psalm 69, Mark 3 "... MAGNIFY HIM WITH THANKSGIVING" Feb. 7th Is there an attitude of thankfulness for all the blessings we have today? In most countries there is ample food and clothing, especially in Australia where there is an abundance of everything we could possibly require – and many things we do not need! It is such a
Thought for February 6th
Todays readings ... Exodus 13&14, Psalm 68, Mark 10. “AND THEY FEARED GREATLY” Chapters 13 & 14 of Exodus describe for us the dramatic deliverance of Israel from Egypt. Yet, as all the drama is unfolding so that “the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD” [14 v.4], the escaping people of God led by Moses were unable to see the hand of God in action, they were not
Thoughts for February 5th
Todays readings.. Exodus 11&12, Psalm 66&67, Mark 1 "IF I HAD CHERISHED INIQUITY IN MY HEART" The Psalms are often very personal. We read today of the great things God has done – and will yet do. The more we are conscious of God, the more we should have the heart felt desire to serve him and that, that service should be the very best of which we
Thought for February 4th
Todays readings.. Exodus 10, Psalm 64&65, Romans 15&16 " ... FILL YOU WITH ALL JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING" What fills us with joy and peace? What kind of joy? The frivolity which so many seek to fill their spare time is not at all the joy that Paul is writing about as he completes his letter to the Romans. It does not create “peace.” The full context of his
Thought for February 3rd
Todays reading... Exodus 9, Psalm 62*63, Romans 13&14 "O GOD ... EARNESTLY I SEEK YOU" David's intense personal relationship with God is an example and an inspiration for us. Psalm 62 starts, “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.” And then Psalm 63, ´ O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you “
Thought for February 2nd
Readings for today.. Exodus 7&8, Psalm 60 &61, Romans 12 “VENGEANCE IS MINE I WILL REPAY” Our ch. 12 in Romans is one of the most significant in God’s word. How significant for us is the advice given in v.12. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” The world around us offers nothing in which we can genuinely rejoice. Must if not all of us can
Thought for February 1st
Todays readings... Exodus 5&6, Psalm 58&59, Romans 10&11 "THE KINDNESS AND THE SEVERITY OF GOD" It is fundamental to human nature, uninfluenced by God's Word, to become proud about what they are achieving. Paul makes this point strongly in chapter 11 of his letter to the Romans. He warns the Gentile converts not to follow the same path as did most leading Jews in their pride in their privileged position
Thought for January 31st
Todays readings.. Exodus 3&4, Psalm 56&57, Romans 9 "THAT MY NAME MIGHT BE PROCLAIMED" Our readings today - in Exodus and Romans tie in together in their reference to the exaltation of Moses, now ready, in God’s sight, to serve him after 40 years of preparation “in the land of Midian.” Moses is now a meek and humble man (Numbers 12 v.3) – God can now use him.
Thought for January 30th
Todays readings... Exodus 1&2, Psalm 53-55, Romans 7&8 “WE WAIT EAGERLY FOR” Paul’s letter to the Romans contains some of the most meaningful and thought provoking words in Scripture. It is extremely challenging to read it and embrace all its’ points in our minds. Maybe, more than any other book in the Bible, this book calls for our diligent and meditative study. But this is the challenge of the whole
Thought for January 29th
Todays readings.. Genesis 48-50, Psalm 51&52, Romans 5&6 IN WHICH GOD DELIGHTS IN The readings today all challenge us to think and meditate on their application to ourselves. Much personal meditation is called for. Genesis 48 contains Jacob’s reflections at the end of his life, his relationship with “the God who has been my shepherd all my life long to this day” [v.15]. Psalm 51 contains David’s outpourings of remorse
Thought for January 28th
Todays readings... Genesis 46&47, Psalm 50, Romans 3&4 “CLAIMING TO BE WISE, THEY BECAME …” Yesterday we started reading Paul’s letter to the Romans. It contains so much that is relevant to life today. Paul writes of how humans, “claiming to be wise, they became fools” [Ch.1 v.22] He says, “what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them” [v.19] He
Thought for January 27th
Todays readings.. Genesis 44&45, Psalm 49, Romans 1&2 “WHY SHOULD I FEAR IN TIME OF TROUBLE” How challenging for us is the ungodliness that surrounds us. It has some degree of attraction for us in our fleshly weaknesses. Our Psalm 49 today begins, “Hear this, all peoples! Give ear, all inhabitants of the world, both low and high, rich and poor together!” How few can “hear” God’s message to them today!
Thought for January 26th
Todays readings...Genesis 42&43, Psalm 46-48, Matthew 28 "GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTH" Just as parts of the Psalms, such as 22 v.1 and 16 v,10,11 foreshadowed events and sayings in the mortal life of our Lord, so Psalms 46 and 47 we read today can be seen as portraying the awesome events at and after the time of his second coming. The overview of those events
Thouught for January 25th
Todays readings .. Genesis 41, Psalm 45, Matthew 27 “THEREFORE NATIONS WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVER …” The above quotation is found in the final verse of today’s Psalm 45. The whole Psalm is an awesome heart challenging description of the kingdom – and of Jesus - saying that “grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever.” [v.2] What awesomely prophetic verses follow! “Gird your sword on
Thought for January 24th
Todays readings... Genesis 39&40, Psalm 44, Matthew 26 "THE LORD CAUSED ALL THAT HE DID TO SUCCEED" There is a lot of ‘food for thought’ in today’s account in Genesis of the experience of young Joseph after he was sold as a slave into Egypt by his jealous brothers. We need to take careful note of the several references to the LORD’s involvement in his life. Verse 2 (of
Thought for January 23rd
Todays readings ..Genesis 38, Psalm 41-43, Matthew 25 "MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD" Today’s Psalm 42 has this particularly challenging verse, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” [v.2] We linked this verse in with the two parables we read today in Matthew Ch. 25. There is first a parable of 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom to arrive,
Thought for January 22nd
Todays readings.. Genesis 37, Psalm 39&40, Matthew 24 SUN, MOON & STARS In both our Genesis and Matthew readings today we have reference to the
Thought for January 21st
Todays readings... Genesis 36, Psalm 38, Matthew 23 "THEY DO ALL THEIR DEEDS TO BE SEEN BY OTHERS” In our chapter today (Matthew 23), Jesus totally directs his comments against the attitudes displayed by the religious leaders. They see him as a rival! He is now in Jerusalem; the climax of his first coming is now just a few days away. In one sense he is stirring
Thought for January 20th
Todays readings.. Genesis 34&35m Psalm 37, Matthew 22 “BE NOT ENVIOUS” The world today concentrates an enormous amount on marketing goods and services: the internet, radio, TV, newspapers and magazines are full of promoting one kind of thing or another. A fundamental aim is to make people envious of what other people have or experience so that they want it themselves! Do we feel envious at times? David’s Psalm (No.
Thought for January 19th
Todays readings.. Genesis 32&33, Psalm 36, Matthew 21 “THEY WERE INDIGNANT” Today’s chapter in Matthew (21) is full of drama and thought-challenging incidents. The opposition to Jesus caused by his popularity had reached fever pitch. The religious leaders were afraid to take any action against him because his popularity had become so intense. We read of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “the crowds that went before him and that followed
Thought for January 18th
Todays readings.. Genesis 31, Psalm 35, Matthew 20 “GREAT IS THE LORD WHO DELIGHTS IN …” David’s Psalm 35, we read today, comes to a most interesting climax. We read, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" And what is David’s reaction to sensing the LORD’s delight in him? “Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.”[last
Thought for January 17th
Todays readings.. Genesis 30, Psalm 34, Matthew 20 “OH, TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD” Our 34th Psalm of David today is wonderfully spiritually stimulating; it is one to be memorised, at least in part. “Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack!” [v.9] David can write this from his own experience - he is one of the primary example
Thought for January 16th
Todays readings.. Genesis 28&29, Psalm 33, Matthew 18 “FORGIVE … FROM YOUR HEART” The message that jumps out of all 3 Bible Readings today is how God can react to our attitudes. In Genesis Jacob married both Leah and Rachel, the daughters of Laban, but Rachel he loved and Leah he hated. God reacted, “When the LORD saw that Leah was hated he opened her womb, but Rachel was barren”
Thought for January 15th
Todays readings ... Genesis 27, Psalm 32, Matthew 17 “BLESSED IS THE MAN AGAINST WHOM THE LORD COUNTS NO INIQUITY” Today’s Psalm 32 is one of the most meaningful and personal of all the Psalms. Just 11 verses; it is a good one to memorize. It commences, “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man (or woman) against whom the
Thought for January 14th
Todays readings.. Genesis 25&26, Psalm 31, Matthew 16 “BE STRONG AND LET YOUR HEART TAKE COURAGE” How stimulating for us in today’s godless world is the attitude David reveals in today’s Psalm 31. David has had a time of depression – and have not we all had times (hopefully very few and brief) when we feel somewhat overwhelmed by our immediate circumstances – and even more - by the challenges
Thought for January 13th
Todays readings.. Genesis 24. Psalm 29&30, Matthew 15 "THE VOICE OF THE LORD" The sevenfold occurrence of the phrase “the voice of the LORD” in today’s Psalm (29) intrigued us. Then when we came to the Matthew reading, the words of Isaiah Jesus quoted caught our attention, “This people honours me with their lips but their heart is far from me” [Ch.15 v.8]. The contrast between God’s “voice” and
Thought for January 12th
Todays readings ..Genesis 22&23, Psalm 26-28, Matthew 14 “AND HE COUNTED IT TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS” Today we have read that significant chapter in Genesis (22) in which Abraham obeys the LORD by being prepared – without hesitation – to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. The progressive tests of faith which Abraham “passed” resulted in ever greater promises being made to him. Did you notice how, the very
Thought for January 11th
Todays readings ... Genesis 20&21, Psalms 23-25, Matthew 13 “ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE AND …” What is really so special about Psalms 23? There are several popular hymns based on its words. Are these just words? God’s words need to ‘live’ in our heart – not just go in one ear and out the other, as the saying is. In today’s non-stop world, that happens all too easily.
Thought for January 10th
Todays readings.. Genesis 19, Psalm 22, Matthew 12 “SCORNED BY MANKIND” What fascinating thought challenging readings we have today! First, in Genesis we have the judgement of the Creator on the godlessness of Sodom and Gomorrah and how God sent angels to deliver Lot, his wife and family. We read how his sons-in-law scoffed and his wife lingered, her faith was inadequate. Our thoughts go back to the verses in
Thought for January 9th
Todays readings ... Genesis 17&18, Psalms 19-21, Matthew 11 “THIS GENERATION” Jesus said, “to what shall I liken this generation?” [Matt. 11 v.16] Each generation has had those who search for answers as to the meaning of life. John the Baptist, shut up in prison appears to have wanted reassurance when he sent his disciples to Jesus, asking, are you really the one? Notice how Jesus never gives plain ‘Yes’
Thought for January 8th
Todays readings.. Genesis 15&16, Psalm 18, Matthew 10 “THE WORD OF THE LORD PROVES TRUE” In Psalm 18 we encounter a major psalm of David in which he surveys all the ways in which the LORD was overseeing his life. God is his rock, his place of refuge(v.2). He writes that the LORD has dealt with him according to his righteousness “according to the cleanness of my hands he rewarded me” [v.20]
Thought for January 7th
Todays readings.. Genesis 13&14, Psalm 17, Matthew 9 “INCLINE YOUR EAR TO ME … WONDROUSLY SHOW …” How wonderful was the relationship David developed with God; as we meditate on his Psalms they ‘move’ our hearts to develop profound meditations - to contemplate all that our Heavenly Father must be – and the wonder of His Son – our mediator – at His right hand. Today’s Psalm 17 is a
Thought for January 6th
Todays readings ... Genesis 11&12, Psalm 14-16, Matthew 8 “NOTHING … WILL NOW BE IMPOSSIBLE” In Chapter 11 of Genesis we read, “now the whole earth had one language and the same words” [v.1] and they decided to “build ourselves a city and a tower … lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth” [v.4] The text then goes on to say that the LORD came down
Thoughts for January 5th
Todays readings.. Genesis 9&10, Psalm 11-13, Matthew 7 “THE FLOODS CAME, AND THE WINDS BLEW …” Today we have the ‘simple’ lessons Jesus taught – they are lessons of life – or death – of eternal existence – or oblivion, in an eternal sense – these are the only 2 alternatives before each of us. Our ch. 7 in Mathew’s gospel opens out to us the simple but profound
Thought for January 4th
Todays readings.. Genesis 7&8, Psalm 9&10, Matthew 6 “ARISE O LORD! LET NOT MAN PREVAIL.” Our daily readings today provide us with many thoughts – and meditations. David’s Psalms are, in most cases, prayers – and how appropriate are some of them for us in 2017 - especially the final verses of Psalm 9. “Arise, O LORD! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put
Thought for January 3rd
Todays readings .. Genesis 5&6, Psalm 6-8, Matthew 5 “ACCORDING TO THE INTEGRITY THAT IS IN ME” What a challenging selection of chapters we have today! Our heading is taken from David’s Psalm 7: it is largely a prayer; can it be our prayer too!? “…judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness and according to the integrity that is in me. Oh, let the evil of the wicked come
Thought for January 2nd
Todays readings ... Genesis 3&4, Psalm 3,4&5, Matthew 3&4 “THE CHAFF HE WILL BURN” It is good to look for positive things as we read the Scriptures and we have them today in some of the verses in Psalm 4. David begins by requesting; “Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness!” David says I “know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD
Thought for January 1st
Todays readings.. genesis 1&2, Psalm 1&2, Matthew 1&2 "IN THE BEGINNING" The Bible begins with the above words. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”: a simple statement. No indication is given as to when this initial act of creation took place. It is regrettable that some read into these simple words more than they say. Some go on to claim, but this claim was only
Thought for December 31st
Todays readings.. Job 41&42, Malachi 3&4, Revelation 21&22 “BUT NOW MY EYE SEES YOU” An abundance of challenging and inspiring thoughts occur in our minds as we complete our readings for the year. In Revelation we read, "Behold, I am making all things new." [21 v.5] and as part of this wonderful future is the promise, “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his
Thought for December 30th
Todays readings.. Job 40, Malachi 2, Revelation 19&20 "FOR THE FINE LINEN IS ... " Although the book of Revelation contains much symbolic language we can build up a framework of understanding from the definitions it provides. We have now reached the climax and see the vindication of those who faithfully serve him in spite of all the opposition and challenges to faith they have variously encountered in the
Thought for December 29th
Todays readings... Job 39, Malachi 1, Revelation 17&18 “WHAT A WEARINESS THIS IS” Malachi is the last prophet God sent to his people Israel before John the Baptist and Christ came on the scene. After Malachi there is silence in Israel, no inspired man from God appears. Of course the records of the messages of the prophets are available; indeed they are carefully preserved as we can see from the
Thought for December 28th
Todays readings ... Job 38. Zechariah 13&14, Revelation 15&16 “BEHOLD A DAY IS COMING…” Today’s reading of the last chapter of the prophet Zechariah starts with, “Behold a day is coming …” and our reading in Revelation contains the only verse in the Bible with the word ARMAGEDDON. False spirits (attitudes?) “ … go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great
Thought for December 27th
Todays readings.. Job 37, Zechariah 12, Revelation 14 “LOOK ON … HIM WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED” First we note that there are no less than nine times the phrase “on that day” today occurs in just 15 verses in Zechariah Chapter 12 through to the first 2 verses of chapter 13. We note the prelude to these pronouncements, “Thus declares the LORD who stretched out the heavens and founded
Thought for December 26th
Todays readings.. Job 35&36, Zechariah 11, Revelation 12&13 Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.. “ENDURANCE AND FAITH” “Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints” [Rev.13 v.10] This statement in Revelation was true then – and it is just as true today, and it is almost certain to become even a guiding principle in the lives of earnest believers
Thought for December 25th
Todays readings.. Job 34, Zechariah 10, Revelation 10&11 “WE GIVE THANKS TO YOU LORD” The Book of Revelation offers us a wondrous vision in today's chapter, a vision to which nearly all the world is blind - as they 'celebrate' this day in human ways. We read how there are loud voices in heaven saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and
Thought for December 24th
Todays readings.. Job 33, Zechariah 9, Revelation 7, 8&9 “SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER” The book of Revelation is about the drama of human history from God’s perspective. We read of visions, largely, but not entirely, in symbol, these picture God’s judgements on human godlessness but ultimate blessings for those who remain faithful. The climax from the believers perspective is the opening the book of life. There are blessings for
Thought for December 23rd
Todays readings .. Job 31&32, Zechariah 8, Revelation 5&6 "I WILL CAUSE THE REMNANT OF THIS PEOPLE" All five of today’s chapters listed for our reading are specially thought provoking. Job reaches the climax of his responses to the faulty reasoning of his “friends” silencing them. Then in Zechariah we saw God’s clear latter day prophecies - and in Revelation some dramatic words to describe
Thought for December 22nd
Todays readings.. Job 29&30, Zechariah 6&7, Revelation 3&4 "THOSE WHOM I LOVE I REPROVE AND DISCIPLINE" The 7 letters to the 7 different assemblies of believers that we read in Revelation 2 and 3 always challenge our thinking. They are representative of all the different types of congregations that have existed over time and each of us should be able to see in one or more of them, a
Thought for December 21st
Todays readings... Job 28, Zechariah 4&5, Revelation 1&2 Job 28:12 (& v.20) But where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Job 28:28 And he said to man, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding. "WHERE SHALL WISDOM BE FOUND?" The three “friends” of Job have given up reasoning with him, their
Thought for December 20th
Todays readings.. Job 25,26&27, Zechariah 2&3, Jude “BUILDING YOURSELVES UP IN YOUR MOST HOLY FAITH” It is God’s inspired Scriptures that are the only source in our Godless world for “building (y)ourselves up in (y)our most holy faith,” as Jude wrote so long ago. But first let us see how our chapters today in Job are very special. Job was inspired to write of God’s creation and describe how the
Thought for December 19th
Todays readings.. Job 23&24, Zechariah 1, 2&3 John “WHOM I LOVE IN TRUTH” Today we read those two short personal
Thought for December 18th
Todays readings .. Job 22, Haggai 1&2, 1 John 5 "NOW, BE STRONG" Today we read the 2 chapters of the message of “Haggai the prophet” [1 v.1]. He was contemporary with Ezra and his role, before Ezra came to Jerusalem, was to express God’s frustration at the lack of action by those who had already returned. They had not got on with the task of rebuilding the
Thought for December 17th
Todays readings ... Job 21, Zephaniah 3, 1 John 3&4 "SEE WHAT KIND OF LOVE ….” The word LOVE is used so much in conversation we can easily undervalue the meaning of this word in the Bible. It occurs repeatedly in the 2 chapters we read in 1 John today (3 & 4). It is a profound subject. The Apostle John uses it frequently in his Epistles. He
Thought for December 16th
Todays readings.. Job 20, Zephaniah 2, 1 John 2&3 “SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS, SEEK HUMILITY” Zephaniah’s prophecy begins, “The word of the LORD came to Zephaniah …” and starts by telling us about how the LORD “…will utterly sweep away everything from the face of the earth,"[1 v.2]. But what is “everything” and what is “earth”?? Verse 17 tells us, “I will bring distress on mankind, so that they shall walk like
Thought for December 15th
Todays readings.. Job 18&19, Zephaniah 1, 2 Peter 3 "WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE OUGHT YOU TO BE …..” As Peter completes his second letter he asks a question “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord …
Thought for December 14th
Todays readings .. Job 16&17, Habakkuk 3, 2 Peter 1&2 "IF THESE QUALITIES ARE YOURS" Ah, that little word – “IF”! Our quotation above is from 2 Peter 1. Today we read Peter’s final message as he realises he is soon to die. It is a time when he sees much evil growing and false believers coming to the fore who “promise them freedom, but they themselves are
Thought for December 13th
Todays readings.. Job 15, Habakkuk 2, 1 Peter 3,4&5 "WHOEVER DESIRES TO LOVE LIFE AND SEE GOOD DAYS …” Surely we all desire to experience goods days, to love and enjoy life. Well then, let us specially notice Peter’s advice that we read in his letter today – for his next words, to those above, are “let him (or her) keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking
Thought for December 12th
Todays readings.. Job 14, Habakkuk 1, 1 Peter 2 “THAT BY IT YOU MAY GROW UP INTO SALVATION” We meditate thoughtfully on Peter’s 1st letter: he was writing to the “elect exiles of the Dispersion” [1 v.1] – primarily Jews – as James (1 v.1) had also done “To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion.” [1 v.1] Peter names them as being in “Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” –
Thought for December 11th
Todays readings ... Job 13, Nahum 3, 1 Peter 1 "UNCEASING EVIL" The above 2 words are the last words in the short prophecy of Nahum we read this morning. His 3 chapters are “an oracle concerning Nineveh” [1 v.1]. You will remember that Jonah reluctantly went there, but they responded to his preaching of warning that in “40 days” they would be destroyed because of their
Thought for December 10th
Todays readings .. Job 12, Nahum 1&2, James 5 “THE LAST DAYS” Today we completed reading the letter of James; it is full of interesting and, at times, challenging thoughts. He is the leader of the Jerusalem church that you read about in Acts 15 v,13 – and probably the half brother of Jesus. As the chief spokesman for the believers at Jerusalem not long before the city was encircled and
Thought for December 9th
Todays readings.. Job 11, Micah 7, James 3&4 “A HARVEST OF RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SOWN” We should each ask ourselves – what am I sowing in all the ways I live my life? What ongoing affect is what I say – and do – and write (email) having on others – day after day after day? Never before have we each been able to so abundantly communicate with others, day
Thought for December 8th
Todays readings... Job 10, Micah 6, James 2 "I WILL SPEAK IN THE BITTERNESS OF MY SOUL" Depression is an illness today that is difficult to cure, sometimes it is impossible. Some “cures” are as bad as the complaint! If anyone had cause for feeling depressed it was Job. He speaks “in the bitterness
Thought for December 7th
Todays readings... Job 9, Micah 5, James 1 “THE TESTING OF YOUR FAITH PRODUCES ….” As we near the end of 2017, most of us live in circumstances that are increasingly testing our faith – and we “meet trials of various kinds” [James 1 v.2] James in his letter, which we started reading today, shows life was no different, in the sense of creating “trials” for the genuine followers
Thought for December 6th
Todays readings.. Job 8, Micah 3&4, Hebrews 13. "SO WE CAN CONFIDENTLY SAY ...." How many can speak with confidence these days? Certainly the Politicians can’t! Although they often try to sound that way! We read the last chapter of Hebrews today where Paul is emphasising to them the need to be positive in their attitude to the spiritual aspects of life. His first 4 words are, “Let brotherly
Thoughts for December 5th
Todays readings.. Job 6&7, Micah 2, Hebrews 12 “SO GREAT A CLOUD OF WITNESSES” We read yesterday in Hebrews ch. 11 of the men and women of faith who “pleased God” [v.5] The list started with Abel and included worthies such as Abraham, Moses, Samuel and David who “though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised” [v.39] This leads into today’s chapter 12 which starts – “Therefore,
Thought for December 3rd
Todays readings.. Job 3&4, Jonah 4, Hebrews 10 "YOU HAVE NEED OF …" Is there anyone who thinks they do not need anything? With Christmas in 3 weeks’ time, the younger ones’ especially will think of the things they need and that it would be good to get! Our readings
Thought for December 2nd
Todays readings... Job 1&2, Jonah 2&3, Hebrews 8&9 “SHALL WE NOT RECEIVE EVIL?” All 3 readings today give us a mass of things to think about – some deep thinking is involved. Job’s reaction to his wife’s suggestion that he should curse God and die [2 v.9-10]. His reaction reveals a very valuable principle, “shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” Do we expect all
Thought for December 1st
Todays readings... Esther 9&10, Jonah 1, Hebrews 6&7 “HE IS ABLE TO SAVE TO THE UTTERMOST” Our ch. 7 in Hebrews highlights, the historic role of Melchizedek who is described as “priest of the Most High God” to whom “Abraham apportioned a tenth part of everything.” [v.1,2; see Gen. 22 v.17] He is described as “resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever. [v.3] The chapter proceeds to
Thought for November 30th
Todays readings.. Esther 7&8, Obadiah, Hebrews 3,4&5 “THE DECEITFULNESS OF SIN” The word ‘sin’ is an obsolete word today, do we ever hear it used in personal conversations? It would only be in a Bible talk and occasionally in discussions between brethren and sisters. What challenges we face in our godless world – but I doubt we ever tell anyone today that they are sinners – I recall a conversation
Thought for November 29th
Todays readings... Esther 5&6, Amos 9, Hebrews 1&2 “YOUR THRONE O GOD IS FOREVER” We read today – in Hebrews ch. 1 – which is one of the only two places where Jesus is called ‘God’ – and we have made this our caption today. Why is Jesus called “God”? We look at the context and it becomes clear that it is when Jesus is being contrasted with the angels.
Thought for November 28th
Todays readings.. Esther 3&4, Amos 9, Philemon “IF I PERISH I PERISH” We are reading the dramatic story of Esther. When I was young, around 60 years ago - and a member of the large Melbourne Youth Group, we put on an elaborate presentation of Esther and I played the part of Mordecai. It is the sort of thing that sticks in your mind. The pivotal point in this book
Thought for November 27th
Todays readings.. Esther 2, Amos 7, Titus 1,2&3 "THE GRACE OF GOD ... TRAINING US" When I was a child I remember the word GRACE as being what was said before a meal, words of thanksgiving and that, up to a point, is what it means. It is a special word in the writings of Paul; have a careful look at how he uses it! Paul sees a great
Thought for November 26th
Todays readings.. Esther 1, Amos 6, 2 Timothy 3&4 "YOU ... HAVE FOLLOWED MY ... " Today we read the conclusion of Paul’s final letter, his second letter to Timothy. A couple of verses especially caught our eyes: these listed 8 things which describe the way in which Paul had set an example to Timothy. They provide for us a challenging summary of the way a genuine
Thought for November 25th
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 13, Amos 5, 2 Timothy 2 “WHO DESIRE THE DAY OF THE LORD” In Amos we read “Woe to you who desire the day of the LORD! Why would you have the day of the LORD?” [5 v.18] This verse provides food for much thought. We desire the day of the LORD! Why? We long for the day when our Saviour comes when he reigns over
Thought for November 24th
Todays readings... Nehemiah 12, Amos 4, 2 Timothy 1 “FOR I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED” This is what Paul declared in his 2nd letter to Timothy (ch. 1 v.12). This is the final letter of Paul’s life and he writes with utter conviction. It becomes obvious as we read these 4 chapters that Paul is writing from his heart; this is both because of his special affection for Timothy
Thought for November 23rd
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 11, Amos 3, 1 Timothy 6 “FLEE THESE THINGS. PURSUE …” Today we completed reading Paul’s first letter to Timothy who was his “true child in the faith.” [1 v.2] There are so many lessons for us for our days in these 2 letters; they reveal the wonder of a genuine spiritual relationship. In today’s final chapter Paul details warnings to Timothy - “if anyone teaches a
Thought for November 22nd
Todays readings... Nehemiah 10, Amos 2, 1 Timothy 4&5 TRAIN YOURSELF FOR GODLINESS” We constantly see and hear reference to athletes and other sportsmen being in training. For many, it is something they do daily, especially just before a competition, so as to to build up their muscles or other skills and bring them up to peak performance. During our lifetime we have seen new records being set again and
Thought for November 21st
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 9, Amos 1, 1 Timothy 1,2&3 “THE AIM OF OUR CHARGE IS ….” We all have aims in life, what we hope to do and achieve. If these ‘aims’ are ‘alongside’ our aims in service to our Master, our Lord Jesus, then we have a wonderful spiritual foundation – on which to build a worthwhile life. The reality of this is made increasingly plain by the Christlike
Thought for November 20th
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 8, Joel 3, 2 Thessalonians 3 "TO MAKE GREAT REJOICING BECAUSE … " It never ceases to surprise us when doing the daily Bible readings to notice things we had never really noticed before. Our chapter in Nehemiah describes the events after the Temple had been rebuilt and the city walls and gates made secure. We noted in 4 v.6 that “the people had a mind
Thought for November 19th
Todays readings... Nehemiah 7, Joel 2, 2 Thessalonians 1&2 VENGEANCE ON THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW GOD” Our thoughts flow on from those of yesterday! What is it to “know God?” This is surely distinct from believing in a Creator ? We quoted yesterday from todays’ 1st chapter of 2nd Thessalonians that Christ’s return will be to inflict “vengeance on those who do not know God” [v.8] - adding, “and
Thought for November 18th
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 4, Joel 1, 1 Thessalonians 5 THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION WILL COME” Today we completed reading Paul’s First letter to the Thessalonians. On several occasions the opening verses of Ch. 5 have been applied to situations in my lifetime. “You yourselves are fully aware”, writes Paul, “that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night; when people are saying ‘there is peace
Thought for November 17th
Todays readings.. Nehemiah 4, Hosea 14, 1 Thessalonians 3&4 I WILL HEAL Today completes our reading of the prophet Hosea. Nearly all the messages that God gave to his people through this prophet are severe warnings of judgement coming on them because of their idolatry. However the prophet completes his scroll by receiving from God a positive message. God says of Israel, “I will heal their apostasy, I will
Thought for November 16th
Todays readings... Nehemiah 3, Hosea 13, 1 Thessalonians 1&2 “… WHO DELIVERS US FROM THE WRATH TO COME” Our chapter 3 in Nehemiah is a wonderful illustration of the team work Nehemiah inspired – for the rebuilding of the broken down walls of Jerusalem. But what of the broken down walls of this world – that has allowed godlessness to come flooding in! What teamwork, dare we imagine, will
Thought for November 15th
Todays readings ... Nehemiah 1&2, Hosea 12, Colossians 3&4 PUT AWAY … PUT TO DEATH … PUT ON” We speak of criminals who are brought to Court and found guilty as then being “put away” for so many months or years. Paul uses this phrase “put away” (in the ESV translation) in describing certain things which should be permanently locked up and therefore have no freedom to do any damage,
Thought for November 14th
Todays readings.. Ezra 10, Hosea 11, Colossians 2 “IF WITH CHRIST YOU DIED TO …” First, on the final chapter in Ezra, we read how he arrived in Jerusalem. We recall how in ch. 7 we read that. “Ezra went up from Babylonia. He was a scribe skilled in the Law …and the king granted him all that he asked, for the hand of the LORD his God was on
Thought for November 13th
Todays readings ... Ezra 9, Hosea 10. Colossians 1 "BEARING FRUIT" For the rest of this
Thought for November 12th
Todays readings... Ezra 8, Hosea 9, Acts 28 “I WAS ASHAMED TO ASK" Today’s reading in Ezra [Ch. 8] does not look at first very interesting with all its detail about those returning from captivity in Babylon. It appears that Ezra himself wrote this chapter and the next. He
Thought for November 11th
Todays readings...Ezra 7, Hosea 8, Acts 27 “THEY SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND” Our chapter 7 yesterday in Hosea was an awesome prophecy the Almighty gave him of his judgements on Israel because “they do not consider that I remember all their evil.”[v.2] God remembers! And we are commanded to do the same! Paul challenged the Thessalonians, “Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told
Thought for November 10th
Todays readings... Ezra 5&6, Hosea 7, Acts 25&26 “PERFORMING DEEDS IN KEEPING WITH THEIR REPENTANCE” Every time we read Paul’s speeches in defending himself after his arrest, we are moved by his total conviction of mind and commitment. What a transformed man he was after his intensely dramatic encounter with the risen Christ outside Damascus. He has turned himself right around! We can say that in turning right around he
Thought for November 9th
Todays readings... Ezra 3&4, Hosea 6, Acts 23&24 BENDING THE TRUTH There is an oath in which people promise to say the truth,
Thought for November 8th
Todays readings... Ezra 1&2, Hosea 5, Acts 21&22 “UNTIL THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR GUILT” Today we started reading the book of Ezra. It begins by telling us that “the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation” [v.1] that the LORD has “charged me to build …him a house (Temple) at Jerusalem …” [v.2] There is no indication as to what prompted
Thoughts for November 7th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 36, Hosea 4, Acts 20 “AFTERWARD THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL RETURN …” We have some interesting chapters in the Old Testament to read today. Firstly in 2 Chronicles ch. 35 we read how Israel’s last good king Josiah organised a tremendous celebration of the Passover, remarkably, “No Passover like it had been kept in Israel since the days of Samuel … None of the kings
Thought for November 6th
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 35, Hosea 3, Acts 18&19 FROM TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY Our Chronicles reading today tells us of how a Passover celebration was organised by King Josiah (recall our thoughts yesterday) and
Thought for November 5th
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 34, Hosea 2, Acts 16&17 “WHILE HE WAS YET A BOY" We learn from today's readings in Chronicles that the reigns of the son and grandson of Hezekiah were disastrous: the Jewish nation
Thought for November 4th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 33, Hosea 1, Acts 14&15 SAVED THROUGH THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS" In our New Testament readings we start to encounter the word “Grace” which in the original Greek is the word charis. We encounter it but rarely in the gospels and not at all in Matthew and Mark, the first two gospels to be written. It starts
Thought for November 3rd
Todays readings ... 2 Chronicles 32, Daniel 12, Acts 13 “BE ASTOUNDED AND PERISH” As we proceed in reading the book of Acts we see the challenges Paul and Barnabas faced in spreading the good news about the true God and his Son Jesus; we see the kind of opposition they attracted. "Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been
Thought for November 2nd
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 31, Daniel 11, Acts 11&12 “FAITHFUL IN KEEPING THEMSELVES HOLY” What a challenging set of readings we have today! Our ch. 31 in 2nd Chronicles details the extensive work of Hezekiah after the success of the great Passover we read about yesterday. “All Israel,” we read today, that had participated in this Passover “went out … and broke … down the high places … until they
Thought for November 1st
Todays readinghs... 2 Chronicles 30, Daniel 10, Acts 10 “GOOD NEWS OF PEACE” We first read today in 2 Chron. Ch. 30, about the great Passover that King Hezekiah organised; he sent letters to the ten northern tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh in particular: most “mocked” [v.10] but “some … humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.” [v.11], Soon these tribes were to be taken into captivity, probably a youthful Ezekiel
Thought for October 31st
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 29, Daniel 9, Acts 9 “CHOSEN … TO CARRY MY NAME” What does it mean – to carry a name? Well, those who have worked for companies and have gone out as ‘their representative’ know how they have carried ‘the name’ of their Company in visiting its customers – but these days, with the internet, this is rarely practiced. This reflection arose from our readings today
Thought for October 30th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 28, Daniel 8, Acts 8 “RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD” The Gospels tell us Jesus often went through Samaria in travelling from Jerusalem to Galilee and back. On several occasions he had encounters with the Samaritans and on occasions spent time with them. We read earlier this month of an occasion when he heeded their request to stay and teach them and, as a
Thought for October 29th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 26&27, Daniel 7, Acts 7 “YOU STIFF NECKED PEOPLE” What is a “stiff neck”? What does this phrase mean? It implies that those who develop a “stiff neck” cannot look around to get what they see – in balance; they have blinkers on their eyes, like a horse in harness! Sadly, indeed tragically, this is the case today, so many have their minds fixed on the
Thought for October 28th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 25, Daniel 6, Acts 5&6 “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN” We live in a world which has largely pushed out of its’ mind any contemplation that there is a God, the Creator of their lives – and of all that exists. They therefore believe they can live as they please, and ‘enjoy ‘lifestyles’ and experiences in many different ways as long as they do
Thought for October 26th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 23, Daniel 4, Acts 2 “YOU WILL MAKE ME FULL OF JOY” What a fascinating set of readings we have today! First in 2 Chron. 23 we have the account of how “Jehoiada” the priest “took courage and entered into a covenant with the commanders” [v.1] to protect the very young king, the surviving son of Ahaziah. He ultimately placed him on the throne when
Thought for October 25th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 21&22, Daniel 3, Acts 1 “OUR GOD … IS ABLE TO DELIVER US” The friends of Daniel; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were in trouble, king Nebuchadnezzar in his pride, had set up an image of gold 60 cubits (about 90 ft) high “in the plain of Dura” [Dan. 3 v.1] and said, “when you hear the sound of… every kind of music, you are to fall
Thought for October 24th
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 20, Daniel 2, John 20&21 “BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO …” We have a remarkable set of readings today, probably the most remarkable and thought challenging in the whole year! First in 2nd Chronicles 20 we have Jehoshaphat’s impassioned prayer which is dramatically answered. Then in Daniel ch. 2 we read of the remarkable dream given to Nebuchadnezzar which Daniel reveals to him – and then gives
Thought for October 23rd
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 18&19, Daniel 1, John 19 “… THAT YOU ALSO MAY BELIEVE” What do you believe? What do people believe today? Most people seem to have given up trying to believe anything except what they can see and touch. For many, life is like the man in the parable that Jesus told, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be
Thought for October 22nd
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 16&17, Ezekiel 48, John 17&18 "YOUR WORD IS TRUTH" Does anyone speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth in the world these days? Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” [John 18 v.38]; the motive behind the question is not readily apparent – and it was the end of their conversation. Before his arrest, in his prayers, Jesus had expressed some
Thought for October 21st
Todays readings.. 2Chronicles 14&15, Ezekiel 47, John 15&16 “DO YOU NOW BELIEVE?” “Do you now believe?” is the question Jesus asked his disciples after they had declared, “Now we know that you know all things and do not need anyone to question you; this is why we believe that you came from God." [John 16 v.30] The last verse in this chapter provides much food for thought; Jesus tells his
Thought for October 20th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 12&13, Ezekiel 46, John 13&14 “THAT YOU LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU” What is love – that is love as Jesus means it – as he passionately teaches his disciples in the hours before his arrest? What thought challenging chapters we are reading in John’s gospel! John is inspired to record the words of Jesus in detail and they are a lifelong
Thought for October 19th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 10&11, Ezekiel 45, John 12 “THE WORD … WILL JUDGE … ON THE LAST DAY” Today’s 12th chapter in John’s gospel is one of the most profound and thought challenging in the whole Bible! The atmosphere within human hearts of the choice between the broad and narrow ways was rarely so evident than in this time before the arrest of Jesus. The Master’s challenging observations jump
Thought for October 18th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 9, Ezekiel 44, John 11 “… IF YOU BELIEVED, YOU WOULD SEE …” Our first reading (2 Chron. 9) is about the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon; she felt the need to check out on the reports she had heard about, his “fame” was his glory to be “believed?”[v.1]. When she sees it, she declares, “behold, half the greatness of your wisdom was
Thought for October 17th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 43, John 9&10 “… AND FIND PASTURE” Today John carefully details for us the teaching of Jesus about the shepherd and the sheep. How rewarding it is to meditate on his words. Jesus is both “the good shepherd” and “the door” by which the sheep enter. He says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he
Thought for October 16th
Todays readings ... 2 Chronicles 7, Ezekiel 42, John 8 "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" Today’s long chapter (8) in John’s Gospel is most challenging. Jesus said, “Whoever is of God knows the words of God, the reason you do not hear them is that you are not of God” [v.47]. But of course they were hearing what he said; the point was that they could not make
Thought for October 15th
Todays readings... 2 Chronicles 5&6, Ezekiel 42, John 7 Into the Gloom "RENDER TO EACH WHOSE HEART YOU KNOW" In today’s reading of 2 Chronicles ch. 6 we have Solomon’s remarkable prayer at the dedication of the wonderful Temple he had just completed. It was constructed of cedar, but just about all the interior had been overlaid with gold. Imagine it! The greatest focus of the gold
Thought for October 14th
Todays readings.. 2 Chronicles 3&4, Ezekiel 40, John 6 “SO WHOEVER FEEDS ON ME” The 6th chapter of John’s Gospel is one of the most thought challenging in the whole Bible. Jesus tells his disciples, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.” [v.51]. The earlier part of the chapter had described the feeding of the five thousand
Thought for October 13th
Todays readings 2 Chroncles 1, Ezekiel 39, John 5 "YOU DO NOT HAVE HIS WORD ABIDING IN YOU" We may read God’s word every day, we may find it interesting and helpful as a guide to living a satisfying life, but is that enough? What did Jesus mean when he spoke about God’s word abiding, that is, living in a person? Who was Jesus talking
Thought for October 12th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 29, Ezekiel 38, John 4 "GATHERING FRUIT FOR ETERNAL LIFE" It never ceases to surprise how, in doing the daily Bible readings, we come across something we had never really taken notice of previously. We read today in John 4 of a conversation between Jesus and his disciples; they were in Samaria among people the Jews despised.
Thought for October 11th
Todays readings... ! Chronicles 28, Ezekiel 37, John 4 "UNLESS ONE IS BORN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT…" These words of Jesus to Nicodemus, the Jewish teacher and “a ruler of the Jews” who came to him by night, challenge our thinking and understanding. We read them today at the start of ch. 3 in John’s gospel. We need to understand them within the context of the unfolding words
Thought for October 10th
Todays readings... ! Chronicles 27, Ezekiel 36, John 1 “AND YOU SHALL BE MY PEOPLE” Today’s chapter 36 in Ezekiel is fascinating – and challenges our understanding. It is clear it has a ‘latter day’ application. But first, in v.16, 17 we read, “The word of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, when the house of Israel lived in their own land, they defiled it by their
Thought for October 9th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 26, Ezekiel 35, Philippians 3&4 Philippians 3:18–19. ... NOW TELL YOU EVEN WITH TEARS" The Apostle Paul is very emotional as he expresses his thoughts in his letter to the Philippians. He helps us to realize that a fully committed belief in Christ goes hand in hand with a fullness of conviction which results in a living relationship day by
Thought for October 8th
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 24&25, Ezekiel 34, Phillipians 1&2 ‘FOR IT IS GOD WHO WORKS IN YOU’” Those of you who are young know what it is to have “a work out” – we understand it as a simple way of saying you are exercising to keep yourself fit. It is just as important; well, actually far more important, to keep ourselves spiritually fit. If you are really young
Thought for October 7th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 23, Ezekiel 33, Ephesians 5&6 “THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND IN THE EVIL DAY” Today we read the final 2 chapters of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. These chapters emphasise the need to “be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us” [5 v.1,2] How did Christ show his love for us? It caused him “to give his
Thought for October 6th
Todays readings... 1 Chroniles 22, Ezekiel 32, Ephesians 3&4 "THEN THEY WILL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD" The above phrase occurs so often in Ezekiel. For example, Chapters 28, 29 and 30 all conclude with these words. In today’s chapter (32) it occurs in v.15 after predicting the downfall and disgrace of Egypt where the remnant of the people from Jerusalem had gone for safety, taking a
Thought for October 5th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 20&21, Ezekiel 31, Ephesians 1&2 “THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” Does your heart have eyes? What does Paul mean when he says that at least some have? Today we read the fascinating and mentally challenging first 2 chapters of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Paul says God “predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will…” [v.5] and
Thought for October 4th
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 18&19, Ezekiel 30, Galations 5&6 “WHATEVER ONE SOWS, THAT WILL HE ALSO REAP” Our first reading (1 Chron. Ch 18 & 19) details David’s extensive conquests – even to the river Euphrates (18 v.3) and one wonders how far the nation will extend to in the kingdom age, the time when, as Isaiah was caused to prophesy, “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;
Thought for October 3rd
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 17, Ezekiel 29, Galations 3&4 “UNTIL CHRIST IS FORMED IN YOU” How meaningful and spiritually challenging are the words of Paul we read today in the 3rd and 4th chapters of his letter to the Galatians. At least some of the converts to the gospel of Christ there were being persuaded by Jews to observe and keep the Law of Moses: but Paul says that “the
Thought for October 2nd
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 16, Ezekiel 28, Galations 1&2 "AN EVERLASTING COVENANT TO ISRAEL" What was this covenant – that was everlasting? It was the action of God that brought this covenant into being! Bible readers should be very conscious of this as they have watched the friction in the Middle East about the ownership of the Holy Land over the last 50 years, especially if we are old
Thought for October 1st
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 15, Ezekiel 27, Luke 24 “SLOW OF HEART TO BELIEVE” Today, so many are “slow of heart to believe” the words God has caused to be written and preserved – the Holy Bible. Indeed, for most, their hearts have come to a dead stop – there are blindfolds on them: they have given up trying to think how all that exists came into being. Our quotation
Thought for September 30th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 13&14, Ezekiel 26, Luke 23 “TRULY I SAY UNTO YOU TODAY” Today we read the familiar account of Jesus on ‘trial’ before Herod and Pilate and the determination of the Jewish leaders to have him crucified – and “they were urgent, demanding with loud cries that he should be crucified. And their voices prevailed.” [Luke 23 v.23] Today and in recent years the voices and
Thought for September 29th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 12, Ezekiel 25, Luke 22 “DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME” The 71 verses in the 22nd chapter of Luke’s gospel contain some of the most heart moving passages in Scripture, especially if we can really bring them ‘alive’ in our minds. How the events and the words that Jesus uttered must have come ‘alive’ in the thinking of his disciples later. May they come alive
Thought for September 28th
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 11, Ezekiel 24, Luke 21 "UNTIL THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES ARE FULFILLED" Quite a number of Bible Readers would know
Thought for September 27th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 10, Ezekiel 23, Luke 20 “YOU YOURSELVES MUST BEAR THE CONSEQUENCES” Our chapter 10 in 1st Chronicles describes how Saul bore ‘the consequences’ because “he did not seek guidance from the LORD.” [v.14] The same message emerges from the distasteful parable in our 23rd chapter in Ezekiel. At the climax of this ‘ugly’ parable of, “the Lord GOD” says, “….Because you have forgotten me and cast
Thought for September 26th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 22, Luke 19 “BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN FAITHFUL” Today’s chapter in Luke (19) first records the conversion of a Tax Collector as Jesus enters Jericho - this man “received him (Jesus) joyfully” [v.6] His declaration and his actions demonstrate his repentance – but others were grumbling "He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner." [v.7]. This
Thought for September 25th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 8, Ezekiel 21, Luke 18 “A PARABLE … ALWAYS TO PRAY AND NOT LOSE HEART" In this parable, at the start of Luke ch. 18, Jesus illustrates the importance of persistence in prayer. We must become increasingly conscious that God’s power is such that he sees and knows all. David puts it this way, “O LORD … you discern my thoughts from afar.” [Psalm 139 v.2]. Today’s
Thought for September 24th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 7, Ezekiel 26, “REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE” The account of the destruction of Sodom and the ‘last minute’ deliverance of Lot and his daughters is a well-known part of Bible history. Also known - is how” Lot’s wife … looked back” [Gen. 19 v.26] and failed to escape the destruction. “Two angels came” [v.1] to deliver them but “Lot’s wife … looked back” - she was too
Thought for September 23rd
Todays readings... 1 Chrinicles 6, Ezekiel 19, Luke 16 “BUT GOD KNOWS YOURS HEARTS” Today, in Luke ch. 16, we have what are probably the two parables of Jesus that are the most challenging to understand. They were not given to believers – but to unbelievers. We note their reaction! “The Pharisees, who … heard all these things … ridiculed him. And he said to them, ‘You are those
Thought for September 22nd
“THE SOUL WHO SINS SHALL DIE” Our chapter 18 in Ezekiel is one that is often quoted in discussions with those who believe that we possess some sort of inner being, a soul, that lives on in some sense after their body dies: but this idea is nowhere to be found in God’s word. The word ‘nephesh’ in Hebrew, which here and in some places is translated as soul, first
Thought for September 21st
Todays readings ... 1 Chronicles 4, Ezekiel 17, Luke 13, 14 “IF YOU FAIL TO REPENT …” Sin is not a word people use these days. People, who do wrong, try hard to avoid any punishment. Some employ expensive lawyers to defend them. In the days of Jesus, people more widely believed that God was the ultimate
Thought for September 20th
Todays readings... 1 Chronicles 3, Ezekiel 16, Luke 12 "... AT AN HOUR YOU DO NOT EXPECT" We have a lengthy and detailed set of readings today, but it is our 12th chapter in Luke in particular that attracts our attention – and provokes challenging thoughts in our search for understanding. 1 Chronicles ch.3 provides details of all the descendants of David and is of interest
Thought for September 19th
Todays readings.. 1 Chronicles 2, Ezekiel 15, Luke 11 “THEREFORE BE CAREFUL LEST …” Our chapter in Ezekiel once again is the message the prophet receives from the LORD to send to the people in Jerusalem who are facing the potential destruction of their city and of Solomon’s wonderful Temple. They appear to have had the expectation that the LORD would not allow its destruction! But today’s message ends with
Thought for September 18th
LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH .... " How depressed Ezekiel must have been! The LORD caused him to be aware of the totally godless attitude that existed in Jerusalem. He writes, “certain of the elders of Israel came to see me.” [14 v.1] The “word of the LORD” comes to him, “… these men have taken their idols into their hearts and
Thought for September17th
2 Kings 24&25, Ezekiel 13, Luke 9 “I WILL FOLLOW YOU …” The finish of today’s chapter in Luke is about three different people and the reasons they gave for delaying putting into practice their intention to follow Jesus. “I will follow you wherever you go” they had said. It had been exciting to follow Jesus, amazing things had been happening, food had been provided – miraculously –
Thought for September 16th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 22&23, Ezekiel 12, Luke 8 “THE DAYS GROW LONG AND EVERY VISION COMES TO NOTHING” Once again today we have fascinating readings in God’s word – especially if we read them with a ‘seeking’ mind, we will then then perceive there are lessons for us – for they can apply to the situations in which we live today. In 1 Kings 23 we read of the
Thought for September 15th
Todays readings... 2 kings 21, Ezekiel 11, Luke 7 “WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED BY ….” We read today how John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to Jesus to ask, “'Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?'" [Luke 7 v.20] We remember, when we read ch. 3, how John responded when “all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might
Thought for September 14th
Todays readings... 2 kings 20, Ezekiel 10, Luke 6 “REJOICE IN THAT DAY AND LEAP FOR JOY” Today we read Luke’s abbreviated version of what is generally called the ‘sermon on the mount’ – but, as in Matthews’ Gospel, it is clear that this ‘sermon’ is not given to the multitude but to the disciples. Verse 20 of Luke ch. 6 simply says, “And he lifted up his eyes on
Thought for September 13th
Todays readings... 2 kings 19, Ezekiel 9, Luke 5 “AND WHEN HE SAW THEIR FAITH” Jesus – just as much as His Father – then and now – is looking to see genuine faith – faith demonstrated by actions - not just by words. In 2 Kings ch. 19 today we see King Hezekiah appealing to Isaiah – for the king was in a desperate situation because of the
Thought for September 12th
Todays readings.. 2 kings 18, Ezekiel 8, Luke 4 WHAT JESUS QUOTED – AND DIDN’T We have read today of Jesus going into the synagogue and reading from the prophet Isaiah to the congregation and then telling them they were witnessing the fulfilment of the words he was quoting. The quotation was “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good
Thought for September 11th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 17, Ezekiel 7, Luke 3 “DISASTER AFTER DISASTER: BEHOLD IT COMES” Our Ezekiel reading (ch.7) is initially about the disaster coming on the people still living in Jerusalem. Ezekiel was a priest and is among those taken into captivity (ch.1 v.1) some years before Jerusalem is destroyed. Those taken away are earnestly hoping to return to the land of their birth, but God gives Ezekiel
Thought for September 10th
Todays readings... 2 Kings 16, Ezekiel 6, Luke 2 "AND HIS MOTHER TREASURED UP....” What a challenging, but also wonderful, life Mary had. We read today the 2nd ch. of Luke’s gospel which details far more than the other gospel’s the early events in the life of Jesus. The danger is that our very familiarity with some of these incidents may cloud our perception and resultant meditation on their full
Thought for September 9th
Todays readings... 2 Kings 15, Ezekiel 5, Luke 1 "BLESSED IS SHE WHO BELIEVED" Those who genuinely believe – from the heart – the words that our Creator has chosen to see have been written down, translated and preserved throughout the centuries, find themselves continuously reflecting and meditating, in particular, on the records of the mortal life of the Son of the Creator. We now live in an era when
Thought for September 8th
Todays readings.. 2 kings 14, Ezekiel 4, 2 Corinthians 12,13 "THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST" Paul ends his second letter to the Corinthians by stating (praying), "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." There are 3 key words here that must be 'in' our lives, day after day. Let us particularly seek
Thought for September 7th
Todays readings... 2King 13, Ezekiel 3, 2 Corinthians 10,11 "THE MEEKNESS AND GENTLENESS OF CHRIST" What tough and challenging lives were experienced by those who were called to serve God. This 'feeling' stirred our hearts as the read about the life of Elisha - and how "when Elisha had fallen sick with the illness of which he was to die, Joash king of Israel went down to him and wept
Thought for September 6th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 11&12, Ezekiel 2, 2 Corinthians 8&9 "TO PROVE ... THAT YOUR LOVE ... IS GENUINE" Today our chapter 8 in Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians addresses practical matters. It tells us that “the ecclesias of Macedonia” in “their extreme poverty ... overflowed in a wealth of generosity ..." [v.2] It seems strange, but human nature tends to cause the secure and relatively wealthy to be
Thought for September 5th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 10, Ezekiel 1, 2 Corinthians 5, 6 & 7 "WHAT FELLOWSHIP HAS LIGHT WITH DARKNESS?" We saw today how Paul put the above question to the Corinthians in his 2nd letter (6 v.14) - the answer should be obvious. Yesterday in ch. 4 v.6, we read, “For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of
Thought for August 4th
Todays readings... 2 Kings 9, Lamentations 5, 2 Corinthians 3,4 "BY THE MERCY OF GOD WE DO NOT LOSE HEART" This statement by Paul in today’s readings [2 Cor. 4 v.16] is achieved; or - at least the foundation is laid - by reading portions of God’s word every day. The effectiveness of this depends on the spirit with which we read. Most face the challenge
Thought for September 3rd
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 8, Lamentations 4, 2 Corinthians 1,2 "... WAS TO MAKE US RELY ... ON GOD" Today we started reading Paul’s 2nd letter to the Corinthians. It is rather personal in several parts, but are not our own letters rather like that! Paul’s emotions are often directed toward those who had, in most cases, been converted. These emotions came from his heart – but that is the
Thought for September 2nd
Todays readings... 2 Kings 7, Lamentations 3, 1 Corinthians 16 DEPRESSION … “BUT THIS I CALL TO MIND” Today Depression has become a major health problem; one that is very hard to deal with, medically. Many medications threaten to create other problems because of their side effects. We have thought about this during the last 3 days as we have read the LAMENTATIONS of Jeremiah. What a difficult life
Thought for September 1st
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 6, Lamentations 2, 1 Corinthians 15 “BUT THANKS BE TO GOD WHO …” One of the most challenging, stirring and inspiring chapters in the Bible is Paul’s 15th – in his 1st letter to the Corinthians. We have chosen 3 different adjectives, which Paul uses, which reflect the differing but special kinds of reactions its 56 verses inspire in our minds. The greatest and most
Thought for August 31st
Todays readings... 2 Kings 5, Lamentations 1, 1 Corinthians 14 "BECAUSE THE LORD HAS AFFLICTED" Both of our Old Testament readings testify to the LORD’s actions in punishing godlessness. First, in 2 Kings ch. 5, we have individual godlessness; Gehazi, Elisha’s servant had witnessed in his lifetime the works of his master in possessing, in some awesome degree, the powers of the LORD, the Creator. We ourselves, increasingly sense his
Thought for August 30th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 4, Jeremiah 52, 1 Corinthians 12, 13 "BUT THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE" Today we read Paul’s marvellous, but challenging chapters about the right use of the gifts of the spirit that the Corinthians possessed. It is vital to grasp the whole ‘picture’ of the nature and use of gifts that chapters 12 and 13 – also 14 reveal to us – unfortunately this is
Thought for August 29th
Todays readings.. 2 Kings 3, Jeremiah 51, 1 Corinthians 11 GOOD AND BAD TRADITIONS The word “tradition” can arouse a negative attitude in our minds because of the way Jesus condemns the religious leaders in the Gospels for their traditions; he told them “you leave the commandment of God and hold the tradition of men” [Mark 7 v.8] The word “tradition” is sometimes translated simply as “teaching” in
Thought for August 28th
Todays readings... 2 Kings 1&2, Jeremiah 51, 1 Corinthians 11, "WHATEVER YOU DO, DO ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD" Paul’s letter to the Corinthians continues to give examples of the difficulties the converts in Corinth were experiencing in turning to a life that was so different, so foreign to their previous way of life in worshipping idols. At the same time, the Apostle does not see it being
Thought for August 27th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 22, Jeremiah 49, 1 Corinthians 8&9 "SO RUN THAT YOU MAY OBTAIN IT" Our quote is from Paul's words in his 1st letter to the Corinthians, ch. 9. He describes life as a race and says, "So run that you may obtain it.“ [v.24] Obtain what? In the next verse - we find the answer! An "imperishable" "wreath."! Corinth was a centre for sporting events,
Thought for August 26th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 21, Jeremiah 48, 1 Corinthians 7 "HAVE YOU FOUND ME, OH MY ENEMY" The above saying was spoken by Israel’s bad king Ahab to Elijah when the prophet challenged him as he took possession of Naboth’s vineyard – after his evil wife Jezebel had organised the death of the vineyard’s owner, Naboth. Yet Elijah had only “found” Ahab because God had directed him;
Thought for August 25th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 20, Jeremiah 47, 1 Corinthians 6 "GLORIFY GOD IN YOUR BODY" What a challenging chapter 6 in 1st Corinthians we read today. Giving glory to God is more than just a matter of words – of singing praises to Him! We confirm the things we say and sing by our way of living: this is the point Paul makes – in very plain language – to
Thought for August 24th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 19, Jeremiah 45&46, 1 Corinthians 4&5 “A STILL SMALL VOICE" We have a contrasting set of chapters to read today. Jeremiah receives a remarkable range of prophecies about the future, the highlight being that the LORD “will not make a full end” [46 v.28] of Israel. Paul in our First Corinthians chapters reprimands the “sexual immorality” among the believers [5 v.1], a reprimand which, we pray,
Thought for August 23rd
1 Kings 18, Jeremiah 44, 1 Corinthians 3 "FOR WE ARE GOD'S FELLOW WORKERS" Our headline quotation is from what Paul told the Corinthians in his first letter to them. We read this today in ch. 3 v.9. The world lacks an Apostle like Paul today to challenge it - as to what is true - what it is to believe – and, just as important, the way
Thought for August 22nd
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 17, Jer 43, 1 Corinthians 1,2 "IN EVERY WAY YOU WERE ENRICHED ... " Just about everyone today is seeking riches – so they can enjoy various pleasures and, hopefully, be without stress. We reflected on this as we started reading Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians today. This letter of Paul, even more than most of his letters, needs to be read carefully – to
Thought for August 21st
Todays readings... 1 Kings 16, Jeremiah 42, Mark 16 “DID MORE TO PROVOKE GOD TO ANGER ….” We like to read of good things and we are tempted to gloss over reading about bad things. For this reason Bible readers sometimes skip over parts of the Old Testament and fail to pick up the lessons they teach us. A couple of days ago we read of “the unbearable news”
Thought for August 20th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 15, Jeremiah 41, Mark 15 "IT WAS OUT OF ENVY" One of the outstanding characteristics of human nature is the capacity to be jealous, to envy others; many advertising tactics exploit this. The gospels repeatedly show us that those in positions of authority were envious of the great popularity Jesus enjoyed. Our ‘democratic’ societies have elections every few years
Thought for August 19th
Todays readings... 1 Kings 14, Jeremiah 40, Mark 14 "WATCH AND PRAY" Today in Ch. 14 we read Mark’s moving account of the events in the Garden of Gethsemane. That evening the disciples had been together in what is known as the “upper room.” This was when what we call “the last supper” took place. As the bread and the cup were passed around (v.22-25) the disciples
Thought for August 18th
Todays readings... 1 Kings 13, Jeremiah 39, Mark 13 "FROM THE FIG TREE LEARN IT'S LESSON" In todays' 13th chapter of Mark we encounter the thought challenging words of Jesus that believers should "From the fig tree learn its lesson" [v.28] This first takes our thoughts to Joel's prophecy, "....a nation has come up against my land ... It has laid waste my vine and splintered my fig tree." [1
Thought for August 17th
Todays readings... 1 Kings 12, Jeremiah 39, Mark 13 "SO THE KING TOOK COUNSEL" An important lesson from our reading of 1 Kings 12 is how different people “took counsel.” Solomon was dead and the leaders of the people came to his son Rehoboam saying, “Your father made our yoke heavy. Now therefore lighten the hard service of your father … and we will serve you.”
Thought for August 16th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 11, Jeremiah 37, Mark 11 "AND THE LORD WAS ANGRY” What makes God angry? An easy question? This heart examining question was prompted this morning by our chapter 11 in 1st Kings. From v. 9 we read, “And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice and had
Thought for August 15th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 10, Jeremiah 36, Mark 10 “HOW DIFFICULT!” A verse in Mark Chapter 10, today’s reading, says how “How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!” [v.23] It set us thinking as to what constitutes wealth today? There would be different answers in different countries! The young man to whom Jesus said
Thought for August 14th
Todays readings... 1 Kings 9, Jeremiah 35, Mark 9 "LET YOUR HEART THEREFORE BE WHOLLY TRUE" Our Old Testament readings today tied up with each other. Our chapter in 1 Kings contains God’s response to Solomon’s prayer of dedication which we read yesterday. Today we read, “The LORD appeared to Solomon …. The LORD said to him, ‘I have heard your prayer and your plea … I
Thought for August 13th
Todays readings.. 1 kings 8, Jeremiah 34, Mark 8 “FOR YOU, YOU ONLY, KNOW THE HEARTS OF ALL … MANKIND” The above words are part of a prayer to God Solomon made. He is seen to be the wisest king to ever live. How can God “know the hearts of all”? Is this an exaggeration? Now during my lifetime clever human beings have discovered the ‘magic’ of making remarkable use
Thought for August 12Th
Todays readings.. 1 kings 7, Jeremiah 33, Mark 7 "AND THIS CITY SHALL BE TO ME" Today's chapter 33 in Jeremiah shows that Jerusalem was now in a desperate situation as "the army of the king of Babylon was besieging it, and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the guard... " [v.2] Imagine the prophet's feelings - the test to his faith. When we come to
Thought for August 11th
Todays readings ... 1 Kings 6, Jeremiah 32, Mark 6 "NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU" The book of Jeremiah confuses us a little because it is not in chronological order. Today’s 32nd chapter starts by telling us the word of the LORD came to him “in the tenth year of Zedekiah” [v.1] “At that time the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem” [v.2].
Thought for August 10th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 4&5, Jeremiah 31, Mark 5 "FOR I WILL SATISFY EVERY WEARY SOUL" We have some inspiring readings today: first, we read of the tremendous organisational ability and efficiency of Solomon. He began by organising the efficient running of his kingdom and then planned out all the detail of organising the construction of the Temple. Then in Jeremiah we were inspired by the prophecy God reveal to
Thoughts for August 9th
Todays readings.. 1 kings 3, Jeremiah 30, Mark4 "BEHOLD THE STORM OF THE LORD" We have an interesting and challenging mixture of chapters’ to read today. First, in 1 Kings 3 we read how Solomon, now king, had a challenging ‘encounter’ with the LORD. He “appeared to Solomon in a dream by night, and God said, "Ask what I shall give you." [v.5]. And he asks for " ...
Thought for August 8th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 2, Jeremiah 29, Mark 3 "WHOEVER BLASPHEMES AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT" As we read ch. 3 in Mark’s gospel we saw how the jealousy of the religious leaders toward Jesus was mounting and even his family were not supporting him and "went out to seize him, for they were saying, "He is out of his mind." [v.21], although there is an indication that his mother had
Thought for August 7th
Todays readings.. 1 Kings 1, Jeremiah 28, Mark 2 “HAVE YOU NEVER READ” Addressing the religious leaders the Lord Jesus said more than once, “Have you never read”? He was referring to items in their Scriptures, the Old Testament. Of course they had read these divinely inspired words again and again, it was an essential part
Thought for August 6th
Today readings.. 2 Samuel 24, Jeremiah 27, Mark 1 "THE ANGER OF THE LORD" The final chapter in 2 Samuel begins by telling us “again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.” We are not told why God was angry with his people, there is no indication that it was comparable with his anger in the days of Jeremiah when the final result was that
Thought for August 5th
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 23, Jeremiah 26, Romans 15, 16 "THE SWEET PSALMIST OF ISRAEL" Today’s Samuel reading includes the description of David as “the sweet psalmist of Israel” [2 Sam. 23 v.1] further, it describes his writings as “the oracle of the man who was raised on high, the anointed of the God of Israel.” Now we know that Christ means ‘anointed’ –
Thought for August 4th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 22, Jeremiah 25, Romans 13,14 "DISASTER IS GOING FORTH FROM NATION TO NATION" Today’s chapter 25 in Jeremiah is very disturbing. The prophet is receiving visions from God of future events, some of the visions include a future then far distant. God’s judgements are about to fall on Jerusalem. Jeremiah is told “this whole land shall become a ruin and waste and these nations shall
Thought for August 3rd
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 20,21 Jeremiah 24, Romans 12 "OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD" The 12th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans abounds with challenging principles – these are a wonderful guide to our lives. The chapter is, in a sense, summarised by its final words, that followers of Jesus should “overcome evil with good.” Actually, this largely completes Paul’s spiritual advice – words of guidance for all who desire
Thought for August 2nd
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 19, Jeremiah 23, Romans 10, 11 "DO NOT BECOME PROUD, BUT FEAR" Can we “become proud” because our regular reading and meditation on God’s word results in us seeing more and more of its meaning!? Could we become somewhat like those who succeed in completing a very large and complex, but wonderful jigsaw (if such exists)? The warning we read today – Paul’s warning to the
Thought for August 1st
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 18, Jeremiah 22, Romans 9 "... WILL NOT BE PUT TO SHAME" These are the concluding words of today’s chapter 9 in Romans, “…. whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” Of course our understanding and resultant belief has to take in the context of the passages in God’s word – and then we must confirm our belief by our actions! The
Thought for July 31st
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 17, Jeremiah 21, Romans 7,8 "TO SET THE MIND ON THE SPIRIT IS LIFE AND PEACE" Today we follow on from our thoughts yesterday on Romans 5 & 6 and read slowly and meditatively to savour the unfolding reasoning of Paul. He laments, “I do not understand my own actions … I do the very thing I hate” [7 v.15] and then adds, “I have the
Thought for July 30th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 16, Jeremiah 20, Romans 5, 6 “THAT GRACE MAY ABOUND” What is grace? Simple question, but the answer is not exactly simple, especially when we try to be sure we understand the means by which ‘grace’ works. The word ‘grace’ was a special word for Paul! He had been persecuting believers, he had put them in prison, had been complicit in the death of the
Thought for July 29th
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 15, Jeremiah 19, Romans 3, 4 "HE GREW STRONG IN FAITH" Paul’s message to the Romans, chapters 3 & 4 which we read today, contain the ‘heart’ of the divine message of salvation, yet how few perceive this. The foundation springboard truth is the point Paul made to the Galatians "that God ... preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "In you shall all the nations
Thought for July 28th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 14, Jeremiah 18, Romans 1&2 “THE GOSPEL … THE POWER OF GOD” Paul in writing to the Romans speaks about “the power of God.” But he is not referring to physical power such as will be shown at the time Jesus returns when the greatest earthquake ever (Rev. 16 v.18) and other terrible events occur. God gave Isaiah a vision of this time, as we
Thought for July 27th
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 13, Jeremiah 17, Matthew 28 "BLESSED IS THE MAN WHO ... " It is our chapter in Jeremiah that particularly jumps out for our mediation today, but first we read the sad story of the trouble that developed in the family of David following his sin with Bathsheba and her husband, adultery and murder! God “put away” [2 Sam. 12 v.13] David’s sin, in the
Thought for July 26th
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 11, Jeremiah 16, Matthew 27 "FOR MY EYES ARE ON ALL THEIR WAYS" We found today’s readings rather overwhelming in the variety of thoughts they provoked! Our chapter (16) in Jeremiah is in two contrasting parts. The first part was God’s denunciation of his people; he said, “I have taken away my peace from this people, my steadfast love and mercy” [v.5]. And God did
Thought for July 25th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 11, Jeremiah 15, Matthew 26 "NOT AS I WILL BUT AS YOU WILL" Today we read the account of the dreadful last 24 hours or so in the mortal life of our Lord Jesus. It is clear he was mortal, otherwise his death was only a sort of ‘mirage.’ His agony of mind in the Garden of Gethsemane shows he knew what awaited him. It
Thoughts for July 24th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 10, Jeremiah 14, Matthew 25 " ... AND HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE" Today we continued reading Jeremiah and saw the exchange of words between the LORD and the prophet. There is no genuine spirituality left among the people, it is all a sham - yet the prophet appeals to God to act to relieve the terrible famine that is afflicting the land and all the people.
Thought for July 23rd
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 8&9, Jeremiah 13, Matthew 24 "AT AN HOUR YOU DO NOT EXPECT" Today our Matthew reading is about the Olivet prophecy of Jesus. As we read this in one of the Gospels every 2 months we may tend to become too familiar with it. As the clouds of trouble and ungodly behaviour multiply in so many countries, we have every reason to be fully alert as
Thought for July 22nd
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 7, Jeremiah 12, Matthew 23 "WHO AM I, O LORD GOD?" Do you ever ask yourself this question? In our reading in 2 Samuel Ch. 7, we read how David did! When we ask ourselves this question – is it the Bible that prompts us to do so? Those who do not know or read the Bible – if they ask, ‘Who am I?’
Thought for July 21st
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 6, Jeremiah 11, Matthew 22 “ … BUT THOSE INVITED ARE NOT WORTHY" One of the more challenging parables of Jesus is in today’s 22nd chapter of Matthew. Jesus says his kingdom “may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son” [v.2]. The “wedding” will see the commencement of the total transformation of life on this earth. Invitations go out
Thought for July 20th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 3&4, Jeremiah 10, Matthew 21 “A PEOPLE PRODUCING ITS FRUITS” Jesus taught saying, “I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.” [Matt. 21 v.43] The life of Jesus was reaching its climax when he said this in the last of several parables in today’s chapter in Matthew. He had had a triumphant
Thought for July 19th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 3, Jeremiah 9, Matthew 20 "LET HIM WHO BOASTS BOAST IN THIS …” In Matthew today we read of the friction among the disciples of Jesus; this arose after the mother of two of them “came up to him (Jesus) with her sons, and kneeling before him she asked him … ‘Say that these two sons of mine are to sit, one on your right
Thought for July 18th
Todays readings.. 2 Samuel 2, Jeremiah 8, Matthew 19 “IS IT LAWFUL TO DIVORCE … FOR ANY CAUSE” Our reading in Matthew’s Gospel tells us how the Pharisees came up to Jesus “and tested him by asking, ‘Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” The religious groups were at odds between themselves in their efforts to impose as broad as possible “interpretation” of Moses’ Laws, some
Thought for July 17th
Todays readings... 2 Samuel 1, Jeremiah 7, Matthew 18 “YOUR LOVE … WAS EXTRAORDINARY” Today we read of David’s reaction when he received the news of the death of King Saul and his son Jonathan. A special bond had developed between David and Jonathan. From the time Jonathan witnessed David’s faith in going out fearlessly to face Goliath, he felt a special kinship to David, as we read last week,
Thought for July 16th
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 31, Jeremiah 6, Matthew 17 "BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT PAID ATTENTION TO MY WORDS" There are many parallels in the life and difficulties Jeremiah faced – to the situation surrounding us today. The account of his life unfolds to reveal an increasing struggle against rampart godlessness – there are obvious parallels – and lessons for us – as we face the same situation. These are actually
Thought for July 15th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 29&30, Jeremiah 5, Matthew 16 “MY PEOPLE LOVE TO HAVE IT SO” We quoted these words at the end of our thoughts yesterday. These were the words of God to Jeremiah. What was it that God’s people loved to have in a certain way? God said, “An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land; the people prophecy falsely and the priests rule at their
Thought for July 14th
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 28, Jeremiah 4, Matthew 15 “EXPLAIN THE PARABLE TO US” But it did not seem like a parable! All Jesus had said when he “called the people to him” was, “Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what goes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” [Matt. 15 v.11] It was because “the Pharisees
Thought for July 13th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 26&27, Jeremiah 3, Matthew 14 “AND ALL NATIONS SHALL GATHER TO IT” Jeremiah records some heart stirring prophecies that are for the latter days, but we have to seek these out from among the warnings the LORD gave him about the godlessness that surrounded him: and these also cause us to see parallels with life today. Both are a vision of what God sees as he
Thought for July 13th
Todays readings.. “TO YOU IT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO KNOW THE SECRETS … “ Children love to know a secret! And to share it! Lots of whispering!! But when Jesus answered his disciple’s question, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” [Matt. 13 v.10] by “answering, “to you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven,” he was not saying, keep this a
July Bible for Kids
July Bible for Kids. Bible for Kids event for July was an exciting event enjoyed by all. From a realistic model display to stepping out the size of the ark on the football oval. the total length of the ark (140 metres) went from the goalpost at one ned to the goalpost at the other end. We also enjoyed the telling of the story and many activities and songs.. Our next
Thought for July 11th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 24, Jeremiah 1, Matthew 12 "OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART" There are so many things in life today than can influence our hearts and minds – for both good - and bad – and the latter abound - but it is up to us to control what enters our hearts. How much to the point are the words of Jesus we read today in
Thought for July 10th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 23, Isaiah 66, Matthew 11 “WHO HAS HEARD SUCH A THING?” Isaiah completes his prophecy as a message, not to kings, the high and mighty, but to a particular class of people. “Hear the word of the LORD you who tremble at his word” [Ch.66 v.5] Then comes a strange statement. “Before she was in labour she gave birth, before her pain came upon her she
Thought for 9th July
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 21&22, Isaiah 65, Matthew 10 "BEHOLD MY SERVANTS SHALL …" Who is a genuine servant of the LORD today? Being a ‘Servant’ is an active occupation! One needs to be far more committed than just being interested to know about the LORD and his word. Consider the situation surrounding David before he became king. David called himself a “servant” – 1 Sam. 17 v.34
Thought for July 8th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 20, Isaiah 64, Matthew 9 "THAT THE NATIONS MIGHT TREMBLE” First we read 1 Samuel ch. 20, an account of Saul’s increasing jealousy of David – and his developing desire to kill him: such is human nature and its’ self-centredness. We constantly see this around us – it is more evident than ever at election times! Then we came to Isaiah ch. 64 where the
Thought for 7th of July
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 19, Isaiah 63, Matthew 8 "WHY ARE YOU AFRAID?" Jesus asked his disciples this question! As his ‘modern’ disciples, he will ask us too! We read this today in Matthew ch. 8. After they “came down from the mountain” and "great crowds followed" - no doubt they had been watching and waiting for him, and one of them was "a leper" whom he "cleansed." [v.1-3]. Then
Thought for July 5th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 17, Isaiah 61, Matthew 6 "TO PROCLAIM ... THE DAY OF VENGEANCE" Our first reading today of 1 Samuel 17 saw “the day of vengeance” of Israel upon the Philistines due to the wonderful faith of a youthful David. His faith and commitment to serving the LORD gave him the strength of mind to go forth and slay Goliath. Those who have real faith today in
Thought for July 4th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 16, Isaiah 60, Matthew 5 "YOU THEREFORE MUST BE PERFECT" The above quotation is how today’s 5th chapter in Matthew ends. This chapter, which we read today, is normally called ‘the Sermon on the Mount’. It has been portrayed in films as Jesus teaching a whole crowd of people - but that is the opposite to what the text actually says; an example of how,
Thought for July 3rd
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 15, Isaiah 59, Matthew 3&4 " A SEPARATION BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR GOD" Isaiah’s message keeps returning to the theme of the need for reality in human thinking about their relationship with God. Belief in God in those days was not like it is with so many today, indeed in some countries today the majority do not seem to believe in any God at all!
Thought for July 2nd
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 14, Isaiah 58, Matthew 1&2 "THEY SEEK ME DAILY" Our first reading in 1 Samuel ch. 14 is about the headstrong foolishness of Saul in his actions as king. A contrast is the spiritual perceptions and strength of his son Jonathan who was to become a close friend and supporter of David. It is inspiring how those who have a genuine love for the Lord are
Thought for July 1st
Todays readings.. 1Samuel 13, Isaiah 56&57, Revelation 21 & 22 "BLESSED IS THE ONE WHO KEEPS“ Today we reached the final chapter of the Bible where the angel says to John who received and wrote up this vision, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place." [22 v.6]
Thought for June 30th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 11&12, Isaiah 55, Revelation 19&20 “COME, EVERYONE WHO THIRSTS” This is how our 55th chapter in Isaiah starts. Of course it is not about physical thirst – but the thirst our minds need to have for eternal things - and these are beyond wonder! If we fully grasp them, this is spiritual food! It is an invitation – “"Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
Thought for June 29th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 10, Isaiah 54, Revelation 17&18 "GOD HAS REMEMBERED …" Babylon was the greatest city in the earth at the time of Nebuchadnezzar. We read of its greatness in Daniel. But when John received the visions that are in Revelation, the original city had long been in ruins. It had been destroyed “to rise no more” as Jeremiah prophesied (Ch. 51, note the last verse) In recent years
Thought for June 28th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 9, Isaiah 53, Revelation 15&16 "GREAT AND AMAZING" Our chapter 9 in 1 Samuel is about how God gave his people the type of king they desired. The LORD was later to emphasise to Samuel that “the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." [1 Sam. 16 v.7] For their first king the LORD
Bible 4 kids
Hi Everyone, Our July Bible for Kids event is scheduled for Monday 10th of July in the Community Centre, Brice Avenue Mooroolbark. it will run between 2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please register early as places are limited. To register or query please call 03 9762 9591, email:
Thought for June 27th
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 7&8, Isaiah 52, Revelation 14 "FEAR GOD AND GIVE HIM GLORY" In 1 Samuel ch. 8 we read how Samuel was displeased because the people ask him to appoint a king for them. As events turn out Saul becomes king; a good king, but only by human standards. Then in Isaiah ch.52 (the prelude to that wonderful and familiar ch. 53) we are told – commanded
Thought for June 26th
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 5&6, Isaiah 51, Revelation 12&13 "THE HEAVENS VANISH LIKE SMOKE" Our readings in Isaiah and Revelation both challenge us with figurative language about the climax of life on earth. There are many passages in God’s word which make reference to the heavens in a way in which it seems clear they symbolise, in certain contexts, the ruling powers on earth. Through Isaiah
Thought for June 24th
Todays readings.. I Samuel 3, Isaiah 49, Revelation 7, 8&9 "SPEAK FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS" Today – do we ‘hear’ what God says to us through his written word? Can we, in praying to our Creator, say I am “your servant” who ‘hears’ what you are saying through my reading of your written word for I read it every day. Parts of it, especially as we are reading Isaiah
Thought for June 23rd
Todays readings... 1 Samuel 2, Isaiah 48, Revelation 5&6 "I AM THE LORD ... WHO LEADS YOU" We have 4 chapters to inspire and challenge us today. In 1 Samuel ch. 2 we have Hannah’s inspiring song of thankfulness after the birth of Samuel: it is an inspiration for all of us who are thankful for the way the LORD is leading us today in our godless world. Sadly, it
Thought for June 22nd
Todays readings.. 1 Samuel 1, Isaiah 46&47, Revelation 3&4 "HE WHO HAS AN EAR LET HIM HEAR" Don’t we all have ears!? Yes – but how do we use them? And eyes – and see with them!? Our human nature is such that we usually only hear and see (& read) what appeals to us! It is how we think, the attitudes that develop in our minds, that motivate us
Thought for June 21st
Todays readings.. Ruth 3&4, Isaiah 45, Revelation 1&2 "HOLD FAST TILL I COME" Today we started reading the thought-challenging last book of the Bible; but before we endeavour to extract some meaningful thoughts from it we reflect on the sequel to the life of Ruth. Ruth’s faithfulness to her widowed mother-in-law led to her coming to Bethlehem. The heart-stirring sequel to this little book is how she ended up
Thought for June 20th
Todays readings.. Ruth 1&2, Isaiah 44, Jude "FEAR NOT, NOR BE AFRAID" Today we read the first 2 chapters of Ruth; we can take this as a living parable of commitment to the way of the LORD after discouraging – even disastrous - events. We see in the account of Naomi and Ruth that the all-seeing eyes of the LORD had a purpose in view – a purpose that
Thought for June 19th
Todays readings... Judges 21, Isaiah 43, 2 & 3 John “WALKING IN TRUTH”
Thought for June 18th
Todays readings.. Judges 20, Isaiah 42, 1 John 5 "OUR FAITH ... HAS GIVEN US UNDERSTANDING” “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world,” writes John, and then he adds, “And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith” [1 John 5 v.4]. What is faith? That’s is a fundamental question – and the answer is simple! Consider what happened in the First
Thought for June 17th
Todays readings.. Judges 19, Isaiah 41, 1 John 3&4 “PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR" The Bible texts which describe the climax as Jesus is about to return, show they will be awesome! Paul wrote that “the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night” [1 Thess 5 v.2] and in recent days we read similar comments by Peter. Most of all we know how Jesus foretold,
Thought for 16th June
Todays readings.. Judges 17 &18, Isaiah 40, 1 John 1&2 "SO THAT WHEN HE APPEARS WE ... " We continue our readings in Judges, it was the time when “everyone did what was right in his own eyes: [21 v.23] – until God brought Samuel onto the scene. But we are waiting for a far greater ‘Samuel’ to appear – and John’s epistles give us the answers to that with
Thought for June 15th
Todays readings.. Judges 16, Isaiah 39, 2 Peter 3 "BE DILIGENT TO BE FOUND BY HIM ... AT PEACE" We finishing reading Peter’s epistles today. Once again parts of his message are a challenge to understand – but that is a common feature in the way God has designed his word – it challenges us to engage our hearts and minds for our lifetime. It is a wonderful spiritual jigsaw!
Thought for June 14th
Todays readings.. Judges 14&15, Isaiah 38, 2 Peter 1&2 "THE LORD KNOWS HOW TO RESCUE THE GODLY" All our readings today convey Illustrations of the “rescue” of “the godly” – those who are striving to serve God – or who are being used by God for this purpose despite their imperfections. In Judges ch. 15 we read of Samson who, despite his weaknesses of character in certain situations, God used
Thought for June 13th
Todays readings.. Judges 12&13, Isaiah 36, 1 Peter 3,4&5 "HUMBLE YOURSELVES ... BECAUSE HE CARES FOR YOU" Today we completed reading Peter’s first epistle: we developed the perception that it was written as the situation in Jerusalem was getting close to its’ final crisis. The future Jesus had prophesied, the time when he said "... do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon
Thought for June 12th
Todays readings... Judges 10&11, Isaiah 36, 1 Peter 2 “LONG FOR THE PURE SPIRITUAL MILK” What is “pure” in this world? Ways of living are corrupted in various ways, there is constant friction as everyone wants to do “what is right in their own eyes” as the very last words in the Book of Judges tells us of that era. In reaction to this our opening quotation
Thought for June 11th
Todays readings.. Judges 9, Isaiah 35, 1 Peter 1 "BORN AGAIN TO A LIVING HOPE" What a total contrast there is between our readings in Judges ch. 9 and all the conflict and resultant deaths it describes - caused by Abimelech - and the “living hope" of which Peter writes at the start of his First Epistle. The spirit that Abimelech created all around him has considerable comparison with life
Thought for June 10th
Todays readings.. Judges 7&8, Isaiah 34, James 5 “BE PATIENT, ESTABLISH YOUR HEARTS” Our chapter (34) in Isaiah today clearly has some application to our days. This is further illustrated by the way it flows into the next chapter which is so evidently a picture of life in God’s Kingdom and is often quoted and some of its verses form part of our hymns about the kingdom. The vision presented in
Thought for June 9th
Todays readings.. Judges 6, Isaiah 33, James 3&4 "BE OUR ARM EVERY MORNING, OUR SALVATION IN TIME OF TROUBLE" We were rather overwhelmed by the range of appropriate thoughts in all our readings this morning! God’s words through Isaiah, quoted above (Ch.33 v.2) arrested our attention. Jesus is the “arm of the Lord” – soon we will read Isaiah’s famous 53rd chapter which starts “to whom has the arm of
Thought for June 8th
Todays readings.. Judges 4&5, Isaiah 32, James 2 “A KING WILL REIGN … PRINCES WILL RULE … " Our chapter (32) in Isaiah starts, “Behold a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.” This surely visualises God’s king, the Lord Jesus, at last reigning over the earth. There will also be “princes” reigning who ”will rule with justice.” At last the world will experience true justice.
Thought for June 7th
Todays readings... Judges 2&3, Isaiah 31, James 1 "... WHO REMAINS STEADFAST UNDER TRIAL" Today we started reading one of the most thought (and heart) provoking books in God's word - the letter of James. In many verses James comes straight to the point; the challenge to develop and then maintain Christ-like behaviour in a godless world. James encourages us to be among those "who remains steadfast under trial, for
Thought for June 6th
Todays readings.. Judges 1, Isaiah 30, Hebrews 13 “THE ROOT OF BITTERNESS” I remember how, years ago, our back fence collapsed under the weight of ivy and other creepers. The challenge when putting up the new fence was not just to clear away the vines but to dig out the roots – and that was no easy task. The entire root system had to be unearthed. We thought of this
Thought for June 5th
Todays readings.. Joshua 23&24, Isaiah 29, Hebrews 12 "SHALL THE POTTER BE REGARDED AS THE CLAY" A number of times in the Old Testament (especially Jeremiah 18 & 19) God is described as a potter. God shapes and makes all that exists, he is the Creator. In Isaiah today (Ch. 29) we have an intriguing mix of Divine messages. Isaiah lives in a environment similar to ourselves and his message
Thought for June 4th
Todays readings... Joshua 22, Isaiah 28, Hebrews 11 “BY FAITH …” Today we read the well known 11th chapter of Hebrews, it starts, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This is the vital lesson we must take to heart in reading this chapter – that having faith is having a state of mind that must cause us to lead different lives,
Thought for June 3rd
Todays readings.. Joshua 20&21, Isaiah 26&27, Hebrews 10 “YOU WILL KEEP … IN PERFECT PEACE" Our Isaiah and Hebrews readings provide an abundance of thoughts today. Some verses encourage peace of mind, others a sense of awe at what is coming on the world , at the judgement our godless world deserves. Ch. 26 in Isaiah contains a grouping of quite contrasting revelations from God – verses 3 and 4
Thought for June 2nd
Todays readings.. Joshua 19, Isaiah 25, Hebrews 8&9 "ON THIS MOUNTAIN" Not on any mountain, but, declares Isaiah, "On this mountain the LORD of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food...." [25 v.6] - and we can perceive the spiritual parallels! And then, wonderfully, v. 8 adds "He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces ... for
Thought for June 1st
Todays readings... Joshua 18, Isaiah 24, Hebrews 6&7 "MADE PERFECT FOREVER" Our Hebrews and Isaiah chapters both end on a note of climax – and wonder! Hebrews was written to inspire those Jews who now believed in Christ - to make it clear how the Law of Moses had been superseded. The writer (Paul?) points out how dramatic and meaningful the involvement of Abraham with Melchizedec was. [Hebrews 5 v.6,
Thought for May 31st
Todays readings.. Joshua 17, Isaiah 23, Hebrews 3,4&5 “IF YOU HEAR” As we continue reading Hebrews we notice its many quotations from the Old Testament. Notice how many of these quotations contain that vitally important little word “IF” ! A major point Paul makes is that the readers should learn from the failures of the past, but will “hear” what is written. Do we “hear” as we read?
Thought for May 30th
Todays readings.. Joshua 16, Isaiah 22, Hebrews 1&2 "HIM WHO PLANNED IT LONG AGO" Today we began reading the letter to the Hebrews and found some thoughts that have their parallel to our chapter in Isaiah (ch.22). Both show us facets of the ultimate purpose of God: Hebrews wonderfully so! Isaiah tells us, “For the Lord GOD of hosts has a day..." [v.5] This is a "day" or time coming
Thought for May 29th
Todays readings.. Joshua 15, Isa. 20&21, Philemon "SENDING MY VERY HEART" Paul is in prison, he is now "an old man" [Philemon v.9] and writes a passionate letter to Philemon "a beloved fellow worker" [v.2]. He writes about a believer called Onesimus, "whose father I became, in my imprisonment." [v.10] How wonderful to have Paul as a "father". Remember what he told the Corinthians, "For though you have countless guides
Thought for May 28th
Todays readings.. Joshua 14, Isaiah 19, Titus 1,2&3 "THEY PROFESS TO KNOW GOD, BUT ...." These days less and less people “know God” – and even many of those who claim to do so, fail to commit their lives to him. But this has always been the case. We see it in the history of God’s people: we are reading the book of Joshua and about the establishment of the
Thought for May 27th
Todays readings.. Joshua 13, Isaiah 17&18, 2 Timothy 3&4 "HAVING THE APPEARANCE OF GODLINESS, BUT DENYING IT'S POWER" This comment of Paul to Timothy particularly invites our meditations today. Jesus accused the religious leaders of his day of having an “appearance of godliness”, he said "'This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me ..." [Matt. 15 v.8,9] They
Thought for May 26th
Todays readings.. Joshua 12, Isaiah 16, 2 Timothy 2 "CALL ON THE LORD FROM A PURE HEART" May 26th Paul's final letter, the one he wrote to Timothy, is probably the most personally challenging one for believers - and that surely includes us today! He is warning and advising Timothy about some "who have swerved from the truth ..." [2 v.18] this problem has plagued believers ever since - it
Thought for May 25th
Todays readings.. Joshua 11, Isaiah 15, 2 Timothy 1 “I REMEMBER YOU CONSTANTLY IN MY PRAYERS” Today we started reading the final epistle that Paul wrote, his second letter to Timothy. The spiritual relationship he had developed with him is an example to us of the relationship we should aim to develop with fellow believers; surely we should remember each other constantly in our prayers. The spiritual rapport we develop
Thought for May 24th
Todays readings.. Joshua 10, Isaiah 14, 1 Tim 6 "BUT AS FOR YOU … PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS” Righteousness? In the very earliest translations of the Bible into English this word was spelt right-wise-ness! Interesting – we like to think of it as indicating that the only wise way to live our lives was always to aim to do right – that is, right by God’s standards.. Paul, in
Thought for May 23rd
Todays readings... Joshua 9, Isaiah 13, 1 Timothy 4&5 "KEEP A CLOSE WATCH ON YOURSELF" Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy is a source of much advice and guidance for us today. Paul gives him much instruction about the problems at Ephesus and how best to deal with them. Most are comparable with the problems we have today. But having instructed others Timothy must put into “practice these things” himself.
Thought for May 22nd
Todays readings... Joshua 8, Isaiah 12, 1 Timothy 1-3 “LOVE THAT ISSUES FROM A PURE HEART” Love is a word in common use today. The utter sincerity of its use by Paul in his letters bears no relation to the way most people use it today. Paul wrote to Timothy, who is described as “my true child in the faith” - to practice “love that issues from a pure heart
Thought for May 21st
Todays readings.. Joshua 7, Isaiah 11, 2 Thessalonians 3 "GIVE GLORY TO THE LORD ... TELL ME ..." The above words were spoken by Joshua to Achan after the LORD had identified him as the one who had committed a serious sin. This sin was why, after the success in destroyed Jericho, the Israelites had failed to destroy the small city of Ai. Joshua's words are significant, ""My son,
Thought for May 20th
Todays readings.. Joshua 5&6, Isaiah 10, 2 Thessalonians 1&2 "COMFORT YOUR HEARTS AND ESTABLISH THEM" Our 5 chapters today contained an overflow of challenging - and in one or two cases - puzzling prophecies: but these should be seen as part of the wisdom of God - otherwise his word could be left on our bookshelves much of the time after we had resolved and understood all that it had
Thought for May 19th
Todays readings.. Joshua 3&4, Isaiah 9, 1 Thessalonians 5. "... OF PEACE THERE WILL BE NO END" May 19th What interesting and faith-stimulating readings we have today! In Joshua we read of the people crossing the Jordan into the promised land. To make the miracle even more evident they did it in the harvest time floods, when "the Jordan overflows all its banks". (ch.3 v.15] Of course, the harvest would
Thought for May 18th
Todays readings .. Joshua 2, Isaiah 8, 1 Thessalonians 3&4 "ESTABLISH YOUR HEARTS BLAMELESS" Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians inspires us! The believers there gave Paul inspiration; they were the ones he found he had the least to worry about – of their walk in Christ. His third chapter ends, "may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do
Thought for May 17th
Todays readings... Joshua 1, Isaiah 7, 1 Thessalonians “THE WORD … WHICH IS AT WORK IN YOU BELIEVERS” As we started reading Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians we cannot help but be arrested in mind – and feel challenged by Paul’s perception of the spirit among the believers there. Paul had “charged (them) to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and
Thought for May 16th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 33 & 34, Isaiah 6, Colossians 3&4 “THE WHOLE EARTH IS FULL OF HIS GLORY” It is impossible to meaningfully imagine the time when “the whole earth (will be) full of his glory!" [Isa. 6 v.3] In one sense it is so today – for all the wonders of creation reflect the power and presence and glory of its’ Creator. One big difference in the future
Thought for May 15th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 32, Isaiah 5, Colossians 2 "THEY DO NOT REGARD ..." Today we read two challenging 'songs' that are addressed to God! At the end of Deuteronomy chapter 31 we are told, "Then Moses spoke the words of this song until they were finished, in the ears of all the assembly of Israel" and todays’ ch. 32 gives us the words; this is Moses’ last message to the
Thought for May 14th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 31, Isaiah 3&4, Colossians 1 "WARNING EVERYONE AND TEACHING EVERYONE” May 14th Today we started reading Paul’s letter "To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae" [1 v.2] The first chapter ends in a meaningful and challenging way, he writes, "we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all
Thought for May 13th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 30, Isaiah 2, Acts 28 "THE HAUGHTINESS OF MAN SHALL BE HUMBLED" May 13th We have 3 most instructive chapters today. In Deuteronomy ch. 30 Moses’ continues his final message of encouragement to his people - that the Lord "will bring you into the land that your fathers possessed, that you may possess it. And he will make you more prosperous and numerous than your fathers. And
Thought for May 12th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 29, Isaiah 1, Acts 27 "IF YOU ARE WILLING AND OBEDIENT" Today we started reading the wonderful prophecy of Isaiah. His time as a prophet of the LORD covered the reign of four kings, beginning with the reign of Uzziah who suffered leprosy as a punishment for becoming too proud in his later years and entering the Temple and trying to burn incense (2 Chron. 26 v.16-20)
Thought for May 11th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 28, Song of Solomon 8, Acts 25&26 "AND ALL THE PEOPLES ON THE EARTH" Today we read the long, but spiritually challenging, 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. In it, Moses in his final message to his people spells out the two alternatives they face. If they truly serve God - blessings! If they do not - trouble and distress. "The LORD will ... bless you in the land
Thought for May 10th
Todays readings .. Deuteronomy 27, Song of Solomon 7, Acts 23&24 "AMEN" In our Deuteronomy reading today the word ‘AMEN’ occurs no less than 12 times! Very soon now the Israelites will be crossing the Jordan, but Moses will no longer be their leader. Their crossing of the Jordan carries great symbolism, “Moses and the Levitical priests said to all Israel, ‘Keep silence and hear O Israel: this day you
Thought for May 9th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 26, Song of Solomon 6, Acts 21&22 “ …. WITH ALL YOUR HEART” Sometimes we use the phrase ‘half-hearted’ meaning – we do not feel total commitment to what we are doing. We cannot follow God and His Son, who died for us, in this frame of mind. Our chapter in Deuteronomy today contains a powerful appeal by Moses to the people he will soon leave -
Thought for May 8th
Todays readings Deuteronomy 25, Song of Solomon 5, Acts 20 “I DO NOT COUNT MY LIFE OF ANY VALUE” The Apostle Paul, as a result of his total commitment to Christ, attracted intense devotion from those he converted. In today’s 20th chapter of Acts, he told them, “I do not count my life of any value, nor as precious to myself.” [v.24]. This is a total contrast to the attitude seen
Thought for May 6th
Todays readings .. Deuteronomy 23, Song of Solomon 3, Acts 16&17 “THEY RECEIVED THE WORD OF GOD WITH ALL EAGERNESS” What a challenging example to us today – almost 2,000 years after Jesus, the Son of God, walked and taught on this earth. The example to follow is that set by the Jews in Berea. When Paul arrived there “they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures
Thought for May 5th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 22, Song of Solomon 2, Acts 14 & 15. "GOD WHO KNOWS THE HEART..." Today we read about a conference of a serious nature that took place in Jerusalem among the disciples and other principal brethren, it was about problems that had arisen among the believers. Some of the Pharisees who were now believers in Christ were saying that the Gentiles whom Paul had been converting, that
Thought for May 4th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 21, Song of Solomon 1, Acts 13 “… SALVATION TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH” Today God’s message of “salvation” has reached “to the ends of the earth.” This word occurs 6 times in the book of Acts. Paul, early in his missionary journeys (with Barnabas) began to preach the “good news about the kingdom of God” [Acts 8 v.12]. We read today in Acts ch.
Thought for May 3rd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 20, Ecclesiastes 12, Acts 11&12 "GOD WILL BRING EVERY DEED INTO JUDGMENT ... WHETHER GOOD OR EVIL" These are the final words in Solomon’s Book of Ecclesiastes. In the previous verse he had written, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of mankind” At the start of this book we read, these are “the words of the Preacher, son of David, king in
Thought for 2nd May
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 19, Ecclesiastes 11, Acts 10 “WE ARE WITNESSES OF ALL THAT HE DID” In Acts Chapter 10 today there is yet another dramatic account of how the message of Christ spread further afield. The Apostle Peter is caught up in a situation he never thought possible; it was that of witnessing to a Roman Centurion and his relatives and close friends. Peter had to travel to the
Thoughts for 1st May
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 18, Ecclesiastes 10, Acts 9 “TO CARRY MY NAME” At one stage during my career I was a company representative and as I visited many different companies it was said ‘The man from The Age (a major daily Newspaper) is here, I was carrying their name, I represented them. This memory came to mind as we read Acts Ch. 9 this morning and the comment of a
Thought for 30th April
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 17, Ecclesiastes 12, Acts 8 “ … AND TO THE END OF THE EARTH” We should be familiar with the words of the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples….”thy will be done on earth” Our readings today show us how God creates situations to see that his will is carried out - when men neglect to do so! The last thing that Jesus said to his
Thought for April 28th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 15, Ecclesiastes 7, Acts 5,6. “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN” The above statement was made by Peter and the Apostles when they were brought before the council. They were told “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name” [Acts 5 v.28]. The council then then warned the Apostles, saying, “you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's
Thought for April 27th
Todays readings... Deuteronomy 13&14, Ecclesiastes 6, Acts 3&4. "FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS TESTING YOU" Today’s Deuteronomy reading brings to our attention an aspect of God’s dealings with us we need to understand and appreciate. This final message of Moses, we are finding very interesting: in a number of places it contains lessons very appropriate to our days. Moses warns the people to beware of simply following some person
Thought for April 26th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 12, Ecclesiastes 5, Acts 2 (Click on link above for free Bible Reading chart) "EVERYONE WHOM THE LORD CALLS TO HIMSELF" What sort of person is the Lord seeking to call? As we completed reading Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 today this familiar question surfaced again. It was a remarkable speech before this great crowd intrigued to hear all these Galileans speaking in
Thought for April 25th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 10&11, Ecclesiastes 4, Acts 1 “FOR IF YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO DO …” What do we all need to “be careful to do”? Our quotation is from the words of Moses; his final address to the generation who are about to enter the promised land under Joshua (and we know what Joshua means!) Their parents had died in the wilderness – because of their lack of
Thought for April 24th
Todays readings ... Deuteronomy 8&9, Ecclesiastes 3, John 20&21 “AND THAT BY BELIEVING YOU MAY HAVE LIFE IN HIS NAME” Today we read the climax and reached the end of the gospel of John, and what a challenging clix it unfolds to us.. These final two chapters are two of the most heart-warming and heart stirring chapters in the whole of the Bible. The words of Jesus to the
Thought for April 23rd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 6, Ecclesiastes 2 John 19 “THIS WAS MY REWARD” The wisest of kings, Solomon, reflects on what his life had really achieved. In reading Ecclesiastes, we perceive his remarkable insight into the meaning and purpose, from a human perspective, of all that we do and all that we possess in our lives. What does Solomon’s insight reveal? He sees he has used his wisdom to accomplish everything
Thought for April 22nd
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 5, Ecclesiastes 1, John 17&18 “EVERYONE WHO IS OF THE TRUTH LISTENS …” Jesus had little to say to the High Priest who first questioned him; he simply told him, “I have spoken openly to the world, I have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple” [John 18 v.20]. Jesus is challenging them; if I have said things that are wrong, you produce witnesses to
Thought for April 21st
Todays Readings.. Deuteronomy 4, Proverbs 31, John 15&16 “LOVE ONE ANOTHER JUST AS I HAVE LOVED YOU” Love is probably the most common word in both Christian and non-Christian literature. It is used in a wide range of situations with many different meanings. It is usually used in common speech today in a very casual way! Are those who read God’s word influenced by this? If we are
Thought for April 20th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 3, Proverbs 30, John 13&14. "MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU … NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES …”” What is the peace of Jesus? The world is full of restless hearts and minds, many are looking for the next new experience - others are disturbed because their lives are out of control for one reason or another. Those who have a real relationship with Jesus develop “the
Thought for April 19th
Todays readings ... Deuteronomy 2, Proverbs 29, John 12. “THE WORD THAT I HAVE SPOKEN WILL JUDGE” How challenging are the words of Jesus that form the closing verses in today’s 12th chapter of John’s gospel! “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day.” The 2 verses which follow, the last
Thought for April 18th
Todays readings.. Deuteronomy 1, Proverbs 28, John 11 “ELEVEN DAYS JOURNEY FROM HOREB” Today we start reading the book of Deuteronomy. Its message is very appropriate for believers in our days, because it is Moses final exhortation to the Israelites before he dies. He starts by saying, “It is eleven days journey from Horeb (where they camped before the mountain and Moses received the Ten Commandments)…to Kadesh- Barnea.” The latter
Thought for April 17th
Todays readings.. Numbers 36, Proverbs 27, John 9&10. “FOR JUDGEMENT I CAME INTO THIS WORLD” John records some of the most thought challenging sayings of Jesus - more than the other gospel writers. Consider the conversation of Jesus with the man, whose blindness he healed: (he had been born blind so what a healing that was!) The man had declared, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.” In response Jesus
Thought for April 16th
Todays readings... Numbers 35, Proverbs 26, John 8. "THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" What did Jesus mean, “The Truth will set you free?” Free from what? The 8th chapter of John today contains aspects of the teachings of Jesus that we have to think around and put into context to get the correct meaning. The critics of Jesus were usually those whose thought processes were mechanical. They thought they
Thought for April 15th
Todays Readings.. Numbers 34, Proverbs 25, John 7 "IF ANYONE'S WILL IS TO DO GOD'S WILL" The Gospel of John is particularly soul stirring as we read it. We learn much detailed information about parts of the ministry of our Lord, filling some of the ‘gaps’ in the other gospels. We learn that the centre of opposition to Jesus was in Jerusalem and this began quite early, see Ch. 5
Thought for April 14th
Todays Readings... Numbers 33, Proverbs 24, John 6 "YOU HAVE THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE” Today’s 6th chapter of John is particularly challenging – for our meditation. It needs deep thought for the depth of its’ meaning to truly come alive in our minds. Many of his disciples found his words too challenging, too difficult to grasp - and “many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with
Thought for April 13th
Todays Readings.. Numbers 32, Proverbs 23, John 5 “AN HOUR IS COMING WHEN” In our reading today in John Ch. 5, Jesus speaks of the dead hearing his voice! However, note how he says this twice – and the meaning is different! These quotes are in v.25-29. The first time (v.25) he says, “I say to you, an hour is coming and is now here, when the dead will hear
Easter Bible4Kids
Easter Bible4Kids. Has come and gone! A great time was had by all. with songs, fun and craft. We had great kids, teachers and parents. Don't miss our next Bible4Kids afternoon in the next school holidays. The Next Bible for Kids: Is planned for the July School holidays.. Book early as places are limited. Mooroolbark Senior Citizens Hall, Brice Ave, Mooroolbark To register or query please call 03 9762 9591, email: or leave
Thought for April 12th
Todays readings.. Numbers 31, Proverbs 22, John 4 "EXECUTE THE LORD'S VENGEANCE" Today’s chapter in Numbers (31) tells us about the death of Balaam and of those who accepted his counsel that the only way to combat the Israelites – was not by force – but by seducing them into immorality. They took his advice and put it into practice and it had worked! But now God acted! Our chapter
Thought for April 11th
Todays readings.. Numbers 29&30, Proverbs 21, John 2&3 “WHOEVER DOES WHAT IS TRUE …” In today’s ch. 3 of John’s Gospel we have the start of the teaching of Jesus – and how profound – and challenging are many of the verses. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” [v.16] Are the words
Thought for 10th April
Todays readings.. Numbers 28, Proverbs 20, John 1 "BUT TO ALL WHO DID RECEIVE HIM ... " Today we start reading John; this is a gospel which challenges us to think very carefully and make sure we harmonise our thoughts about various passages of Scripture. The Gospel starts, “In the beginning was the Word” What beginning? The very first words in the Bible In Genesis are “In the beginning God
Thought for April 9th
Todays readings .. Numbers 27, Proverbs 19, Philippians 3&4 “REJOICE IN THE LORD” Today, more than ever before people, especially the young, love to enjoy themselves. Looking for means of enjoyment is often the pre-occupation of those in “the western world.” They seek situations in which they can have fun, play games, watch shows and much more. Planning for weekends, especially Easter and holidays are special times to rejoice. Our
Thought for April 7th
Todays Readings...Numbers 24&25, Proverbs 17, Ephesians 5&6. “AS IS PROPER AMONG SAINTS” What a challenge it is to realize that all those who really believe in God and Jesus Christ are called “saints”. The Greek word translated as saint, means, “holy, set apart.” Saints set themselves apart from worldly, godless ways of thinking and doing. Paul’s letters are addressed to saints, “the saints who are in Ephesus” “saints … who
Video #9 The Creation
Here is the next video in our series. We discuss God's purpose in the Creation. If you want a full transcript of the Video, go to top tab (Videos) and select #9 and the transcript is featured along with the video.
Thought for April 6th
Todays readings.. Numbers 22&23, Proverbs 16, Ephesians 3&4. "THAT IS NOT THE WAY YOU LEARNED CHRIST" The chapters in Ephesians today are a passionate plea by Paul to the believers there to see their behaviour does not slip back to what it was before they believed in Christ. Life in those days, like life today was full of distractions, it certainly is today. He tells them, “you must no longer
Thought for April 5th
Todays Readings.. Numbers 20&21, Proverbs 15, Ephesians 1&2 “BECAUSE YOU DID NOT BELIEVE” This is what the LORD said to Moses! We prove whether or not we believe God means what he says by what we do! We show whether we have listened carefully to his word by how we act! Near enough, is not good enough! Now, it is important that we understand why the LORD said “Because you
Thought for April 4th
Todays readings... Numbers 19, Proverbs 14, Galatians 5&6 “LET US NOT GROW WEARY OF DOING GOOD” There are so many challenging, indeed bad situations, in our world. It was so in Paul’s experiences, as his comment to the Galatians in today’s chapter shows. If any of them are near us – and we can help the situation, we should “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due
Thought for 3rd April
Todays Readings: Numbers 17&18, Proverbs 13, Galatians 3&4 "GOD HAS SENT THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON”" In his letter to the Galatians Paul reminds those who have responded to his teaching and become believers - of what they had been previously when they did not know the true God. Some have little trouble in letting previous beliefs and associated practices fade from their minds, but obviously not all were doing
Thought for April 2nd
Today's readings... Numbers 16, Proverbs 12, Galatians 1&2 ‘TURNING TO A DIFFERENT GOSPEL” In the opening chapter of his letter to the Galatians Paul writes of his astonishment “that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.” [Ch.1 v.6]. He goes on to say that “if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one
Thoughts for April 1st
Todays readings.. Numbers 15, Proverbs 11, Luke 24. “DID NOT OUR HEARTS BURN …” Today we completed our reading of Luke’s Gospel and it is Luke who gives us the fascinating account of the two disciples who were walking to Emmaus. They had heard news that some women had gone to the tomb early that morning and had found it empty and claimed they had seen a vision of angels
Thoughts for 31st March
Readings: Exodus 14, Proverbs 10, Luke 23, “IF THE LORD DELIGHTS IN US” There is a climax point in most lives – a cross roads where a decision has to be made as to which path we will take! We read yesterday in Numbers of the conflicting reports of the twelve who had gone up to spy out the land, a 500 mile journey in 40 days. Today we read
Thoughts for 30th March
Readings: Numbers 12,13 Proverbs 8,9 Luke 22 "WHOEVER FINDS ME FINDS LIFE" Today we read nearly 50 verses in Proverbs on the wonderful value of Godly wisdom. It is written *as though wisdom is a person* – and of course the Lord Jesus is the one and only perfect example of such a person. Solomon himself was invited by God to ask for a gift and was commended because he
Bible 4 Kids
Hi Everyone, Our Easter Bible for Kids event is scheduled for Monday 10th of April in the Community Centre, Brice Avenue Mooroolbark. it will run between 2:00pm - 3:30pm. Please register early as places are limited. To register or query please call 03 9762 9591, email:
Are you concerned about the "broken" world and society you, your children and grandchildren face? God tells us in the Bible of His plan to fix this world through His son Jesus Christ. Most importantly, He tells us how to live and cope with this life in the mean time. We are a church group who believe God alone has the answers to this world's problems. if you would like
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Learn to think smart. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper libero
Former student discusses success in the fashion industry
My success is no accident. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper libero
How do you best prepare for university?
Focus on exam results. Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper libero condimentum,
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Music brings us together in celebration Lorem ipsum dolor sit ets amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
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Faith is like a loving parent when you need it most
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Church raises money with social media
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Community reaches out and helps others
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Growing a family the right way is challenging
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Todays readings… Deuteronomy 31, Isaiah 3&4, Colossians 1
Is your knowledge of God increasing? We live in a world in which all kinds of knowledge multiplies as never before – human cleverness appears to know no bounds – until there is a cyber attack!
Sadly – at the same time, awareness and acknowledgement of God is decreasing at an astonishing rate – has it reached zero?
It reminds us of the parable in which the citizens “hated” him and sent a message saying, “We do not want this man to reign over us.”[Luke 19 v.14]. We note what happened to them when the king returned! (v.27)
Today the citizens are saying, and if they do not actually say it, their actions show it – ‘We do not want to even think there is a God who has oversight of our lives and knows intimately the nature of human thought and desire.
Our thoughts were provoked in this direction by Paul’s letter, written from prison, to the Colossians. The believers there are very much in Paul’s thoughts. “We always thank God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you …” [1 v.3]
Timothy is with Paul (v.1 sharing his prayers. . He emphasizes what occupies his mind in v.9 “… we have not ceased to pray for you asking that ….” And what is he asking? “Asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner fully pleasing to him …” [v.9,10],
His next words are, “bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” In some contexts we read the word ‘knowledge’ in the sense of “knowing” – becoming ‘fully aware of’ of a person so as to develop a relationship with them.
Consider Job’s final declaration about God after his earnest efforts to understand his ways.! Read ch. 42 v.2 onwards. Consider also what Jesus accomplished “by his knowledge” (Isaiah 53 v.11)
Central to our relationship with God is “Christ in you” [v.27] “Him we proclaim,” writes Paul, “that we may present everyone mature in Christ” [v.28] How is your maturity developing? Absorbing the true sense of the divine word is a foundation for this. May we all increase day by day in the “knowledge of God” and become “mature in Christ” so his way of thinking becomes more and more our way of thinking.